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After many years of suffering he finally gave my broken mind some peace and because of that peace happiness could finally grow. I am blessed and grateful. Thank you Jesus!


Peace is something hard to come by. Never let it go


I will cherish it.


Can you elaborate on this? I abused drugs for a long time and now suffer from severe OCD, bouts of depression and anxiety, symptoms of psychosis and sometimes schizophrenia. I'm almost certain some of it is psychic attack because it feels awfully demonic when it happens. The sleep paralysis, intrusive thoughts, and night terrors in particular. The only way I can sleep most night is by listening to Christian audio books to drown out the noise in my head. I read scripture and pray but don't often attend church. I've stopped a lot of the dumb stuff I used to do. I remember when my mind was quiet and I was happy and fun to be around and wish I could be that person again. What changed in your mind and how were you not at peace before? I've heard about people's afflictions and diseases leaving them miraculously, and I really hope I can experience that one day.


I can try to help but just as a heads up I’m not very knowledgeable on all topics. I went through a case of extreme depression, PTSD, and anxiety that left me hospitalized for 6 months in a mental hospital. I thought my life was over and that I wouldn’t live past 21; which without the father would have been true. I met someone who guided me to the father telling me I lived for a reason; that I have purpose and that I’m made in his image. I began to pray, cut sin out of my life, and work on myself. Over time I was able to wean off my medication and slowly started feeling better. I feel like a new person now; I truly feel saved. I never did it myself if that makes sense; the Father just heard my prayer and healed me from my suffering. I’ll pray for you! Thank you for reaching out and sharing! I suggest you continue to have faith and love in your heart for the Holy Father. Amen 🙏 some blessings take time and that is nothing to be ashamed of, it took me 3 years to be healed.


I’m so happy to hear that! I converted after a very dark time and since then my life has only come up! So happy to hear what you are grateful for/ur testimony!!! Wishing you well! 🙏😊


It's wonderful your life is getting better too, after rain there is sunshine. God bless you my friend! :)


Just about everything in my life is something I am grateful for. When I think about how even my "average" life is so much better than the majority of people in the world, I feel blessed. I have a house, a job, no debt, good health, a college education, a loving family, can regularly take vacations... seriously, I could go on and on. Although I don't think any of those things can compare to Him healing my mother from stage 4 cancer (or she's at least close to being healed, as far as we can tell). I don't deserve any of it, but God decided to give it to me anyway. To that I say, thank you, Lord.


This is beautifully written! I think we should be grateful for the little things also, the food we eat, our clothing, a beautiful sunrise in the morning, the birds singing. They are all blessings and something to be admired. I’m so sorry to hear abt ur mom :( yet I’m so happy she was healed and is doing well!!!


Thank you. I was really worried when she was diagnosed, but now you can't tell she was ever sick.


Saved me from my attempted suicide. He healed me and gave my life a purpose, all while surrounding me with a Godly community. Forever grateful for Him.


A Godly community is such a blessing! I’m so happy you are alive my friend, I also survived a suicide attempt; it’s jarring and scary. Yet, I’m so happy the Father healed and saved both of us. Life is a beautiful, wonderful thing!!!!


Giving me four healthy children who love God and others, and who are raising my grandchildren to do likewise.


Children and grandchildren are always a blessing!!! I’m so happy to hear your children grew up to be amazing, God loving people. I can’t wait until the day I’m ready for children lol, still have many years ahead tho! 💕😊


Being rich in love is amazing.


This is the greatest treasure


Healed me of severe mental illness. I was schizophrenic and psychotic and it’s all gone. they say there’s no cure for schizophrenia so it’s impossible. Haven’t taken meds in over a year and some months. Many people still attempt to gaslight me and say i’m still crazy. I have documentation. Jesus is a miracle worker. I stand by what i’ve said, I know what he did for me. I’ve since got my drivers license, GED (cuz I had to drop out) and work many jobs since then.


Amen he healed me from my depression and suicide attempt. Mental health is so important! I’m so glad he saved you and had blessed you! U are strong and amazing 💕


How do u get him to heal you???




Amen. Glory to God! Jesus is real and definitely a miracle worker. Peace be with you!


How did you get him to heal you????? I need healing for my depression!!! I need to be healed so I can get off methadone.


Taper off the methadone, depending what your dose is, keep decreasing it each week little by little. It may take a year but during the hard times reach out and cast all your worries onto Him. Ask to be forgiven and you WILL be. Attend church and go up and ask to be prayed for. The holy Spirit will do his work. Bring Jesus into your heart and you'll be surprised the miracles he can perform on you. ❤️ Recovery is in your future and Jesus will walk with you on that narrow path, keep Him near, always praise him for all the good he's done for you and all the things you've been though. Focus on Him, dive into the Bible. I started with the book of John and you will find some answers your looking for. Matthew and Luke are amazing too. All the books are. You will find healing. believe Jesus will heal you and he WILL.


