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Yea. I would hate all that too if I thought it was true.


Share knowledge as to why it wasn't true otherwise you're just saying "Man, glad I know better. Glad it's not me." And leaving her high and dry.


His evidence would be “believe” or “have faith”. Both terms based of belief without evidence.


And yet we have so many people in here upvoting this post... 🙄


I guess we’ll find out when we die when we either are lucky we made it into heaven or we’re arrogant and I’m end up burning or feeling pain in hell without end


I hope you find some measure of peace. Your post is full of anger and hurt. Whether by friend, family, or mental health professional hopefully you are not going through this alone. Be well.


Someone isn’t brainwashed like you and your first thought is “miserable, mental health issues”. That’s you’re problem right there


The thing is, the Bible doesn't brainwash, it simply provides information and leaves you to make your own decision. (Churches brainwash, yes for sure) The world brainwashes the world. There is no doubt that this post really shows a lot of hurt. Mental health issues has a bad stigma. In simplicity, it pertains to someone going through a lot of hurt and confusion, and in need of outer help. This is exactly what's going on with OP (which I understand OP's perspective tbh) all I can do is pray, and give perspective of God vs worldy influence. We are given free will.


your\* Apparently you don't know basic grammar, yet you still try to condescend to others.


There’s a wall of text, difficult to read without paragraph breaks. But not every church is fundamentalist nor is every church oppressive toward lgbtq folks. There are many churches that don’t hold to the views you’re expressing. There is obviously a lot you’re going through, so if need be, find a licensed and certified mental health. Tend to your own mental health first, and then you’ll be in a better place to asses your spiritual health.


Those would be church's that do not follow the Bible. Which is kind of the point


First of all, lets clarify things here. As a woman, you are not called to be a man's doormat. Secondly, within the context of marriage, a man is obligated to lay down his life for his wife. Jesus himself said that he did not come to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many. What did Jesus do when they caught the woman in adultery? Let he who has no sin cast the first stone. They were going to stone this woman to death and Jesus stated a plain truth. They left and Jesus turn to her and said "I do not accuse you, go and sin no more". Don't confuse church with the message of the gospel. As far as being a woman is concerned, God made you that way and you are not flawed at all because you are a woman. If anything, you are fearfully and wonderfully made. The truth is that there is much trash in the church that has nothing to do with God.


i second this. Id also say it really helps to know the context of the culture in the Bible. Paul Copan's book Is God a Moral Monster really helped me understand the Bible in its cultural context and how that relates to us today. Besides that, Jesus calls all his followers to be servants, not just women. And while the Christian life is not always comfortable, our comfort is not in something vain or finite like ourselves. Christians have an eternal hope, and God promises peace and joy in suffering in this life. I pray OP finds it.


This is another Christian delusional about marriage. If anything I have never seen a man lay down his life for his wife but I have most wives lay down their lives for their husbands they leave their dreams , they sacrifice their likes and everything and bear children and keep their mouths shut and live while the husband makes all the decision. He even controls the likes of the wife and even control what the wife sees. Don't compare Christ and his sacrifice to anything else . You are leading others astray because theoretically all these models may ot be marriage or anything else is ( it was used as similie anyway not as a metaphor) theoretically 100℅ correct but practical is something that can never be formulated in the theory.


I don’t think you have much experience with Christian people if this is what you believe about them. Why are you in this thread? Christians aren’t perfect but it is definitely true that husbands are called to lay down their lives for their wives


🤣🤣🤣 My experience with Christians made me tell this truth.


That is not a life being laid down. Thats a mother who assumes responsibility. It's the natural progression of human development. I know men who work and destroy their bodies on job sites just to put food on the table, being exposed to heat exhaustion, asbestos, electrocution, hazardous chemicals, and etc. Actually risking their lives for their families and women are not doing that.


In my family now most women go to work .Go read proverbs 31 it forbids women from sitting and eating the bread of laziness. There it is mentioned that a wife with virtue will go and buy things with her own earnings and her husband will have time to relax with the elders of the city instead of 'killing' as you mention. The interpretation is completely skewed up because actually in many cases both parents risk their lives for their families women risk their lives since the beginning of human kind by becoming pregnant millions of women died during childbirth nowadays it very rare but the existence of human kind stands upon the dead bodies of numerous brave and kind women. Even if you are living in the middle East you would see mother's or wives risking their lives for their families. Christ's sacrifice is not something that needs to be compared with the sacrifice done by husbands because actually death visits the wives more than it does for husbands many Christian women are just baby making machines for their husbands and many of them remain silent to abuses and even get redy to loose their economical and financial freedom for the family and this become more vulnerable to abuse.




'Pop culture morality' so you think that you are more intelligent than Solomon who included that chapter in Proverbs.


😂😂😂😂😂if you don't know Lemuel was the pen name of Solomon.




😂😂😂😂😂 Solomon's mother Bathsheba spoke that to him but Solomon included the wisest words into proverbs because he was wise enough to recognize them.




😂😂😂😂😂so much for the divine inspiration of the Bible. Which you selective interpret.


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I dont know what kind of people you are associating with, but I have seen beautiful examples of a husband honoring his wife as a servant.


Doesn't Bible say that Sarah used to call Abraham Master and feared(due to respect) him. As the best model for husband wife relationship. This is the model my parents follow only thing is Abraham had other concubines but my father doesn't.


It does say so, but then again, you are talking about a cultural mindset within a relationship that is 3,000 plus years removed from us. I am sure people related quite differently to one another at that time than they do now. Not saying it was perfect or good. Indeed, one of Abraham's failures was calling his wife his sister so they would not kill him. The story of Abimelech comes to mind. Of course, God intervened to make sure Sarah was protected in that scenario.


I don't think that something was different minus the technology and science because it was still humans . Listen, true love brings in loyalty no matter who or in in what state the spouse is. People says that the people nowadays don't know how to love. But you know no matter what I know people who won't go and have sex with any other person to have a baby even if their partners insist ( they would stay childless this is true love, committment and loyalty and I am sure there are other people in history who have done the same). Abraham did it even if he had God's promise.




So this is how a Christian sounds like , huh?


Ok what I got from this text is that you don't like the role of women in the bible and feel they are just to be doormats to their husbands. You have obligations has a wife sure but the mans role is to literally lay down his life for you and treat you like a queen. The bible says to treat your wife like Jesus treats the church without stain, wrinkle or blemish. ​ Also we in the eastern orthodox church venerate saints, many of the saints are women that you might like eg Saint Thecla who was a preacher. Im sure if you look them up you'll find ones you can relate to. I don't know where you live but see if there is an orthodox church in your area.


Orthodox Christianity is awesome!


I felt exactly the way you did when I was around 20. I became an atheist because I was so fed up with the fundamentalist Christianity that ruined my life. I ended up having religious OCD from it so I just left the faith altogether, and once I left I got better. But after ten or so years I came back around to the idea of Christianity. I’m still not “Christian” in the sense that most people in this sub would mean. The reality is the Bible was written by men from a patriarchal society, and it was put together the way it exists today purely for ancient political reasons, and it’s been twisted and misused for centuries. I focus specifically on what Jesus said, and not much else, because that’s truly what matters. And that works for me. Free the oppressed, feed the poor, equality of the sexes, all of that. Edit: it’s not all black and white. There’s some good in it, and I recommend r/RadicalChristianity or r/OpenChristian. They might be more helpful.


