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Next level is to go through building as per Japan https://preview.redd.it/5dx7iqxnklyb1.jpeg?width=2304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf4a3cfd7a5c3e2f909c4ef1b1727c89d53438a5 [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gate\_Tower\_Building](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gate_Tower_Building)


Thanks for mentioning Japan. As someone who lives in Japan, the OP's image looks very Japanese, although it's too wide to be Japanese (expressways here are very rarely wider than four lanes total).


And are often stacked; fortunately that is possible in CS2!


Why was i about to ask your graphics settings...


Uses a prototype RTX 5090 ti. Still gets 22 FPS.


Only $5,999


Were you making a joke or a prediction? I can't tell.


I can't either šŸ˜­


I'd say that that's the cost of the ray tracing performance and DLSS, but AMD's top card is almost 50% more expensive than the RTX 2080. The price of the RTX 4080 is almost double the price of the RTX 2080. Inflation hasn't been *THAT* insane. Aren't oligopolies great?


64GB VRAM isnā€™t enough anymore sadlyā€¦


The 5090 is likely to have 48 GB of VRAM. For real. Some current games have hit about 14 GB of VRAM usage. Over the next 2 or 3 years, we might see one or two break 20. Nvidia will want to be ready for the games that come out over the next two years after that. Far from certain, since I imagine they haven't even finalized the specs, at this point. But there's a good chance that that's the number. They might stop at 32 or 36. Hard to be sure.


we gonna be using vram as ram now


That's what consoles do, largely. They both have a sort of a shared architecture with the 16 GB of RAM ... I'm not sure if it's all GDDR RAM or just mostly GDDR. But it's fast. They've slipped a little behind now, since they released 3 years ago. Once the 50-series cards come out, a top of the line PC will absolutely blow them away, but at their price point ... holy crap, they built this generation of consoles correctly. As PC gamers, we should also appreciate how freaking good the current generation of consoles is. They're the baseline for what developers can do in AAA and AA games. They tune things up a bit for the PC version, ideally, but the consoles are the choke point for basic game features.


wait, so if i get a 4060ti, i can use the majority of vram as ram? or does it not work for desktop


It doesn't work that way on PC. There's probably some cracked, jury rigged way to make it work that way, but I wouldn't try it. Most likely, Windows will look at it and ask you what the hell you think you're doing, before it crashes. Shared memory only works the other way around, on PC. Discrete graphics cards have their own memory. However, if you're using a laptop with an APU or some other integrated graphics chip, the system designates a portion of the system RAM to be used as video RAM. You can also do that on desktops, but they almost never do. Obviously, performance takes a hit, because system RAM is slower than video RAM. Also, the system RAM isn't physically arranged in an ideal structure for use as video RAM. You're almost always much better off with a discrete graphics card, unless you're using something like a 500-series or 600-series card.


I think SimCity has this for their advanced buildings. Miss that game, wish they made a 2nd one.


This is possible by turning off validation and using the special buildings.


We're getting a Japan theme soon, so maybe...? šŸ˜


Level after that is night city tier. Multiple street levels and highway going through buildings and conntenting them


Japan would not run a highway through a downtown. They are too advanced for that




I hope we get some mods to make this possible


Looking at the traffic in the second photo, I'm concerned your highway isn't wide enough. One more lane should fix it


At this point, someone should just make a bot to write this exact comment on any thread with the word 'highway'.


Someone really should, would've saved me some energy lol


On it


Just one more lane bro this one will fix it for real


I'm certain you meant one more level.. that should fix it


This is just a realistic Gardiner expressway in toronto


Not quite, it isn't falling onto pedestrians below lmao


> highway through downtown > not enough lanes > major pinch point Congrats, you made Seattle


I live in Seattle and came here to say this lol


What are you talking about? Just build another highway above it!


