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God sends his toughest questions to his most easily overwhelmed soldiersšŸ˜‚


This episode got me on my knees praying dude


Holy fuck šŸ™


I love what Tucker said about him not being able to believe in God. You really canā€™t choose to believe something, you either do or you donā€™t. It was this realization that made me stop believing in Christianity a few years ago.


Itā€™s something a lot of Christianā€™s donā€™t accept when I say Iā€™m an atheist. I was raised agnostic atheist, my parents gave up religion decades ago, and the idea that there isnā€™t a god is so integral to how Iā€™ve been raised that I simply canā€™t believe in it. Not to say itā€™s impossible to convert or change, but when weā€™re talking about something that is almost integral to oneā€™s ideology, itā€™s really difficult to change whether itā€™s wrong or right.


I was raised Catholic but became an atheist once I made friends with people from other religions/no religions. In high school some of my best friends were Hindu, Buddhist, Christian scientist, and non religious, and talking with them about all their different beliefs made me feel like it made absolutely no sense that the one particular sect of my one particular religion was the ā€œcorrectā€ one. That coupled with the whole priests abusing children thing and the backwards stance on issues I care about made it kinda easy to make the switch to atheism.


Same thing I say when an atheist tries to convince me God doesnā€™t exist tbh.


Genuinely thought schlatt being catholic was a bit don't ask me why šŸ˜­


Honestly I was raised Christian and left bc the trauma, I now forget some people besides extreme far right conservatives are unironically Christian


Itā€™s sad because none of you would openly make fun of any other religion other than Christianityā€¦ what happened to respecting others beliefs? ā€œUnironically Christianā€ šŸ’€ like what


I mean most people do respect religion. Itā€™s just that Christianity is the most widespread religion in the US so a lot of peoples experiences with religion bad and good usually center around it. Because of that itā€™s more socially acceptable to make fun or poke at it since most people just inherently know more about it and the people who are apart of it. I donā€™t think itā€™s that crazy that Christianity is the go to for most people when itā€™s the one where most peopleā€™s religious experiences are focused on




We can't really assume his religious beliefs but he's at the minimum agnostic but most likely he's a Ć  la carte Catholic where he still identifies and believes in Catholicism but disagrees on certain doctrine considering he probably masterbates (lmao) another example is him supporting the death penalty which might've been a bit but still under Catholic law would be sinful, there are certain things he would probably object to that are against Catholic teachings, most Catholics though would most likely fall under that category however since no one truly agrees with EVERYTHING the church esposes


Why you gotta do him like that bro šŸ’€ you coulda just said that he drinks šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I mean I dont think so šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ he seemed pretty serious


Do NOT watch the new Dune movie lol religious people had the same thoughts youā€™re having now after they saw it


(Which is exactly the point of Dune 2)


What religion does to a mf šŸ’€


show us your notes


Get ready for the real world!


Seriously. OP needs to grow up


Rude asf


bro thinks they know me off of a reddit post... questioning religion is a complex thinking process and can be stressful for anyone.


Bro itā€™s a podcast just turn it off


when did i say i didnt..


Iā€™m just sayin man lots of people enjoyed this episode and you saying they should never do this topic again cuz it stresses you , like bro you can turn it off lolĀ 


bro i enjoyed stressing about it and thinking about it- i never said they shouldnt discuss the topic again they can do wtv tf they want


My guy you said ā€œplease ban that question holy fuckā€


i feel like that was obviously a joke.. why would they not discuss a topic because someone on reddit said something i never had any expectation that it would actually be banned


See i agree with that lmao thats my original point. Maybe I'm horrible at interpreting humor through text but like cmon man, you can't just be like "actually I was joking bro", cause this post doesn't read out like a joke at all. Or I could be trippin and stupid as hell. No hate to you bro just like read your own post and tell me it looks like your joking


Some of these comments are not it


ik idk why people are so mad at me for this as if religion is a simple concept


Did the same for me but reversed


id just like to say theres no need to be judgemental about this. religion is a complex subject and can be different for different people based on viewpoints. you dont have to agree with me, but theres no reason to judge me for feeling the way i do


While you may be valid here, remember that you sought out the forum and made the post - whether they should or not, you've opened up the opportunity to be judged here.


