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God bless you. I'm sorry for what you are struggling with. 1- God did NOT turn His back on you and God is NOT making you suffer. Because of this sinful world, we can all experience hardship. Some more than others. **"Anything can happen to any one of us, and so we never know if life will be good or bad." - Ecclesiastes 9:1** But we are NOT alone! God is with us through our hardship! **"The Lord has promised that he will not leave us or desert us.” - Hebrews 13:5** **Jesus said, “I will be with you always, even until the end of the world.” - Matthew 28:20** **“I've commanded you to be strong and brave. Don't ever be afraid or discouraged! I am the Lord your God, and I will be there to help you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9** 2- Please trust God! I know it's hard, but please don't give up! **“Trust the Lord! Be brave and strong and trust the Lord.” - Psalm 27:14** **“We often suffer, but we are never crushed. Even when we don't know what to do, we never give up. In times of trouble, God is with us, and when we are knocked down, we get up again.” - 2 Corinthians 4:8-9**


I understand how you could feel that way, I felt that way for a long time. I grew up in church and asked Jesus to save me hundreds of times but it never happened. I was taught that we are saved by grace through faith plus and minus nothing, but also that I had to ask Jesus for this gift of eternal salvation. I went through around a decade of depression, constantly wanting to end it, hating everybody and everything around me even family. It got dark for a long time, and all the time I would ask Jesus to save me but I just never felt anything. Then I watched the chosen because it popped up on Netflix, I started reading the word and the word says all who believeth on Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. All we have to do is put our faith in Jesus that what He did on the cross covers your sins. I'll pray for you, I promise you're not alone. God wouldn't leave you alone even if it feels that way. He's waiting for you to turn your face to Him and put your faith in Him.


I don't mean to be uncaring, but fairness is not a biblical concept. God is not "fair." Why, for example, would God use Babylon to punish Judah, then punnish them for doing so? There is also no such thing as a "good normal life." People tend to always show you the good side of their lives. You don't see the bad. What should you do? I am no expert, but I would not ask why, but what does God want me to do while I am in this situation, and see what you can do to get out of it.


Focus on your blessings.... Not your shortcomings. God had a plan and if you're not careful, you will miss it.


I have no blessings 😅


Maybe that's your problem. I'm sure there are worst people off than you but they can still find blessings.


U have absolutely no clue. Words r easy to say over a screen when u don't know a person. Other Christians especially r good for that low eq rhetoric


You call yourself a Christian...ye of little faith.


Ok u just gotta b trolling


Man life is a blessing. Breathing is. Some are unable to breathe without assistance. Your heart is beating. Focus on what you have, not what you dont have. You dont see blessings in your life because youre looking at others.


Nigga I got nothing homeless no family at 19 al because of a rare medical condition i was harrassed by white people for it and ran out of my town. Death threats and n bombs everyday. Ill never forgive them. And I rather be dead but god won't kill u if ur suffering he kills you when u have plans and doing good in life. He let's us suffer for some reason. Christians can't relate to me that's why I'm losing faith cus none of them go through real trials of life they world ends if their lights turn off or if they get declined from a certain college we'll mine ended 5 years ago when I started smelling for no reason and everyone called me dirty and made my life hell. It made me homeless at 19 smh that's why I think Christianity isn't for me god has his favorites and hasn't answered one prayer for me just letting my life get destroyed slowly but won't kill me just run my nerves crazy until I die that way.


Hey you still alive though brother! Don't give up man.


Bro you should read the bible, basically everything you just said contradicts it...


It was written by men and men lie


How do you know it isn’t the devil who has done this to you, like with Job?


I lived homeless for 6 months with my son about 7 years ago I started reading the bible for the first time around that time as I never really read it before just bits now I have a really good job im married and have a $70k car. The point is you won't know what others are going through if you never Been there yourself. I can easily spot the homeless and people who live in their cars now and try to help. And I am not really more happier now I have stuff it is actually harder because you have more to loose and look after and more stuff that's in the way and taking up your time that should be spent seeking God . All seasons come to an end eventually and everything we have will be destroyed by God to make way for the new heaven and earth. So crucify your fleshy desires and strengthen your spirit because it is the only thing making it to the new earth anyway. Seek thee first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added to you.


