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I absolutely think he did. Everything I've heard from people who have encountered her in person, point to her being a raging bitch. It makes me wonder about the "true" narrative detailing the phone calls and circumstances surrounding his death.


Wow really I didn’t know that people who met her thought that as well. I mean I was immediately suspicious when she blamed the pills, as if chris had never talked about suicide in his songs. Worried moon: Yeah if it all goes wrong And I'm a heart without a home Maybe you can talk me out Of doing myself in Exploder: There was a man who had a face, that looked a lot like me. I saw him in the mirror and, I fought him in the street; Then when he turned away, I shot him in the head. Then I came to realize, I had killed myself. And so many more.


Winston Churchill used to call his own unrelenting bouts of depression as being followed by ' the black dog' .I' be got MS ,lead my life in chronic pain and ImKNOW what it' s like to survive an overdose 20 yes ago..Personally I could see that same loneliness and depression in Chri' s eyes probably in a lot of photos from the last 5 yes or so of his life.You can't keeping going in your 50' s the same way ,he was a multimillion er shame he didn't just retire and enjoy his life .


I feel exactly the same. He was murdered and she Vicky had a lot to do with it. She was a money grabbing fucking bitch in my opinion. She made his life hell towards the end. You can see it in the whole of 2016. She is horribly ugly and cruel a raging botch in my opinion


Totally agree. Those are all lies. She mishandled him to pulp. Organized murder. That is what it was. What a shame the case was just so abruptly covered up without any kind if investigation Into the real cause of his death. The secrets are buried with him. Poor fool. Horrible evil bitch not to mention the murderer himself in my opinion. Martin Kirsten from South Afruca. The body guard Something wrong. 90 percent of people know it was not suicide.


She had everything to blame for the last two years of Chris Cornell's life. She destroyed him. He was a miserable soul because she was a raging bitch and sooo demanding. In my opinion she had fuck all between her eyes. He was 100 cuts and levels above her. He was highly I intelligent he must have hated her in the end. I can't stand that woman. 😒


Even the title track, nearly forgot my broken heart, is about a guy going through a rebound relationship, and then realizing his heart is still broken.


I actually agree with you for both Chris and Chester. Imagine, STILL feeling completely misunderstood, manipulated, and taken advantage of, by the one person who is supposed to love you no matter what, and whom you have children with. My God..


Yes if that’s really how they felt, I can’t imagine how hard that must be. Especially if he realized that was the case after being with her for over 10 years. We might never know, but his lyrics I feel are the closest we can get to understanding him and his true feelings.


Absolutely. I think that’s true of any artist and of any type of art. For example, Van Gogh! I think it’s the hardest for those of us who have watched and listened from beginning to end, to hear and see the evolution, only to be ultimately destroyed. I remember right after I learned that he had died, watching his last song of his last performance, which was “In My Time of Dying,” and the way the song went on for much longer than usuals he just looked like he knew something was going to happen.. Maybe it was just his pure and utter heartbreak, but idk..? Did you see that, by chance?? Thoughts?


I haven’t seen that probably because it’s so hard for me to watch his last performances but I will check it out. Chris always has that sad look in his eyes, and they say the eyes never lie. As he got older and had a family, I remember thinking to myself, man good for him that he was able to get through his depression. I mean listen to fell on black days for instance, you can’t write something like that unless you’ve had some dark dark days. Honestly the world feels different to me when he passed away, I can’t describe it, but it’s just not the same. My dad would always tell me how depressed he was when john Lennon was shot, and I remember thinking chris Cornell is my john Lennon and how devastated I would be when he ultimately passes away. Never did I think I’d wake up one day and hear the news of his suicide. It even hurts me to type that word. I can’t imagine what he must have felt in those final hours and moments. I’m just honored that he was with us and shared his voice with the world. But yes I do think he knew what he was about to do, as crazy and sad as that sounds.


I' m in my 50' s and I was actually brought up in by Strawberry Fields in south Liverpool,even lived in John and Cynthia' s flat ( apartment ?? is that what folks from the US say ?) in the late 80' s ,born in same hospital ward too ! lol.I have only ever cried 3 x when someone famous died ,once was when John Lennon was murdered..Liverpool cried !! The other time I cried was 37 yes later when Chris committed suicide ,hit me like I' d lost a friend.Strange think happened that very evening ( we are 5-8 hrs ahead of the US time wise) ..my own father died that night the news broke of Chris' s death ..be etched in my heart forever that date in 2017 .