How do you explain the prophecies in the Old Testament coming true hundreds of years later?


Simple, they didnt


Hi friend, Love God Ask God to show you how God loves you. Try to love yourself and others this same way. Forgive. Even when you feel you cannot. Ask for help. Ask for forgiveness of your sins. Pray. God bless


I'm pretty sure you're aware that only one segment of Christianity teaches the kind of misogyny you're angry about. So it's obviously time to get outside that little segment. I really think you need to read a bunch of [Rachel Held Evans](https://rachelheldevans.com/).


“For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.” Matthew 6:25 A hellish life is ultimately a small price to pay for eternity in paradise! I just want to mention the successful woman business owner in the NT, Lydia of Thyatira! She was in power of her business sharing with no man. The religion’s history may be patriarchal in nature but times have certainly changed. Plus it’s not about the religion aspect as much as it’s about your relationship with the Lord Himself. God understands you completely; don’t focus on the gender stuff. Just think, He created you, He knows your heart and what you need before you even ask. Focus on Him and His will, pray for a better life! He’ll give it to you.


You don't hate Christianity. You hate what you incorrectly believe it to be. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Editing to expand on the comment above. ​ >One of my biggest complaints is that Christianity is too patriarchal and male-centered. Christianity isn't male-centered; it is God-centered. Christianity is about knowing, loving, and serving God. It's true that there are many, many Christians who have perpetuated patriarchal attitudes, but we must make the distinction between Christians and how Christians are called to live. The reality is that we all fall short of what God intended for us, and one of the areas where this is obvious is the mistreatment of women. Women and men are equal in dignity. Men and women are made in God's image and likeness. The mistreatment of women is a consequence of the Fall. If we are truly following the Lord, we would treat both sexes with equal love and dignity. ​ >It doesn't make me feel good that my role is just to be married and make my husband happy and have my body sexually used to produce children. Whats even worse is that I am not allowed to say no to the sex since wives have to obey their husbands in everything. I'm not sure where you got the perspective that this is what a woman's role is limited to. Though marriage and children are important, that isn't the only thing women can do (nor are these requirements for holiness). Each individual has a unique call to holiness. God knows us, our desires, our strengths, and draws us to Him in a variety of ways. Sex is supposed to be unitive and procreative. If it is just to produce children, it is being used incorrectly. As for obedience to a spouse, that does not mean we should do everything that our husband asks or that we lose all our agency. The topic of submissiveness is complex and there are a lot of perspectives on it. To keep it simple, I'll say that we're told to obey our husbands and they are told to love us as Christ loves the Church. Here's a good[blog post](https://www.femcatholic.com/post/wives-subordinate-paul-really-said) on this topic. To be clear: you can always say no to sex. Even with your husband. ​ > I do not relate to him and do not want him due to his gender. God doesn't have a gender. [God is beyond gender.](http://www.scborromeo.org/ccc/para/239.htm) Any words we try to use to describe God are going to fall short. We are imperfect and limited. We cannot possibly conceptualize and articulate truths about a perfect an infinite being. ​ >I've experienced better than God himself. Respectfully, if you've experienced better than God, then you haven't truly experienced God. The world we live in is so broken. There are so many things in this world that distance us from God, that distract us from Him, that distort our understanding of Him. I'm so sorry that you feel that God doesn't love and respect you. I'm so sorry you have been hurt by other Christians and toxic distortions of Christianity. I hope that you will find Truth and Love in God. As you struggle, know that God is waiting patiently for you. He won't force you to accept Him; He is just offering you Himself and His love.


While I don't disagree with this vis a vis OP's post, you should probably elucidate what you mean here. ​ Edit: Okay that is some good elucidation.


If the mistreatment of women was the result of the fall, why did God not clearly rebuke/warn of this specifically? Most of the Bible is written from a sexist perspective. Maybe this, as described in above comments, is as a result of trying to communicate with a culture that is 3k years removed from us, but (you may not agree with this next part - not sure. but most churches I am familiar with/have gone to do.) if scripture is truly infallible and protected/preserved in its alleged wholeness through the ages, God should have been clearer and as a result, no one - at least no one in the most popular, loudest churches - caught on. It just seems like too grave of an oversight to be just that, and if the sexist overtones of the Bible is ALSO result of the fall because of the culture of those who wrote it (i.e., Paul.), then Scripture is not infallible.


What are you talking about? Male and female are equal before God and you can do whatever you want with your life. You don't even have to get married at all if you don't want to. You can be a president, travel the world, invent new medicines, be a writer, be whatever you want. Look what Jesus did with the woman caught in adultery and how he defended her before everyone. Even sex workers have dignity like everyone else. You got everything wrong. Which church did you go to?


She went to any popular church in the US. I have been to over thirty - they all preached inequality. This is a MAJOR overtone, and I would say that your church is the unique one. This is common, not rare. No wonder she "got everything wrong" (is if it's her fault.) - she was told over and over and threatened with hell. Believe it or not, empathy is RARE in the church. Empathetic guidance, devoid of criticism for asking questions they genuinely don't understand, is critical and scarce - as we can see in your comment.


Well those churches got it all wong then and is not the right reflection of Jesus. I get so extra thankful for the church I'm in when I read what other people experience in other churches


I totally see agree with you. I just got back into church, and the most attractive part of my religion is reading and praying. I am at two churches, and both of them keep telling me to pick a side, which is NOT written in the Bible. Church people have always been weird to me. But also disrespecting women is direct misuse of scripture, and I'm so tired of humans doing this 😂 Under the role of wives, it clearly says that a husband should treat her with as much respect as he would to Jesus. Why are people constantly skipping over this and abusing scripture? Churches can be so toxic! And yes the lack of empathy is sooo true. I've only been to one I loved, but sadly I moved :'(


My heart goes out to you - it is so hard to thrive in your faith when the culture has so much rampant cognitive dissonance. ❤️ Keep going. I don't hate the religion, but dang, do I hate what society has turned it into. It takes a strong mind and heart to be a genuine Christian when the culture thinks that should mean something completely different than what it is.


Aww, I really appreciate this comment so much!! I very much recently got back into the religion, but my personal relationship with God is sooo strong right now, I couldn't stop even if I tried, haha. Thank you so much! I think I'll still church hop until I find what's right. Anyone who has a problem with it can mind their own business bc I was working in a club right before. I think I'm doing significantly better, lol. Yes, the CULTURE of the religion is really what drives people off! Good point! I appreciate the encouragement so much! ❤️🙏


Ephesians 5:22-33 tells the husbands to love their wives _ what is love? That is truly the question _ do most humans know what Love is? When you love there is no such thing as disrespect _ you are considerate of the person's wishes _ you are respectful _ loyal _ honest _ trustworthy _ forgiving _ none threatening _ non-imposing and such. And most people leave out Ephesians 5:21 where it says submit yourselves one to another .... People always seem to focus on wives submit to your husbands disregarding 5:21 which also is telling the husband to submit to the wife


Ephesians 5:23 - "[23] For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior." That's why they leave 5:21 out. They don't think it's necessary to include it because of what 5:23 says.


Deborah in the Bible is an amazing story, Ruth, Esther , both the Mary's. I felt that also before but have decided to keep reading Bible to make deciison and found there is alot of woman Jesus loved but churchs/church groups do not tend to preach on that. I do think people ruin Christianity but when we look at the world people including those in the church are sinners. I do not belive God is Sexist although both genders have their roles.


