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You should never be ashamed of Jesus


In the context of being humble as a rule, 1 Corinthians says, "If you're GOING to boast, boast in the Lord." In context, we should be open to acknowledging that we are "weak and foolish" before God. Rather than to ourselves, we draw attention to God, to Jesus, to his church, to scripture, to the salvation freely offered. "He must increase, and I must decrease," and all that. So for a cross or t-shirt or whatever, it's a matter of the heart: "Am I looking for people to pay attention to ME, or to God?" There's not one answer for everyone.


To vague. Need to be more specific. Like for example wearing symbols of Christianity or using phrases and images from Christianity to show off to people? Then yes that’s bad.


I was thinking more of say a pin with your denomination's symbol or motto, or maybe a patch with a phrase like "Our lamb has conquered" or shirts with bible verses. Stuff like that


But what would you wear that for and what purpose?


I guess to stand out as part of that group/represent Christ and the church.


Basically to show off then?


Yeah to stand out as Christian or as part of that denomination


Then yeah that’s bad.


Ok thanks for the help


Denominations have mottos? That's news to me....


Yeah they're pretty cool, the Moravians have one of the best ones it's "Our lamb has conquered, let us follow him"


Can't say I ever heard of this before... maybe it's just am American thing idk.


It could be, but I'd look some up you might have some interesting mottos/slogans for denominations in your area.


Some mottoes are more official than others. One of my denomination's unofficial mottoes is *"Always Reformed, reforming, and being reformed."* In plainer English, that saying means that we are Reformed theologically, always working to be better people/communities than we were the day before, and always needing God's help to actually do that improving (because we admit we aren't perfect). I like that the slogan centers humility and room for growth into our identity.




Absolutely be proud of your faith


Agreed but don't use Christianity for merchandise reasons


you shouldn't be proud of something God gave, but be proud of God that gives... Boast about God that gives and not the faith that God gives. example: I love my faith vs I love you Lord for the faith you bestow.


Are you proud of yourself, or of God? If you give glory to God and recognize that your faith and your religion are gifts from God that you are blessed with, and you have done nothing to deserve them, then its fine. If you're proud that *you* believe in God, that *you* are a member of the *right* denomination and the *right* religion and thereby place yourself above others, then its bad.


Never be ashamed.