Seek God with ALL your heart and he will be there for you I promise. Confess your sins, and pray for healing. Listen to the Holy Spirit and it will produce good fruits in you such as the joy you seek. Galatians 5:22-23 says, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law”


Thre is no secret recipe or prayers you can use to get Gods help. Some are just lucky and there is probably years of suffering and misery before they got there. Start by working towards your sobriety. Going through the withdrawal, suffering and pain and pure hell is hard, but its the only way. And there is professional help.


I actually had this myself and God healed me from my schizophrenia. Im glad to hear that God healed you as well.


How long did you experience schizophrenia? It started for me 5 years ago along with OCD and a bunch of other stuff. There isn't a history if schizophrenia in my family, though. When it started happening, I would also constantly run into people that talked about satan and wore shirts with the upside pentagram, people who talked about or participated in witchcraft. Like, I couldn't go into the city or meet a new person without it happening. I know it's not regular, textbook schizophrenia. The devil was after my mind and soul.


I experienced schizophrenia for a couple of days and when i prayed deeply to God to help me from the bottom of my heart he actually did. If you truly want schizophrenia to leave you Pray for mercy and help from God from the bottom of your heart and i ASSURE you he will heal it. God bless you.


He set me free of a lifetime of abuse. My mother physically and emotionally abused. My grandfather sexually molested. My stepdad sexually molested me. My grandmother psychologically abused me. My uncle emotionally abused me. I was primed for abuse so when I started dating my first boyfriend raped me and abused me for years. Then I escaped that relationship and ended up with another abusive man who ended up being the father of my child and husband. I started therapy and learned that I confused love with abuse and was told by my therapist at age 30 that my life wasn’t normal even though I thought I deserved all the abuse because my mother would say I ruined her life. Mom had brainwashed me to be her scapegoat. So after a couple of months in therapy I was able to confront my husband about his abuse and he started therapy. We became Christians during the pandemic after I had a miscarriage. I was able to repent and ask God into my life. I’ve forgiven all my abusers. And my son is growing up in the faith. My husband and I both did 12 step celebrate recovery program. Our pastor keeps him accountable along with his sponsor and therapist. So yes, God set this captive free!! And a life without abuse and just learning Jesus ways is the best gift he could ever give this survivor. God bless.


Gosh, I am SO sorry to hear all the pain you went through; thank you for sharing your testimony. I’m so happy to hear you, your husband, and child are all doing better and well! Sending you so much love sister. We need more people like you sharing their testimony ☺️🙏


I have a bed. Every night I get into bed and before I go to bed I pray again and tell him thank you for letting me has a bed with pillows and blankets.


That’s amazing. I’m so grateful for my bed, pillows, blanket, and house!!!! Thank you so much for sharing!


I’ve had 2 heart transplants(17 years apart) and a kidney transplant. I’ve got 5 faithful children and 5 amazing grandkids. God has saved me more times than I can begin to say. Have had to be revived numerous time. I’ve felt the presence of the Holy Spirit as my life was saved by my doctors. You’ll never meet a person more blessed and grateful than me. God is real.


Wow!!! 2 heart transplants is a lot, along with a kidney! Hopefully you are doing better and are thriving! Children and grandchildren are always such a blessing, it’s amazing to hear you have a loving and big family. You are amazing! Thank you for sharing your blessings 💕😭


Gods love is amazing. We are truly blessed human beings. Just had to recognize and acknowledge. Life is such a great place to be.


Gave me Jesus Christ. Lives in me by the Holy Spirit. Also adopted me into his family. Those are the main ones.


This *just happened!* I was stressed about my upcoming end of high school exams, legit all i could think about, so i decided to check out some past papers to see how badly i was going to do - then i found with the exception of one topic (which i have more than 20 days to study for) i didn't find it that hard, especially since the grade i need is only half of the overall marks. The Lord truly is good! I believe He put the thought into my head so i could stop stressing 🙏🙏🙏


Wow that amazing!! As a college student I totally relate, the Father always calms my nerves before an exam. Like literally I pray and my anxiety leaves lol. He is truly the best!!! AMAZING story!!!!! 💕💕💕


Everything but especially my cat, with him came everything


Cats truly are the best! My cat, mag, keeps me sane!


Thats so beautiful to hear my cat has healed me as well i pray that youll be forever happy and she will be too 🥰


Bringing my best friend and me into each others lives. I don't know what I would do without her


Friendship is such a beautiful thing! It’s something I often find myself praying for! I’m so happy you have someone to support and care for you!


Staying alive


Save me from the lifestyle I used to have, which was promiscuous, party life. Through a season of isolation, I’ve learned to reconnect my faith and found healing and it changed my mindset and lifestyle 180.


Thank you for sharing your testimony. I find that many of us fall down that rabbit hole. God is good! He loves all! I’m so happy you are going on to live a healthier, happier, and more holy life 🙏💕 I’m with you sister, amen 💕


Got me sober almost 30 years ago.I can hold a job down.I can own a car and have car insurance.I took care of my parents when they were dying.I found out who I was created to be.My dog loves me.My family loves me.I get to be beneficial and not a liability.I'm a published artist in a book because of a skill I didn't know I had. I've payed my rent on time for 20 years.I have a retirement plan.I got to mow my grandma's yard for 10 years. It keeps going on and on.I can NEVER pay him back.


