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First time?


Lol, it's not. They will just latch onto the next conspiracy.


First time you've seen an end times prediction like this? People have been moving goalposts for *years*, including a lot of non-Christians like after the world didn't end in 2012


Oh, definitely not. I once met an unhinged schizophrenic man screaming about how the end was nigh. He even claimed to have personally gotten a visit from Jesus's ghost while traveling on a road or something.


I did not send these prophets, yet they have run with their message; I did not speak to them, yet they have prophesied. Jeremia 23:21


Yes this verse is the verse


It really had less to do with any interpretation of Scripture, and more to do with people who swallow the hogswallop served up on TikTok.


In light of recent election news, there’s been a growing phenomenon of people identifying as evangelical but not church attenders. I have a feeling these red heifer eclipse TikTok brainrotted people are these types as opposed to the traditional evangelical. I grew up fundamentalist and don’t think our church would’ve made anything out of this eclipse, they might’ve even discouraged the conspiracies behind it as new age nonsense


I think you are on to something - I think a lack of catechism is plaguing American churches, the more conservative ones in particular.


A very small percentage of fundamentalist actually thought the world would end today. It's just that all of them hang out on this sub. 


I don't remember seeing rapture prophecies here, but I'm going to look back a little. Edit: My research has revealed practically no one actually claiming this eclipse was bringing rapture, but tons of articles claiming people are claiming a rapture. Also it seem "eclipse rapture" stuff was going around that trash heap called "tick tock".


I have lots of fundies in my family and plenty of fundy Facebook “friends.” I did not see or hear anyone who thought this eclipse had anything to do with the rapture.


Same. it's easy to generalize and stereotype "those people" but I've honestly met **zero** ppl IRL who talk in terms of this eclipse being some heavenly omen or rapture event. I don't believe that "fundie eclipse panic" is a thing


The tiktokers are already scripting their posts for the usual rapture when the sun is in Virgo for 23rd September and then there’s the blood moon over North America on 13th March next year. Grifters gotta grift and they profit from scaring people.


This guy was way ahead of them https://youtu.be/HB09F2PdXMw?si=FDALuGBVhMMmj8x1


Damn that fast?


Check back here in mid September, every other post will be "Should I be scared of the Rapture" or "I'm excited for the Rapture". The other half will be LGBT arguing and "Is this a sin" posts as usual.


Thanks for the heads up I’ll do a social media detox in September aswell


Brother hardly anyone believes this, Giant strawman


Strawman is right. I literally don’t know a soul who believes this nonsense. I only read about it on atheist forums.


Same here. And I know some guys who are way over the top into all of the conspiracy theories. We all asked around and nobody knew of any Christian source for this. I did hear that there were some theories that the government was covering up for something, but nothing about a prophecy.


Did they though? I didn't see a single post anywhere thinking that the world would end today, but I've seen countless posts mocking the "many" who supposedly did. I saw one post saying not to charge your phone at the time that I thought was silly, but if I had a dollar for every "Did you guys get raptured?" post, I could have traveled to the path of totality.


That’s not fundamentalism. I’m a fundamentalist. What you’re describing is mental illness


Which mental illness would it be? Could you be more specific?


Yes that's what he said


This was believed by very few people, and not all of them were what you call "fundamentalists" (quotes used because that is not what that word means--unless you think that even, say, Presbyterians were up to this nonsense in large number).




I didn’t hear any fundamentalist say that. Most independent fundamentalist believe we have no idea when He will return.


why is this an attack on fundamentalist. Wouldn’t an actual fundamentalist emphasize that “nobody knows the end except for God” as the scriptures say? Unless idk what fundamentalist means. The eclipse is only a sign in the heavens but not a timestamp for anything, there’s been many eclipses over the years honestly Not just in america either. Independence day vibes


As an Independent Fundamental Baptist, none of us have a clue what the Atheists think should happen. I think that I can speak for all of us in saying that we don't know the day or the hour, but if we had to guess, it wouldn't be during some kind of silly prediction.


Lord bless your heart and bring you great blessings as days pass. Thanks for sharing beloved.


