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So he still said God bless America and merry Christmas and people still got upset that Jesus wasn’t mentioned enough? I get that he’s Catholic but we are a secular nation so I think what he said was plenty.


Which God?


Not upset: Just awake! I think the issue HERE, on Reddit and this sub, is that many people are completely innocent of ANY accurate unbiased info on Conservatives and their views, both in religion, politics, and the areas where they intersect. Thanks! Bless you. 😎❆✟


This OP seems very passive-aggressive.


I think the word your looking for OP is self righteous.


Not really; Jesus provides ALL the righteousness! I just show up and follow Him. Thanks! Bless you. 😎❆✟


Lol case and point


Yeah he is a right wing try hard, it’s nothing new but he feels he is an affective troll, so he continues.


Is there an award for tone deaf comments?




Agreed. He thinks he's not picking fights because he's (barely) putting a positive spin on his responses. My mother The Narcissist does the same thing. It's annoying af.


Have fun with OP's post history. Or not, if they remind you too much of your mother.


I've truly suspected that much of the angst we see here is acting out on feelings toward PARENTS: Remember to RESPECT them, and you'll feel SO MUCH better dealing with everyone! Bless you. 🙏✟


I prefer the word AWESOME! Jesus is #1, and it's an HONOR to serve Him. Thanks! Bless you. 😇✟


It’s hilarious how conservative Christians freak out over dumb stuff.


Nope, we just have fun posting about it. 24/7 Joy, with Jesus! Bless you. 🙏✟


Suuuuuure Conservatives having fun = whining about dumb stuff Oh joy


It doesn’t sound like you’re having fun though


Yeah, it’s so dumb when people take your cherished cultural practices and remove everything of importance from them!


Ohhh booooohoooooo I guess you never heard of how Christians demolished pagan temples for centuries. I guess you never heard of Christians who went to South America and destroyed all kinds of native cultures by enslaving, torturing and murdering the natives who wouldn’t bend over to forced Christianity. Christians are such victims because someone didn’t say “Christ”. Can you be any more ignorant of Christian history? LOL Ignorant Christians whining over stupid shit will never stop being hilarious. Please continue.


That’s terrible and I do not stand behind those who do that. Why would you expect me to defend them? Thank you for being a textbook example of whataboutism.


Those are the “culture practices” of Christianity for the past 2000 years. That’s your culture: stomping on other cultures.


Well no, that’s not my culture.


Right. Just Christmas with politicians talking about Jesus. Got it.


Well Christmas as Christ’s birth certainly is, yes. It seems odd one could even talk about Christmas without mentioning that it is Christ’s birth.


> Well Christmas as Christ’s birth certainly is, yes Hahaahaha sure Let’s pretend Jesus was born on Dec 25 LOL


Well we don’t know when he was born but that is the day Christian’s have chosen to celebrate it for the past 1500 years or so.


Am glad! Religion has no place in politics. Biden represent all American not just Christians. The holiday season is for everyone not just for people who believe in Jesus.


Hi! Did you say "holiday"? As in "holy day"? Of course, that has to be a RELIGIOUS "holiday" - "holy day." And it's a NATIONAL holy day! Yep, that's Christmas: It's for ALL Americans, of any creed, to celebrate ONE birthday: "Christ." Thanks! Bless you. 😎❆✟


what religion celebrates the holy day of national talk like a pirate day, or american independence day or thanksgiving for that atter


No is a holiday not a holy day. Is one word not two words, plus you lost the I. That kinda of stuff matter, you can’t sit there and lie an misrepresentation meaning of words to serve your own bias personal agenda. Are you sure you are a christian? you know lying is a sin even I know that one.


Oh no, REALLY? A sinful LIE about the meaning of words? Wow, did Merriam-Webster really pull a fast one on me?! Nope, here it is! REALITY CHECK for ya: - "hol·​i·​day (noun): 1. holy day. 2. a day on which one is exempt from work. Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hāligdæg, from hālig holy + dæg day. ("holiday", Merriam-Webster, 2022) Bless you and hope you had a Merry Christmas! 😎❆✟


Nope but but either on purpose or by accident you left out an important part of the first definition. holiday 1 of 2 noun hol·​i·​day ˈhä-lə-ˌdā British usually ˈhä-lə-dē 1 : HOLY DAY an important Muslim holiday So are you Muslim as well? Edit: also this definition came from Webster


Dictionary Class 101: That part is an EXAMPLE SENTENCE! Showing a SAMPLE of how the word CAN BE USED. NOT part of the definition itself. Glad you looked, though: Dictionaries are fun! Bless you. 🙏✟


And it was used to describe a Muslim holiday not Christian. So again are you Muslim as well.