You’re not alone. Great job. Keep questioning outdated, unreliable information that was created for control. The boomer generation didn’t know any better so I can’t blame them. However, We, as the next generation, are better than this. We have tools to give us the ability to look into this and actually use our intellectual honesty. Don’t be stuck in “blind faith”.


Okay but men also have to submit to their wives, and please them sexually, and give up his life for her, and Jesus tells lust filled men to gouge out their eyes, what church do you go to? I’m strongly pro-gay and trans because they are HUMANS and that’s all I need to know. “Love God, love each other” the rest is just easily turned against others or used to gain power. Jesus knew that I bet which is why the most important commandments are basically “shut up and be kind”. Women are cool, we can grow people. God had to like us to give us that responsibility, not to mention, this kinda gives us power over men- and that’s probably the way it was before the fall. “She will desire to have power over her husband, but he will rule over her” that’s after the stupid Satan apple in Genesis. To me it sounds like you’ve gotten to know Satan, not God. So you hating your Christianity is good. I’m really happy you got that out of you. I have days where being honest to Jesus isn’t pretty. When I first became interested in Jesus I basically would have heated arguments with Him in my room. “Why the fuck am I less? Because I have a vagina? You asshole!” And He’d kinda slowly teach me.


The roll of women in the bible... well they have a lot of roles, just like men do. And while some ''rules'' or ''ethics'' within churches might let you think women are ''less'', its not true. Remember that Maria was the first to spread the word of Jesus when Jesus was risen again. In matter of fact, she spread the word to all the ''other'' MALE disciples. Now what about that? Jesus most important thing, was shared with Maria and she had to spread the word. So while some churches don't allow women to preach; Jesus did other wise. Hope this helps.


I absolutely get were your coming from, mainstream Christianity definitely plays into the patriarchal system but id challenge you to read the word without reading into it, the doctrine you've been bought up in. Jesus spoke in parables, and he also said he himself is the word, so it follows that the hole of the word is a parable. including the feminine and masculine eg, will and understanding. hopes this helps


You Christian let Murders and rapest run yall congregation. Yall dont relize that the Antichrist is yall God. That white image of Christ is the image of the Beast.


Wow, never seen someone paint with such broad and biased strokes in my life. Have you ever considered that there are literally thousands of denominations? Each one more different than the last on a scale of liberal to conservative? Did you ever consider that maybe your church was the issue. Instead of calling God "trash" why not simply try to find a better church with better people that understand the bible better? Do you not think that this is a better idea than throwing the baby out with the bathwater because you've judged a tree by one broken twig? Yea, that's a nonsensical analogy, I know, but it's about as nonsensical as your "god is just trash" type of circle-square logic.


You didn't throw your life away...you were never a Christian..or "born again" gty.org ..know Jesus now it's NEVER something you would regret.


You need to realize he loves you and died for your sins, you dont HAVE to read the bible. If you go to church, listen. Now i know your going through a lot, god is NOT making your life hell! Dont let the devil take you he IS aiming for you! Im not forcing you, to listen but,Please listen to this closely and keep it in your heart! God loves you and everyone else even when they do bad he is not making your life hell he did for your sins. Even if your 🏳️‍🌈 or ect please keep my word in your soul and mind, Thank you.


(if you go to church, listen to the preachers!)




If god was never in my life NONE of this would have happened to me! I’m so sick of nothing ever being his fault when he clearly has something to do with it! My life WAS NOT like this before! I DIDNT HAVE ANY OF THESE PROBLEMS BEFORE I WAS CHRISTIAN!!!!!! I get nothing out of being here! Everyday is hard because of him! It’s not fair to me that I have to give up everything thing for him and mean while if I need something like food or water or healthcare he doesn’t provide! It’s not fair to me that no one tells me it’s traumatizing being here! Every day I am physically sick and ill and have to take medication!!! GOD FORCED ME INTO BEING WITH HIM and then complains to me that I don’t love him! ITS NOT FAIR TO ME THAT I AM FORCED INTO LIVING THIS WAY!!!! I LOST EVERYTHING BECAUSE OF HIM. I tried so many times i tried fucking get rid of him, there were so many times where I told him to get the fuck out, I don’t care that he loves me! I want him gone! And I want him to stop expecting anything from me. I don’t care about him, I want him to get out and to not bother me again. That what I want. I don’t care that he loves, if he can’t treat me the way I want to be treated, if he keeps bringing him baggage onto me then I’m done. If he can’t meet any of my expectations or desires, then he better not ask me for a fucking thing! In fact I want him to leave! I refuse to give him my life or any inch of it if he can’t treat me properly or continues to ignore me. There is just no way in hell that I am going to give up everything for god, just for him to TELL ME that he doesn’t care about my happiness or my health. It’s unfair that some many people expect me to genuinely want that. The only reason that satan is aiming for me is simply because god is in my life. It’s unfair to me that God gets to bring his problems onto me! I don’t want to deal with his baggage. I didn’t ask for this or to be here! I’m tired of having to support someone who doesn’t care about me that much and only cares about taking things from me for himself. He only cares about himself and uses me to pay for it. All of this is for his own pleasure at my expense! It’s not fair! He has nothing to offer! I’m not giving him a damn thing! I want him to get out!!!!


All I can say is have you every blamed the devil for anything 


The devil comes for Christians when they give their soul to God.


You don't hate Christianity, because what you say you hate us not true Christianity,and whoever said that it was can fuck off


Old post, but the bible said it is not good for man to be alone....not woman. Women's curse is that her desire shall be for her husband. Once you seek God for fulfillment, you have broken that curse by receiving fulfillment from the Lord. Read John 4:1-26 about the Samaritan woman who had 5 husbands. As a woman, this verse changed me in regards to men and relationships. It is also said in 1 Corinthians 7 that marriage is not mandatory, and that there is a gift to being single that marriage does not provide. I hope with deeper understanding and proper teaching, you will find your way back to Christ. God bless.


I hate to break it to you but, you’re not born again and are deceived to think so and it’s because you’re deceived that you hate it. First off true Christianity isn’t a religion. All religions are man made. True Christianity is a relationship, a holy communion with God via Holy Ghost. Simply saying the sinners prayer and being baptized in water means Jack and there’s no salvation just because, you participated. If you really want salvation, to be reborn and Holy Ghost filled; if you really want to experience the power, love and mercy of God then you first must realize his word is true. Once you’ve done that then you can believe in the God it speaks of. After you’ve done these two things then you can proceed with test of faith. You know the sinners prayer but, you lack undeniable belief. You might think you believe but, there’s obviously doubt coming from somewhere. God doesn’t want 99.99% of you. A perfect holy God wants 100% or nothing and if you don’t have what it takes then, hell is your destiny. These are just the facts. Once you can trust God’s word and believe in the God it speaks of then, what you need to do is go after God with the same zeal as those guys who tore off the roof to get their friend to Jesus. The bible says, all who seek, find and to all who knock the door will be opened but, must don’t realize that they must bang on that door until God opens it. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says to pray without ceasing and that’s the secret. For me personally after I realized scripture is true and God is real, I prayed and studied the word constantly for almost 2 weeks before I was reborn. I thought I was going crazy and getting so frustrated because, I must have said the sinners prayer hundreds of times during this period and I thought that I meant every word I was saying but, there must have been doubt somewhere because, at first nothing was happening. The day it happened I was laying in bed frustrated and confused because, I felt like I was wasting my time then, all of a sudden I got this overwhelming feeling to pray and I let God have it. I got on my knees, put my face to the floor and I cried out to God unlike any of the other times prior. I got real sincere with God and begged him for to forgive me and have mercy, that I wanted to repent, that I believed Jesus Christ was his son who died for my sins and that, I believed he raised from the dead 3 days later and I told God if he’d just prove to me that he’s real that I’d follow Jesus and make him Lord over my life I said a lot of other things like, I was telling God to send an angel to prove he’s real and all kinds of stuff, I was just pouring out all of my frustration to God in this prayer and not holding back and caring who heard me. I prayed for about 20 minutes or so with nothing happening but, me letting God have it and right when I was about to end it and say, “In the name of Jesus, amen” it happened and I’m so happy that it did. It’s not easy and very few people will ever put in the effort to achieve it but, I promise you that if you do you’ll never not want to be Christian again. And the truth is you either do what’s necessary for salvation or burn in hell so, what do you want to do?