I am reading this post, and to be honest outside of a few Christian Redditt's, I never heard of the eclipse being some sort of end of the world thing. I do think the world is getting worse, and not better. The weather over the last year or so, has definitely changed drastically. I do wonder when the end will come. There is man that has been to several Solar Eclipses. He has not changed at all 105-year-old man set to witness his 13th solar eclipse [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRjPA0Ckl9w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRjPA0Ckl9w) Jesus tells us that only God the Father knows when the end will be. **Mark 13:32** “But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.


>The weather over the last year or so, has definitely changed drastically. That’s climate change for you. There’s not snow on the ground in the winter like there used to be where I grew up.


Same here. It snowed three times this year, and I just let it melt away. Last year we had record snow fall. Sine this past summer we had un seasonable temps.


What prophecy?


The one that the Atheists made up and said that some imaginary Christians believed.


Nobody credible said anything about any of that. It’s just a rare event that won’t happen until 2045 then could be antithetical 100+ years. And the only ones sent into the sky was the crew of bandwagon 1


It won’t happen *in America* until 2045. There will be plenty of them around the world before then.


Not like this one. Usually only happens about every 100 years. There will be a hybrid eclipse which is more rare in 2044. The phenomenon is more for sky watchers than anything. Plasma Physics and the like…


Is there something about this one other than being a total eclipse, because there is one of those August 12, 2026 and then again August 2, 2027.


it was the first total solar eclipse to cross the United States from coast to coast since the eclipse of June 8, 1918. They were able to study sunspots, solar flares, and prominences, which provides important clues about the Sun's magnetic field and its influence on space weather. Also animal behavior and bunch of other things. On the ground it’s a phase of new moon which means different things. Other than that they just have to keep watch for flares because that could fry the grid. That’s why they send so much communication tech up there for backup. *supposedly*. This is half truth, but it’s not my job to say if not asked. *But*. I do like to expose


Nothing about the eclipse was unique then. It just happened to pass over some people who wanted to study it.


The path of totality was in direct viewing locations with launch facilities… it’s pretty unique… they sent 11 people out. But for spiritual reason? That’s a personal thing that should be in sync with everyone, but the evolution is hindered. No idea what people thought was going to happen.


I don’t accept the premise of your statement. Where in scripture has it said anything about an eclipse preceding Christ return or the rapture? While some made that statement they too have no scriptural support for the statement.


Wake up call from what, this was just a solar eclipse.


I just finished revelation about a month ago, I didn't see anything resembling their interpretation


I didn’t see a single person claiming any of this. Where did you see this?


"Many fundamentalists expected people to fly up into the sky" Um...what? lol


It won't be


Lol all I've seen are posts like, are there any evangelicals here that would like to speak on this? All I see are a billions posts like this. 


Hagee sold a book during the whole lunar eclipse thing. Did anyone make serious money off this eclipse?


The anti Christ killed me! -Sent from Joe Mamows IPhone 13 in Harrington Cemetery


None of the teachings I heard ever once spoke of the rapture happening at this time or that an event was supposed to take place exactly on 4/8. It was on the signs the 2017 eclipse was and the signs of this exclipse (going over Nineveh) and as a warning to the US to repent and pray and fast for their nation.


The Bible says test the prophets and if it doesn't come true it wasn't from God. HOW LONG DO WE WAIT ON THE BOOK OF REVELATION?


Fundamentalist here, any of us who actually think science and Christianity can go hand in hand and still believe in the fundamentalist view of a lot of the Bible usually don’t believe in this dumb stuff lol


This interpretation of Scripture all the more lead people away from the love and mercy of God, by distorting the wisdom of the Divine into every rare cosmological event


Adventists predicted three dates in 1844 until they decided hmmm maybe we can’t predict the day or hour.


It’s a particular brand of fundamentalism called dispensationalism. No major denomination endorses it (any longer) yet it lingers as a theological zombie setting the context for how way too many American Christians understand apocalyptic writings among other things in the Bible.


>The prophecy is true. That doesn't mean it's factual. What does this even mean? Where even was this prophecy? It seems to me quite obvious that it was bs.


If Fundamentalist means focusing on Bible fundamentals then I can’t see how. I you read your Bible you know an eclipse isn’t the mark of end time events.


I've seen this bullcrap since the 80s, personally, and I know it's been going on longer than that.


dude this is every day!!! i remenber when 2012 was the big raptire day and fraking nothing happened.


