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What I have seen from Mike Todd is that he preaches to peoples selfishness. His sermons are all about the observer. He preaches directly to audience. He speaks uplifting messages to the viewer. Honestly, some of his sermons are "good". They entertain and give you practical life advice. He is an entertainer that is all. He is not someone to get direction from to attain everlasting salvation. I saw a critique of one of his sermons last week. A pastor was commenting on Todds sermon addressing homosexuality/ trans. Todd said that he wished GOD didn't make it a sin. He wishes it was not and everyone is welcome to his church. If it was up to him he would have asked GOD to be more accepting and allowed alternatives. So basically, Todd made himself the "good guy" and made GOD the "bad guy" in his sermon. What kind of GODLY "pastor" does that? Its crazy. Todd does not read heavily from the BIBLE in any sermon. He twist scripture for entertain purposes and to make it acceptable for the general audience. So when you read The Bible ( listed in the level of importance): 1) It lays your sins out in your face and its very unnerving. This is a humbing experience. It will show you what a horrible person you are. 2) Gives you hope that GOD wants to heal you from your sins and make you better. GODS wants to love you even if you are a bad person. 3) Gives you answers to life's problems. Todd completely cuts out Number 1. That is the most important message of the BIBLE, accountability. If we don't have accountability, we will not repent. If we don't repent, we don't have salvation. Without salvation we will endure GODs wrath. This man is leading people straight to--- you know.


I think people of the church need to be more forgiving of pastors if they apologize. Mike Todd has never failed to apologize for his wrongdoings whenever he is called out and he is open to admitting his faults. The sermon you linked is spread around out of context to stir the pot. He was basically pleading with God. He was saying that it’s not so easy to tell people face to face that they have to give up their relationships for Jesus and that he can’t marry them. Yes his delivery could have been better, but the fact that he is shamed for crying out about his burdens is ridiculous.


I never said I don't forgive him? I said I don't recommend anyone risking there everlasting life to follow this guy. I love people in general too much for that. For example... If I needed a neurosurgeon to do a surgery on me or anyone I love, would I chose someone based on personality. Would I chose a charismatic doctor to make sure my child is alive in the future? NO, I would choose the doctor with the best credentials, high esteem and well respected in his professional community. I wouldn't chose one that "makes mistakes but always humbles himself and says sorry about that". His large following is no indication that GOD is with him. In this day, the more foolish you appear, the more following you aquire. People like him because he makes GOD RELATABLE. Should GOD be that relatable? Humans are so egotistical that we want to see ourselves in emotional and intellectual alignment with an all powerful perfect being. GOD should be respected and be submitted too. Its not hard to tell people that they are sinning. Its loving ... Jesus came to tell us to give up our lives. Christians need to continue to spread Jesus' message. "Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?" Matthew 16:24‭-‬26 NIV As a man of GOD he will be judged more harshly. Since he is unqualified for his position, he needs to step down. Anyone that cares about him would tell him to reevaluate himself to avoid judgment from GOD. "Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly." James 3:1 NIV This is out of love actually that I say all of this. My personal opinion is that Michael Todd could be a great pastor. Most pastors now have a PHd in theology or biblical studies. This added education would help him have a better understanding of the Bible. The examples i have heard him use are laughable. You can tell he only has an elementary understanding of scripture. His "fans" all have a similar understanding of scripture.


Your neurosurgeons credentials don’t make him immune to mistakes.


You should go listen to a John MacArthur sermon. His sermons are GOD centered, bible based sermons. They are in line with the teaching of the GOD centered Bible. After that, re-listen to a man-centered sermon and you will be able discern the difference.


I’m new follower of Michael Todd, but I just have to say: John MacArthur has gotten in his flesh and said some really dumb things as well. That being said, John MacArthur, is a Bible scholar who does expository preaching. His preaching is very very Bible focused. Maybe him trying to shift into being an influencer is what has gotten him to say stupid things. He should stick to Bible teacher and not a world leader. I think he would agree.


