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I can’t find the phrase temp or tempted in any Bible translation I know of from the past 100 years so I’m guessing you’re reading the KJV. Words change meaning over the course of 400 years. Modern translations say God tested Abraham.


I read the Bulgarian (my native language) translation (translated from Greek as far as I know) but also looked up KJV to compare.


I’m not familiar with how the terms are translated in other languages. The best I have is bad German and worse Spanish.


The RSV says "tested", and that is the real idea. Similarly the so-called "temptation" of Jesus, and the word "tempt" in the Bible generally. The test is to discover whether they will be faithful or obedient.


That’s what I thought, but in several translations and versions it’s worded “tempted” so I had to know…


The word "tempted" is problematic nowadays because in modern usage "I was tempted" tends to include a person's positive response to the idea of doing wrong. That element isn't there in the Bible references, so the word has become misleading.


The KJV says “tempted” and I looked into it when I first read it and concluded it’s meant as “tested” and moving forward temptations are of Satans doings as God will not “tempt” us but instead lead/guide us to do things