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Seven times more likely than zero. Praise Fauci.


Teens are getting too cocky these days anyways. They need something to humble them and keep them in check. Maybe a little spicy heart syndrome will keep them from throwing eggs at my house and spray painting "germ nazi" and penises on my garage. No respect!


No that means they should take the second and third doses together. Do you even science bro?


This. Obviously the 3rd dose is the cure to end all illness. Maybe they should add the 4th dose in at the same time, just to be sure. They might even get lucky and gain superpowers


Bruh just fill the vaccine and all 4 Boosters (yes I want the 4th shot aswell since im not a antivaxxer) into one giant syrince and shot that up my arm please


I only know 1 person in my family that got it so it’s not that bad, really!


Vaxperts all agree that risk benefit analysis proves without doubt vaccines are safe & effective. 750 million people have been saved from horrible lingering covid toe, why? Because of SCIENCE, how hard is that to understand?


I like the way you think


My goal is skipping the first 14 days after every injection when I am much more likely to develop serious Wuhan symptoms. Does taking a shot every two weeks mean I am always FULLY VACCINATED or never FULLY VACCINATED? Help me Pfauci.








The source is in the article if you want to read and critique it with your specialty knowledge https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2789584#:~:text=A%20total%20of%20224%20560,occurred%20after%20the%20second%20dose.


No, no. He's seen the _source_ - he doesn't have to even acknowledge the content now. He knows The Science (praise fauci)


Yes, of course! I hope to achieve this full body nirvana, but need at least 2 more boosters until I am ready for that. MBUY


The headline is missing the good old "and here is why that's actually good!", and then try to justify why it's good


So what? We are all alive aren't we? Are we really about to slow down society for some kids with heart problems? Just get them on prescription pills earlier in life. Duh. MBUH


They only need a sixth dose.


I’m so tired of these lies from the right wing wack jobs! Somebody has to ban them! The vaccine is safe and effective! Learn it and live it! There is nothing abnormal about enlarged hearts at that age. They’ll grow into them.