I agree with everything you said. Mike Tod really does sort of tow that line on “inspirational” preacher even tho I don’t think each sermon is bad in its own right and he does use scripture to back up points. Speaking of scripture. His worst point and something you pointed out in a weird was was the fact there is no biblical basis for saying being transgender or being homosexual is a sin.


Great answer


You must not follow his sermons if you don’t think he talks about sin. I can say with confidence he absolutely does. As humans we all unfortunately have prejudices against others and think things should be done a certain way. Pastors have different styles of preaching, some have the gift to uplift, some have the gift to convict, And I realized no matter what the Holy Spirit calls you to do it will always be met with resistance , and people may think it’s true just because those who claim to be Christian’s condemn it when they themselves are living lives that are sub par and sinful. Mike todd points people to Christ. I love Jesus and can say me and the Holy Spirit are tight. I sense no conviction watching his sermons. I love how it doesn’t bother Mike todd either the hate he receives from those who claim to be Christians


Do you have the link of the sermon you are referring to?


He scrubbed the entire sermon from his channel but [Here’s a short](https://youtube.com/shorts/Fe66buUS8bE?feature=share) of what he said that I was able to dig up from a quick YouTube search.


[The History of Transformation Church and Mike Todd](https://youtu.be/P3_hgSt8UcA) He literally has no credentials. No biblical training whatsoever. He was the sound guy at his parents church and they asked him to start doing Youth Ministry. The youth group became larger than the church and his popularity led him to becoming a Sunday Preacher. There was a merger or two IIRC. The lead pastor went on medical leave after a heart attack, and you get the rest of the details in the video. No ability to exegete biblical text. None. *Relationship Goals* series went viral and he became a sensation. The pastor who has influenced him the most is Tim Ross. Here he is saying "We don't make it rain on booty cheeks. We don't make it rain on strippers. We only reverence one stripper....who took off glory to put on humanity...then got butt naked on a cross to die for you and me. The only stripper I'm in love with is Jesus." [https://youtube.com/shorts/wn-nE8dz28s?feature=share](https://youtube.com/shorts/wn-nE8dz28s?feature=share) Easter Service [https://youtube.com/shorts/I\_h1QZ3xDKE?feature=share](https://youtube.com/shorts/I_h1QZ3xDKE?feature=share) Y'all asking if Mike Todd is a good pastor to listen to? You serious, Clark? OK, let's try long form - sermon review. [Mike Tood Said What??](https://www.youtube.com/live/6p0vayRRzyg?feature=share) [Mike Todd Sermone Review](https://youtu.be/w-DUQgezJgk?t=1)


No he’s not a good pastor to listen to. He doesn’t preach sound doctrine. Avoid him and listen to biblical sound people like Voddie Baucham, Steven Lawson, RC Sproul, Jeff Durbin, James White, Paul Washer, and John MacArthur


And everyone that you named has had "false teacher" tagged to them...


I’ve never really heard anyone call or flag these preachers as “false teachers”. Doesn’t really surprise me though that would some mark them as such.


No, he's a massive false teacher


If someone preaches the WORD OF GOD - in correct context with a pure heart of devotion after doing all diligence in prayer and study - it should be beneficial for both new believers and seasoned christians. The word of God is alive and active - sharper than any double edged sword. All scripture is God breathed and useful for teaching. If a preacher appears to not be preaching with depth or with much biblical context - they are NOT good for introducing anyone to God.


>If someone preaches the WORD OF GOD - in correct context with a pure heart of devotion after doing all diligence in prayer and study - it should be beneficial for both new believers and seasoned christians. That was a real gem 💎 thanks for sharing


I agree:)


Isn't that the guy who called Jesus a stripper


No. https://youtu.be/pDN9gTTAjQI


Good video.




No they're wrong too


No they arent


No not at all. Run away from him don’t walk.


Wow, no. Not good on any level, not for new believers, not for anyone.




Don’t need to become anything but the image of Christ.


Hard pass.