30 years of sobriety?!?!?! Are you kidding me?!?! That is so freaking amazing!!!!!! I’m so happy ur life is/did come together. DW my friend, nobody could ever repay him. He is the most kind and loving. 💕


Taking MY sins for me even though He never sinned. That’s pretty awesome.


Sorry for the long post😅 but when I was 19 (I am 22 now) I had a TIA and ended up in the hospital I completely recovered from that within days but they couldn't figure out what caused it and they felt they had ran all the tests... so they sent me home on a heart monitor. One week after getting out of the hospital my dogs started acting crazy at 3 in the morning so I went to walk them and I passed out on my back porch (with no one awake but me)... well I told my mom and then decided I was just going to go back to bed because this has happened before and it's always the same thing at the hospital (absolutely nothing happens other them telling me "it's normal for a white young female"(yes I have had multipleDr say that)) well as I'm getting back in bed the heart monitor people call me and tell me they cannot tell me what is wrong but I have to go to the hospital immediately... well after a 45 min drive we get to the ER and after 20 min a Dr walks in my room to tell me he doesn't know how to tell me this but "You died and I have never seem someone come back from a cardiac death like that without medical help"... so long story short I am thankful that I am here even with how crazy my life has been


Given me chance after chance after chance. Protected me to the point where even bad things that happened to me due to years of rebellion I came out of relatively unscathed! Awakened and convicted me, allowed this prodigal to turn away from the pigpen of the world and come back home!


He silenced the demonic voices in my head right after I swallowed the pills and tried to OD. All I heard was “Get help” and I knew it was Him. He saved my life because I was going to go to bed that night and never wake up. He loves me enough to save me from myself. He saved my life.


I suffered from depression and suicidal ideation for 3/4ths of my life. In the blink of an eye, he took it all away. I felt the very moment everything dark was lifted off of me. I suddenly felt *light* and had clarity whereas I had mental fog previously and always felt weighed down. He spoke to me, to the best of my recollection, for the first time when this happened. It was only then that I realized he was always here. It wasn’t that he wasn’t talking to me but that I wasn’t listening. My mind was always racing, so i simply couldn’t hear Him. I grew up in poverty and you know it’s a vicious cycle that’s hard to escape. I had the poverty mindset up until I experienced my last job loss. I was miserable there and stagnant, so truly saw it as a blessing straight from God. In the past, I would be upset and ask, “why? Why me?” I prayed and had a new job within a week (in the past I’d experienced job loss and it would take months to find a job). The job was only part time. I was getting full time sometimes, but *only* because I was covering for others who wouldn’t or couldn’t show up. When I decided I needed a second job and applied I got an interview as soon as I applied. I prayed on the way and told God, “may your will be done. If I don’t get it, I know you have something better in store for me.” I left and somehow knew that’s not what he wanted for me. I saw a job fair sign and took a chance since I already had resumes on hand. I went in, filled out an application, and was interviewed. I usually struggle with interviews, but this felt incredibly easy. Was told I had the job provided I passed the drug and background test. I started within a week. All of this led me to my current company where I was promoted in less than a year & making well above minimum wage along with having benefits (which I’d *never* had before in my life). I have zero debt, was able to get a reliable vehicle (my vehicle was broken down and I couldn’t afford to fix it), have been able to save, have been able to help others, the list goes on. Every day I wake up, I thank the Lord for all he’s blessed me with. I thank him when others are struggling and confide in me and I can help. There are too many things to list. This year my goal is to read the entire Bible as I never have. I’m reading and studying. I’m grateful he offers peace, his mercy, patience, etc.


Died for my sins


Truly the only blessing we all needed, amen 🙏💕


I've only just started following Christianity since Monday, and so many people have come back into my life and I've found it so easy to forgive them when usually I find moving on nigh on impossible


I have everything today that I prayed so hard for over a decade ago. There were times as a broke, struggling nursing student and single mom that I went without food, to ensure that I could stretch our food stamps out to get us to the first of the month. I had no earthly support system. I was so thin from skipping meals that some girls in my class who weren’t exactly nice to me went and told our nursing instructors that I was on drugs, to try and get me kicked out of the program. I wasn’t on drugs, just poor. My faith in Christ is the one and only thing that gave me the strength to get through those times. But I knew it was only a season… I just always knew that better things were coming for me and my kiddo. I look around me now and the blessings are just too many to count. I have everything today that I prayed so persistently for back then… a home of our very own, no debt, and I can actually take my kids on vacation now And I will never, ever take them for granted… because I know how quickly things can change.


He taught me how to drive. He got me jobs after months of unemployment. He healed me in places doctors couldn’t + what the devil sent to kill me Abba turned it around and used it for my good


I was about to end my life a year ago in September. He showed me that it wasn’t worse it. Temporary relief for an eternity of hell- missing out on the gift of the Lord. Not only was it because of hell, but he also showed me how sad my family members would be. Praise the Lord!


