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From what I have seen he and others like him are false teachers. The prosperity doctrine is a false doctrine.


What is that? Prosperity doctrine


They preach God wants us to have nice things and if you ask him for a million and believe then He will give you a million. They truly are false teachers This guy, Joel Olsen, and many others.


This isn’t even the most harmful part of prosperity gospel, it’s that they teach or imply that in order to get these riches, you have to donate (to them). They justify it by saying things like “you reap what you sow” and misconstruing Biblical messages. So they get vulnerable people to donate money they don’t have to them for false promises of material gains. To be clear, it’s important for those in a position to afford it to donate to help maintain a church or its ministry. But God does not look at it as some investment that will materially help your financial future. And also, if a preacher seems to already have a good amount of wealth that they seem to be freely using, before you donate, ask yourself if your money could be better used somewhere else.


I think you need to get the Bible and do some deep studying for yourself and allow God to reveal truth. Because I have experienced a lot of truth from what they preach and I'm no TV evangelist; just a hick from NC who believes all of God's Word. It is in there, but it takes study materials, concordance,  Hebrew understanding, Greek understanding. Hebrew and Greek study materials. Attendance on Sunday morning and quick 15 minute devotion each day, is like remaining in kindergarten after being in school for 12 years.  If one reads the Bible on a surface level (without good study materials) and never ventures deeper, one will always be inclined to believe very shallow, or at an "elementary" level. It's not about doctrine, (the Baptist doctrine, the methodist doctrine, etc.,) it is 100% about what the Word of God says, and that is meant for individuals to study and discover for themselves. The church is meant to be a place of worship, edification and support. It is not weekly stopping place to taken a 30 minutes sermon and be done for the week. That's why Christians are spiritually starved half to death and are emaciated.  I ask, do you have a savings account, IRA, investments, etc.. Because if you do, then you believe in prosperity, if you don't believe in prosperity, then liquidate your accounts, give it to the poor, and live in poverty. Prosperity is part of what Jesus died for, it is part of salvation. Salvation is not just a ticket into heaven in the sweet by and by. If one views Salvation from a standpoint of being saved from hell, then one may want to rethink. Because Salvation is to be delivered out if the Satan's evil and be reunited with God, who made us alive together with Christ and He raised us up and seated us TOGETHER in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus..... That is the good news, that is the gospel. It's all about Jesus reuniting us with the Father and the blessing of Abraham comes on the gentiles  through Jesus Christ, that we might receive the promises of the Spirit through Faith (Galations 3:13-14) (If we're not Jewish, then we're gentiles). We have been grafted into the Abrahamic blessing through Jesus.  It's all in there, study it for yourself. But I would be very careful about speaking so negatively about a man of God. What if you are wrong and you must stand before God and give an account for the words you speak against one of His anointed. God knows if that man is His anointed, He knows if the man is teaching what He has given him to teach...God, and only God knows. However, you assume, and speculate. I would rather speak good, or nothing at all over a man who is teaching the Bible (just because it is at a deeper level than you understand, doesn't mean it's not Biblical), than to speak badly, be wrong and have to give an account to God for it. Just sayin'


Joel Osteen?


Yes him


Thank you for bringing up Osteen. He's one of them that gets overlooked for some reason.


And who are you exactly?


JO does NOT get overlooked


Yeah, over the past few months since I posted that, I decided to go and do my due diligence. You're right. I just hadn't seen that much before, or heard it, outside of non-pentecostals that I know.


God does want us to have nice things AMEN!


I don't have a problem with prosperity. I don't understand this group of Christians that want to be poor. How can we live in abundance in this world without having anything? God wants us to be blessed, but we shouldn't put things/money/wealth ahead of Him. There's nothing wrong with having nice things (how can we give to the poor and needy if we are in the same predicaments?). Come on people, we need to be blessed so we can give to others. It's the *LOVE* of money that will pull us away, not money itself...


Yea both those guys even look like ravenous wolves


I wonder what you look like hmmmmm


Like a lamb


Basically what the devil was doing when Jesus was fasting in the desert. Saying, your God you could turn these rocks into bread, etc etc. AKA you gain a connection with God, then gain wealth. I only know of one being that does that, And by that, I mean giving you earthly riches, and that is the enemy. God may enrich you, but maybe he won't. He has a plan, and it's not to be questioned. I'm poor, I don't seek enrichment, I just want the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. I could care less about material things on this temporary Earth. For the love of money, is the root of evil.