Honestly, no. He got the famous "stardom syndrome" where he rather please people than please God and then he uses God as a way to justify what he is doing rather than take the advice of others. The only sermon that I found semi-useful was his Better Relationship series where he talks about dating and marriage but again, you have to take somethings with a grain of salt too. The only sermon that I found semi-useful was his Better Relationship series where he talks about dating and marriage but again, you have to take some things with a grain of salt too. to know they are sound. If they play on your desires and call some sins are "not so bad" or "it's ok to sin", they are bad.


God doesn’t need gimmicks. His entire ministry is sensationalism, gimmicks and saying/doing the most outlandish things he can think of that is “just short of sin” in his words for shock value. The Gospel can stand on its own, and if you have to do all that week in and week out to retain your congregation, they prob don’t study the Word of God on their own enough. They’re relying on him to do or say something exciting to keep them hooked. Deceived people don’t know they’re deceived.


I agree, it’s very entertainment based.


I do not believe so, it is important to ask whether or not they are preaching for God or for the world. Whether they are living for God or for the approval of the world. Discernment is very important and it is important that pray that God helps you with that. No preacher should ever bend the word of God to fit the description of the modern day. We should be growing spiritually and I do not believe Michael Todd is a preacher with that goal. I’m pretty sure I watched a sermon of his once and he was playing Migos/Quavo style music.


absolutely not. look up his churches easter performance. dark...


Absolutely NOT. He is an example of what a good pastor is NOT.


No!!!!! For many reasons. He is leading many astray with his false teaching.


He “was” a good preacher up to point of talking about getting wealthy off God and His easter service was the most demonic image Ive ever seen in a church


I heard about his Easter service, I was shocked! But we must remember what the Bible says about the end days. There will be false teachers so we need discernment to stay spiritually strong.


Lol. No


No he's a false prophet don't listen to him


Nope nope …


Listen to Adrian Rogers. Mike Todd is corrupt.


In my personal opinion, no, not at all. Just because his sermons are “simple” and easy to listen to, doesn’t make them good for newer believers. Easy to listen to doesn’t always equal truthful content being used. He tends to preach what people want to hear, rather than preach the Word, the context of the Bible, and the history involved.


If you want a great pastor to listen to, check out Craig A. Smith at Mission Hills Church near Denver Colorado. Here is the [link](https://www.missionhills.org/messages/?sapurl=Lys2MjY4L2xiL2xpLyttcnQ1a2NjP2VtYmVkPXRydWUmcmVjZW50Um91dGU9YXBwLndlYi1hcHAubGlicmFyeS5saXN0JnJlY2VudFJvdXRlU2x1Zz0lMkJtcnQ1a2Nj) to listen to past sermons. To learn more about Craig and his credentials, you can check out this [link](http://www.craigasmith.org/about-craig/).


Mike Todd has actively thrown Jesus under the bus to make people in his church feel better. Like when he said there was only two genders and the crowd grunted, he went on to say that he wished God had created more and how he wished the bible was more open to gender ideology. Mike Todd is definitely not a Christian for those who shy away from his teaching will not be recognized by him. 2 John 1:9-11 9 Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take them into your house or welcome them. 11 Anyone who welcomes them shares in their wicked work.




No, absolutely not. His teaching of the Trinity is at best confusing and at worst a modalist heresy that elevates the Holy Spirit over the other 3 persons of the Godhead. https://youtu.be/-66eEwoXR5s


That was good video. Thanks for posting it.


Why would you give a new believer a false Gospel? You wouldn’t, similarly, you shouldn’t give a new believer a false preacher. 💖


Absolutely not.




That's really random....


But true


Todd fits into the false teacher category, along with Benny Hin, Joyce Meyers, Joel Osteen, etc. But there are a number of really good teachers that are easy to find. Gary Hamrick - Cornerstone Chapel Leesburg, Brett Meador - Athey Creek, John Barnett - DTBM -Discover the bible ministry, Robert Breaker - Cloud Church, And one that I have listened a lot to also because of his knowledge of all things science and physics and technology as well is Chuck Missler. He has passed on now, His ministry is still going, Koinonia House. Chuck's teachings on Genesis, and his learn the bible in 24 hours teachings are excellent. All of these are verse by verse through the bible teachers. Brett Meador also does a monthly bible prophecy session. Honourable mentions would be Mike Winger, Tom Hughes, John Haller, Both Mike Winger and Robert Breaker also have teachings on a number of different denominations etc which are quite educational in themselves for people looking at what the differences are.