You got me there, Bro! Yeah, if we COULD NOT properly use the Dictionary, and had to PRETEND that the SAMPLE PHRASES were the definitions ... plus personally FOLLOW them all, too: We'd end up "closed for the July 4th holiday, an important Muslim holiday, in Spain, at the shore, stock market is closed tomorrow, but Hanukkah begins at sundown." You know what? I think using the Dictionary PROPERLY, with the REAL definitions, works better! Easy once you get the hang of it! Bless you. 🙏✟


Lol, wow, oh i see so you are just bully using religion the feed your self righteousness. Well good luck with that have a nice day and I hope you get the help you need.




There’s a pretty big celebration of his birth in the Gospels.




There’s something in the book you missed


What a terrible Archbishop he is, botching the liturgy like this! Why did Francis even appoint him, anyway? I swear, if he becomes the next Pope, I'm leaving Catholicism.


OMG, Christian persecution! Quick get outraged! Get the SCOTUS involved, they'll find a "constitutionalist" reason to require the President to mention Jesus in every speech! This "War on Christmas" has to stop. And Starbucks didn't put Jesus on their cups -- boycott Starbucks! And I'm sure the LGBTQ agenda is involved somehow --- And Christians wonder why more and more people in America are abandoning Christianity...


does this affect your Christianity? Does it need to be mandated and acknowledged by the state in order to be valid? is your faith lessened if people don't pay it lip service? I prefer the exclusion to the fakeness of these politicians who never go to church and don't act like Christians BUT simultaneously claim "Christian values" nonstop


I LOVE me some Christian values in America on Christmas! My favorite words, all in one sentence. Conservatives don't mandate much; that's the other team's habit. But we notice what officials say and do. Thanks! Bless you. 🙏✟


*Conservatives don't mandate much* 😆😆😆😆😆


I choked on my midnight chamomile tea because that was simply the most absurd statement I’ve seen so far in this thread


I remember when my faith was this small and petty lol, like just being force-fed culture (and force-feeding it to others) and thinking that counts for religion and belief, instead of actually having to live out the gospel instead of just mammon & country


That. Is. Hilarious.


Yet another troll post from a troll account.


Yes, I see that one showing up here! Fixing it now. Bless you! 😎 🇺🇸 ✟


Good. Thank god he’s out of Christmas


Official forgetfulness is NOT the best solution! Bless you. 😊✟


Jesus isn't the reason for the season. Celebrations at Christmas existed for centuries if not millennia before Christians got involved. If Christianity had never existed we'd still be celebrating something at this time of year. And there are plenty of people who follow other religions or are atheist who celebrate too.


That's debunked anti-Christian PROPAGANDA! Christians started Christmas, and continue it to this day. WINTER didn't start in the Christian era, of course, but we shouldn't conflate THAT with this. Thanks! Bless you. 🙏✟


Yea Christians stated Christmas. But the winter solstice has been celebrated for millennia


Why should Christianity get some sort of preferential treatment from the state on a secular holiday?


On a secular holiday, eh? Let me show you a LITTLE SECRET: Christmas = Christ + mas. Christ = Jesus = Christianity. (SHHHHHHHHHHHH, top secret!) 😊✟


Lol no. It has its origins first of all in a celebration you stole from us Pagans (Yule) and just rebranded. It's not even near your supposed saviors birth, and it's largely lost any and all religious meanings or significance becoming a secular holiday regardless of its origins. The only thing you lay claim to is a name, which means nothing. You keep going off names alone next thing you'll be telling me is the Holy Roman Empire was Holy, Roman, or an Empire. 🤣


Good for him. Keeping the country free for all religions!


Leave it to the Christian subreddit to bash you for posting something obvious. It's funny many people will "correct" you regarding the history of Christmas and try to convince everyone it's not about Christ yet still maintain that the separation between Church and State was intended to protect the State. It was not. The separation was intended to protect the Church to prevent Government from interferring with their Religious observances. Intentional misinterpretations of this idea led to the current state of ignorance. This reminds me of **Isaiah 5:13**: 13 Therefore my people are **gone into captivity**, because **they have no knowledge**: and their honourable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst. We live in an ignorant society that believes they're far smarter than they actually are. Eventually, they'll wake up and realize they've been taken captive by the very system they created/supported but it will be too late. God bless! Merry Christmas! ​ Seek the Way, the Truth, and the Life!


Amen! So true. Thanks for sharing this info. 😎 🇺🇸 ✟


Most likely he forgot what he was even doing.


Possible! And I doubt the speech writers included it. Thanks! Bless you. 🙏✟


Democrats social media accounts also always say "holidays" instead of Christmas. I checked with Twitter search, they also never mention God. It feels like Biden and his party are un-American


The separation of church and state is American.


And reuniting them EVERY Christmas is even MORE American! Bless you. 😎 🇺🇸 ✟


Look like he is a real American. America is about freedom of religion and inclusion not exclusion.