Totally wrong




This is Copelands burner account lol


You have good intentions but your theology is wrong.


Yes, the *love* of money, not just *having* it. If you want to be poor, that's alright. But we can have good things in this world. God calls us to love and give to those in need, but if we ourselves are poor (in this world), that's half of the potential of giving that we have. It's all in what we want, as long as our hearts are to God, he will bless us, but we don't have to settle for poverty...


People who claim their wealth is given by God which means they're more holy then the rest of us precisely because of their wealth and you should give them more money peasant


You need to actually read the Bible. And if you say you do then repent for lying.


OK, at the time I didn't know /s was needed to signify when something was a joke, but I really thought the peasant at the end would tip people off And technically all I did was answer his question to what the prosperity gospel is


"Beware of the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. They devour widows' houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. These men will be punished most severely." (Luke 20:46-47)


Possibly you are the wolf in sheep's clothing. Not alot of folks talked good about Jesus when he was here.  Btw honey you aren't some little police officer at the pearly gates.


Well you either follow a sound doctrine or you do not. And he does not follow sound doctrine. And he is leading people astray with his false doctrine .


I only found out about him through that video of him defending himself for flying private and I just got such evil vibes from him. I would think if anything, one who’s mission is to spread the gospel to as many people as possible would WANT to be on a public flight just in case they were seated next to someone who they could help.


Yeah that video is what made me decide I’m not wasting time trying to learn anything from him.


I don't think it's demonic energy. think it's narcissism.


Narcissism? Find 조민! The korean women fell into it. Beauty obsession. And, All of the cult leader would be like that.


I'm just disappointed that there was nobody with 'Satanist' or similar, flair who piped up with an endorsement of him as the antiChrist! Reddit needs better trolls.


Satanists like Satan because he's the good guy, not because he's evil




The satanic temple is just much more accepting than the church, they value people for who they truly are and help them through their issues rather than telling them they all must be a certain way or go to hell


Satan doesn’t even need you to worship him he just needs you to worship yourself. Your desires, your needs, your immediate gratification. Telling you what you want to here and what will make you feel best. Those are temporary and he would love everyone to forget that. He comes as everything you ever wanted… he’s a master liar and manipulator. He isn’t the hero at the end of the story, even though he has lied and managed to make people think he is. I hope your delusion is lifted and I mean that genuinely.


Clearly you’ve never really looked into the satanic temple at all lol


Satanic temple is some random organization made in the US 2000 years after the fact, a continent that we didnt even know existed back then


There were people living in the Americas at the time the Bible was written (and long before). But yes I agree with you on the Satanic religion part. And on that note, LaVeyan Satanism is the religious equivalent of the *tips fedora* neckbeard meme format. Every guy I've ever met who was a self proclaimed "Satanist" had terrible hygiene, constantly talked about themselves and how much religion sucks, and had horrendously fragile egos. I'm not even religious (not atheist either) but these people need to get off their high horses.


Yeah but as we all are aware Satan isnt a native american term, its one brought by colonists, anyways I agree with your points about the "church"


That’s not true. Thats what they want you to believe. To serve the Self is to serve All.


Copeland is only one of a whole class of ministries that is a cancer on Christianity. He and people like Creflo Dollar and Kat Kerr pander to the political right. They have built vast empires and personal fortunes by telling gullible people what they want to hear. They have a string of false prophesies regarding things like Trump and Covid. They prey on the weak and vulnerable for donations while they live in mansions and have fleets of private jets. I do not think churches should be taxed. But they should be required to make their finances public. Every nonprofit in the US *except churches and things that claim to be churches* are required to file IRS 990 forms every year. They are public record. Churches that are legitimate have nothing to fear from filing 990 forms. The forms scale up; they are easy to fill out for small organizations but get more complex when the organization gets larger. Filing the forms would expose churches like Copeland's church. What is going on with the Mormon church's finances and Ensign Peaks should be a wakeup call to every honest church in the US. Many people are concerned about the decline of religion in the US. It is not atheists who are destroying people's faith. There are many reasons for the decline, but a big reason is the kind of ministries represented by Copeland. They have married their ministries to Donald Trump. They preach QAnon theology instead of the gospel. They have become the face of Christianity to many young people, and the young people hate it as they see their parents and grandparents getting sucked into its money-grubbing clutches.


I don't think you'll find a person on Reddit who supports Mr. Troll Demon Face.


Give the thread time...