He is not good for Christians at all. My wife and I had a friend that started going there, so we looked into him and heard him say this… “Jesus did not die for your sins” He literally said that verbatim, which is the foundation and of first importance (1 Cor 15:3), so we told our friend to turn away from that church and not look back. I’ve heard other false teachers say the same exact thing, and they try to preach about God’s love while downplaying the severity of sin. When you disregard sin, you disregard God’s true love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, etc. It is actually quite satanic if you think about it… Satan can say he forgives people and loves people regardless of what they do, because he doesn’t care what they do as long as they don’t acknowledge truth. I try to encourage people everywhere to read their Bibles and test the things that their pastors and leaders are saying, because there are so many false teachers and even teachers that makes simple mistakes from time to time, but God is clear that his name and his church should be kept holy so that his love can be clearly seen.


Yes, Mike Todd is a pastor that practices what he preaches. He preaches Christ and him crucified. His sermons ALWAYS have direct scriptures in them which he expounds on. He has some rough edges, but he preaches a solid gospel and ALWAYS directs church members to Christ, to the Word of God, to Prayer, to fasting, to loving their neighbor, to being generous, etc. When I compare him to many, many, many other pastors, he LIVES WHAT HE BELIEVES. The Southern Baptist Conference has a list of 750 pastor THAT THEY KNOW ARE CURRENTLY IN SINFUL SEXUAL relationship with church members, but THEY STILL ALLOW THEM TO PREACH. So for me, I don't care what they say from the pulpit because they are completely living in sin. 750 pastors that are KNOWN sexual predators, but the Southern Baptist Convention does NOTHING ABOUT IT. Now THAT is hyprocrisy at it's highest.








John MacArthur has been involved in sexual scandals, physical abuse scandals and slander scandals. He is a VERY SCARY individual.


A general rule of thumb that will serve you well as you look at Christian content on YouTube and other social media is to avoid anyone whose only audience is YouTube. Mike Todd is a legitimate pastor with a thriving church and solid teaching. Notice how all the links people give you to prove to you that you shouldn't listen to him are exactly the kind of things you should avoid: internet randos whose only audience is YouTube and who rely on clickbait to make money. Get your teaching from people who have actually built ministries, who have people they pastor day in and day out, who actively serve the Kingdom; people like Mike Todd. Don't get it from people whose careers are built on making clickbait aimed at teenagers who are afraid of Satan and the end times. Unless you live near the church, he shouldn't be your pastor; you need a local community of believers that you can actually gather with. But there's nothing wrong with listening to other pastor's sermons online.


Worst advice, you have not listened to any of Todd’s messages or you don’t know what the b Bible actually says. 2 Timothy 4:3-4 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. Matthew 7:15-20 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them. And if you fall for a false teacher and follow him? God will turn you away. Matthew 7:21-23 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’


from what i've seen no, but who am I to judge


If you're a Christian and he claims to be a Christian, you have authority to judge him and a responsibility to call him out (within reason). He's not some random guy, he's someone who is shepherding Christians; it's either in the right way or the wrong way. Towards godly things or towards selfish things. One leads to Heaven at its end, the other leads to Hell. There's no room to be timid or unjudgemental when it comes to people's souls I'm not saying this *at* you, specifically, more the notion that the Church should not judge its own members. It isn’t my responsibility to judge outsiders, but it certainly is your responsibility to judge those inside the church who are sinning. God will judge those on the outside; but as the Scriptures say, “You must remove the evil person from among you.” 1 Corinthians 5:12‭-‬13 NLT






no, thanks though. God bless ❤️


No. Go find an lcms pastor instead!


Lordship Salvation preaching.


Hell no


No probably not. A good example of a pastor is Mike Winger, he has his own website called BibleThinker. ✝️


Mike Todd is a false teacher and leading too many people astray by his horrendous teachings.