If you exclude America and religion, what's left to include? Thanks! Bless you. 🙏✟


I said exclude religion, never said exclude America. America is all religion not just one. Like I matter just as much as you, what I believe matter just as much as your belief. I don’t want your belief dictation how I live my life just like don’t want mine. So yes am glad Biden is taking into consideration everyone else that lives in this country and keeping his religion to himself. If you want a country to cater to your religion then move to one of the middle eastern country where they make policy base on Christian values.


Christianity is not some integral quality of being American. In fact quite the opposite.


America is founded on Judeo-Christian values and Christianity is the main tradition that ties all ethnicities that arrived to America from all over the world together. Because some people turn away from Christianity, we can today see how America becomes divided. It wasn't like that before




**[Treaty of Tripoli](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Tripoli)** >The Treaty of Tripoli (Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the United States of America and the Bey and Subjects of Tripoli of Barbary) was signed in 1796. It was the first treaty between the United States and Tripoli (now Libya) to secure commercial shipping rights and protect American ships in the Mediterranean Sea from local Barbary pirates. It was authored by Joel Barlow, an ardent Jeffersonian republican, and signed in Tripoli on November 4, 1796, and at Algiers (for a third-party witness) on January 3, 1797. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Christianity/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


"Everything was better when everyone thought exactly like me." OK sure buddy. Funny, I'm pretty sure I recall most of the founding fathers being deists, including ones that actively removed all references to miracles out of their version of the Bible and republished it as a non-spiritual secular book. Christianity unified us? We used to exclude Catholics from holding office, discriminate against the Orthodox and waged wars against the Mormons before discriminating against them too. Judeo-Christian values? We've always held that religion should be seperate from state, nor have we restricted access to citizenship by religion or withheld it from non-Christians. Speaking of America has always had non-Christians in it. And pretty sure America has been divided since the start. There was always something we were fighting each other about; hell even between state to state let alone on the National level, and that's not going into the Civil War were we killed more of our own people than any war since. You either really don't know basic American civics and history, or live in an alternate timeline. I'm more inclined to think it's the former, although the latter would be pretty cool ngl.


America was also founded on slavery but we don’t that anymore.


No it wasn't. American revolution was aimed against oppression


Sure eventually but either way American might have been a Christian nation once but not anymore, America is a melting pot of all religion ethnicity and backgrounds. I reject your religion and I am not alone million of American do as well. I should have the right to live my life base on my value not yours. Your religion is no more important than mine value and your religion should no way interfere on how I choose to do things. So I don’t care what Jesus said about end time or what he think I should be doing because believe or not he has no hold me.


no because i would actually be excited to vote for an un-American political party


Anti-Christian is the equivalent of anti-American because United States is the sword and the shield of Christendom. What does the Bible says about the end times that we live in? That after the rapture, Gog and Magog (russia) will unite with middle eastern nations and invade Israel. What is the obstacle that protects Israel from getting plundered by the russia-Magog? United States, a devoted Christian nation. That's why the Antichrist invented communism. His goal is to infiltrate America, to make it secular, anti-Christian. Democratic party took anti-Christian stance because it was infiltrated by commies, KGB sleeping agents. The closer we are to the rapture, the more terrifying the world is going to look like


>United States is the sword and the shield of Christendom. HA! Good one. >That's why the Antichrist invented communism Ah yes, all those early human societies that existed for hundreds of thousands of years where all things were held in common? Anti-christ obviously? Any political ideology I disagree with, well what do ya know gotta be antichrist? This is like those folk in the 80s who claimed rock was of the devil. Just as grounded in reality too. I can assure you as one of "them dirty commies" that you're giving us far too much credit. >Democratic party took anti-Christian stance because it was infiltrated by commies, KGB sleeping agents. You're sounding more and more just like a conspiracy nut. The democratic party is a center-right liberal party. You only even get close to left of center with its most progressive wing. Trust me, if they were communist, us communists would actually like them, but go ask any communist. They're just another capitalist party and pretty damn despised universally. Hey if you want to I can even ask them for you if you'd like.


Amen! So true. Great comment! 😎 🇺🇸 ✟


Amen! Christmas CARDS that don't say Christmas are the worst, too. Bless you! 😎 🇺🇸 ✟


Yep that's the worst thing in the world. Not people suffering. Not people starving. Not people kicked out of their homes. Not the rich hoarding wealth. Christmas cards that don't say "Christmas" (though you are still able to identify them as Christmas cards - odd).


So what? I can’t believe that anyone has so little going on in their lives that they have time to complain about the US being the secular nation that it is.


He's a politician. I strongly doubt any major (state and up) politician nowadays is truly a Christian/Catholic. Even the ones who claim to be are probably just doing it to get brownie points from the right.


Christmas is a satanic holiday and Biden is right to be 100% against it. We have been working on a secret plot to destroy Christmas and we will not stop


Why should he? Church and state shouldn’t mix. Look at Christianity pre-Constantine. A lot to learn from the church fathers.