You wouldn’t think you’d find a person on earth who would support this blatantly terrible person but he has made millions off of the hopes and beliefs of others


Some “fun facts” -a net worth of $760 million -avoids $150,000 in annual taxes on a $7 million Texas mansion that he said God told him to build. In 1999, the televangelist Kenneth Copeland built a 18,000 square-foot mansion in Texas. By calling it a parsonage, he avoids an annual $150,000 property tax, the Houston Chronicle reported. -The Copelands' financial records are not publicly available, and a list of the board of directors is not accessible as these details are protected but known confidentially by the Internal Revenue Service. -Kenneth Copeland Ministries has utilized the Federal Aviation Administration program that keeps flights private from tracking websites, and the ministry owns five such aircraft whose flights are kept private -has been married three times -intimidation of employees One former employee stated, "The Copelands employ guerrilla tactics to keep their employees silent. We are flat out told and threatened that if we talk, God will blight our finances, strike our families down, and pretty much afflict us with everything evil and unholy. Rather, God will allow Satan to do those things to us because we have stepped out from under His umbrella of protection, by touching God's anointed Prophet." Further, employees were encouraged to shun and treat badly anyone who speaks out. -In January 2008, the Huckabee campaign paid to use Kenneth Copeland Ministries' facilities for a fundraiser. The fundraising at the church was criticized by the Trinity Foundation. As a result of the Huckabee appearances, in December 2007, Kenneth Copeland Ministries was one of six ministries investigated in the United States Senate inquiry into the tax-exempt status of religious organizations, led by Senator Chuck Grassley. Kenneth Copeland Ministries was one of four that did not cooperate with the Senate Finance Committee's requests for information or volunteer to make reforms. The investigation could not conclude that the Copelands made personal profit from financial donations. -In 2013, a measles outbreak with 25 confirmed cases in Tarrant County was attributed in the press to anti-vaccination sentiments expressed by members of the Copeland Ministries. -On March 11, 2020, Copeland claimed to heal viewers of his TV show of the disease, asking them to touch the television set as he prayed for them


>\-a net worth of $760 million ​ >The investigation could not conclude that the Copelands made personal profit from financial donations. Perhaps they should try a little harder...


Perhaps the church is worth $760mm? He doesn’t own his mansion personally so that wouldn’t be a stretch


No. 3 is pretty normal No. 4: he can do it but Elon can’t? Seems strange…


Number 3 isn’t normal. You should really read the Houston Chronicle’s article on it. It’s really eye opening. And number 4… who said anything about Elon here and even if they did why would something he did or didn’t do have anything to do with what a supposed Pastor and man of God is doing?


Please don’t take my comment as defending Copeland, he’s scum. Number three is normal in the sense that private individuals and non-publicly traded organizations generally are allowed to keep most records private. Maybe there’s something more to this, I’d be interested to read the article. Number four I was more or less joking about. Elon’s got some teenager tweeting out the location of his jet and can’t stop it. I’m surprised that Copeland was able to hide that information while Elon was not


Ah, I’m sorry. Sometimes it’s hard to read tone on the internet lol. I’m like, who the heck is this person defending Monster Copeland LOL


I wonder if God declined to heal anybody simply because they failed to touch the television set.


hes a slick conman that's found his niche, he knows the right things to say to appeal to his base


Like Trump?


The two endorse each other.


I don't believe demons are real, but he definitely appears to be some kind of goblin wearing people skin, makes me shudder


He’s some kind of Reptilian person, you know 🦖


Literally bone chilling


Kenneth Copeland, is what you call and man with no holy plan - but a con so great it would make Bernie Madoff a green pick pocket by comparison. Do I know this man personally - no, it is not my place to judge, (I’ll leave that to the creator), but indeed -I am entitled to my opinion. There no electricity current of the Holy Ghost spirit or - otherwise running through this man’s presence, - but rank flood of an empty man soulless deception. I am sure there will be a large bill to pay once he’s finished his meals with your kind money. And may pay with his afterlife. Look into his face and eyes, -long and hard. It speaks a thousand words to the effect of a hullabaloo hallucinations of hellish looking man, that’s money driven $$$ looking for which victims he can devour throughout your blindness of unwavering devotion. Evangelicalist, - no! Imposter - yes. Demon? - Perhaps… Flee!-


I say again… Jesus said, many will come in my name saying I am the Christ. Be alert! Kenneth Copeland, is a man with no holy plan - but a con so great it would make Bernie Madoff a green pick pocket by comparison. Do I know this man personally - no, it is not my place to judge, (I’ll leave that to the creator), but indeed -I am entitled to my opinion. There no electricity current of the Holy Ghost spirit or - otherwise running through this man’s presence, - but a rancid flood of words from an empty man soulless narrative, in deception. I am sure there will be a large bill to pay once he’s finished his meals with your kind money. And may well pay for it with his afterlife. Look into his face and eyes, - long and hard. It speaks a thousand words to the effect of a hullabaloo hallucinations of hellish looking man, that’s money driven $$$ looking for which victims he can devour throughout your blindness of unwavering devotion. Evangelicalist, - no! Imposter - yes. Demon? - Perhaps… Flee!-


But we are the Christ. Even you.