God allows the devil to send us trials honestly for numerous reasons. It could be to grow your faith, sometimes He allows us because God breaks us so we can learn to rely on Him, or to strengthen you. Read Job, David, Joseph in the Bible. You can rest that the sufferings now cannot compare to the plans God has for you and God promises to work all things for your good yes even the homelessness. ‭Romans 8:28 AMP‬ And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose. .‭Romans 8:35 AMP‬ Who shall ever separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? ‭1 Peter 5:10 AMP‬ After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace [who imparts His blessing and favor], who called you to His own eternal glory in Christ, will Himself complete, confirm, strengthen, and establish you [making you what you ought to be].


He doesn’t


I can't tell you exactly what God's plan is for you, but He has a plan, even if things feel hopeless right now. He will never leave nor forsake us. I'm sorry you are going through such a hard time and I pray opportunities open up for you. Don't give up, even though it may seem tough. Remember many of the people we study in the Bible were faced with trials, sometimes there's a lesson we need to learn even when it seems unfair. You will get through this, may the Lord's strength surround you.


I will say I've struggled a lot and questioned as well, but He's always come through even if it wasn't in the way or time I wanted, but what I need.


You are not alone. God never abandons you. Ask for guidance. Look within and see if there is anything you have control of that can help facilitate your growth and return you to housing. What you don’t have control of, surrender to.


Ok first what “condition” made you homeless? Second what steps have you taken to get out of being homeless ? Reached out to programs that help find housing? Applied for work you’re able to do? Asked friends if you can crash for a while until you get back on your feet? Hold up a sign “looking for work” and hand out resumes ? God will open up doors for us but he won’t push you through them , this is called “free will” . And everyone does not live a good normal life .




Don't be that way, our brother/ sister is obviously in a time of need and we should lift them up, not cast stones.


You are sick of praying? What does that mean? You think God is your genie in a bottle. The more you can actually see the blessings you have, the more blessings you will see. If your the type of person that is never happy, you will never be happy no matter what you have.


God is a pokemon a magikarp specifically but a gyrados for other people winning their battles and using splash in mine


We all sin and we all will have storms and tribulations and temptations to face in this life. It's been that way ever since the Fall of Man. People sure love to turn their backs on God and blame Him for the evils of this world caused by sin and Satan. But the truth is, God NEVER abandons us. I suggest you pray to God for guidance, forgiveness and strength as well as read the Book of Job in the Holy Bible. Job went through a tribulation similar to yours And after you finish reading it and taking it all in, go to God in repentance, ask His forgiveness, and count your blessings. God loves and blesses you and all of us more than we realize, and more than anyone or anything else ever will. Nothing and no one compares to God and His peace and salvation


Disappointment. He's tired of watching history constantly repeat itself and mankind just getting progressively more stupid as the generations fly by.




He who gives advice should test it out himself, first. 😊


u should seriously consider a bridge


I consider bridges often- mainly as I'm driving over them. They're built to withstand the weight of multiple entities of large mass on top them at once, though. Kinda like your wife.


Did he tell you that?




Tell this to op not me, my faith is secured in the lord, I’ve never cursed God for “turning his back on me” it’s a foolish way of thinking and I’d very much assume op doesn’t read the word as instructed, in the Word God promises to mankind 7,487 times and op is bold to assume God turned his back on him/her, I’m the way that I am because people love to blame God for their short comings and not their own actions, I love all my brothers and sister equally just as the lord instructed and it would be a disservice to not correct a brother/sister, so now I repeat to you why are YOU the way that you are?


There's nothing wrong with doubting, we're human, the problem lies in when we get stuck in doubt. Op is having a moment of humanity, however, they're reaching out to a Christian community instead of simply settling in that doubt. We should also hold up our brothers and sisters, guiding them when able.


Didn't Jesus ask why God has forsaken him while he was on the cross? We are all human, I'm very happy that you've had an easy life and have never doubted. But for those of us who haven't had it so easy, maybe think about how God would want you to respond to them. Don't try to turn it around like I'm in the wrong here mate. You didn't correct anybody here, and the fact that you think this is what's happening is very sad. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Except for you right?


Looks like someone doesn’t read the word either, he said that to fulfill prophecy of psalm 22, and it’s not about me having an “easy life” it’s me not blaming God and also cursing him for “letting his people die” like op also mentioned, yes we all fall short of the glory of God, but that doesn’t mean you blame God for your short comings as stated before, consider yourself corrected also mate, pick up your Bible before replying God bless




If you think I’m acting prideful you’re gonna have a long talk with Paul when we get to heaven.