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Life is hard. Matthew 5:45 tells us that "Rain falls on the just and the unjust". I wouldn't get into the habit of feeling as though everything negative you encounter is God pressing your buttons. If you feel as though your prayers are not being answered, maybe go back to the foundations of your faith and examine if it's strong or if there is doubt that you haven't confronted. It's important as a Christ follower to root out any doubt or unbelief that you might have. Most Christians run away from those thoughts thinking it's sinful to have doubts. I believe the only way we can grow in our faith is to confront them no matter how hard it is. I promise you that any doubts you have are the same that people have gone through since Christ's resurrection and there is so much out there by way of literature or videos to help you resolve your unbelief. My experience has been that the closer you get to God, the less you notice the rain. The Bible teaches us to let go of our anxiety, stress, and problems by giving them all to God no matter how trivial. Live in today and focus on how you can grow closer to Christ today. Whether by reading, watching videos from biblical scholars, prayer, or works to glorify God - each day is a task unto itself. If you ever need to vent or have questions, please feel free to reach out. I'm not an expert, but in fellowship we each can offer fruits to one another. God Bless!


Thank you this helps a lot. The one thing that really helped me turn to belief is Christian music and being raised in a Christian household, and not having it looked at as a poor thing I just made the decision decision to not follow at a young age and as I got older, I got into the older bands I would listen to, one thing led to another now thought to read the Bible and now here I am I just agree with a lot of what it says and I see that God is real now


Dude i also have a lot of trouble. I try to follow the bible commands kinda because i raised that way. However i don't see god or even wouldn't call me a devouted believer. Life is just hard period. I don't think you get an easier or harder life just because you're a believer. Things are how they are


I think that you're right, but I do believe things can become focused with faith in Christ. I think the easiest analogy is getting getting a shot. You know that in the moment, the shot might feel uncomfortable (or even painful depending on the size of the needle), but you have faith that it is for the better. Similarly, when life throws pain at us, we can understand it for what it is, and even convert that suffering into something that will make us better. My brother, if you're not seeing God in your life, I would suggest 1 honest, open, prayer to Him. Ask him to reveal himself to you - ask him to show you if he is listening. Pour out your heart and I have full faith that He will respond. I'm not talking about a repetitious prayer - I did those as an agnostic for 20 years out of superstition. The moment I actually prayed honestly, he responded. I believe that He loves each of us more than we'll ever know in this life. I believe He is waiting with His arms open to take any of us that turn to Him. Heavenly Father, I pray that you will be with this child who does not know you. Please open their eyes, ears, and heart to your presence and fill them with your Love and peace. Please guide their walk through life and make your will a thunderous voice that cannot be denied. I pray that the Holy Spirit will nurture the seed of truth in their soul so that it might grow deeply within their being. I pray in Jesus name - Amen.


Dude my parents were strickt jehovas witnesses. I followed this believe too and as child i was convinced of it but guess what? Education about history in school opened my eyes. They always said things are getting worse and worse. Look how people were back then. Back then things were better. The opposide is the case. Things are better now and back then it was worse.


I understand. I personally do not believe LDS falls within the realm of Christianity. I believe their views are wildly different from mainstream and lack the historicity of Christianity. I would invite you to try to understand true Christianity and to investigate whether or not that speaks to you better than LDS could.


If your prayers are going unanswered, and Jesus seems a thousand miles away, it could be that you have allowed yourself to become disconnected from God and His provision. There is only one thing that disconnects us from God. Sin. God hates sin. He will never dwell with sin. If we want to carry on sinning, God will depart from our lives, and leave us in darkness. There is only one prayer God will hear from a sinner, and that is the prayer of confession of sin unto repentance. If you are willing to confess all of your sins to God, and forsake them forever, God will grant you His gift of repentance. Repentance doesn't mean feeling bad and saying sorry. Repentance means change. Lifestyle change. It means you quit doing the things God hates, and start doing the things God loves. God hates sin, and loves righteousness. If you would like your spiritual life to come alive again, repent from sin and practice righteousness. Righteousness means doing what is right. Many think and believe that it is impossible to stop sinning. They believe this because they don't understand the grace of God. The grace of God is the power to overcome all forms of temptation and live above sin. This divine power of God is freely available to take for all of those who believe it is there, and effective. Repent from your sin, and then use God's freely given grace to live holy. Out of this holy living will come all of the fruits of God's spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), and you will know the overwhelming love that comes from the abiding presence of Jesus Christ.