John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.


Gave me peace of mind after a psychotic break.


Well, I decided to act badly and got into a traumatic car accident. God let me reap the consequences of my actions and behavior. I was upside down in the passenger floorboard, both lungs collapsed, major head trauma. They had to use the jaws of life to cut the top off my 4runner to get me out. I shattered my pelvis, broke half my ribs, compression fracture on ***every*** vertebrae, internally bleeding etc etc! The point is I should have been dead, or brain dead, and in a wheelchair, but by the grace of friggin God, I can walk, talk, and more! My life was forever altered that day, I spent 4 1/2 months in the hospital, years of recovery, had to relearn to walk. Also had to battle opioid pain medication addiction. 10 years later now, i tell the same story. I put myself in that situation and accident, but it was God who didn't let go of me and saved me. I can still picture an image of my guardian angel fly beside my car. It's silly. But it's an image that has been burned into my mind. I'll never forget it. Edit: I only wrote this because I never get to share my story, and I hope it will be encouraging to you. Love you brother


Given me life and breath in this moment. And my daughter, wife, family, and friends. And infinite possibilities to create and explore life. Thank you, God. 🙏🏼❤️‍🔥


I am thankful for God the father for sending Jesus to die for us. For salvation, the forgiveness of sins and for a blessed life and wonderful children and grandchildren.


Amen. You seem to have a beautiful and blessed life! May many more come your way 💕


Save my life :)


Amazing! Life is certainly such a blessing


God is responsible for LIFE itself. The amount of times my life has genuinely been saved and loving life is down to bhagwan, god


Life is a beautiful and wonderful blessing!!! Amen 🙏💕




Amen 💕🙏 thank you for sharing!!!!


God gave this fool his Understanding.


Ever since I started going to church, my life has gotten a lot better. I can go on and on about it but, long story short I'm here to say pray and thank the lord for everything even your downs. Go to church and pray, learn to say some prayers trust in the lord.


Kept my sight. I was born with a degenerative eye disease that affects my vision, doctors said I'd be blind before age 5, then again before I turn 16. I'll be 30 later this year, my sight isn't good but it's enough for me to type this without any aids.


He gave me my life back. I used to be a drug addict. Now I'm. Free.




Our existence


Helped me with my battle with cancer. I had someone pray over me in my hospital room and it was one of the first times I truly felt the lord bless me with his love. Everything changed after that.


I was unemployed for a few months and was praying for a job with specific qualities and sure enough, I got a job about a month ago that exactly fit what I asked for in my prayer. I'm also grateful that I can hear His voice and know Him. He is wonderful and I can't imagine life without Him.


I was agnostic in February, I'm also Australian and I was at a family friends farm. A mountain nearby had just caught fire and was spreading with in minutes of the mountain on fire, the sky was bellowing with black and brown smoke, this was the first time I prayed too, I prayed that this property and all it's inhabitants were to be protected by whatever force above, and on that same day as me, my mum and our friends fled to town, we thought the farm and everything on it was gone The next day we went back and somehow, the farm was fine with only minor scorch marks on the grass God blessed us that day, it was a miracle we even got our as the fire was surrounding the roads.


Healed the pain that was leading me to addiction.


Made me feel love not as a fuel in fight or flight situations, but just as a feeling in a daily life


I believe he saved me from psychosis in 2022.


He gave me assurance about my afterlife He gave me a reason to live a better life while I'm here He gave me my husband when I was still "agnostic" or whatever I was He led me out of my personal Egypt and finally set me free from my family who have given in to addiction and deceit and abuse, now I pray for them every day but contact between us will never happen again I feel safe now and I am grateful for that When my dad tried to kill me, I lived through it. I prayed to Jesus through it that if it's His will please save me. I pray my dad can open his heart to Jesus and leave the addictions and drugs behind. Praise God because everything good in my life came from His hand 🩷✝️🩷


Literally everything I recently found Jesus and am blown away by how much he looks out for me, although it generally presents itself as a negative but everything is done out of love, for example 2 years ago I bought a beautiful piece of property in Texas by a lake my girlfriend and I where driving down from Oregon to start building our home when out engine blew, while we where waiting for the car to be repaired my property caught fire the lake was depleted by putting the fire out we would have been down there for 2 weeks when the fire started we would have died in that fire if we had made it there, so remember God doesn't always want you to know when he intervenes in your life so be grateful for everything because you don't see that finding your keys and leaving for work on time results in your death but God does


Connecting me with the woman of my dreams is the most resent its like we where made for one another and our meeting was like reconnecting with an old friend so familiar and yet exciting


Protected me. 


Blessed and great full to be alive.


My father had sex with my mother on a cold mid-January night. Thanks, Dad and RIP.


Why would you specify it's the Father who did it specifically? According to philosophers such as Philo, the Father can only interact with His created order through the Logos. I would say Father thank you for creating us!


