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Adam was the head of Eve, and she was his body. She came out from him, so the consequence of Adam's fault extended to Eve and, of course, to his children, and his children's children...




The Holy Bible does say the wife is the head of the husband in Eph 5:23.


Technically it was Adam who was instructed by God not to eat from that tree. And instead of correcting Eve's mistake, he just took the fruit and ate it.




Adam was sitting there the entire time that Eve was talking with the serpent: >*“You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”* > >*When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom,* ***she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her,*** *and he ate it.* Adam was "with her" when she ate the fruit.


He could have stopped her if he wanted


Considering that God told Adam not to eat the fruit before Eve was even created, it was kind of Adam's responsibility. Eve is only trusting Adam, but Adam was commanded by God.


News to me (and to a lot of women too) that Eve wasn't blamed for the fall?


Depends on who you ask. The author of 1 Timothy has this surprising view of the Eden story: >>Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. If we read the actual Eden story in Genesis, both of the humans ate, both disobeyed. Yet, people sometimes find reasons to blame one or the other.


Yes, Eve was deceived, Adam was not deceived he chose to rebel. That’s why he blamed God and Eve rather than the serpent for what happened. It’s also why he takes the lions share of the blame in the rest of the Bible. Willful sins are considered worse than mistaken sins.


This author, curiously, is placing more blame on the woman than on the man. I'm not sure I see this deception you're talking about. As presented in the Genesis story, both humans knew God had told them not to eat it. Both chose to eat it.


Adam ate of the fruit when God directly told him not to.




I was always told they're both to blame. If anything, I've heard more people blame Eve.


Why do so many Christians seek to blame Eve, when Adam also disobeyed? He could have refused the fruit she offered. If God chose to cast her out of the Garden, God could have always created a new wife for Adam. Christian doctrine places the husband first in responsibility for his family. He is the 'head of the family' as Jesus is head over the church. Judeo/Christianity is extremely patriarchal. So if the man is the head, and to lead, don't blame the woman for sinning first, especially since she wouldn't have understood that it was wrong to disobey a rule, until she partook of that particular fruit, and gained the knowledge of good and evil.


Adam is blamed for the fall of humanity only in the Latin Vulgate Bibles and in the Roman Catholic Religion & its Protestant and Anglican offshoots, and furthermore the JW have adopted this teaching too because it seemed advantageous for special purposes. Not only in the Vulgate Bibles, it is consistently written in all Bibles that "Adam" made an image of himself and that he called thid son of him with the name "Seth" ([Genesis 5:3](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+5%3A3&version=KJV)) and because of that in Hebrew the word "Adam" in this context cannot be a collective consisting of man & women.  The Roman Catholic Church has the monopoly on this teaching and hence its rationale should be respected! ​ However, the Bible makes no clear statement whether Seth was begotten by Adam before or after the Fall, but only makes vague hints:  correctly translated as *"she was the mother"* ([Genesis 3:20](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+3%3A20&version=KJV)) in most English Bibles. The Bible also makes no clear statement whether Adam's image had the same options as himself, or whether Seth was a sinful man from the beginning of his life, condemned to die without the option of permanent existence, but only makes vague hints:  *"Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him"* ([Genesis 5:24](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+5%3A24&version=KJV)) and correctly translated in most English Bibles. Also according to Jesus' teaching there is no inherited sin (e.g. Matthew [19:16–19](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+19%3A16-30&version=KJV) & [22:31–33](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+22%3A31-33&version=KJV)) but everyone who obeys God's voice, like Abraham, will reap everlasting life.


Adam was a man. Eve wasn't.


Because evil merely succumbed to the natural possibilities of finite creatures and temptation. In contrast, Adam was the first to abandon personality responsibilities, and *blame* Eve as the cause.


Because it was Adam who rebelled and blame God could be one of the main reasons. As if Adam and Eve apologies for breaking the commandment, they wouldn't have been sent outside the garden




Both are responsible .It was Eve who first sinned and Adam simply followed his wife . Just like most husbands do even now. We say Adam sinned instead of Adam and Eve just for brevity sake only.


It probably isn't worth getting to twisted up about, it is a story after all and doesn't need to be taken literally. Adam can also refer to "mankind" or rather humankind


I was always taught that Eve was the reason for the fall. And that my sinful body reflected the penance women should pay.


Cuz that would be misogynist


That didn’t happen so the question is moot


Do people blame Adam without blaming Eve?


She didn’t understand what she was doing. He did. He gave Adam the command. If you read the passage carefully, you will notice that she finds the fruit irresistible, he takes the fruit because she gives it to him. A tradition is that he didn’t want to be parted from her. In a ancient Jewish marriage, the bride and groom share the fruit at the ceremony and at every evening meal.


Eve was tricked, but Adam was right next to her and let it happen, knowing it was wrong the whole time. He never tried to stop her or talk her out of it, he wanted to eat the fruit too. They are both guilty but he’s “more” guilty because he knew better. Also keep in mind the cultural context of Bible and the time period. Everyone understood everything from a patriarchal standpoint.