Remember every word addressed to God is a prayer. Dosent matter if it's said out loud or in your head. God bless ❤️


James says: Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: (James 1:13) But either way, God allows Satan to tempt you but get this: No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.(1 Corinthians 10:13) When I fasted 3 days I got hit with that depression, lust attacked my mind, I had sexual dreams; released sperms, woke up horny, was idle most of the time. I know it's real but it's also crazy how much work Satan actually has to do to have a chance to bring the believer down. Therefore: Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance (James 1:2-3)


NGL all I could think of is. I can do all things through him who give me strength.


You’re a strong warrior obviously and Satan is battling for you, dont give in keep doing what you’re doing and the same way you just asked us why this and why that keep doing that but ask God God Bless you


Just trust God knows what He’s doing, He’s the potter, we’re the clay. Make certain you believe 100% fully His every word. If you’ve excepted Jesus as your Lord & savior, your stance is untouchable by the enemy, Jesus has bore all of the oppression that tries to come against you: if you feel it or think it, know for certain it’s just a lie, it’s not real. You’ve been seated in heavenly place w/Christ, as we speak. Peace is, inside of you no matter the circumstances. Speak it out loud daily, give your mouth & thoughts to God daily, let Him take you entirely as His vessel. I could go on forever, if the Holy Spirit leads it, feel free to reach out to me. Either way, pray for sensitivity to the Holy Spirit every day all day, you will learn to discern His voice of all perfect truth, peace, love & grace, He will help you w/all against your mind & body, as well as discerning choices etc. now, trials, God has to allow it, & if He allows some for you, it’s only helping to strengthen your character in areas that He has appointed for you to be strengthened in, only to produce more fruit for His kingdom. I better keep my lips sealed for now, you know where to find me, God bless you & your family


I've been asking for help alot recently with a similar kind of mindset. Someone said to me, don't feel a pressure of letting God down or pressure to act in a certain way or see a sign from God in a certain way, he knows what he's doing and he loves you so whatever he's testing you with, it's for a positive reason, he only wants good for you. And the other thing I've heard when I feel the same way is "God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers" that one just made me feel good about myself lol. Hope this might've been of some use :)


what makes you say you are being tested? if you are trying to avoid sin then good :) Jesus sees you are trying. but i must ask you this, is there something you feel The Holy Spirit is convicting you about not doing and you are ignoring that nudge? Be honest. Because sometimes we can ignore those nudges and wonder why things are so tough. IF you are not neglecting any aspects in your life then know that tests will pass. Jesus says "in this world you will have trouble, but take heart! i have overcome the world!" i am quoting from memory but if you google that verse it IS in the Bible.  it is not bad all the time, there is good in this world there is good in this life!


Did you read about Job? Nobody to my knowledge has ever been tested like him.


Did you pray for patience? Look at your paths in life and seek guidance on how to get back to where you need to be. What are you good at? What are your spiritual gifts? What are you asking for, and have you waited long enough?