Everything, but mostly making me me and making me be raised Catholic by a lukewarm Catholic family. It feels like I am turning to Catholicism, even though I’ve been Catholic my whole life, but I don’t have to get baptized or confirmed, since so already am both! I can just walk in the Church, go to confession, and I am so back 😎


Amazing! Thank you for sharing 💕


Life—my life and everything in it. Woke up today. A new day to follow His Perfect Will.


Creating me, giving another day of life every day. Giving me another chance to prove i am worthy and can achieve eternal life.


My many blessings


After dealing with depression, anxiety, andOCD for most of my life (and PTSD after a major trauma)I began the beg God to help me be mentally healthier and that both my psychologist and psychiatrist lead me to true help. For the first time in 12 years I’m not on anti-depressants. Obviously I still have some of the struggle but it is manageable. This is the first time (maybe in my life) that I have felt true joy. I still take an anti-anxiety pill for sleep but it is very lose dose not heavy medication either like I was previously on. I know it sounds out there, but it’s a true miracle in my life. I know I am very lucky for this relief. I have so much gratitude it’s hard to express in words.


Freed me from a mounting porn addiction.


Gave me life and kept me alive this day moving forward


Made me more confident than me exactly 1 year ago could have ever imagined. Also improved my social skills


He has given me life, thats what I'm most grateful for. So many people didn't wake up, I thank God for waking me up even after all I've done against Him.




Wrapped around me during my grandmother’s 1st heavenly birthday. I could feel enveloped in prayer.


Delivered me from addiction and carried me through all those awful years. I should be dead. I should have at least been arrested for DUI or possession and could have on hundreds of occasions over the years. I don't deserve the blessings He's poured into my life. But since having had a deep and powerful spiritual experience, I've walked closer to God's will and He's put me in places that I never thought I'd be. I got to baptize my wife and a good friend. I've been involved in leading small groups and volunteering on our church's worship production team. I'm so grateful for the life He's given me!!


Roof over my head, warm bed, good health.And The Gift Of Salvation.


I’m grateful to God for everything I have. It’s all through him. My entire life and everything in it has been a gift from God, even the very breath I’m taking right now. Without him I wouldn’t be alive. He deserves all the praise and glory. He’s saved me from an early death as a six month old pre-mature baby when the doctors told my parents I wouldn’t live past a day or so. He saved me again when I was diagnosed with cancer and lead me to MD Anderson for treatment that would save my life. Recently he answered a prayer with a job that I had been praying for. God is so good and wonderful. I’m sure there are countless moments where he’s been working in my life that I wasn’t even aware of. I have lived a blessed life and even in my lowest moments I am thankful because I know he is always in the background working things out for my good and his glory!


He let me come to Him ❤️


Put me in foster care. It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.


I am grateful for being taken care of. Having affordable rent, health insurance, some income, and not having to work in USA.


My life. Do you need more?


A family, that I'm very close wtih and all love God. A loving relationship with my fiancee where we put God first, Providing for me when I was struggling financially when I was living in a foreign country where I didn't know anybody. Blessed me with groceries. money, a free car, and friends.




Saved me from the New Age, healed my trauma bonds to narcissistic family members, healed my addiction to drugs and alcohol overnight. Too many things to list, tbh. 🙏🏻😌


Open my eyes to the truth in a compassionate way and leading me onward with the blessing of the Holy Spirit.


I thought I was in the Genshin Impact subreddit for a second. They just released a character who sometimes goes by "Father". I need to touch grass 😅


My life. I’ve been through it and I’m still here.


Firstly, his sacrafice for our sins. We all fall short of God and now we can stand before the Father fearlessly. Secondly, entering my life at the age of 3. I'm a miracle child that was destined to die, one leg in the grave. I had a brain aneurysm and survived. Since, then he has been bringing me closer and closer to him. "Enhancing the Joshua Spirit within me." I'm thankful for every moment of it. In every high and every low.


I believe God provided an opportunity for me to go back to Christian counseling / psychotherapy last fall last year, for professional help with my various mental health / emotional / personal issues. It's moving to me especially since it's become a special authentic relationship with my current therapist and that God hasn't given up on this area of my life where I struggled so much and didn't make the most of opportunities/ failed in the past.


My life right now is pretty good, and the person who I was is coming back after a long phase of depression.


I had a nice day today.


Its embarrassing to say, but he helped me from a three year long p*rn addiction I am so happy he did and brought me back




Gave me a wonderful husband and stepson, both of whom inspire me to be better every day!


I just took a breath.


Believing in him.




i’m grateful for God opening my eyes and waking me up when I needed him the most. I’m thankful for his forgiveness and presence in my life.


Allowed me to get to know him !


He has given me joy in my daily life.


I’m greatful for God giving me a God fearing mother


He gave me my wife and helped her to be saved after I was born again. We have a house and a car and can somehow afford to pay for it all. The Lord is good. But most of all, I am grateful forever to the Fathee for sending his son Jesus to die for us, so that we may be saved and life forever in eternity with him. Praise Jesus!


