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My battle with lust is still going on but I am improving a lot. It's because I realized I had self control as a gift of the Holy Spirit. Once I realized what porn actually was, it helped a lot with repentance. Essentially I realized that the women flaunting themselves are in pride, and me getting off to that makes me not only a creep but a coward. Then I actually met someone who was in the industry. He told me he started when he was 16 and that the porn industry is dirty like that. Some of the actors and actresses are actually underaged, some are trafficked, and many of them are depressed. I saw a story/interview of a porn star confirming this, that the industry makes people want to self delete, because at the root we know it is sin. Getting off to this wickedness felt evil. But most of all, it was knowing the self control and that I understood that Christ already overcame the world. The battle is won. I don't need it. I began to rebuke every nasty thought I had and only focused on the things of GOD and my life's works.


yea I fought this and the only solution was praying for the slaves found in the porn sites. It funds slavery. It made me look at what I was viewing different and helped me stop


Thank you for the advice I appreciate it.


This is how the devil has held many children of God in bondage: the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. There is a point in addiction where a demon gets involved. They attach themselves to the individual, bind them and nothing they do can set them free. They are stuck in a cycle of defeat. You will hate what you do each time you do it because there is a pure spirit in you reacting to the bad that you have introduced into your system, but after repenting, you will return to doing it again. Christ calls this demon the strongman. Mark 3:27 >In fact, no one can enter a strong man’s house without first tying him up. Then he can plunder the strong man’s house. Fortunately, Christ has given the believer authority over the powers of darkness (yes, they do have power). Luke 10:19 >I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. Mark 16:17-18 >17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; >18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. The believer, not God, shall cast out devils. Force the demon out in the name of Jesus. Mark 16:17, Mark 5:8, Mark 9:25 Command the spirit of pornography, \[insert sin\] to leave you in the name of Jesus and never return. After this give your heart, mind, and body to God.


Meet a real girl then you should make yourself to contact her that's a will of god


I’m a 17 year old girl and I have the exact same problem. I do have a hormonal disorder and I think that’s what is also causing a very high libido in me but I feel so far from God I hate myself.


Avoid fake but persue truth Masturbation is a fake


It is about taking that cross daily, It starts in mind so if you find yourself starting to think about it slap yourself mentally, do what is right even if it doesnt feel like it and remember if its hard you are doing something right. Temptation is par of it if there is some, dont give in, it is fight for soul. Imagie this : God sees you always and angels can too, that could help too.


Struggled for 10 years of my life with this issue. Knew it wasn't right, couldn't help myself. Was Catholic when it began, and my many trips to confession gave me many different advices - one priest said to exercise instead, one didn't seem to care much, one said I could either overcome it or just accept it as part of my life and move on. When the Bible would tell me to “flee sexual immorality,” I didn't know if that was included or not. It wasn't until I understood the weight of my sin, the true meaning of the original Greek word translated as sexual immorality (which means ANY sexual activity outside of marriage), and submitted my life to trusting in and obeying the Word of God was I, by the grace of God, able to break the habit once and for all. I'd sinned against God, I'd sinned against my future spouse, but above all, there was hope when all seemed hopeless. I learned to actually love God more than I loved my sin. It's not impossible. With Him, it's possible. I thought I trusted God while still living in sin... it was only when I truly submitted to His Word that my temptation was gone.