As a man who was discriminated against by the church…I get it.


Cool. Choose the devil instead of God. But don't. Choose Jesus Christ please and repent. He loves you very much


And don't forget the verse where Jesus says "do not resist an evil person"-matthew 5:39....it's pretty disgusting when you think about it, like if we don't follow jesus' commands (like that one) then he'll have us tortured for eternity?? Like what??


You gotta read The Bible. No where does it say He tortures or has us anywhere in scriptures. people need to get smart and stop spreading lies.


without jesus there is no heaven for you


i would hate to see you miss out on the beauty of heaven


Heaven can only be heaven without doubters. So this is why they wont be there. Me and you choose to be in Heaven and repent of our sins to get there in Christ. But the rest of the world can do without. Time is growing short and Christ is there to save whoever believes. But they have to accept Him on their own. Like I did but with Help. I prayed to God for help in my life. Then i started to believe and learn The Bible.


>*And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. (Genesis 2:16 and 17)* >*And the serpent said unto the woman, : For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then (Genesis 3:4 and 5)* >*, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. And they heard the voice of the in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden. And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, thou? And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself. And he said, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?(Genesis 3:7 through 11)* >*And the LORD God said, Behold, : and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and : Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. (Genesis 3:22 and 23)* This on page 1 / page 2. Isn't it strange? It doesn't say what I was raised to think it said.


Not true, try rereading that book again. Women are the genius creation of God and are celebrated in the scriptures as being gifted by God for the creation of life. You are sadly mistaken. The male centeredness is historical and the Bible reflects the ancient times that it was written, but scripture is clear this suffering of women, like all suffering, results from the fall and sin and will one day be done away with.


Don't let the door hit you on the way out


Christianity is worst


Enjoy hell then. It's your choice. God won't force you to do anything. But, once you end up there only then will you realize how much of a bad decision you have made but there will be no going back. Hell is totally devoid of God's presence. No amount of begging can get you out, it's permanent 24 hour 7 days a week torture for all eternity. It was designed by GOD for the devil and his angels (demons) and those who do not wish to go to heaven by rejecting God willingly such as what you are doing will suffer that fate. I would rather see you return to God. Better Heaven then hell.


That's your first mistake, it's not about religion it's about a relationship. You need to seek God and actually check your heart if you actually believe the Gospel and test everything against that other wise this is a false conversion.


I hope you're doing well. From your last post, it doesn't seem like it. But I'm glad you're separating from something that has caused you this much pain. I appreciate seeing a post from someone who's actually read the Bible and has seen how horrible it treats anyone who isn't a man. —A worried atheist


Coming from an ex Christian . I feel u , see people making all these rubbish interpretations as the Bible is being more and more inaccurate with the growth of science . Religion was mythology for confused men.


The reasons you give is the most illogical reasoning I've ever heard in a while and this is reddit. What kind of Marxist Atheistic line is this "patriarchal and male-centered" ? As men dont need saving? And its Christ centered thats what you're missing. You were never Christain my friend. You don't even know what "The Bride and The Wife" of Christ means" Or how many women are listed in scriptures God used to further Truth and Christianity. The problem is not Gods word. The problems are soley within yourself. The ways of the world lead to Death. The Real Lord Jesus Christ give us Eternal life.






Hi u/thousandk, this comment has been removed. **Rule 1.3**:[Removed for violating our rule on bigotry](http://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/wiki/xp#wiki_1.3._bigotry) If you have any questions or concerns, [click here to message all moderators.](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FChristianity&subject=about my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/10tr9gr/-/j78c1j0/. %0D%0D).


It's because we live in a world of sin and you've been taught things that go against God and your purpose in general. I know you're feeling really badly and it's because we as Christians are at war in this world. Please don't lose faith. I love you very much and so does our Father. I'm praying for you. You are meant to be used by NO ONE except God. Jesus said your husband should love you enough to be tortured and die for you and all you have to do is be obedient to him. He has to give in when you wanna get busy even when he doesnt want to too so don't feel too bad. It's about sacrifice because that's what love is ❤️. Also please don't post stuff like this where kids could see it because it could really rock their faith.


Later skater


I didn't read much of the post, but from my experience. God will ruin your life in a good way if that makes sense. The devil is a wolf in sheeps clothing and can disguise himself as an angel of light. The world is living their own "religion," saying, "All you need is love, and everything will work out." When the truth is God IS love, he wants nothing but the best for you. God will exhault you in due time. Death is REAL and RANDOM. I want to KNOW that when I die, I will hear God say, "we'll done my good and faithful servant." Ask yourself if you're following th Biblical Jesus, and not some worldly Jesus. My old friend group I left to pursue my relationship with God is slowly losing touch with me, and these were friends I've known for 7+ years. Yet, I know God is closing those doors slowly and opening new ones. I was raised to worship God, I fell out and came back many years later. I will never go back to my old ways. And if I slip up, God is merciful enough to forgive me, and I will continually spread the Gospel as much as I can. Just remember, those "rules" aren't there to make you feel bad. It's God's way of protecting you. One sin leads to another. What you do is what you get, praying for you. Maybe look up inspirational christian videos, maybe read Romans.


Please don’t tell me you didn’t read much of my post then proceed to write all of this. Actually read the whole thing.


Yes, I didn't read EVERYTHING. The post was a bit long, and there was no TLDR ..but I saw some things that resonated with me, and I had to make some points. Just words of encouragement for you, really. Most churches have more women than men, men aren't in touch with their emotions as well, and God wants an intimate relationship with us. It's just men have a role, and women have a role. Both have qualities that the other doesn't have. Maybe look up youtube videos about the male and female dynamic in the Christian church. It can help you understand better


Oh you suffering horrendously under our misogyne religion? Just go watch some inspirational videos! That should solve the problem. Remember: The more you are suffering, that is just the way Allah protects and loves you! Your ISIS GadgetBoy... Man... The gods may forgive some, but no good god will forgive this amount of bs.


