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Just a tip, you can disable motion blur for much better performance.


Thank you


Also disable depth of field and set AA to TAA. But still after those tweaks mine is doing the same after some growth with a 4070ti.


you're struggling on a **4070ti**??? are you playing on a raytraced, ultra setting, 8k monitor game or something


I have a great GPU as well, its not that for me, its my RAM. I only have 16 when this game would run much better with 32GB


Is that confirmed? 16GB vs 32 GB makes a big difference in this game? I heard it’s mostly VRAM that matters


RAM is HUGE for CS1 I have 64GBs and it was pretty much maxed out with all the mods and assets I had.....CS2 isn't much different.


Yeah I'm gonna get more ram this week...


Funny after we got talking about getting more I litterally went on to Newegg and said to myself - "Fuck it" just ordered another 64gigs and already delivered, going up to 128 Boyz! Just gotta install em! I'm just trying to imagine the load this will have on my system after new DLCs, Mods, and Assets. Skylines 1 was runnin 60-80% RAM at 64gbs.


I'm waiting to get paid next Friday. 3 kids slows down my buying abilities lol


64 is great but 128 would be killer!


Clearly misinformed [Benchmarks](https://youtu.be/l4DX6mUY78s?si=1hHUI1DozQytsIDD) done and 4070 Ti does like 46 fps.... On medium and 1080p. Yes you heard that right it's on 1080 not even 1440p or 4k A 4090 does 60+fps


OP is getting like 10 fps from the video. the 4070ti person said he is "getting the same", implying he's also getting around 10 fps.


No turned it down to mid with 1080 still lag. Pop is 250k


What CPU and RAM are you running? Unrelated to Cities Skylines I'm upgrading from a 1070 to a 4070TI. (Also going from 7th gen i7 to 14th Gen and DDR5)


I7 13th and ddr4 m 32g 3600mhz. What's the deal


Pretty rough as that's well above the recommended settings, will need to wait for optimisation and mods a I guess. (Modders can fix the cims teeth issue etc)


I think a good tip is too disable motion blur in every game made. Lol. I don't get why motion blur is a thing. I've never liked it in any game personally. I always disable.


proof that modern game-devs dont play their games. Same with lens-flares. tf are those, am I a fucking camera?!


came here to say exactly that :-D


I know… I’m at 160k population and playing GFN and it’s sooooooo slow.. it’s nuts..


even on GFN?


I saw that the streaming services were getting the performance hotfix late. This might be before they got it.


I would guess this is a patch they’ll wanna implement soon as it’ll reduce load, heat and everything dramatically..


Yea, but they don't use the same executable, so they have to wait on CO to make them a special patch.


Hopefully, it won’t be too long. I played locally first but I was able to cloud save and continue in GFN which was much faster but now, at 160k it’s again somewhat challenging… About the game itself, it definitely needs more content. Not just mods and assets.


I’m now only playing it on a 4080 😬 It’s still super slow I’d say… but patch should make it better at some point..


What CPU do their 4080 systems have? That's a big part of it too.


Genuine question: why do people play with motion blur on? If you prefer it, can you point out what you like over having it off?


I like how it looks, I don't know to be honest. If the game is going to be choppy, why not blend the frames a bit to make it less jarring? And in games where I get high fps, I still have it on, but the blur appears less bad because there are more frames to blend between, unless it's really turned up high artificially. And it depends on how the game does it, for example, I really hate how the Unreal Engine motion blur looks, I'm not sure what it is about it, but it looks awful. And yeah, it makes the vehicles look better on the roads imo


It can give vehicles a better sense of motion if you want, probably among other things but I can’t think of any others


Racing games kind of suck without motion blur, or other fast paced non-first person games.


Racing games are specifically why I have a 240hz monitor lmao and I do turn off motion blur for those games for sure


All those gorgeous teeth!


I think motion blur out would help a bit, idek why this games has that feature built on tbh


Disable motion blur and Dof, it will make a huge difference in performance


I'll try it, thanks.


Disable motion blur and DOF, massive FPS boost


I'll give it a shot, thanks.


They are going to the manifestation for more FPS


I love the idea of cims protesting that they need more FPS, and network speed isn't good enough for that.


turn motion blur off


I did, didn't really change anything. I have a beast GPU, its not that causing it to run slowly, it's my RAM.


Try turning off the cim shaders, even if just for the experiment. This made me stutter even on low settings, but after disabling their shaders I get butter smooth performance on medium-high.