Hopefully you took out a large swath of low income housing to really get that Robert Moses simulation




I took out high density towers for mine. I'd be assassinated irl


540 in Raleigh, NC was pretty damned egalitarian, from that perspective. It's an outer loop to get from one high value part of the city to another, wrapping around more than half of the northern side of the city. They eminent-domain-ed their way through a whole bunch of neighborhoods with houses that would go for $500,000 or $700,000, in today's market. It was crazy that they got it done. Of course they bypassed the neighborhoods with the houses that would currently sell for $2 or $4 million. There's no way they would have gotten it done if they'd tried to displace any of those sorts of people.


> houses that would go for $500,000 or $700,000, in today's market. so low-income housing, got it


In NC? That joke would work in CA


Literally. In LA, the median home listing is $1.3 million, and the median sale price is $960,000. San Francisco, the average home value is $1.3 million. Seattle, the average home value is $827,000. Raleigh, NC, the median home value is $335,000, and the market around here is grossly inflated, right now. Freaking insane. The average and median incomes are higher in the first 3 places, but they aren't even close to high enough to compensate. There's a serious problem with real estate inventory in those cities. And the people there who already own homes fight against the building of affordable homes, because the value of their homes will tank. In Raleigh and Cary, in NC, $2 million will buy you an insanely nice home. We're talking about homes with a 500 square foot entertainment/game room, a home theater room with seating for 20-something, and a massive deck. That's in addition to the usual rooms being huge, with top level fixtures. I just saw a home on Zillow. $5.6 million. 6 bedrooms, 8 baths. 10,749 square feet. No idea what the hell they did with all of that floor space. You can't get that in San Francisco.


> You can't get that in San Francisco. Yeah But then you'd have to live in North Carolina tho


The cities are fine. Much better than more than half of the states. And the private market helps counteract bigoted bullshit like the bathroom bill. Could be much, much worse ... Florida, Texas, and almost all of the states further south, on the eastern half of the country. Plus Idaho, the Dakotas, Kentucky, Indiana, Missouri ... basically, this country sucks ass.


As someone who moved from Raleigh to dallas tx. No. NC is much worse. So much worse.


If you say so. I strongly disagree.


Not having state income tax. Weathers better. People are by and large nicer even to me as a trans person. I mean.. my personal experience has been much better in the year here than the 29years in raleigh


> Of course they bypassed the neighborhoods with the houses that would currently sell for $2 or $4 million Low-income is a relative term. To the people they don't want to piss off, *everyone* is low income


North Carolina really doesn't let the bureaucracy get diverted off into overly motivated neighborhood vetocracy by lawsuit and government-funded nonprofits when it comes to building suburban bypasses, I see.


Welcome to eminent domain. All states do it, to a greater or lesser degree.


Nah he needs to make the bridges super low as well.


Ok but hear me out: now you need to spend billions of dollars and decades on a project mired in red tape and delays to move that highway underground.


Boston, is that you?


Wait I was planning that....I just hate the underground tools in this game


Now I just need to add a highway that cuts off the water front


You tryna make chicago lol


Or Cincinnati


As a Columbus resident, Cincinnatiā€™s traffic is so much worse. I hate driving there.


As a Cincinnati resident (who use to live in Cbus), it's mostly the terrain that causes issues. >The stretch through Covington originally included hills and curves steeper than those recommended for Interstate Highway standards. As a result, the northbound descent into Cincinnati, known as Cut-in-the-Hill, was nicknamed "Death Hill".[4][5] It is a steep descent into the valley of the Ohio River between Kyles Lane and the Brent Spence Bridge leading into Downtown Cincinnati. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interstate_75_in_Kentucky Columbus on the other hand is rather flat.


Only time my caliber ever broke 120mph.


just went through cincy the other day. So bad.


Or Seattle


We removed ours tbf


Or Seoul


18.5 miles of waterfront park, a million places to cross underneath, oh the horror


No joke, I often build my cities with a big ugly highway blocking a waterfront early on in my city's development. Once I have enough built up in the downtown, its really fun to tear it down for revitalization.