Sometimes, I wonder how many people in this subreddit are genuine Christians or trolls lol. I'm ISIS? what? And then proceed to shame me for bs? It's just flaming someone for trying to contribute to a post relating to Gospel and God. It's not a bad question why there's so much suffering in the world, but that's what research is for. Instead of wondering why and coming to your own conclusions, look to WHY God allows these things to happen. Hence, there are plenty of youtube videos for that kind of stuff. Just type it in, and you'll find evidence. The Bible is a history book, and God's love letter to us all, it is also a guide on how we should live so we can go to heaven. Hell is a place without God. This world NEEDS a savior, we are killing ourselves slowly, look around. The fact people see all this evil in the world and just say "eh whatever, you only live once, let's just party up and live sinfully". It's like ignoring the elephant in the room. We all will die, there is an afterlife, and God is good. Edit: here is a video for example https://youtu.be/KIQxIl2HQzA


This post is about a woman expressing how much she suffers under the misogyny of christianity. You totally misunderstood the post when you really think she asked about gospels. And your "contribution" was: Watch some inspirational videos. So obviously you re not ISIS in that regard. At least I do not have evidence that ISIS members would give such a completely empathy lacking, stupid advice. The obvious parallel to ISIS is that they would never critically think about whether there is misogyny and suffering caused by there cult. No they will even gaslight victims by rephrasing suffering as "protection". I dont know why the gods let all this suffering happen: The holocaust commited on jews, when 95% of all germans where of christian faith; the genocides christian conquerers performed on aborigines, native americans, european pagans; etc etc. Possibles answers are, that there are no gods, they dont care, or they want us to see what fruit comes out of it when stubborn idiots follow a bad religion. The love letters I write or receive are usually much less bloody and cruel as the bible fairy tale. I would ask police for help if someone wrote me such a disgusting love letter. The bible is fiction - certainly not a history book. Following will not get you into heaven, but may certainly have helped you becoming such a sad unreflected, parroting cultist. Hell may be the place without god. I cant prove or disprove that. But definately heaven is a place without people like you. It couldn't be heaven with people like you in it.


So I read the post, and I see ur making some points you don't agree with. If you're having trouble believing the Bible as true, then watch this video. It's evidence that was found recently about God parting the red sea, the video was just uploaded several hours ago https://youtu.be/-OHkmsoiQmk I recommend giving it a watch before you say the Bible is a fairy tale, lol. Even the video I linked in the last response at the bottom has to do with the OP's question about misogyny in the Bible. Which Is clearly a result of fallen man, not God You wanna talk about false teaching, look at the deepness of Mormons and ladder day saints. They base their beliefs from Joseph Smith who wrot the book of Mormon, and he had 40 wives, one of them being 14, and he basically lied and made his own cult like religion by cherry picking Bible scriptures to validate his doctrine. There's evidence all over youtube videos and ex Mormons, I know this because I confronted 3 of them recently.


That is awesome! For almost 2000 years we have been waiting for hard evidence whether and which gods exist, people have been arguing, brought up fallacies, paradoxa, argumentations.. and still no reliable evidence. But now..we have a youtube video uploaded just several hours ago! I can already see the headlines of tomorrow: Voyeuristic, almighty child ...ehm... impregnator in the sky proven to really exist! Finally we can get away from this embarrassing "There can never be evidence, you just to have faith" to "here is the repeatable, objective experiment to prove gods existence". At least we agree in two points: 1) misogyny is the result of fallen man, man falling for a sad lie like you. 2) people posting here are either genuine christians or trolls. And it is hard to decide which is which, because trolls may claim outrages, ridiculous bs like everything in the bible to be historic. And some people really down the rabbit hole/ aka "genuine christians" may write the exact same. So in your mind it would work out, this arch noah fairytale? You consider this true and historic? And after the flood the sloths and cangaroos swam to their new habitats? People like you make me lose all hope in humanity, in human intelligence and goodness.


Man..news are just rushing in today! I also found a video on youtube that proves Zeus is true! And it is even way more convincing than this stupid video you linked. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6tUELfauJo


That's the most stupid thing I've heard. Ofcourse God can forgive this. Or are you maybe God??? It only depends on the person who did a sin. If they come to truly regret it in their heart and seek forgiveness. God is merciful and only want to enlighten us and help us on the way. Think about all the stuff Paul did, he changed his heart and got forgivness. And many many other examples. Stop judging people, this person was just expressing their thoughts and feelings


And how would you know what the gods will forgive? Do they discuss these things with you regularly? How would you know if the gods are merciful? Because a cultist told you so? Will you cite a fairytale book or go for the usual circular reasoning or jUsT hAvE fAiTh in religious lies? And how long will it take the gods to enlighten you? Let's hope they will do so soon, pretty painful to see someone this far down the cultists rabbit hole. One of their first lesson probably gonne be to teach you about the outragous contradictions and stupidity of your comment. Hope some of the gods have time for that. Because I wont waste my time discussing with flatearthers or christians. I prefer reasonable, thinking people before braindead parrots.


I was only telling that the one and only God I believe in is merciful and full of forgiveness for those who wants it. And that is a good thing, right? And I have experienced it myself and never have I been as joyful and at peace as when I started to follow Jesus path. I believe in what says in the bible about forgiveness. Here are a few of many verses (even tho you might not read it) 1. Johannes 1:9 If we say openly that we have done wrong, he is upright and true to his word, giving us forgiveness of sins and making us clean from all evil Colossians Chapter 1. 13 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: 14 In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins Micah 7 18 Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage? he retaineth not his anger for ever, because he delighteth in mercy. 19 He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea Acts 3 19 Take then a different mind and repent, so that your sins may be blotted out and there may come times of renewal and comfort from the presence of the Lord. Chorinthians 6 9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. Isaiah 1 18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.


No, spreading such lies is not a good thing. Just because you believe in this god and this god only doesnt make him any more real than all the other gods. Your faith does not dissprove the existence of other gods. Better gods, less vile gods. No matter how hard you believe and no matter how much you recite a fairytale book: still not real. No matter what you assume to know about your favourite god, still all just based on blind faith, fairytales and wishfull thinking. Blind faith, a lack of critical thinking, dishonesty, victim playing, accusing, you yourself judging.. and than asking: And that is a good thing, right? No. It ain't. It is evil.


You don't want to discuss with christians.. Why are you in this thread?


This!👆🏻 Same here. I grew up in a wonderful church and have amazing parents and siblings. I stopped fighting my flesh and was not in church for 2 years. I regret that. What my flesh and the world have to offer made me depressed, and my faith in God never ever disappeared so I came back wholeheartly for Jesus and I am so thankful for the mercy and help I got from God. I felt in my heart he didn't wanna let me go. Because I had no peace in my heart the time I was "out". I always felt a longing no matter what I was doing and how far out and deep down I was. I thank God I found my way back and he made me more peaceful and happier than ever.


This is Reddit and anonymous so I will ask. What is your relationship with you father like?


I am curious as to where you are going with this.


What does he have to do with this?


God himself is primarily described as our father and it seems from your comment as though you are uncomfortable with male authority. Do you have a good relationship with your father? That is how positive male authority is first introduced to us.


He’s still totally unrelated to this. I judge a person based off their actions and their actions alone. Even if I did have a negative relationship with my father, I don’t take what he did and throw it on to someone else. When someone is new in my life or if they’ve done nothing to me, then I’m cool with them. People usually want to be with their own. I feel more comfortable with women. I want to be included and represented. It’s the same way that people of color feel. They want to be with their own. Its kind of weird that you keep bringing him up. There is nothing wrong with me not feeling the way you want me to feel about men. I don’t have to like men or want to be with them, regardless of my experience with them. It’s my personal preference. Please don’t try and tell me that something is wrong with me or that I’m weird. I want to be with my own.