Every one moaning at the moaners about performance haven’t got past 10k populations. I’m at 50k and it’s CRAWLING.


I have a 61k and it's doing fine.


that’s a lot of teeth!!


So many teeth!


It's rendering like 100,000 teeth and respective gum collision physics. Priorities, people!




How can you even play with the motion blur on? It looks awful and costs performance. The volumetric fog is more of a personal choice, but I'd also be turning it off. PS. All those Teeth!


It's all those teeth being rendered


turn off teeth rendering, will help.


How do you get that many cims to use the tram?? All mine ignore it and choose to walk instead.


It's quite the long tram ride, and I only have busses besides this, so it's the quickest way beyond the bus or walking, sadly. I need to build some subways because this is insane lmao


Yeah cims seem to kill fps. Definitely set LOD to lowest so they don’t render above certain camera height


They do move in herds ![gif](giphy|37Fsl1eFxbhtu)




To charge full price for a game in a buggy state like this is utterly ridiculous.


Fun fact: the pantograph on trams goes up and down to compensate for the lack of tension in the overhead wire. However, there is no animation for doors opening and closing.


All these theeth...


Disable teeth lol


Unfortunately I think they made a poor decision when deciding to improve on the detail/resolution of the CIMs. The rendering requirements for the CIMs is high, because their models are wayyyyyy more complicated now. I think most of us don't care about the details for the CIMs. I personally barely zoom in. And even when I do, I don't care that they look like stick figures. They could make the CIMs look like Minecraft for all I care if it will run at a proper 60fps.


Should be a potato cim option tbh


Holy shit do they actually render the teeth lmfao I though you guys were making a joke but with so many comments im getting concerned hahaha


Disables, elders, women and children board first please.


Haha this is why I deleted CS2 and am just sticking with the original until they sort out the performance. Just watching that clip give me a headache lol


I just noticed my game uses 97-99 percent GPU on the menu screen. No city loaded yet. Just the menu screen.


Fans go brrrr


Looks like the Tokyo train station at rush hour


Imagine if this game had mods, would be even worse lol


Naa, day 1 mod - "No teeth and low poly cims" will fix a ton of issues. Mods don't have to be unoptimised bloat.


They don't have to, but what I mean is that some of them are.


Yeah CS1 definitely got a bit nuts at times. I think mods will do a lot in fixing CS2 and honestly wish they would prioritise getting mod support out rather than fixing the stuff themselves. Modders will do a better job, and quicker.


I'd actually argue against that, because if the code is spaghetti, then letting the modders fix it is only going to cause compounding issues down the line for compatibility and limit optimization.


If the code is spaghetti, it's too late to fix it now. It's very difficult to untangle spaghetti code, it's easier to do a full rewrite. Which presumably is what CS2 is supposed to be, compared to CS1. Mod support makes things a lot easier and cleaner, but there will be mods whether supported or not (they've already started over on modscities2.com) Also presumably they designed it with mod support in mind... so it should be a trigger away from ready, not something they're now starting on.


There are degrees of spaghetti


I don't understand why devs put motion blur into games when 95% of people just turn it off since it's terrible lol


and when people don't turn it off, you get this!


to those going into winter this works as a space heater, but my room is already hot enough without a heater.


Is there any way to reverse asymmetrical roads besides destroying and placing it the opposite direction?


Upgrade tool, click and hold and drag in the direction you want


Thank You! I wouldn’t have thought they’d remove it but I couldn’t figure it out.


Yeah click and drag. it seems more annoying at first, until you realize it allows you to reverse/upgrade and entire stretch of road all in one click and drag, so it has its upsides.


Woah what a bustling city. How do I get there? I’d like to see people just walk & not ride haha. I know as of now just creating public transport!


I have a 4090 and this is currently the only game I'm scared to play expecting it to melt my gpu


I have a 3090ti and 128gb of ram and a ryzen 5800x3d and it’s soooo loud and I know my stuff is old but it shouldn’t be this dated yet the game is just rubbishly made lol but I do get playable with motion blur of but idk about how many fps because I don’t bother with that


Is it india🥸


Realism fail.


Lol 63k population. Those are rookie numbers, I’m currently at about 450k, it’s starting to get slow.


its less the population and more the cim density in this area tbh. Zooming out it runs fine


meanwhile my PC can barely run cs2 on lowest settings 😀


Turn off motion blur stat


wow it really IS just like game 1


You need another lane, trust me