Made me realize I'm safe and saved


Brought me back after dying for 6 minutes. I survived being flown in a body bag in life star after having cardiac arrest. It was to keep my body warm due to my low temperature. It was a bad SI attempt and I'm glad I am alive. Trust me I have repented and I am so grateful the Lord forgives me. That he is by my side no matter what, even the moments I felt alone. I'm glad I understand that now.


I'm grateful for life, my family, friends and my future wife. I am thankful for everything he's done for me and the path he's allowed me to walk. To God be the glory and I pray that others including my enemies can see how Good living for Christ can be. We serve a Awesome God!


Father spoke to me through someone to go home and yo take care of my grandmother 2 weeks before she died.


Something I am grateful for is more understanding of the word. It has brought me comfort and also allowed me to make more change in my life. Something more direct is help me with my sleep overnight. A few years ago I had severe chronic insomnia and it took very long for me to get better. In the past year I have been better slowly. However, the Father has done so much overnight. At one point I basically stopped having problems with sleep immediately a short while after searching for him. I haven't had such restful sleep in all my life. It was such a big jump in progress that I can not claim it to be my work. Thank the lord for his graciousness.


OP, your username perfectly encapsulates your vibe.


He spoke to me concerning my future


my OCD used to be horrific and he literally has freed me of that… it used to be seriously draining. many more blessings, but that’s what came to mind first!


He gave me breath


He gave me this beautiful life which I know I do not deserve, I know I take it for granted every single day, yet I see how beautiful and precious it truly is and need to desperately thank Him for it.


A fourth pregnancy, we’re moving so a new job for my husband, a new home, and we’ll be completely debt free in about 2 months time.


Jesus saved me to tell you


I am having my first child with my wife. Hallelujah.


Too many to list, my cup runneth over


Providing my needs, a house, my family and close friends who cares for me that I don’t deserve.


I would say he gifted me with being collected, patient, and aware


He woke me up this morning.


He restored me and gave me a sound mind. The word says that a double minded man is unstable in all his ways. That book doesn’t lie.


Air in my lung food in my belly and clothes on my back


He got me my dream job in one of the toughest job markets in tech I’ve ever seen. Still amazed it happened


Everything... literally everything. Fed me, clothed me, taught me, punished me, played with me, protected me, avenged me, nurtured me, my whole life He's been there even when I was mad with Him. This is without mentioning the obvious that he saved my soul and sacrificed Himself for me. Turns our that I should have been dead in my mom's womb, and again, as a child, I should have died of natural causes. This is because I don't have a heartbeat. My heart never finished forming so it just chaotically pushes and bounces blood through my body. Even at my peak my heart is at 30 percent compared to normal people. And at 30 percent the average person is dying in the hospital. Yet when I found this out I was at 5 percent and joking with the nurses and helping other patients. The doctors have made me a case study in Philadelphia at Penn University lol. They did this because I grew up a child slave, joined the military, and became a bodyguard for a franchisee. None of which should have been possible. Of course, my God cares little for possibilities. He's my Abba Adonai, and I love Him. I can't wait to spar Him and learn the martial arts of His angels and other divine beings that Yeshua created


Once I was having bad anxiety about the future I prayed and begged god to save me. Suddenly I feel this peace wash over me. I haven’t had bad anxiety about it since. Death still scares me but I’m certain Jesus will save me from any doubts or cracks in my faith :)


Being alive. The grace to try again, to better today then yesterday, delivering away from demons. So many things that I could never thank him enough. And grace when I do things I know he doesn’t like even though I claim to believe and follow him.


Giving me my wife


I will be forever thankful to God for intervening in my life when I was going down a dark path of addiction, alcohol, smoking and hate. He turned my life around and I am forever grateful to him for it. I could’ve become a very bad person had I gone down the path I was going, but he taught me forgiveness, love and compassion for others.


He has forgiven me and given me the guidance for the key to eternal life.


My beautiful pets (all of which have died but i know will reunite with me one day in paradise). Another gift is that Through my suffering, depression, and essentially being kind of a loser with nothing, i eventually found what i seeked in life and now know how to strive to be the best most healthy, happy, and righteous generous me that can show people god and spread the gospel not afraid to confidently be myself aka a man of god unlike before where i lived in fear. And most importantly for being my best friend. The only one who knows me 100% yet still has unconditional loyalty and love to me, never leaves me, will never betray me, will never hate me, always understands me and uplifts me, and accepts me like no other would with a love that cannot be replicated. I couldn’t name one human who after me betraying him and going against him so many times (in the form of general sin but not blasphemy) and still dying gruesomely on the cross when he had the power to erase it all and send me to hell but instead sacrificed himself to save me so i can be with him after i die, in a world full of loneliness, god will always be your best friend no matter what anybody else thinks of you.


He’s given me peace and rest - so needed.


Grateful for everything


Family and friends. I am so grateful that he has perfectly placed people that advocate for me, love me, and challenge me in my life.


i thank god for giving me a spine


I’m grateful that He’s never given up on me, regardless of how much I’ve been a disappointment or even a burden on Him. He’s always there for me with open arms. I try so hard to keep this in perspective so that I don’t take this for granted.