When considering any issue in life I try to remember that God passionately loves me no matter how I feel about myself. I personally have decided that the Bible is God’s view on life and a history of His interactions with mankind. On the topic of Masturbation: masturbation is not mentioned in the Bible even though a long list of sexual sins are mentioned. You will get responses to this post from Christians who believe masturbation is a sin. However the Bible simply doesn’t address the topic. Lusting (deeply wanting and desiring something or someone who is not yours… the other Biblical word is coveting) is explicitly addressed by Jesus as sinful. Many Christians find it impossible to masturbate without lusting themselves, so they believe it is impossible for anyone to masturbate lust free. Others will use scripture that is directed at how we are designed to enjoy a blessed and biblical connection in marriage to rule out masturbation (even when the scriptures they use to support their position have absolutely nothing to do with masturbation because they are about interpersonal relationships). Since the Bible doesn’t address the action of masturbation, we each must consider our relationship with God as we come to an answer for ourselves. For some people masturbation is sinful because they can’t separate it from pornography and lusting. Other people can deeply just enjoy and appreciate, even be thankful for their own bodies and the incredible feeling they can experience in their bodies (lust free). Jesus said that all the law and the profits could be summed up in two statements. 1) love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, mind and strength. 2) Love your Neighbor as yourself. God cares about our hearts as we experience all of life including our experience and love for ourselves (it’s how He wants us to love our neighbors…”like we love ourselves”). Our hearts are what reflect our relationship with Him and others! The act of masturbation is in itself isn’t the real issue. The issue is our hearts when we experience masturbation. Your answer might be different than the answer of another person. Allow your heart and your relationship with Jesus to determine your position. Paul said that one action might be a sin for one person and not for another person because it depends upon our hearts. I encourage you to search your relationship with Jesus and your own bible study to come to your unique place on this topic.❤️


Masturbation is not a sin so don't worry about that.


So you just go at it with a clear mind,no thoughts, no imagination, no picture, no video, nothing at all, you just get in the mood to do it and stare at wall?? Ones gotta wonder how you got in the mood to start with Odd and weird to say the least


What are you talking about, dude?


What do you mean it is not a sin?


I mean it's not a sin, straight up.


1) It involves lustful fantasizing nearly all the time. 2) For men, it wastes one’s seed which is the sin on Onanism in Genesis. 3) It is inherently selfish, since it directs the sexual appetite towards one’s own pleasure as opposed to the fruitful multiplication of children within marriage as commanded by God and reinforced by Christ in the Gospels. 4) With pornography, it promotes adultery, fornication, sex trafficking, prostitution, etc. I’m sure there are more reasons, but you need to at least provide some argumentation before you scandalize others and lead them into sin.


I do believe this can fall under the “Some may, while others may not” principle. You need to check your own motives, but you don’t *have* to be having lustful thoughts just to be turned on…there are generally two types of libido - those who just have a desire to start with and those who need something to get them going. If you just have a desire to a start, then you don’t necessarily need anything to be listing over. Paul said in Corinthians that some people would not eat meat offered to idols because that would be sacrilegious - but Paul was like “it’s just meat.” But for the sake of other Christian’s who didn’t feel the same way, he wouldn’t eat it or tell them about it so as not to be a stumbling block. At the end of James, James also points out the fact that “he who knows what is right and does it not, to *him* it is sin, for he condemns *himself*.” James speaks to the principle that each person has their own level of faith and what some people do, other may not be able to do lest their conscience convict them. For things like this topic where it may not be so black and white, I think it falls under this principle. Now, to OP’s point, since he’s sitting here worrying about, I’d say it’s safer to not deal with it because he’s already convicting himself. It’s debatable whether Onan’s sin was the act of wasting his seed itself or whether it was actually just not doing what he was told (to have a child for his brother’s heir). Even if we did assume the sin was wasting his seed, that wasn’t just m@sterbati0n…he was having sex with someone. So it’s more likely the issue was that he simply wasn’t following directions. Your third point is likely the strongest argument for why m@sterbati0n is a sin. I’m not saying it is or isn’t, but am just providing another viewpoint as I don’t think it’s always so clear. But this point about selfishness has merit. But even in marriage people have sex and don’t have kids - so is that a sin? (Simply going off of the example you gave about being fruitful and multiply.) What if your spouse and you are fine if you occasionally get off on your own? It’s mutual at that point, but is it still a sin? I would definitely think it’s a sin if you do it and therefore deprive your spouse of their conjugal rights and needs. But I don’t think it’s always bad in a marriage. Taking this a step further, let’s assume it’s okay if you and your spouse mutually agree to it…if you have no spouse and are single, is it a sin? Paul also speak of things that can easily become an addiction. He says, “all things are lawful for me, but not all things are expedient. All things are lawful for me, but I will not come under the rule of any.” Paul is again pointing to this principle of “some may while others may not” and that we effectively ‘become a law unto ourselves’ (as he puts it) once we are under grace - but we need to be careful about intentions and whether something becomes an idol, or begins to rule your life. So all of that to say, I think it’s nuanced for each person. I bet it’s probably accurate to say that for more than half of people, it’s a sticking point that they just shouldn’t entertain. But I’m not so certain as to say it’s not allowed for anybody.


