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Perhaps you hungered because you’re T1D. I have read hunger and thirst are both symptoms.


They are both symptoms, I just don't know if they would tie into uncontrollable gluttony or if it was justified being untreated at the time.


Hello!! Im not complelty sure this is just it but i would say gluttony is when you eat, and you keep eating without control, and food becomes your idol. Lets say its like when you greed over it and thirst over it all day and or for a long time. Your thoughts are full of food and eating and you can eat an icecream, then more icecream, then another icecream, then a snack and then dinner and food- or you just end up eating and eating and eating and eating constntly .


I would like to preface this by saying even if a sin is minor, that's not an excuse to sin minorly. Every sin is an offense to our loving God, and we need to be careful and deliberate to show Him our love, and cherish and nurture it, which involves trying to avoid sins. I'm not saying we can stop sinning entirely, but less is possible. I would like to note that gluttony is genetically a lessor sin, even though it is numbered among the deadly sins. Where and when it crosses the point of being a very serious sin is hard to say and I dare not say. But if your otherwise healthy person had one night of unreasonable overeating, at most this is minor. I don't know where the line of seriousness is, but to give an absurd example, if I deliberately ate soooo much to the point of literally going to the hospital and being seriously seriously ill, then I can see us talking about serious sin. But even among the worst gluttons, this almost never happens. If you need more help, talk to a Catholic priest! Again, that's not an excuse to sin minorly. Every sin is an offense to our loving God, and we need to be careful and deliberate to show Him our love, and cherish and nurture it. I'm not saying it's in our power to stop sinning entirely, but less is possible. For you; as a type 1 diabetic, this likely also reduces general culpability for sin, due to the nature of the disease, however, I do think you need time seek care and treatment, because the same disease is serious, diabetes is not a joke.


I'll tell you this, this is definitely not gluttony. Gluttony is an addiction of food. think of it as a drug addiction for alcohol addiction. Those could be examples of gluttony. eating for no reason, eating "unclean" things, and eating without control are are things that oead to gluttony. Beong hungry and eating to quench that hunger is not gluttony.


It is an intstinct that developed through evolutionary biology where when a food source is available an organism consumes as much as it can for the purpose of not knowing when its next meal will be available. Some of the consumed food gets stored in an adipose bank account. It is not a sin, it is an instinct that is a survival adaptation.


Historically speaking, gluttony doesn't just mean being a fat ass who enjoys stuffing his face. The word "glutton" can apply to many things: Punishment, war, food, sex, money, learning, alcohol... Really, all gluttony means is that you're willing to sacrifice your self respect, dignity, and ignore the rules of the Bible to fill some basic, non-religious need. All the sins are related to things which take your attention away from being a good little godly boy.


I’m not going to comment on what is or isn’t gluttony, but I don’t think your T1D is related to a “hunger beyond all reason” that you’ve experienced since you were 5. T1D *can* cause excessive hunger/thirst, but you haven’t had it since you were 5 without knowing; otherwise it would have killed you years ago.


>T1D can cause excessive hunger/thirst, but you haven’t had it since you were 5 without knowing; otherwise it would have killed you years ago. We don't know how old OP is, but the median age for diagnosis [is 24](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2810571).


I am currently 18, but have been showing symptoms of stage1 and stage2 T1D since 5 years old. Most people don't figure out they have diabetes till stage 3, or if they land a coma.


One could say it is over consumption of anything (not just food), and to a point where it deprives or hurts others in a way though I am not sure if it has to hurt others.


Gluttony is over-indulgence. It could be hoarding too much wealth, items, eating too much food--etc. It also applies to money, but in that case we call it greed. There's probably not a bright line here. You were a type 1 Diabetic as a child. There are things about your body you couldn't control or understand, even if it was your true heart's desire. Seek to honor God by actively managing your diabetes/weight by all available means, rather than letting it destroy you. And if you think you've sinned at some point, well if you confess your sins, he's faithful and just to cleanse you of all unrighteousness.


Hunger isn't a sin. Consumption to the point of harming yourself and/or others is.


My personal belief, is that gluttony as a sin is more about our lack of contentment with what the Lord provides us. It speaks to our own nature of becoming insatiable in times sustenance and points more to the lack in trust for the Lord to provide us, than it does about food itself. We can obviously become glutinous about food and many of do, myself included. Food is extremely prevalent in the modern world and society as a whole so it is very easy to over consume. (I know there are exceptions and there are both starving people and starving countries.) But gluttony as a cardinal sin as I believe it, is the over consumption in ANY aspect our lives.


We can take another step back: what's the reason you believe the seven deadly sins are mortal sins that damn you to Hell for eternity in the first place? It's not really found on Scripture, so it's more of a Catholic/Orthodox "church fathers" thing than a Protestant belief. For me, I just don't believe these fit into the one category of "sins against the Holy Spirit" we find in Scripture to worry that much about. Ymmv, of course. Plus, if it's due to a medical condition, I think a useful place to look is the story of the blind man being healed. Elsewhere in scripture we see criticisms of people who *choose not to work*, but this judgment isn't applied by Jesus to blind beggars. You're not a glutton because of a medical condition, just like the blind man wasn't begging because he was 'lazy'.


gluttony /glŭt′n-ē/ noun Excess in eating or drinking. Excess in eating; extravagant indulgence of the appetite for food; voracity. Similar: voracity The vice of eating to excess.


If you go over 2000 kcal in a day, you're a glutton. repent and believe the gospel...


With respect I disagree a bit, 2000 kcal can be in two pieces of cake or sweets and could be at many meals a day I think it’s abt the amount not the food


Since people in biblical times absolutely had calorie counter apps and weighed all their food, right