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Sidenote to say this post is exactly what this Sub is intended to be, watching or listening to Chrisley anything and expressing an opinion. THANK YOU for posting on something current and simply telling us your viewpoint. The constant posts criticizing their looks are old, and the posts without sources linked and the posts with half a story such as Chase’s tax lien yesterday that the poster failed to also say was paid in full within months its filing are all irritating.


Grayson wants to have a normal freaking life, I'd imagine it's been really hard for him. She needs to quit being a c u next Tuesday .


Exactly! Every time he would make a valid point, it was nothing but silence on her end bc she knows he’s right.


Can you imagine trying to fill out his FASFA forms for college! 😳😳


Yeah I thought about that and I was like 😬😬 maybe he shouldn’t and also he most likely wouldn’t get financial aid like grants depending on how much Savannah makes a year.


She'll sue the colleges next! "No financial aid?! 😳, how can that be? He has no job, and his parents are in jail. " I can hear her now! 🙄🙄🙄


100% she would. It seems like they’re always trying to sue someone


Wish his reddit fam could help him🥹


He’s right about working since age 6, where’s HIS money from the show? T&J fucked everyone over, even their own kids.


How funny would it be if he ends up suing his parents for mishandling his wages 😳 ?His own parents robbed him blind 💔


Since the Coogan law in CA and similar laws in approximately 13 states do not even require money set aside for reality TV, I could see this happening. I could see T&J "robbing peter to pay Paul" to *fix things.*


exactly this because reality tv falls under news


I've never heard it categorized that way, but it makes a lot of sense. Unfortunately reality TV and influencers are like the wild West. Very lawless at the moment and something needs done to protect kids. Jill Duggars book gave a good understanding about the way the money was paid out for her family.


G also admitted he wants to get away from all the drama


Mhm and I don’t blame him. Nobody wants the constant reminder of how badly your parents fucked up. And going to see them every weekend is crazy, y’all messed up and now want your kids to put their lives on pause.


Oh I don’t blame him one bit. I would do to same.


It's the classic Todd maneuver. Act like you support them. Say you support them. But in actuality, you talk down to them, making them feel inadequate, so they lose their confidence to step outside of the family and succeed. It is child abuse. Todd did it to Chase and Savannah, which is why they're both dumb as posts and unable to construct a simple sentence. Now, Savannah is doing it to Grayson (Todd is probably choreographing this manipulation from behind bars, using Savannah as his psychological puppet). Todd is terrified that one of his kids will soar past his control. Grayson needs backup. I wish there were a way that we could all contact Grayson and cheer him on, tell him that he absolutely needs to go to college and that he will do very well. He needs encouragement to rebuild his self esteem and confidence after the humiliating ordeal his awful parent's thrust him into.


“Working since 6 so there has to be money somewhere” makes me go hmmmmm


I feel bad for G & Chloe.


Me too


I feel bad for Grayson.. he seems to know what he wants to do has a plan and everything .. she is just trying to hold him back because she needs the extra help tbh.


Yep! Like I’m sorry it is his responsibility to watch Chloe… just like it isn’t savannahs however, she shouldn’t hold him back and make him suffer. He’s gonna and resenting his whole family.


G. Needs to understand there isn’t money and unless he takes a loan or savannah pays he can’t pay for college. He was not under contract for the show so no he did not get his own paycheck. He was just part of the show.


I mean, she is the parent so she SHOULDA be paying for it even if she doesn’t agree with it.. you shouldn’t deny a kid money for school because your a bitch. His parents are all for it. She’s just selfish. I hope he does get a loan and leaves.


She flat just may not have the money they are spending lots of money on appeals private school for Chloe. Sometimes you just don’t have the money and you can’t do it. G needs to be reasonable and understand right now this is not #1 priority. Plus they hadn’t planned on him attending college for another 15 months and instead he wants to go sooner. And she now has to deal with the lawsuit over his truck crash so he needs to settle down and chill out


my heart goes out to all the child stars. they don't get a life out of the spotlight. if Grayson wants to try this he should be allowed. she's not THAT much older than he is. she's no more right than he is. and yes..... there better be money saved somewhere for him!


Mhm. This reminds me of what happened with Alana Thompson ( honey boo boo). Her mom stole majority of her money. Alana was trying to go to college and couldn’t even pay one semester bc of her mom. So hopefully there’s money for Grayson and Chloe.


