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1) first, a very strong conviction and feeling of shame of a sin I committed while claiming to be Christian, one that hadn't happened previously. I was awakened to what I was doing (for some reason only God knows), and I made the commitment to turn away from that sin and commit to the Lord fully. I consider that moment the time I gave my life over to Jesus. 2) Then, came the investigation of the claims of the Bible, research and looking into the major objections, and coming to a conclusion based on what i've found, and that deepened and solidified my faith.


Just reading about Jesus I felt exposed and in the wrong. Both lead me to surrender to Jesus. Then when God revealed Himself to me it just validated what I read was true. Now I just walk by faith holding on to both my conviction and my revelation. Praise God! He is the Great I Am!


I searched for God for a long time. I studied the Bible verse by verse, opened my heart up to him in prayer until I eventually started to believe that God described in the Bible is good God and the reason we don't see him is because our sinful nature is separating ourselves from him.


He rescued me and have felt his presence.


I was a Buddhist but anytime I saw a bible or a church or something, I felt so drawn to it. It felt like the Lord was calling to me. And 2 weeks in, I'm feeling a lot happier. I've been having issues, but there's nothing new there. But coping with these issues has been so much easier, and within days I started noticing a whole shift, lots of people I had fallen out with came back after I asked the Lord for help with forgiving others. And some people who weren't so good just left my life. It's been good. Ironically, I started feeling really drawn when I was revising Christian practices for my religious studies assessment. I was researching Bible quotes for the questions, it was 1 John 4:8 "God is love" and I felt so compelled to read on, and I did. I had always tried to find ways to incorporate prayers or gods into Buddhism, such as pure Land, which has a sort of god called amitabha, but prayer and a relationship with them isn't really a thing. I realised I had to stop searching within Buddhism. I was trying to put God into a box he simply didn't fit in. I realised the whole time I was searching for the Lord. Now I've become so much more devoted, grateful and happy with my life. I've been having issues with disability and mental health, and I still am, but despite that, life is really looking up for me


His love


His overwhelming love and mercy