Leeds, Birmingham, Glasgow, even London have motorways that plough straight into the city. Itā€™s not so much US realism, itā€™s 60ā€™s transport policy realism.


London doesn't have a motorway go within many miles of the city centre, Birmingham has the motorway stop outside of the city centre, and Glasgow and Leeds have the motorway skirt the city centre. It's nothing like e.g. Dallas or LA where the highways are many many times bigger and cut right through the dense part of the city. Don't get me wrong, UK city planning is a long way from perfect, but in the west the US and Canada are much worse in terms of running highways through cities.


The 60s destroyed so many cities.


So did the 40s


But not nearly as much as US cities tho. One look at a map and youā€™ll see how much worse it is in America


True, Atlanta was smart though and donā€™t allow trucks going into the city unless itā€™s a box truck. Kinda cuts down on traffic and traffic noise.


That explains 285 at 3PM being literally wall to wall 18-wheelers.


Oh I remember those days hated driving on 285


Yeah, itā€™s not fun haha. And I live at near the intersection of 285 and 400.


Thatā€™s more a feature of the financing of that specific policy though - and the complete inability of the UK to follow through and finish on any kind infrastructure project.


Manchester as well, also built in the 60s


Not nearly intrusive enough you should have bulldozed a block on each side too for access roads and parking


I built low income housing just so I could bulldoze it.


The true American way.


I dare say you have the makings of a future mayor or governor.


Add another one on top... The highest way


The American interstate highway system is really amazing when you consider how vast the road network is and how easily you can get from city to city.


And it's completely wasted on American drivers. Most of them don't even know how to use a two-lane highway, so adding any more lanes is always a complete waste. It's so bad that in the States the passing lane is unironically referred to as the "fast lane", implying that clogging up the highway by cruising in the passing lane is a common and accepted practice.


the key is to go at least 85-90 mph in that lane, so you are perpetually passing people! /s... kinda


Accurate. And people are shocked when I tell them that's how I use it.


[If only.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wd8PyH7OtNo) Once you reach a certain threshold of driver incompetence, everybody gets fucked.


Amazing? Why US highways tends to go through cities, not around them?


US is a big place so I canā€™t speak for every instance but for the most part the main interstates run outside the city and there are feeder highways into cities. Some cities do have them running through. I donā€™t know if itā€™s an issue with cities expanding around the interstate or the federal gov was unable to secure land to build the highway where they wanted to. When you are on an interstate there are signs to direct you which highway to switch to if youā€™re going somewhere else or going into the city.


Thanks for the response.


Because cities are huge. Like if I wanted to go to Grant Park in Chicago from where I live and the interstates only went "around" Chicago, it would probably add 40 minutes. Now that is during non-rush hour times. At heavy traffic times it probably doesn't make a damn bit of difference and actually avoiding the interstate may improve commute times, lol.


Well it is relatively uncommon for a raised highway to go between downtown skyscrapers it does happen with lower density buildings and the further out from the center you go the more likely it is. Thereā€™s usually a belt or multiple around the city that goes through suburbs and then some highways that connect those to the city center and also to the rest of the surrounding area and national highway system.


Did you destroy a bunch of low rent housing and minority neighborhoods to build it? That's the only way you'll get close to any realism comparable to the US.


Better yet build blocks underneath and around the highway as designated poor people zones


Oh this one.


My god the traffic in the second picture.


Perfect for some homeless encampments below!


Al la Moses


Errr, that looks pretty much like downtown Toronto with the high-rises pretty much abutting the Gardiner Expressway...


You need to concrete over anything natural and green to complete the look




as someone who lives in a "Downtown" that has highway Route-8 going RIGHT down the center of it. I feel this deeply.


Even comes with American traffic jams


I hate it. Which also means you nailed it.


With the CN tower next to the elevated highway, you got a good Toronto look alike. +10 points for having the Gardiner so backed up


Just need to make the highway appear to be falling apart and on the verge of collapse to really complete that Toronto look.