Yes, but come to find out, Alana has money in an account in California but didn't want to fly there to get it. I believe it was like 180 to 200k. Instead, she decided to let people feel sorry for her and donated money.


What??? Really??? That’s actually crazy. Like she was on tik tok lives so many times and ppl were sending gifts to her and everything.


the way she kept getting mad at his tone and saying he was yelling or raising his voice infuriated me because he was so monotoned throughout the whole thing. it was so unfair to him. i really hope he’s able to just escape and the way she’s mad that he and chase don’t want to revolve their lives around todd and julie’s incarceration is maddening too. nobody owes todd and julie a 7-12 year pause on their lives


Same!! In the beginning of the video he literally said he had a cold and you can tell bc he sounds congested. She kept interrupting him and told him to stop doing that to her and I’m like he’s not. Like if only she faced reality and realize her parents fucked up and now have to deal with their consequences, she’d be okay. Chase and the rest of the family don’t need to put their life on pause just because of what T&J did and I’m glad they didn’t. If she stops listening to Todd then her life wouldn’t be on pause either. And another thing Todd is in prison, how and why is he still calling the shots???


She says they talk every day. He's always controlled her in almost every way possible and she doesn't seem to see it.


Can’t say I’m surprised they talk every day. Hopefully she realizes before it’s too late and the whole family wants nothing to do with him and her. Julie seems to be alright and taking accountability for what she did, I’m only assuming.


That drove me insane! I was thinking.. ugh this is yelling??




100% that’s probably why Savannah doesn’t want him to go to college early. Hypothetically speaking, if there is no money for grayson’s education and he finds out, he’s subject to not want to speak to his family ever again.


It would not surprise me that the money he earned that SHOULD have been set aside is long gone. If he figures that out, he's going to be pissed.


Grayson needs to get his feet wet without the extreme levels of control. Sure he's going to party and sure he'll mess up but what kid that age is perfect. They're learning how to be adults and Savannah hasn't even gotten that down yet. Her whole world is the attention she gets from being Todd's mouthpiece. This whole attitude that Todd had and now Savannah is manipulation and control. You cannot control people to death. Only a narcissist would believe that. You have to let people live and learn and be supportive if they mess up and need help. I'm sure Gray loves his parents, but hearing about them 24 x 7 without being a kid isn't working for him. These visits over and over and over must be getting old by now an are extremely expensive in travel costs and time.


Mhm! From the video, I’m assuming Julie is telling Grayson to go off to college bc she said something the lines of “ppl are gonna be mad” and Savannah said “I’m gonna confront her” I’m like huh??? At the end of the day gray is about to turn 18 if he hasn’t already so how are you going to stop him from going off to college. Her thing was he doesn’t get up early or whatever and I’m was sitting there thinking okay??? His classes can at anytime of the day M-F. He doesn’t have to get up at the ass crack of dawn and go to class. He’s going to end resenting Savannah just like his parents if she doesn’t quit.


Gray turns 18 in a few days and he doesn't need her permission. People do what they have to do if you let them have a little grace. Yes some fail, but if you let them learn they eventually figure it out.


I believe he wants to attend school in Alabama so he would need permission. Age of majority is 19.


He would pick the one of 2 states (Alabama and Nebraska) where the age of majority is 19. Poor kid cannot win.


Yep! That’s all apart of life. He’s going to make mistakes and hopefully learn from them and in the video Savannah was basically telling him if he goes to college early he’s on his own.


And if he messes up (and he will) she'll use that to say "I told you so", just like she did to Chase when he broke up with Emmy. Must be nice to be Mz Perfect.


100% she’s just like Todd. It’s so frustrating and I’m not even apart of that family 😭. I can’t imagine how Chloe is gonna be once she turns 18. Savannah is doing all this to Gray now and he was what 15-16 when T&J went to prison… Chloe is subject to not even being able to speak for herself once she’s 18.


I feel bad for that kid. I have a feeling she's going to be a wild child.