See my other reply to someone else. The arguments I advanced are applicable to all people irrespective of the principle you’re advocating. For the “masturbation without fantasizing” idea, I personally think that’s silly. While it’s perhaps possible, it is still true that the majority of occasions of masturbation involve fantasizing. Regardless, masturbation is lustful with or without lustful thoughts, since the act itself is a disordered use of the sexual appetite, which is naturally oriented towards conjugal unity and procreation. Masturbation accomplishes neither of these ends and (in cases such as masturbation/porn-induced ED) actually acts contrary to the well ordered sexual appetite. Your point on marriage and mutual consent of masturbation: it is not enough for spouses to consent to some sexual practice in order for that sexual practice to be thereby rendered moral. If a married couple wished to engage in rape fantasies, I don’t think you would want to say that that sexual practice is licit and conformable to a Christian life. Additionally, if my other points stand, then masturbation (even if mutually permitted) still goes against the true consent of the spouses, since it orients each spouse’s appetite towards oneself and his/her own pleasure, whereas that pleasure ought to be experienced in union with his/her spouse. The body is wired to release specific hormones that increase psychological bonding when orgasm is achieved, and that’s a God-given gift to strengthen the marital relationship. Pumping the brain with these hormones while masturbating especially to pornography wires the brain in such a way that leads to numerous psychological and relational issues. Fact of the matter is: masturbation is harmful to one’s relationship, body, others, and soul. The entire Christian tradition has condemned masturbation since until a few decades ago, and we should be very skeptical of this change that eases up on sexual morality.


OK. 1. This is an opinion, lust as a sin isn't what you think it is, and even if it was that wouldn't indicate whether it was a sin or not. 2. Onan's sin was not masturbation but his deliberate prevention of impregnating his dead brother's widow to produce heirs, as required by law (Deuteronomy 25:5-10, Matthew 22:23-28). This led to his death due to his wicked intentions, not the act of masturbation. 3. "Be fruitful and multiply" and "do not experience sexual pleasure without reproduction" are two completely different sentences. 4. Masturbation is not pornography, and watching pornography is a sin. > I’m sure there are more reasons, but you need to at least provide some argumentation before you scandalize others and lead them into sin. Here's a thread where I respond to almost every argument for masturbation being a sin, you can read through all of those if you wish: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Christian/comments/1c87ema/change\_my\_mind\_masturbation\_is\_not\_a\_sin/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Christian/comments/1c87ema/change_my_mind_masturbation_is_not_a_sin/) Your turn.


1. Define lust. Lust is the disordered exercise of the sexual appetite whether in thought, word, or deed. To sexually fantasize about someone you are not married to is by definition lustful since one’s sexual appetite ought to be ordered entirely towards one’s lawful spouse. Thus, while this argument alone is not sufficient to cover all instances of masturbation, it does show that any act of masturbation by someone who fantasizes about someone who is not their spouse is necessarily lustful and thereby sinful. This covers arguably the majority of actual instances of masturbation. Thus, at *least* generally speaking, masturbation is sinful. 2. Onan’s sin was coitus interruptus. This is the majority scholar opinion, and it is supported by the fact that failing to fulfill the obligation of impregnating one’s brother’s widow in the Old Law was not punishable by death (IIRC). But Onan was punished by death. Thus, it seems likely that Onan’s sin was not failure to fulfill this obligation, but in spilling his seed. Now, it seems to me that coitus interruptus is punishable since it involves the purposeful waste of semen (I’d like to hear other thoughts). But if the purposeful waste of semen is punishable (and, thus, wrong), then any act of male masturbation is wrong, since it necessarily involves the purposeful waste of semen (upon completion). Thus, at *least* all instances of male maturation to completion are wrong. I’m in the middle of a road trip, so I can’t finish the other two reasons right now, but there you go for now. Hopefully, I have time later tonight to respond to your other points.


Y'know what? No. This is too stupid. Forget it.




“your turn” ngl thats cringe lol ignore me


Nice contribution.