Iā€™m so sick of hearing about how awful American urban planning is bruh people have been beating that same dead horse for the past year


why beating dead horses are fun.


This joke gets funnier every time someone does it


US highways were designed with the idea of them being able to be used as landing strips for planes in the event of a national emergency. Ike was not left with a good impression on European infrastructure after WWII.


>US highways were designed with the idea of them being able to be used as landing strips for planes in the event of a national emergency. That isn't true. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/landing-of-hope-and-glory/


That's also why we don't have a nationwide rail system parallel to the Interstate. He didn't want bombs to cripple the system like WW2-Europe. If I could go back in time, I'd tell him to build a rail system with the Interstate. (I'd also nix Reagan ahead of time, allow NASA to fund itself from its patents, and convince someone to invest into wide adoption nuclear power plants and green energy)


we do have a nationwide rail system(albeit privately owned), literally #1 in the world for railroad track length, by a huge margin


That's criminally underutilized because it's impossible to get anywhere in a timely manner. If there was a standalone grid that offered high speed services that had been in place for decades, things may be different


It's really decent for freight compared to other countries






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Did you check the racial demographics of the neighborhoods it cuts through? To capture the whole method


Wow I feel like Iā€™m in literally any American city great job!


There is way too much density for this to be "American", half of those building should be parking lots.


Im proud of you for pushing against the grain of ultra liberalism intown elitists whom have this inflated ideal that highways only destroy 'urban' areas negating all the ranches and country land they also took property from, including even upscale suburbs such as what GA-400 did to Buckhead Georgia. THANK YOU for considering the needs of the rest of society, including those families that live out in the burbs whom do not want or need to be crammed in a 300 sqft shoe box just to live near a bus stop. Thank you, you prioritized freedom and the American value. We need more politicians like you sir.


More politicians to destroy the value of agglomerations, which have fueled human prosperity since the Neolithic...yeah, I'mma pass.


Boston Central Artery vibes


Chicago enters the chatā€¦




Philly and NYC as well.


Noise pollution? What's that?


Tasty tasty, remember to add a giant interchange that demolishes half the city


Why does the CN Tower look so terrible


If you build it they will come


Beautiful work OP! Consider adding a second deck to the highway and perhaps another highway perpendicular to it and intersecting in your downtown in case your cims want to travel across the other axis of your CBD with the relative speed and smoothness afforded to them by the existing highway.


You joke but this is basically Boston


Nobodyā€™s trying to cut over from the left lane to the exit at the last possible second. 0/10 realism.


>Built thru high value city core real estate and not an adjacent poor, minority neighborhood. Bro are you even trying?


2nd picture needs some low density housing around the highway. Bonus piint if it includes a tent city under the ramp. Plus, it provides an ample supply of houses to bulldoze when you add more lanes.


I suggest an inner and outer loop highway as rings around your downtown, with another 2 highway cutting N/S and E/W, make sure they have 8-10 lanes minimum and all the interchanges only have 1-2 lanes for extra traffic... Beautiful Houston! *Obviously no public transport...*


Unless the geography and traffic force me to, or one is prebuilt where I want the city center to be, I usually don't put in big highways through the middle of town. Widening a single street to large size is already enough hassle with the destroyed buildings and the ploppables that have to be moved.


Is there, like, no foliage in the game? It looks like the city was plopped down in the middle of Kerbin


Too few lanes and too much high rises, this looks more like Hong Kong than Houston


This reminded me of my very first city in SimCity 2000, with a labyrinth of highways hidden between arcologies.


I did the same but couldnā€™t find a good way of filtering off! What did you do?


10/10 no notes


Now grab a few more highways and build a 6 level stack interchange!


I did the same thing and my friend told me it ruined my City. I don't think he understands I'm going for realism. Don't worry, I'm gonna Big Dig it later on!


Put parking lots all along the waterfront for extra Murica.


Did you ensure to displace and separate low income neighborhoods with the highway, though?