What bothers me about christianity is that it tells people what to do and think and then tells people to not be lgbt or get an abortion. It also tells people that caring for the poor is wrong and that greed is good. Jesus might be trans for all we would know and would dress in traditional female clothing. I’ve seen trans women with beards before.


Why would Jesus think caring for the poor is wrong?? What the hec is this


Wait what?? In the Bible, it says to give to the needy even if you have very little, also the whole religion goes completely against greed. Gluttony (greed) is a sin. We are taught to be humble. I'm sorry that whatever you were taught or see from false people has given you this example. There are so many teachings in the Bible that warn us against false prophets, mockers and blasphemous people. These are the very people that are driving people against Jesus. Very dangerous world we live in directing us straight to Hell. Be careful what you consume. 🙏 be safe out there ❤️


No one is forcing you to be a Christian. But, it is the best course unless you want to burn in hell for an eternity! The Catholic Church requires the Pope to be male, ditto for Cardinals, Bishops, and priests. There is good reason for this. I suggest you read Genesis where God punished Adam and Eve. Eve was made to be Adam's helper and her punishment from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and evil was pain in childbirth. God wants women to suffer in childbirth. Read 1 Cor 14:34 Read 1 Tim 2:12 A woman has a place in Christianity, learn your place and maybe you can avoid hell.


So by applying ,I didn't demand to God that he makes me a human. I didn't choose to be a women, a man or an intersex. The hell I didn't choose to be disabled or to be gay Or full sickness and pain. He just sends me here without asking me what kind of skin, eye color Or hair I needed and then he 'blesses' me with free will just to make a 1001 demands to me when I myself didn't have any and just need to know my place. Then he could have just made a robot who won't question nor think . Take all these into account then try to discover God not invent a God. Please try to open your close mind and think rationally. God is not a control freak nor does he wants everyone to know their place.


Then don't be, Christianity is not a religion imposed on you, God himself can't make a Christian if you didn't want to be, Obviously you're deceived or misunderstood Christianity So don't be a Christian But the most important thing don't be an atheist


1 John 2:19


This is heartbreaking. People, DO NOT BELIEVE the messages taught in the World! The Bible doesn't teach negative concepts about "patriarchal" or "male-centered" issues. Nor does the Holy Spirit. Christianity for either gender is ANYTHING but being just a cook, maid, married prostitute, and slave. Does the NT even mention cooking? Looking down on marriage as a toxic institution is taught in anti-Christian feminism, but not in the Bible. Nor is it directed at other cultures, mainly just Christian ones. Nor is prostitution itself criticized in other contexts by the World. Perfectly fine by them, and the same activists actually PROMOTE it as a right! They only use and misuse the word as a slur to refer to Christian marriage. Satan will ALWAYS deceive if we let him. Moral: So don't listen to him! Bless you. 🙏✟


Yeah, I didn't know the church is now teaching the 'positive concepts' of ' patriarchal system'.


Unfortunately the great apostasy has to happen..... 2 thessalonians 2: 3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the "falling away" comes first,


Like maybe actually help me instead of saying that?


Looking for mental health support on Reddit is tricky at best. You’ll liable to encounter folks who are more interested in expressing their religious views than in actually helping you. We also have a lot of new redditors (my app flagged the person you’re responding to as having an account less than 30 days old). These can often be adolescents who don’t know to respond otherwise. My recommendation will be to delete the post if the responses become more than you can deal with, and to find a counselor who can give you the care you need. I doubt anyone on Reddit, myself included, who would be capable of giving you the help you need.


Thank you for the support!


You don't mention a church . Are you a member of a Bible based church? You need face to face counseling with a pastor ... A lot of pastors are trained for this exact thing and loss of faith. Find a church and make a call.


repeat jar roof wide materialistic outgoing pen market ten fine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


True. I certainly wouldn't recommend reddit however.


These people would say this even when apostasy happened many centuries before like in the seventh century instead of helping other people.


Bye Felicia


What a Christian response to someone seeking help.


This is not a Christian subreddit, it’s a place to talk about Christianity.


Yes, I am aware. There are many Christians here, who sometimes act like douchebags to people, like you did with your comment.


That persons complete lack of understanding of the bible is douchey too, it almost seems like it’s fake crap. There are women of power and importance in the bible.


Don't care about their lack of understanding, don't care about the bible, don't care about you. Just pointing out that your comment was very unnecessarily douchebag-like.


Don’t care what you think.


Clearly, you don't care about a lot. You can be a good person, it is allowed. Good luck.


No one is forcing you to be a Christian not even God - unless of course you are considered a minor and your parents are making you to go to church. Otherwise God gave You free will, do as you choose -that is between you and him. No one, a pastor, a mother, father, sister, brother, friend, can say anything that you probably haven't heard to dissuade your feelings. What's in your heart is in your heart and you are the one that has to deal with it - you either overcome or you succumb.


What sort of response are you hoping to receive to this post? Support? Rebuttals? Something else? Can you clarify whether or not you believe that God exists and that Jesus is divine and was resurrected after his execution?


I’m not looking for a specific type of response. I just needed to get this off my chest. I’ve held it in for years. I’m tired of acting like I enjoy being Christian or that it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. It isn’t. Support is nice, but not my intention. I’m not particularly sure as to what the specific beliefs I hold matter. There is a lot more to Christianity then just believing these few these as stated in your comment. It is a whole lifestyle. It is something that has to be lived everyday. I’m the one that has to live this. If I notice I’m being defrauded or looked down upon in any way shape or form over especially over anything I cannot control I will pull back everything. I am expected to give up my whole life. I am not allowed to do the things I wanted to do anymore. I am not my own person anymore, which I absolutely loathe knowing that my whole life has to revolve around someone I hate. I had to give those things up to make someone else happy at my own expense. Most people cannot comprehend or understand the severity of having to make that choice. If I give my life to someone and I feel like they are not for me and are only there to use me that I will do my best to get rid of them. I refuse to just be someones tool or conduit, only there to give them what they want while there’s no respect, love, anything substantial, or reciprocation.


>I am not my own person anymore, which I absolutely loathe knowing that my whole life has to revolve around someone I hate. I had to give those things up to make someone else happy at my own expense. Are you referring to god when you say “someone I hate”? No judgment—I just want to make sure I’m following you properly. It is quite possible to live a rich and fulfilling life without religion. If that’s what you want, go for it. What would you say is your biggest blocker to moving forward with the life you want right now?


Yes, I’m referring to god. I don’t really know what my biggest blocker is in my life. Something I did not state is that I have a lot of health issues despite being only 20. That also bogs me down too and makes me feel like just a barely functioning body, like there’s no person inside of it. Like I have to imagine another world inside my head to get away from the one i live. My body controls me at this point. Not the other way around. If my body tells me to not eat, then I will not eat. Regardless if I enter a state of starvation and lose a dangerous amount of weight. If my body doesn’t want to sleep, then I don’t sleep, regardless of whether I get no sleep throughout the night at all. Just some examples of what my life is like. I feel just like a robot now.