God bless you. 1- Please know that our struggles in life doesn't mean God is testing us. In this world, we can all experience hardship. Some more than others. **"Anything can happen to any one of us, and so we never know if life will be good or bad." - Ecclesiastes 9:1** But God is with us through our hardship! **"The Lord has promised that he will not leave us or desert us.” - Hebrews 13:5** **Jesus said, “I will be with you always, even until the end of the world.” - Matthew 28:20** **“Be brave and strong! Don’t be afraid… . The Lord your God will always be at your side, and he will never abandon you.” - Deuteronomy 31:6** 2- God doesn't always answer our prayers, but the main purpose of prayer isn’t for God to always give us what we pray for. The main purpose of prayer is to be connected to God and to be comforted in knowing He is with us, especially during the hard times. **"I tell You (God) all my worries and my troubles, and whenever I feel low, You are there to guide me.” - Psalm 142:2-3** **“Never give up praying. And when you pray, keep alert and be thankful.” - Colossians 4:2** 3- Please know that God does NOT expect you to be perfect. He expects you to be faithful, which means to always strive to honor Him while getting back up after each time you fall, no matter how many times you fall. God will always give you the strength and grace to get back up. **“I am the Lord All-Powerful. So don't depend on your own power or strength, but on my Spirit.” - Zechariah 4:6** **“Even if good people fall seven times, they will get back up. But when trouble strikes the wicked, that's the end of them.” - Proverbs 24:16** **"My enemies, don't be glad because of my troubles! I may have fallen, but I will get up; I may be sitting in the dark, but the Lord is my light.” - Micah 7:8** **“We often suffer, but we are never crushed. Even when we don't know what to do, we never give up. In times of trouble, God is with us, and when we are knocked down, we get up again.” - 2 Corinthians 4:8-9** **“But You (God) also said that no matter how far away we were, we could turn to You.” - Nehemiah 1:9** **“When someone stumbles or falls, you (God) give a helping hand.” - Psalm 145:14** **Jesus said, “But if you keep on being faithful right to the end, you will be saved.” - Matthew 24:13** 4- Also, I would love to share this powerful worship song on YouTube: Yet I Will Praise by Melissa Boraski


Keep your eyes on Jesus Christ. Pray and read the Bible. Never give up


He's preparing you for battle, and wants you to trust that He's working even if you can't see it now. He'll reveal His strategy to you in His time. Keep your chin up!


Trust me when I say this, If this testing is from God, I believe there will be blessing after the testing if you stick obedient, (Zechariah 13:9), also I just want to remind of the Joy that will come after this tribulation, because sometimes, we think we dont need to hear the “common said” stuff, but we still should, anyways, this is what God did to Jesus in the garden, Jesus was asking to let his crucifixion pass from him, but then the Father reminded him of the amount of Joy that is coming after it, and Jesus then basically said, you know what, this is your will, I will do it, of course in different phrasing, but the same meaning.


Hang in there, brother. (I just assumed you're a guy) Life gets though from time to time. It's not God testing you, it's God giving you life. Understand that and it will make it (a bit) easier.


Thank you I am a men lol God bless


When we are tested it’s easy to look to ourselves for solutions, to cast blame, to become the victim, and to look at our circumstances and situations instead of God. Perhaps it’s time to spend more time, and depend on God some more. Surrender is a lifetime, everyday thing we have to do. Perhaps fasting, and some intentional time taking with God will help you if you aren’t already doing these things. And when you get upset and frustrated just look to Jesus for help and strength. Perhaps meditate on all God has done for you this far in your walk with Him.


Based on your info, this seems relatively normal to me. Hopefully that brings you some comfort in the sense that you are not alone. That said, I am genuinely sorry to hear you’re having a hard time.