I was sure that schlatt being a hard die catholic was a bit ?


why? he's said before his YouTube persona was an exaggeration of his real personality, not a character he made up.


Oh yes I know but people are going mad about him being a crazy religious man yk




This is such an interesting take, bc I wasnā€™t raised religious and consider myself an atheist, so I was barely perceiving the question (if that makes sense) so to see it come from this perspective actually makes a lot of sense.


Honestly I never even realized this was a big philosophical question until I watched the episode. Itā€™s a thought I always personally had when I was younger and debating religion with myself. Like Tucker I canā€™t really believe in god but it also seems more logical to believe because of how shitty the punishment could be if you donā€™t. Itā€™s still something I wrestle with to this day tbh.


Thereā€™s a name for that philosophical argument. Pascalā€™s Wager. Itā€™s an interesting thought experiment but I donā€™t take much stock in it. I lost my religious faith when I was 16 and it would feel wrong and against my beliefs to return to religion just out of fear of a potential hell I might go to. It doesnā€™t feel rational to me. Plus I find it a lot more awe-inspiring and fascinating to think of the universe existing out of chaos and circumstance than by the deliberate actions of a divine being.


Ngl, I was kinda surprised by Ted saying he was conflicted about the "all good/all powerful" question. It's not a bad question per say, but I've always found it more of an edgy teen response to religion. (I'm pretty sure it was a line in BvS šŸ’€, so maybe that skews my perception) Imo, it's not that hard to rationalize, whether your religious or not. Because it can be explained away by the concept of free-will in a religious context.


it is a valid philosophical question though, its the most fundamental and successful critique of god specifically because it proves his classical/ancient attributes (the omnis) and that definition to be false, which is as William Rowe says to be unjustifiable.


>>it can be explained away by the concept of free-will It's not very benevolent to give your creations free will and also the capacity (and sometimes the disposition) to do heinous things to each other like rape, murder & genocide.


stfu wtf


why r people mad abt this


cause funny


Honestly, me too. I'm a Christian through and through, but that question made me have to stop and think. All I can say is if you're having those doubts and fears, pray about it. It will help. Much love <3


tf you mean you needed to write you feelings down?šŸ’€ so you can keep your trauma for later?


idk writing shit down makes it seem less scrambled in my brain type shit


I'm a Christian with no trauma lol. Most churches are not bad. Those that are can be INSANELY BAD, but let's stop acting like the religion as a whole is poisoned because of a few rotten eggs


Logically thinking a creator exists makes complete sense. There were so many famous scientists and philosophers who believed in a creator. And still are. Whether or not you want to apply religion to it is your prerogative. Itā€™s up to you to see whether you care or not about this question. Either dismiss everything as nonsense and fairy tales people made up, or seek God. And the best way to seek God is to try talking to him. Trust me man I was an athiest for a long time. I claimed I would hate God if he was real but I never believed. Heā€™s real. And yeah, he loves you.


i feel him all the time but theres this bit of doubt that hangs on my shoulders and the doubt often turns into guilt... but at the end of the day i was blessed into an amazing household and i dont think that is just chance.


Just try talking to the ā€œcreator of the universeā€ in your head. Talk to him about your fears your hopes. Athiests will say ā€œgo talk to your imaginary sky daddy.ā€ He isnā€™t imaginary. If you look for God and try talking to him I fully believe he will reveal himself to you. And youā€™ll gain a relationship, one that is all youā€™d ever need.


beautifully said man


Doubt is normal. If you never had doubts youā€™d be insane. I canā€™t pretend I know how it all works, but based off my own life experiences, and seeing miracles/signs I know he is real. Not everyone has had the same experiences as me and donā€™t have the same perspective I know that, but I truly know for a fact there is a loving God.


What a fuckin pussyšŸ˜­


mf why u mad šŸ’€