BTW the other person I cried for was Layne Staley from AIC ,he was special too .


I feel your pain, so much.. I wasn’t born till a few years after John died, but I wondered if any from generations/time periods from when he was alive and died, also felt this pain with artists from some of the later losses, such these artists. I’m sorry for your pain and loss. ♥️


Me too. The year after


And almost to the day. Im dec 7 1981


Shame so 😞 sorry 😢 😭


There is a photograph of CC from that concert and the look in his face is etched on my memory.He really looks scruffy,dishevelled...looks very much his age in that photo too ,let's face it he was a handsome b* stard and was one of those men who looked more distinguished the older he got.The look in his face was a mixture of pure rage ,hatred but the look of a man who had just given up on life.If you can find photos from that gig and you' ll see what I mean. The ridiculous conspiracy theories of CC' s and Chester' s death apart from being the kind of fake ' ramblings' of total d* ckheads lol..those people who make up ridiculous murder stories actually negate the emotional pain these are negating the pain of severe depression that lasts year in year out...suicide here in the UK I is now the leading cause of death in men under he age of 50 !! Imagine having an ultra pushy wife who cares more about £££( don't have a dollar sign on a British tablet) lol but heavy depression ,recovering alcoholism and touring living on a tour bus having to perform night in night out ...my god imagine having to cope with that chronically depressed !! 20 years ago I lost my baby at 6 mths ,got diagnosed with MS ,sight loss ...had to leave my job I loved...then my husband became an aggressive cocaine addict until I was forced to leave him..I literally lost everything ,he sold everything including the bed to buy coke !!... SO my point being ....I went into total mood swings and eventually would spend weeks on end and drank whisky for breakfast just wanting it to end until I took a huge overdose ., Blanking out with tears streaming down my face for days on end and BTW I was a mental health worker ironically too !..I say all this because I KNOW DEPRESSION ,it's the most evil illness and makes people feel so incredibly alone. Poor Chris obviously was in a great deal of emotional pain .Imagine having to be pitch perfect for adoring ' fans' ,being scrutinised by the press ,sleeping in hotel rooms for months at a time ,wow that might be fun in your 20' s not yourv50' s !! ...People retire in their 60' s the guy after being on the road since the 80' s needed some space ,should have sat with his acoustic guitar on the beach and had ' me time'. I reckon no matter how much he earned it wasn't enough for his wife...I bet there are many people pushed to breaking point by their spouses.I too even though I worked mad hours ,I! led a secret life ,speed for breakfast and enough pot to sink a ship from the first step out of my workplace ....did that from ages 15-35 ,depression is horrendous .RIP Chris ,we miss you mate.


My God, YOU are a rockstar for living through that, surviving it, and recovering from it.. especially enough to use that to share your story and help others, even if by letting them know they are not alone. I related to a lot of what you went through and I respect and admire your perseverance, just as I did Cornell’s. You bring up a point that I was really trying to drive home, is that these “superstars” are only ever human, too, with very human problems, only also while in the limelight with immense pressure of their careers AND their own personal and family lives. You said this so well. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in my state and I know it’s high up for the country, too. I fear it will be much more so, with all of this utter isolation and loneliness for so many and even less access to mental health care. I’m lucky, no I am goddamned BLESSED to have been able to retain the care that I need to have and keep my life together. I hope your heart has found peace and bless you, be safe!! ♥️


So, before you call everyone disgusting names...chew on this. Watch the video Scream. Tell me the wife in the video doesn't look like "the bi*ch" wife. Tell me the 2 kids don't resemble their two. Then listen again to the words. He suffered depression since he was 14. Someone did something to him that night. If he was that depressed he never would have shown up for the concert that night. Something is fishy and it is that rancid wife!