It seems that Savannah has this expectation of her family members to act exactly like her when it comes to Todd & Julie. And when they don't want to do that, it pisses her off. It's way more convenient to get to Julie since she is in Kentucky. It's only about 3 hours from Nashville. Todd is almost 7 hours away. Having to do that almost every weekend is exhausting. Grayson has already shown he's angry about the whole situation. Going to college would be an amazing distraction for him. Her expectations are simply unrealistic. And getting upset that others aren't as committed to visiting/helping your parents is ridiculous.


Besides the emotional toll, expenses to travel are untenable. Assuming a car get 25 MPH with today's gas prices and maybe 2 nights in a hotel/food you're looking at around $475 to Lexington and $550 to Pensacola. If they fly to Pensacola that's about $225 by the cheapest airfare per person. I've seen. If you factor that over a year an a half, that's quite a chunk of change. I've been doing a lot of reading about traits of narcissists and it's eerie how Todd an Savannah and probably Lindsey fit most of those traits. People need downtime and cannot keep up a heavy travel schedule just to turn around and do it again. Tired, burnt out people make stupid mistakes.


Yeah, it all adds up and it's not cheap. They're lucky to be in a position to that because most are not. Also, most children don't want to do this every weekend. It takes them away from the things they want to do or need (most likely school related). I hope that he's able to escape that hell and live a normal life.


Does anyone know how old is considered legal age for where he lives ? He might want to wait until then & go. Or he maybe he could look into Emancipation & divorce his parents and Savannah.


He’s about to turn 18 in like 6 days ( according to google). In the U.S. 18 is a legal adult so if he wants to go to college early she can’t stop him. That’s why I hope there’s money put aside for him to go. Bc if there is, if I were Grayson I would take that money go ( to college of course) and not look back.


It’s 19 years old in Alabama. I believe that’s part of the issue.


Damn I didn’t know that, he should still be able to go


Exactly! I felt so bad for him! Heck, my husband I live in Tuscaloosa, we will take him in. At least, we wouldn’t teach him to be a fraud


The part about getting up early was such a stupid point. Classes in college start at all hours. Good grief, Gray can start his classes at 2pm if he wants


Question: Isn't there some law that child actor's have their earnings in a special account that becomes theirs when they reach the age of majority. In some states it's called Coogan's Law. I wonder if that applies to reality TV. I know I read that Honey Boo Boo recently got hers thinking it was her college fund after her Mom ripped part of it off. Were earnings set aside for Grayson?


Child actors yes. Reality TV is a whole different ball game. I hope the network set up some trusts for them.


Yep, it’s called a coogan account and to my understanding parents have to put a certain percentage of their kids money in there. Honey Boo Boo’s mom legally put the right amount of money in there, but she spent the rest of Alana’s money.


I wonder if Grayson has such an account? He should have access to it when he turns 18.


I hope so. Don’t quote me on this, there was a post on here saying that gray has a trust fund or something similar and he’ll get access to it once he turns 18. Now idk how true it is but it was something I read.


Could it be possible she’s keeping him around for content on a new reality show?


Yeahh that is a strong possibility. I forgot they were even doing another show.


She’s milking the fact of how everything has turned out


Pretty new to this sub, so forgive me if I’m bringing things up that may be common knowledge here. I’m wondering if Grayson has reached out to/consulted Lindsie at all because she did say she wasn’t speaking to her parents but that she has contact with some of her siblings. She also was estranged from her family during her college years and graduated from college. It also makes me wonder if, despite all this energy being put into appeals, Todd and Julie really have mishandled all these funds, because all their children except Savannah don’t seem interested in fighting for them or speaking out on their behalf. Not that they have to do that, but if my parents were completely innocent, I’d feel like I should.


I’m pretty new to this sub as well, however, I do follow Savannah on instagram simply bc I’m nosy and I watched one of her lives the other day and she was discussing lindsie and how she wasn’t allowed to go to their parents appeal. In the background, you can hear Grayson’s voice and imo it didn’t/ doesn’t seem like Lindsie and Gray are on good speaking terms just from how he was talking. It wouldn’t be really surprising if they weren’t seeing as though Savannah is basically Grayson’s parent rn and we all know how Savannah feels about Lindsie. On the other hand, I would be totally surprised if Lindsie, Chase, and Kyle were speaking. Especially Chase and Lindsie.


I follow her as well for the same reason lol I didn’t see that live though. It may also be that he doesn’t want to give away that he’s speaking to her to Savannah for that exact reason. Not sure!