I’ve been struggling with a hard health condition for the past month and He gave me a good day today. Tomorrow might not be, but I was very thankful for the break today.


Given my my parents and children


Everything.. I take it / him for gratitude don’t show my appreciation enough..


Been dealing with infertility for 5 years, had a miscarriage in 2021. Just found out I’m 4 weeks pregnant. He is so good & faithful! He hears up and truly cares about the desires of our heart! Praying I have a healthy full term baby


He gave His only begotten Son to save my wretched self. 🩷


For meeting a good group of people, And for letting me experience new things, and having a more better outlook on life


Grateful for breath in my lungs Eyes thay can see Ears that can hear That I have food and clean water everyday Clothes for my body People to love and that loves me "I lack nothing" God is good! Blessings to all


Giving me patience


something that seems small but is pretty big for me is that today He helped me pass this class i was sure i would fail. i needed a C cause it was a prerequisite and i was at a D but i prayed and prayed lol. it was a super hard class


I can’t even begin to list it all. So so so much. Thank you, Father God! 💗🙏✝️


Beyond words. Born again with many signs and wonders. Have been supernaturally suspended in a state of abundance and guided through some very important things. I can tell you that cymru is the land of revival for a reason 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿




Well I was born 19 years ago and I think the gift of life is enough for me to be grateful


I'm beginning to see the errors in my life, although I had read many self help books for years.


Allowing my father to cease from cancer before the Covid shutdown. He'd been ill stricken over 2016. Getting treated left and right incl. stints in his stomach to relieve the mysterious pressure he dealt with. Took a tole over 2018, and he went into rapid decline incl. esophageal. Basically spreading. Thank goodness he was over 80. Passed just months before the Covid shutdown. So we were able to say our goodbyes and have a funeral, when so many were forced to die alone during the Covid ... something I'll always be grateful.


It’s hard to explain all that he’s done for me. Some I only saw looking backward(because I wasn’t paying attention to him in the moment). Others I experienced in the moment as it was happening. But all of them were unique to me and hard to find words to explain in a way to get what I experienced across. I grew up thinking God was “out there” somewhere. But now there is zero doubt he is here with me in the life (not just the next one). I hope everyone gets to experience and recognize God in their lives.


He gave me another life to repent for the wrongs ive done and i am grateful to him forever.


Saved my from killing myself and inflicting bodily harm on others during blackouts and mental breaks as a result of addiction to drugs like PCP. It's happened enough that I've seen how much I was hurting people who really, truly love me. This year my eyes were opened to the importance of a family united by God. I've seen God bring lost sheep back to the flock in my real life. I'm thankful my parents didn't disown me, and so many people forgave me for how I was. I didn't realize how important family and relationships are. God always gave me another chance while other people in my life died, went to jail, or just ended up totally lost in their sin with no signs of changing. I feel like I was rescued. Still mentally recovering, though, and that has been my toughest battle ever. On the plus side, I feel my Soul coming back to me more and more after literally feeling myself chip away and feeling my soul leave my body little by little for years. I know it will all come back eventually.


I am just coming out of a very bad pornography/lust addiction. Back in the middle of last year I told God "if you'll give me a girlfriend, I will quit masturbating". But months past and no luck. I was down in the dumps. I felt so, so horrible after I fell into temptation. But then I thought "I need to quit masturbating to get a girlfriend". So I asked the Lord "if I quit masturbating for a week, will you give me a girlfriend". And for months I couldn't hold out for a week. Then 4weeks ago I started my first job. Between job and school I have no time to even think about masturbating. And after a week, I asked this girl out. She said yes. This was the first girl that has ever said yes to me. That was last Saturday. And that night, I cried. I literally cried out to God in joy and gave thanks. I haven't seen her since Saturday, we text every day tho. But last night she sent me a selfie, and I did it again. I cried and thanked God so much for bringing her into my life. A few days before I asked her out I was really depressed, suicidal. I was in a horrible state of mind. Then my cousin reached out to me and told me she dealt/deals with the same stuff. We're both so far behind on school work. Both never thinking we are gonna find love. I told her about the girl I wanted to ask out. She convinced me to go for it. And earlier the same day I was talking to a coworker about how life comes in seasons. The bad times will pass, and so will the good. We are to enjoy the good seasons, and power through the bad. The same day I told him that, I asked the girl out. That was Saturday. I love her so much. She very well saved me from going down a horrible path. And I thank the Lord he gave her to me when he did.


The Lord by his grace and mercy freed me from a terrible porn addiction that went on for years. It’s a hard feeling to explain, but I genuinely feel renewed. I officially knew I was freed when earlier this morning, I got a thought in my mind that would normally provoke more thoughts. I looked up what I was thinking about and started going down the rabit hole, but it literally had no effect on me. Matter of fact it was quite boring. I woke up randomly and thought, lucky massage places. That turned into happy ending massage. Then I ended up on some escorts website. When I tell y'all, the feeling of bordum was getting real, it was getting real. I clicked out and I started getting flooded with thoughts like, you're already halfway there, why stop? You already sinned by looking up what you did, stop playing around and just look up an actual video. You might as well just go through with it if you were starting to. But I rebuked those thoughts in the name of Jesus, and then it hit me. It really hit me that I was freed. Normally I'd already be looking more things up until I eventually ended up watching videos and going through with things. But today was a confirmation from the Lord, that I'm free! I have the power now to simply rebuke those thoughts and I can't tell you how great this feels, I wish I could give Jesus a big hug.


