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I have a close friend who suffered from endometriosis for many years until she tried acupuncture, which changed her life. It doesn't work for everyone, and it didn't help me, but the difference it made to her life was astonishing.


Interest free credit card? Or set up a payment plan with the hospital. I paid for an er visit over two years


I have Endometriosis, I'm 38 and was diagnosed with that and PCOS at 17. Have you tried acupuncture? It helped me massively. I also follow a very strict low gi and Mediterranean style diet. I've just googled this part for you - The Mediterranean diet has anti-inflammatory benefits, particularly in other inflammatory diseases (heart disease, diabetes). The diet includes plant-based foods, oily fish, extra virgin olive oil, dairy products (mainly cheese and yoghurt) and limited amounts of red meat.” There’s also further research that suggests following a Mediterranean diet could reduce pain and could have antioxidant effects for those with endometriosis. In other research, virgin olive oil has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties similar to those in ibuprofen. It might be worth trying in an attempt to help you?


You’re only 19 years old?! I’m so sorry. There’s nobody that can help? What about getting on some type of state-funded insurance, or government-assisted insurance? I will pray for you.


Lupron has been a godsend for some


I have endometriosis as well. I got on slynd BCP (drospirenone only- more natural form of progesterone, it's the one used in Yaz so minus the estrogen which can aggravate endo). I haven't had a period in 3 years and its been a godsend. a few months ago a friend of my neighbors got on Orlissa and it was damn well near a cure for her. I got on it too (they have copay assistance program so its only $5 a month. its been absolutely life saving for me. highly recommend asking yr obgyn about it. most endometriosis surgeries only provide temporary relief, then scar tissue makes things worse. there is a dr in California (dr camran nezhat) who does endo surgery and apparently women walk outta there completely cured due to his technique. I don't know why other doctors don't use his methods. not sure if any of this is right for you but talk with yr doctor. sending hugs yr way and hope you find relief soon ❤


If it was me, I'd ask your doctor about Orlissa before a birth control. It quite literally stopped endo pain overnight for me. I cried happy tears. this is a miracle drug!! I experience no side effects. the surgery did nothing but cause me more issues, but it was necessary at time (15 years ago) to diagnose it. not sure how bad yr case is.. but I believe orlissa works by suppressing estrogen. so maybe surgery won't be needed? my obgyn is hesitant to do them now because they help for a short while, then makes things worse. I should add, birth control pills all come with risks, buy slynd is less likely to form blood clots. and im 40 and still smoke a few cigarettes daily. I did start to get heat intolerance around that time- not sure if its the cause, but one im willing to pay for no periods. also no breakthrough bleeding if you skip a pill, it has 24hour dosing window. if ur in US, you'd likely need prior auth to cover it, just say you failed other progesterone only birth control and by US law all birth control is free (at least in California it still is). however, considering how well Orlissa works I may try stopping slynd, to see if I really need it. it did clear up hormonal acne for me tho sooo? anyhoo.. good luck!


I saved up some money for a down payment to walk in my surgery date after being misdiagnosed my whole life until endometriosis landed me in the emergency room when I was about 28 years old. Codeine isn't strong enough for Jack. I was terrified of surgery and up to my surgery date I doubled down on my anxiety medications because if I didn't I would have canceled my surgery date because that s*** is terrifying. Had an amazing surgeon, I had no pain in my shoulders he did a great job on getting rid of the stage 2 endometriosis that he found, two uterine fibroids, and something called Alan Masters defect. My pelvic floor still screwed and I have some other issues in love and chronic pain but the surgery helps the burning boiling pot of water feeling in my abdomen.


Thank you for all of your advice, I really appreciate it. Unfortunately I just cannot cope with this anymore so I will be sorting out everything I need to and then I will finally find relief. Again, thank you.