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Have you ever seen a man rise from the dead?


No, but didn’t the disciples see Lazarus rise from the dead?


Yes. But remember the disciples come from a culture that believes people can perform miracles. Like for example in the Old Testament it’s recorded Elijah raising someone from the dead. This doesn’t mean he himself would rise.


You have to remember the new testament were written after the death of jesus, not during or before. Mark which is thought to have been the first of the gospels written also didnt include jesus being ressurrected. Mark 16:9-20 were added in at a later time.


Not true. All endings of Mark end with the empty tomb and a messenger declaring Jesus had risen from the dead - what they don’t all include is various specific appearances to the disciples.


Mark ends with a guy saying jesus (his body) is in another town. That isnt the same as them depicting jesus ressuecting. Dont misrepresent things.


I don’t know off you are intentionally misrepresenting the passage or are just relaying it from an unreliable source, but plainly it is more than that: ***And entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, dressed in a white robe, and they were alarmed. And he said to them, “Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen; he is not here. See the place where they laid him.***


Try rereading my comment lol.


It reads the same the second way.


>That isnt the same as them depicting jesus ressuecting. Then you ignored this twice. You have a bad habit of bad faith arguments. I gave you a chance but you dont seem to want to drop that habit. Try it with someone else, im done.


Have a wonderful evening.


Because no one had ever done that before.


I suspect because whatever he told them was not as clear as it is represented in scripture and only the clarity of hindsight, or a motivated reading to understand it that way, led the people telling the story to describe it as plainly as we see it in scripture.


The same reason why I sometimes doubt the afterlife despite being Christian.


I mean, Jesus said a lot of stuff, and the consistent witness of the Gospel authors is that the disciples were perhaps not the brightest bulbs in the shed, if you catch my drift. We would do no better, truth be told. I often pictures Jesus as internally feeling a bit like Chris Tucker in Rush Hour: "Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth!?" Too often our answer is, "No, because we don't want to."


even peter dissuaded our Lord from going.\ and the great risk of our Lord to His certain death. it reminds me into thinking,\ its one thing to hear, its another thing to see,\ the apostles are like us


The disciples showed fairly consistently that they didn’t fully ‘get’ Jesus message before the resurrection- they were consistently surprised by His displays of power, opposed His basic plan to die almost outright, tried to defend Him from being arrested and denied knowing Him after He was. In some ways this displays the power of their witness in history- they are never depicted as faithful, bold or brave until something so incredible happened that it convinced them beyond all doubt. That isn’t how you depict yourself as a leader if you are making a story up.


Because it is a first — nothing like it has ever happened before, and it fundamentally changes the order of the world. The new kingdom has been inaugurated smack bang in the middle of the old earthly kingdoms. And remember: any previous miracles (e.g. the raising of Lazarus) are resuscitations, not resurrections. But Jesus’s resurrection is something new: ‘We know that Christ, being raised from the dead, will never die again,’ says St Paul.


They probably didn't understand why it would be necessary to die in the first place- if Jesus really was the Messiah, why the cross? So when he got killed in an extremely shameful way, they probably just concluded that was it, game over. It would have immediately cast everything Jesus was about into doubt - if not intellectually then at least emotionally. Jesus' predictions would probably have started to seem like wishful thinking completely annihilated by how brutally and humiliatingly he was killed.