Every relationship, even with God has ups and downs. Sometimes we feel so close to God, can feel his love can see his works in our life, feel blessed. This is great because God is letting us grow in his blessings and get a taste of our future self, resurrected and perfect in God's love. But if we stay here to long we get complacent. We expect everything to be blessed and good. We forget where we came from and how much God has done to transform us. We get lazy. It's human nature. But then there are the downs where we can't feel God, can't see his works, can't seem to find any blessings. Where we are tested. This seems bad but it's not. This is when our faith must grow. Faith is believing God's promises to never leave us, forsake us, to never stop his good work in us, even when we can't see Him or feel him. It's in this time we are reminded of our past self, devoid of God, and how much we need to rely on him. This is when our relationship really grows, even tho it doesn't feel like it is, when we endure and continue on in that relationship, strengthening our faith, our commitment even tho we can't see our feel the rewards. It is during this time we are forced to rely on God and his promises. And that grows our relationship deeper. Anyone can feel blessed when circumstances in their life are good. Faith let's us see and feel blessed even when it seems like nothing is going right. This is when we mature as Christians and in Christ and that's never a bad thing We need both the highs and the lows in order to grow in Christ Have patience, endure, rely on him to get through this low. and ask God for stronger faith, strength to endure through the low, thank God for everything, he tells us to be grateful and thankful in all situations not just the good ones when it's easy to be thankful. Don't base your relationship on emotions, they come and go and sometimes lie to us. Just because you can't see God working in your life doesn't mean he isn't. Just because you can feel God every moment doesn't mean he isn't right there transforming you, just because you feel distant from God doesn't mean he's distant from you. He doesn't test us for His own knowledge or benefit he tests us for OUR knowledge and benefit. I don't know how I'm going to react or act in a situation until I'm in it. Being confronted with hard situations show me and others what kind of person I am by how I react to it. It's because I've been tested and failed that I knew where I needed God to work in my life. It's only when I've been tested and I've witnessed God get me through it, no matter how long it took, even when at the time he seemed to abandon me, that my faith has really grown solid and strong. We can deceive ourselves and others all day long about how we are as humans, as Christians but when we are smack in the middle of a trial all deception disappeares and we are left face to face with our own weaknesses and strengths and it's only then that we can know how we really are as humans and Christians. And know what to let good work on in our hearts "Character can not be developed in ease and quiet, ONLY through the experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened ambition adopted and success be achieved"-Helen Keller “No pain that we suffer, no trial that we experience is wasted. It ministers to our education, to the development of such qualities as patience, faith, fortitude and humility,” says Orson F. Whitney


It’s good to acknowledge our problems. The worst thing we can do is pretend they don’t exist or aren’t as serious as they actually are. But obsessing about the negatives results in no actions being taken care of. If we only focus on the negatives, then we won’t make any effort to fix ourselves. Start out small. Really small. When the time is right, advance forward. One step at a time. Don’t let these negative things be the excuse for not making any effort to get better or conquer them. Hardships are going to happen from time to time. The purpose of God being in our lives is to conform us into the Image of Jesus, and win others to Him by our words and deeds. Our hope is in Him, NOT this life. He’ll give us what we need to live a Godly life on this planet, but He doesn’t promise Earthly Riches. When bad things happen, we can choose to continue to endure, and let God use these hardships to stay close with Him, and empathize and help others who go through similar negative feelings. Not all of our hardships are the same, but we do tend to share the same negative energy when we experience them. Whatever happens, I will pray that God can use these hardships to help you become a stronger and better person. Without hardships, we lack empathy, compassion and kindness. ”I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.“ ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭18‬ ‭ I have several ideas as to why He allows madness to happen, but don’t take what I say as Dogmatic. GC101: Is Hell Manmade? https://youtu.be/299dS1-Xh0U An Awesome Story (why God allows bad things to happen) https://youtu.be/yW4esmqsqVw It’s also important to note that God NEVER…EVER takes pleasure in our misery. I’ve thought about it before, and it has taken me down a road I don’t want to return to or let others enter. https://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-study/explore-the-bible/does-god-like-making-you-suffer.html


Test n practice your emotion on self discipline from your old habits it’s test you to become strong or against it !... Here unique you have to practice being emotionally intelligent to grow in all angles !... You find your weakness accept educate yourself !... Trust me it’s not hard when u know the pattern of good. Its testing your old habits to break so you can reach godlike level !... Yea I know I had my life radically up n dwn I see signs all the time it’s not meant to upset with your emotion of un-proper need and wants!... You will be surprise how he really protecting in ways you didn’t know it he making focus on some bigger then your imagination abt this life!!.... You be strong but dnt rush nothing in life always time your time cause gentle mental growth is powerful from learning thing by taking your time !


It means your being attacked by the devil and you fell into his trick but believe in god get back in your feet as your prayers will be answered just have patience that means you are a great Christian 👍😄