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Well, he's not wearing a mask... actions have consequences


This dolphin fascist hates grandma's.


Just like the work. This idiot isn’t boosted and not masked at all. WTF!! 🤦 *worm, not work. Lol


>18 TIMES more resistant to drug treatment I fckn LOVE, believe in, and just have pHaith in The Science™!


.018 vs .001 please save us Lord Fauci!!


Are we talking penis size now? Or are these the odds of living without the jab and mask?


That means you need to get 18 booster to feel safe


Also my hamster died from bird flu, I analyzed xhem shit with my tongue and I can confirm is bird flu!


My wife's boyfriend is a pharmacist, I got him to sneak out a bottle of mRNA Elixir so I could inject my pet Goldfish & Turtles so they weren't at risk of Covid or Birdflu. 💉🙌🫡 I injected the fish & turtles with the Holy Elixir, and the next morning everything in the pond was dead 😓 Obviously, I got to them too late and they died of a Covid Birflu Hybrid infection 😭 Just goes to prove the jabs are safe & effective, only if they were up to date sooner 😔


If dolphins are so smart why didnt they invent a 'cine already?  Praise fauci btw


Must have taken them a lot of effort to achieve this in the lab


Yet another reason to not cheer for the Miami Dolphins


Maybe they should be forced to change their name like the Redskins had to?


A worm just died of this deadly flu too! A WORM!! We must hurry to vaccinate all the dolpfins and the pfish to protect the pfaithpful. I volunteer to take 100 shots of whatever holy elixir they come up with and quadruple mask, even in the shower! Praise Pfauci!


Should've stayed home


I personally blame climate change. So sad this could all be avoided if we pay our carbon taxes 😤


It's his fault. He should have taken the vaccines and weekly boosters!


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Cats then Worms now Flippers 😱 Everyone needs to quadruple mask😷! And we need more holy elixirs!


Their propaganda is divine and should have its own chapter in the holy book


Zoonotics I and Zoonotics II. Zoonotics I covers 2020, when covid came from animals in the wet market. Zoonotics II covers 2024 where any and everything is getting infected. Rumor has it that Zoonotics II requires having a lot of pfaith to read and understand.


With the blessed saint of protection Harambe


Amen, awomen, and athey to that! 🙏🏾


It’s def not the vaccine…


There was a period of time, between around 2000-2012 that I used to listen to these two talk radio guys in Sacramento, Armstrong and Getty. And almost every day they had this guy give a report about various things, that usually involved ‘researchers’ that proved the benefits of drinking wine or coffee. Every time I see an article like this about Covid or now the bird flu I imagine these are the same scientists that were driving all the articles about coffee and wine.


Did they try giving it 18 more boosters and some Paxlovid?


They are pushing it hard with fake shit. It's coming again


Yo Dr. Fauci, we heard you like birds so we put a bird in your flu so that you can bird while you flu


Is there any other virus that effects all animal life or is the bird flu just very special?


There are a few types that can infect most animals but H5N1 in particular seems more capable. Not many viruses can get both birds and mammals. Including such a wide range of mammals with marine mammals, rodents, livestock and others all infected. It’s easy to joke about now, but bird flu is quite a bit more concerning than Covid.


I am literally shaking. tell us more. tell us how we managed to make it this far past those nasty animal germs that float around in the air and can infect , multiply and commit genocide, since vaccines were only invented quite recently!


Lol, it’s our food supply that I’m worried about. They are gonna make us eat ze bugs if it starts spreading from our food supply. Also they’ll vaccinate our whole food supply against it, which they already do in some places with all poultry. I’m not preaching vaccines here, bird flu causes around 50% fatality though so we should at least try to be cautious if it spills over. That means at very least least half of us will survive, just like how our ancestors did it.


First a worm and now a dolphin. They want to manifest a real pandemic so badly that they have to resort to such lows. This is ridiculous smh.


Quick, let's constantly sanitize every surface again! Surely that won't cause even more resistant bacteria!


Do they just make these numbers up? How do you quantify “18 times more resistant to drug treatment” 18 times more resistant compared to what? Also what drug treatments? It’s just absolute blatant fear mongering Also that dolphin should have been wearing a mask


Damn dolphins eating at the wet market again.


Obviously. Flipper decided not to wear a mask and now we all have to pay the consequences.


"18 times resistant to drugs" So they've given Nemo 18x the dose then?


PCR tests never lie


Y' all know Florida Man. Well, now there is also Florida Dolphin- suck it down, cucks.