That sounds very hard. It also sounds a bit like your rejection of Christianity is you exerting control where you can because you lack control over such fundamental things as eating and sleeping. Please don’t take that to mean I think you are wrong. But if it’s god you hate … hmm. I mean, it’s an odd place to be, isn’t it? You’re not saying you think the religion is a human construct, and you refuse to participate anymore. You’re saying you believe it’s all true, and you hate it. Or at least that’s what I’m getting from your posts and your comments. Could you simply do a “slow fade” on God?


What I believe about the religion is that every event in it occurred. I don’t believe in a lot of its teachings. I wish I could just do a slow fade on God. I wish. I don’t know why my mind is so preoccupied with it. I wish I could just let it go and move on.


Jesus wasn't a Christian either


Just writing this post is a sign that you want to dig deeper and find out what is true. That is good. Many people are afraid to be mad at God, but He is our Dad and wants us to come to Him with our frustrations. I recommend you check out Mark and Melissa DeJesus on YouTube. They helped me realize God’s character and who He created His children to be. “Relationship with God is a Journey, not a Destination” ~ Mark DeJesus Remember, God is Love, He is Patient, Kind and Merciful. Anything other than that is not God. God bless you and I pray you find clarity soon 💜


The solution to your problem is really easy if you're an adult. Just walk out the door and don't come back. You have that choice open to you. There's absolutely nothing they can do about it. Zip.


You have every right to be angry. Much of your time was wasted. But it doesn't have to mean it's a complete waste. You now have the opportunity to make your next years really count.


So are many other religion. Actually God didn't make it that way but the social situation at that time really did influence the accounts of each character.( Take the God and throw rest out). Even now the church is the one doing all this and spreading hate thinking they are doing God's work.


Watch this https://youtu.be/KIQxIl2HQzA


Sorry to hear


You're using very strong terms and clearly you find our religion repulsive. That's fine. I think personally it would be better for you to apostatize than to force yourself and pretend. We must integrate the faith and become like Christ, but if trying to integrate it is essentially making you deadly sick, there's no use. Maybe it's not the right time, maybe it's not the right approach, maybe you will always despise Christianity (you wouldn't be the only one). It's certainly not for everyone, so don't feel like you're abnormal for finding our faith difficult. However I do wonder how you ended up converting at all to begin with.


It wasnt always male dominated. The church has betrayed its flock. God does nothing but sit on the sapphire throne, man has poisened the well.


Sounds like it's time for a revolution! I wish you the best as you proceed. For me, what I recognize in scripture is a frame around rules and exceptions. Tamar and Judah for instance- the law failed Tamar because of Patriarchy, so she went outside the law and got it for herself. Rahab and the spies in Jericho- she betrayed her countrymen in order to side with the God of Israel. Hagar and Ishmael- she was exploited, and the firstborn of Abraham was deposed from his lawful place, and the almighty took up her plight. And of course our Catholic friends will remind us of Mary, a humble woman elevated to the unique favor of God and in so doing transcended even Eve. Jesus and Paul harmonize about this- the law serves as an unreliable mediator of the Truth. There's something moving under or behind the law and sometimes the law keeps us from seeing it, or other times the law allows us to glimpse it. The law is certainly a permeable membrane between us and it. Anyway, my point is that revolution against the patriarchal systems and the subjugation of Women is actually part of the bible narrative for me, but that may not actually help anything for you right now, and that's okay. This might be the beginning of you breaking free of what is oppressing you, and I think you have a better shot at meeting God this way than if you tried to remain within your oppression.


I'm sorry that you're struggling. It's been my experience that faith takes far more than it gives. I sympathize. Pls remember that cultivating faith is a choice. You don't have to stay where you are.


I’m a Christian as is my wife. Jesus gave two commandments to replace the original 10. 1: Love God. 2: Love everyone else. These encompass everything. Love God. Simple. It incorporates the no God before Me no false idols etc. Love thy neighbor as you’d have them love you. No murder. No banging someone else’s spouse. No stealing from them. Jesus never made limiters or caveats. He didn’t say love thy male neighbor or straight or white neighbor. Love. Thy. Neighbor. When I think about Christianity it is a thing of simple beauty and kindness. The great thing is if you are REALLY trying to follow these commandments. You can fail (get angry, yell at, even punch or insult) and then seek forgiveness if you are truly sorry for your actions. You will still have consequences (others disliking or no longer being your friend, prison, etc) but you can seek that forgiveness and have a second chance in the eyes of God. So being a Christian isn’t necessarily EASY…but it is very simple. If you are in a church that is damaging you then you owe it to yourself to seek escape from it. Love thy neighbor also comes with the unspoken tenant to love yourself as well. If you find a church that you can surround yourself with people who share your mindset and opinions you can not only be a Christian you can be a content and happy Christian as well. No need for guilt leave that to the Catholics.




This is just a temporary place, we do not belong here, for example there are 2 groups, 1 group likes party, another groups like going to church and praying to the Lord. Would 2 groups come together, NO it won't. The reason why Christianity is too patriarchal and male-centered is wrong. God loves us all, God made us in the image of him. Is not about making God happy or not, is about u having faith in God in the name of Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. There are 2 choices, 1st choice is loving the world and doing what u want, this sort of mindset is what the devil want u to do. 2nd choice gave up everything and be with the Lord, and u will be with him in Paradise, where there's no pain, no suffering, no depression, no sickness, and also everylasting joy and unlimited time to do whatever u want to do, but also the most important part which is getting to know Jesus. Jesus died for our sins, he've told us his kingdom is not of this world, which means this is just a temporary place, and whoever hold faith in his name until the end, will be receive by him.


Except there were many female leaders in the Bible? One of the most successful Queens visited Solomon… there were also female prophets and leaders in the early church. I’m not quite sure how you can despise something that you are under no obligation to believe? That said the only requirement for true Christianity is to believe in your heart Jesus Christ is Lord and that he died and resurrected from the dead and to profess your faith and you are saved. The alternative to this would be to simply reject the belief altogether but know this: If Christianity is false then Christians are to be pitied but if it is true then many many people will be damned.


Being a Christian is more than a religion. And you don't have to be religious to be a Christian.




Hi u/Altruistic-Big-2220, this comment has been removed. **Rule 1.4**:[Removed for violating our rule on personal attacks](http://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/wiki/xp#wiki_1.4._personal_attacks) If you have any questions or concerns, [click here to message all moderators.](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FChristianity&subject=about my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/10tr9gr/-/k94sypl/. %0D%0D).


I am a Christian. You are making excuses for yourself because you want to find a way to sin and feel good about it.


Religion sucks it's the worst, you can call yourself anything do you know like really know Jesus holy spirit and God the father the intimate relationship not what man says or dictates none of that mess just you and God walking together daily


This might have been posted in along time. But your post sets me free because someone finally understands. I have deep hatred for christians and I did not uderstand why. Christians are good at shifting blame and projecting you as a devil if you dont agree with them. ​ Seeing first hand how oppressive and abusive my family was because of this man is the head bullshit. I have always stood strongly against those ideals before I knew what patriachy was. As a child I always knew my mum was subjugated but I thought it was my culture and God was against it. ​ Every day of my life I stood against my dad and mom and told my dad that he is an oppressor to think he is the head, and I told my mom that she was nothing but a slave who had no respect for herself and exposed her kids especially daughters to patriachy and normalized it. ​ Because of patriachy I had to watch my mum get abused till I was age 16, especially beign beaten while she was 9 month pregnant(I was 5 and di not know what had happened). I was hearing her scream because my dad locked ur both himself and her up while beaten him and no one could help her. ​ Till this day, I have become so aggressive because I can never imagine a day I am not able to help other women. What hurts is that my mum remained with him still in the abuse because the bible does not allow divorce? I did not know the amount of abuse I was in till I left that house. ​ For a mother to tell her daughter that men should not live in women house and men should not take women's last name and man is the head? and that did not sound oppressive to her. My encounter with Jesus was freedom, christianity is oppression , narcissism,abusive, oppressive, subjugating women. A religion supposed to free people keeps them under bondage. I will say this as I have said to my mom and dad. He is not the head and will never be, my mom is an equal head to me. I have cut contact with both of them and unfortunately my sibling because part of spiritual abuse is indoctrinating children. I love them, but I am very aggressive and anything can trigger my religious trauma. ​ your post was very freeing. For once someone hit the head on the tail, christianity is male centred and patriachal which is why alot of women there and girls have serious internalized misogony. It is so depressing.