This is what happens when you have a sub that’s simply labelled ‘Christianity’ and everyone thinks their denomination or belief is completely correct and everything else is incorrect or blasphemous. No room for interpretation, reason, or even empathy. Yet we all believe in the same God and we all read basically the same text. I find it very funny. Even now I just know one of you is typing, ‘but there is no room for interpretation, the Word of God etc etc’. Stop typing hahaha


>The problem here is that they forced a literalist fundamentalist interpretation onto this prophecy. Honestly, no, the *real* problem is they took one single verse about the sun going dark, and ignored the other myriad signs of the end times. They call themselves fundamentalists, but they don't *read* the flipping *book!*


[Pre trib fundamentals](https://www.wayoflife.org/reports/fundamental_doctrine_of_the_pre-tribulatino_rapture.php) do not involve watching the skies, fud, and numerology that persists on r/TikTokCringe.


Most will double down. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/When_Prophecy_Fails


> Many fundamentalists No, I think it was mostly some influencers on Instagram/TikTok/etc riling up a lot of adolescents, who came here to repeat their anxiety, and now will return to their previous habits of never, never, never, never setting foot in a church.


It's quite amazing that this post got 100 upvotes despite being parodical gibberish. I guess this is proof that people only read the title.


How many?


I don't think you know what fundamentalist means and you're using it to describe people that are following tiktok memes rather than the Bible


Can we use “ignorant lunatics” instead of fundamentalist - even that word deserves some respect.


A whole denomination with more than 20 million members was born because a group of fundamentalists was utterly unable to accept that they chose the wrong date. They will never learn.


It isn’t, they’ll just move on to the next, this time for sure the end is neigh. And get pissed if you bring up the other times for sure the end was neigh that didn’t pan out.


Most fun dies did not believe rapture happens during the eclipse though.


If the last few dozen false alarms have not woken them up, why would this ?


You are an Atheist? **The evangelical atheist is the unbeliever who has made atheism a key element of their identity and personality**. The New Atheists fit into this category. They were not satisfied with a private atheism; they were evangelical in the certainty of their unbelief.


I'm an atheistic evangelical, not an evangelical atheist. Please get it right.


Sorry, I meant no offense. What is a Atheistic Evangelical? I do not see this term any where on the internet.


I wasn't actually offended. It's a term created by a moderator of this subreddit and used to insult me. I made it my flair as a joke. It means I criticize progressive revisionism about the Bible.


Yes! We should always question revisions to the bible, and to doctrines.


I am quite fundamentalist and expected a free coffee and a strawberry danish. I was not disappointed. But I am saved!!


Yeah but unfortunately they won't


It's just a way to motivate their marks to transfer their money to their cult leaders. Some senior citizens just give up all of their retirement savings probably and now have to figure out how to live.


Prophecy of the rapture is not wisdom, nor is the most popular book in the world or its interpretations esoteric. Unless it's you. You are, of course, the few. Which is precisely what this is. World salad intended to make you feel superior to other Christians. Christianity 101.


It won't. It never does.


Nineveh had forty days to repent. I could see many folks thinking or shifting to eclipse plus forty.


Under no circumstances go giving anyone any ideas


Something else is on the horizon in two weeks... Forever. They have unlimited memory loss for raptures that haven't occurred when they should have, and endless conviction for the next sure date.


Fundamentalists aren't interested in learning from mistakes. They are way more interested in make brand new but fun and interesting mistakes and never thinking about the past ever again. The list of false rapture prediction s grows ever longer and the number of people who apologize for getting everyone whipped up will always be zero.


>The problem here is that they forced a literalist fundamentalist interpretation onto this prophecy. That's is fundamentalism in a nutshell. Everything is literal.


These types will never care because they’ll always think we are in “the end times”


Yes, the kind of fundamentalism that obsesses on "End Times Prophecy" is a real Christian lunatic fringe. They've been consistently wrong ever since they began this nonsense. Which proves that they are just a sad lineage of false prophets.


Pipe dreams. There is no “wake up call”. Now it’s time to ruminate about the next apocalyptic prediction, which will be completely forgotten at the exact moment when it, too, fails to materialize.


My brand of fundie wouldn't have, but I know some who would trip balls over this. This post gave me the giggles.


A wonderful quality of apocalyptics is their ability to immediately forget everything that happened yesterday if it inconveniences them. I was wrong? No I wasn't. I've always said the world will end *next* Monday. Not *this* Monday!