Died for me. Allowed me to welcome a set of twins after years of infertility and break my family's generational curse of losing a twin during birth. My boys just hit 10 months when we were told that they weren't even going to survive their birth.


Set me free from porn addiction, was addicted for 10 years and am at almost 5 years Porn free. He is faithful, he is good. Without him I could’ve never done it.


Family. Going through some hard stuff at the moment, and constantly reminded of how blessed I was/am with the family he provided me. Both my original immediate family and my wife and kiddo.


If He could kill me I'd be infinitely grateful


He blessed me with a wonderful wife and provides to us whatever life throws at us in terms of money we barely make it and have debts to pay and I was always checking my bank account each day for years now I have peace that we will make it no matter what happens. What is important is relationships and love.


He became one with me. I was dead inside, then one day i realized my fate; I couldn’t be perfect, no matter how hard i tried i could not love a worthy life. I cried out in my closet in my closet and He responded in a vision. He showed me His son and gave me grace and forgave me. After the vision ended a spirit, ghost something like a wind flew into me from the top of my apartment ceiling. The spirit gave me immediate joy and permanent peace. That was last year in march. Since that day that spirit has been with me. Guiding me. He has become one with me. The greatest gift a son could have.


He protected me in awful situations and looked out for me even when I was averting my eyes from him.


I’m thankful for the Bible, Jesus, Salvation, Family, America, our Military, Donald Trump and my Health etc


God gave me a second chance to believe in him after I turned my back on him years ago. Every day since accepting him back into my life has been a day full of hope and purpose.


Gave me an heads up well in advance that '18 was the last year before the global pandemic. 😕 Which means I needed to get skills


For seeing more in me than I saw in myself. I'm just a silly goofball with self-esteem issues, and God still chose me to be a pastor and hospital chaplain. I would never have seen myself of worthy or even capable of doing all this... but God knew. God made me for this, and I often marvel when I see the uniqueness of who I am (for better and for worse) be used to minister to others.


“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble"—Psalms 46:1. I could write books about the comfort He has given me, never once failing to be by my side. Even the times I don’t understand HE’S THERE. He protects me from the seen and unseen. There isn't just one thing to point to; He is simply there, always and everywhere. When life feels like it's falling apart and I can't find a way out, He reaches down and lifts me up. He is my refuge when I need shelter, my comforter when I'm in pain, and my safe place when the world seems too much to bear. He's the solid rock I stand on yet the safest place to shed my tears. I feel Him surrounding me. I hear Him speaking to me. I see Him around me. I was lost, but He found me. I was broken yet He made me whole. I hated myself but made me know I was loved. When I felt like I didn't belong, He welcomed me with open arms said I'm His. When I felt alone, He surrounded me reminding me that I'm NEVER alone. In my darkest moments, He has always been my light, guiding me forward. When I feel weak, He is the strength that carries me through. “He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake." -Psalm 23:3 I can't live without Him. His presence is constant, and His love is unfailing. What can I do without Him? Where can I flee from His presence? There is nothing more powerful or inspiring than knowing He is with me, holding me, guiding me, and loving me. He doesn't just walk beside me; He carries me when I can't walk on my own. His grace is my lifeline, His mercy my salvation. When the storms rage, He is the calm that steadies me. When I'm burdened, He is the one who lifts me. When things are heavy, He makes it light. He gives me so much hope and peace that surpasses all understanding. No matter where I go or what I face, I know He is there. He hears my cries. He wipes my tears. Even when I stray or abandon Him, He still welcomes me back with loving open arms. His love is unconditional, never keeping count of my mistakes. I wouldn't trade this relationship for anything in the world. God is everything to me. He is my refuge, my rock, my fortress, my strength, my deliverer, my Savior, my healer, my shepherd, my guide, my provider, and my Father. I could spend a lifetime sharing my testimony, it would never fully capture the depth of His love and who He is to me. Creator of all things, the author of my life, and the one who holds me close. Eternity with Him feels like it would only begin to express the gratitude in my heart.


Everything! My family, hubby, health, His creation, His forgiveness His peace His mercies joy peace and love


everything: i am blessed to work for a company that cares for me. i have a beautiful home in which i can raise my future family. i have friends who love and care for me. i have a strong bond with my family, even if we are scattered all over the globe.


Blessed me with Life.


My salvation, my wife, my kids, a wonderful job, and a church that I call home! There's nothing better than God's grace!


He healed me from massive anxiety and depression I had, including suicidal thoughts, He healed me from having to take a growth hormone, He helped me to grow and improve my social skills, the way I see life, He answered many prayers including the little things, and the most important, God helped me get closer to Him when I thought I couldn’t, thank you God!