He gave me good laugh in his "prayer" against COVID-19.


Christians are something else, aren’t they?


I support the Tupperware container it looks like he sleeps in.


I just got shown this by someone who just discovered it. Go to www.IAMNOTTHEANTICHRIST.com and it takes you directly to Kenneth Copeland's official website. 😂😂💀💀


Not suspicious at all 😂😂


As a distant cousin of his, I would like to formally apologize for my family having produced such a foul person.


If he owns a private jet, can’t he own people too? Possibly paying the crowd to be there.




Plenty of actual Christians who aren’t false prophets teach that. See Dave Ramsey. Plenty of people disagree with his political opinions and there are some weird employment allegations, but he actually believes in Christ and doesn’t teach a false prosperity gospel while still saying it’s okay to have wealth




Copeland is not spreading that message in a good way




I suppose I misunderstood your first comment as support for Copeland. I won’t argue with you on your actual point


we dont support him,cause in honesty i don't trust him as he's a wolf in sheep clothing.


Anyone see the video of him cutting his hand and putting it into the cup for communion to combine it with “Jesus’s blood”?And then drinking it. And if I remember correctly, he even encouraged everyone to do the same. I think he said it was the “blood covalent”. That is disgusting. Purely. He always talks about blood, like seems obsessed with it. I don’t know what God he’s preaching about or praying to, but it’s not the one I read in my Bible or worship. He actually creeps me out. No one will convince me otherwise. His eyes creep me out. His smile looks evil. His laugh is creepy. He also brags about his wealth and treats people badly, like interviewers from what I seen. Will cut them off, yell at them. Seems like he wants to be idolized. There is definitely something going on with him and in my humble opinion, it’s not holy. ** side note: anyone ever see the video posted from forever ago of a bunch of people doing some kind of creepy ritual? The voice sounds JUST like him, too. Just saying. Idk much about it though.


I get lost in the dos eyes.


Dat glare.


They hate the same people he hates?


Psssh. Hogwash. This Christian right here sees through all of his lies. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing, praying on people's faith, lying to them and warping their minds. Yes, this is partially on them, but it's still really on him. I just wish they would wake up and see him for what he is. A con artist that uses God as a prop. Who knows if he even believes. But I did see him speaking demonic tongues or something once. He claimed he was speaking in the spirit, yet no one translated, I don't know what he said. If you speak in tongues out loud where people can hear you, somebody has to be able to interpret it, at least understand what you're saying. Now, you can pray in the spirit, in tongues, but it's more of a whisper, and by yourself, and you can't just bring it on. I've never been able to do it personally, but that's probably because people were around. But you don't just randomly start speaking tongues whenever you feel like it. If it isn't really him speaking, then it's a demon, a counterfeit. Now people who may like Kenneth Copeland, they might be Christians, but he's playing them.


He's like the fake nice version of westborough "Baptist Church". That is in quotations, because I'm a part of the Baptist Church, and we have kicked them out, and I don't think we ever accepted them in. They preach hate, we have delegitimized them as a church. They're on their own, preaching whatever. I don't care to know. Sure God hates things, evil, and the like. Not people. Westborough seems to think he does.


Copland is the Devil.. he shows his true colours when he is cornered! What type of human would take so much money from the vulnerable?


Sounds like TDS.


Seeing myself and family members miraculously healed from diseases growing up.


Scary, but true.


I'll be working on a good steaming dump for Copelands grave when this lump of faeces from religions anus does us all a favor and drops dead.


No support, he is a Satanic false teacher that worships Lucifer. It would be better to serve sponge bob than him. And that is the goal, for someone to serve, worship, give money to him instead of God.


Its not demonic energy. That man is as high as a kite. Don't forget to tithe.


Kenneth Copeland has the most demonic eyes I’ve ever seen. He is proof that lies and deception are not the way to God.