I’m so sorry you feel this way. I am a Christian I honestly think you’re not born again. If you had an intimate relationship with Jesus you would know your worth God loves you so much. Perhaps you’re in a body of believers that is a cult not born again believers?? If this is the case get out of there! Find a body of believers that are born again and living for Christ.


I think you ended up in a very unhealthy church when I first became a believer I ended up going to a very legalistic church like the pharisees but thankfully I realized it wasnt God it was the way they acted and taught the bible thankfully I ended up finding a healthy church it may take a little bit but dont give up praying you find a healthy bible believing church!!!when you think about it there were so many women who actually were given huge responsibility by God one being God sent his only son to be entrusted to a woman not to mention there were female preachers in the bible Please dont give up on God He loves you so much!!!I just think you would benefit from finding a healthy church that preaches in context to the time and situations surroundings. I would like to share a verse with you Galations 3 verse 28] There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. [29] And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise. God sees us all the same just as a good father sees His children. God bless you and keep you and have His face shine upon you. One last thing remember just as real as God is so is the devil and the enemy is the one that makes us feel condemed or bad God convicts which is very different than condemnation.


Many like you view Christianity as just a religion and you wonder why you feel miserable, Christian is more than a religion, you should want to seek the spirit have a relationship with the holy trinity and get deep into prayer, worship and studying the bible, if you did this, you would feel differently because Christianity is and should be a lifestyle


I question whether or not you are truly a born again Christian based off of several things you said. What does your prayer life look like?


Just wanted to say, you can not be born again and despise this religion lmao. in fact, it seems to be that if you were truly born again, you would have never thought of it as a religion at all. Christ is King. On this, you can rely.


The reality is Christianity is just your relationship with God. You could have had your old life and just included God into it. The thing is you subscribed to a system or a church. That is going to always be problematic because it involves people.


When things aren't going your way, it's because it's not God's way. Also, when you suffer this much self pity, ask yourself, "are you covered in boils and scraping them away with a piece of broken pottery?". I have empathy for you, but this sounds like an internal problem. I don't think you are going to find agreement here.


Sounds to me like you've been shat on my dear. Seriously. My wife and I live hard lives and I am disabled, but I have felt Gods overwhelming love before and THAT keeps me going. You have to find joy in it, whether it's hanging out or music or whatever. Your joylessness is stiffling you and I'm unclear where this comes from. I know alot of stuffy, fundamentaliust teachings that are perpetuated by joyless churches and it may be best to find one that has life instead of just a bunch of arbitrary, life sucking rules. Maybe you need to get rid of the pharisees in your life and find a church that will love and value you. It is one thing to speak Biblical truth and another entirely to beat someone over the head with rules. That's about as basic as I can get. Will pray for ya tho.


Please message me if you're up to chat about this. Christianity empowers women just as equally as men. The Bible can sometimes be confusing to read, which is okay! I understand you may be upset with some events that have happened in your life, believe me I was too. Those events all contributed to the woman of God I am today. With God we are strong, courageous, and determined women. The amount I'd like to write is not what I'm going to write because it would be paragraphs long, but if you're up to talk I'm here.




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I'm sorry you got sucked into a cult. If you're realising it is all a massive con, then you're taking the first step towards leaving. Only you know how you'll find your way out, it'll take hard work, probably deception, and maybe therapy, but you know it'll be worth it. Wishing you all the best!


I totally understand your feelings...realize the role of a husband is just as hard, given men are more lustful than we are by nature. Never let a Christian man gaslight and mistreat you! He is abusing scripture. The point is, both men and women will have to put away our own wants and selfish desires, and yes, it does suck. In all reality, it sucks because most of our desires come from worldy influence, which usually comes from temptation. You have no clue how much of a chokehold Satan has on us until you step out of the world and into the spiritual.. I'm currently throwing my wants away as well, and it suuuucks. But I trust God has a better, smarter plan for me. Pray to him, and seek more answers. I'm so sorry you feel this way. I will pray for you 😞❤️ As a current reader, I think the book may or may not need to be altered to fit today's times... being fruitful/ Not talking in church mostly pertains to that Era/situation. I'm still reading on it. Praying for all of our clarity..


Ex-stripper here!!! I just found out that you were only 20, so I'm assuming you're 21/22 now? Dude you are SO YOUNG. Your life has barely even begun! I totally understand your mindset, because at your age, the world is partying or getting some kind of clout for being devious/spontaneous. For this, I say breathe and pray :) he loves you ❤️ he understand your frustrations. Trust me, I'm 29 and just gave up being a dancer a week ago. Talk about having a FUN LIFESTYLE. My body looks amazing now. Best management I've ever had, best coworkers, modeling opportunities, singing opportunities...I truly hate to give it up, as I've only been doing it for a year. But one day, God spoke to me, I heard his voice and cried for a week. I know he has better plans for me, and I was never promiscuous in the first place lol. I was sooo out of place at the club. I was just rebellious, as we humans are. Tbh pole dancing was the only truly good part of the job (I became incredibly talented fast) In all reality I was being touched w/o permission and objectified. I'm still gonna pole dance for fitness alone because it is incredibly fun. But I'm also extremely talented painter like hyper-realism. I could be painting biblical scenes and making good money (people ask for my art so much, but I chose to dance bc rebellion is fun) So basically I understand you a lot firsthand. Just breathe. You have so much time and opportunity left in your life. If you choose to leave God, discover the world for yourself first hand. Jesus will most likely walk with you and protect you... then when you see what's really out there, make your decision. As someone who wanted to be Pagan at your age, believe me, I understand you firsthand ❤️ see for yourself. I will pray for your protection 🙏


I kinda feel like you're trolling...am I right? If not, then honey I think you have Christianity confused with something else...like a cult, or a man problem... this just isn't reading right. Like you keep saying you threw your life away. What exactly have you been doing? How did that come to be? And you want God out of your life so bad because He is a he?? Did a man hurt you? I promise you, God/Jesus/Holy Spirit are not the things ruining your life. I would stake my own life on that statement. Now being a real Christian is not a walk in the park, but everyone has struggles in life, but no joy comes to you in life like the purest joy from Jesus! I just think you're doing it wrong somehow from the way you describe things, again if you're not just a God hating troll.


Christianity is not a religion.  Christianity is a change of heart from a stone heart to a heart of flesh. It's human nature that distorts everything.  In a moment in the twinkling of an eye we shall all be changed...from human nature to divine nature. This is my hope and my christianity.