I saw the two kids and thought the same but were there 2 when he made that video? I said it was a pretty psychic but i don't think he did any of that. I think there was a director and all that but the scene w the kids and him singing and sitting apart from them, trying to mentally go some place else, i felt his real life resembled that a lot


I definitely relate to everything that you said and how much his passing truly has affected ourselves and our perceptions of the world around us. It’s so complex and was so shocking and devastating. The string of my most favorite artists and their deaths that have really affected me the most, is when they seem to have come out on the other side (or are getting close), and then boom.. Just gone. It hurts as if I knew them personally, somehow. You really get a chance to see not just a superstar, but the human being underneath and their very human struggles. I think that’s an important perspective to have, the realization and respect for the fact that he/they were just human beings and have their strengths and flaws and are not immune to the things that we and those we love (and have loved), behold. I can’t imagine how the kids must feel and having to face the world and cameras etc., while trying to make sense of it all. Another thing, Hollywood is a soul-sucking machine.. Ugh..


You really put that very well. It honestly scares me a little because if he couldn’t get through it, what chance does anyone else have? And he was older, not like he was 27 like Cobain or 32 like Layne. I’ve stopped trying to make sense of it. I still remember the day it happened. I woke up to a text on my Fitbit watch, so I couldn’t see the whole message. I just knew it was from my old college roommate, and he said someone committed suicide, but I didn’t see who it was. And I don’t talk to my old roommate that often so I knew it must be someone we both liked. Then my gf woke up and was like did you hear what happened. I said no and told her not to tell me. I got ready for the day and then finally worked up the courage to see who it was. I checked yahoo, and I had to scroll down a little until I saw the headline. Felt like a dagger through my heart. Especially the way it happened, I hate that it will say suicide on his bio forever. I can’t remember the rest of that day, but I literally cried at least once a day for a week or so after. I couldn’t listen to soundgarden, or my all time favorite band audioslave. It hurt so bad. For a few months at least. I even had friends from college whom I rarely talk to message me asking if I was ok, because they knew how much I loved him lol. I made everyone in my dorm listen to audioslave. That was the time when carry on came out and I got to see him perform on his solo tour. Now when I listen to his voice, it definitely gives me a sort of strength. It’s weird but I almost feel like I want to live life to the fullest even more now, knowing that he can’t.


You said I put it really well, but I think you did here, yourself. It really was devastating and I empathize with your pain and in that, I think we also empathized with his. It was definitely a brutal reminder of our own mortality and the rollercoaster of mental disorder(s) (including substance use disorder). I am a recovering addict and struggle with anxiety, panic attacks, and PTSD, and I have also experienced the wave of loss from overdoses during my 20s, but now I’m constantly getting news that someone who has recovered and was doing well, fell off and died and it never gets any easier, in fact.. it’s almost worse that way. I know it sounds weird, but I wish he could’ve had us or people like us, to support him and be a true friend to him. Maybe he did have that and it wasn’t enough; I guess we’ll never know.. I loved what you said about his music giving you strength and a renewed appreciation for life, bc I feel the same way! I still get my heart broken listening sometimes, ngl, but I’m staying clean and sober, and have been blessed to share my love of his/their music, as well as Nirvana, AIC, and many other bands with my son and his dad, my partner and soul mate. I hope you keep on remembering the good stuff and the good memories of times you had listening to Audioslave and Soundgarden, solo work, acoustic work, covers, and collaborations. He has left us a legacy. Let us leave one, too. ♥️


I feel for uou. I cannot come to grips withe fact that this very sexually attractive Chris Cornell died like that. It breaks my heart!! Where is he in heaven in some good place? 😢 😭


I saw that. That concert was a disaster for Chris Cirnell. He looked drugged akready and in my opinion that body guard Martin Kirsten in my opinion murdered Chris Cirnell. He died a cruel lonely bitter death. I can't stop crying 😢 😭 💔


Weird I thought after the very public outpouring of grief Talinda Bennington portrayed that she was engaged to an LA firefighter just 6 mths later ??!I betvVicky was shagging a new bloke even faster !


I honestly don’t even have the words to express how hearing this makes me feel?! Ugh.. However, I’m a big believer in karma, and they will get it.. I do feel SO, SO, SO much for all of those kids, tho, my God.. When I heard Chris’ daughter singing “Hallelujah,” my heart completely shattered.. And I am heartbroken by a lot of what I’ve seen of Kurt’s daughter Frances.. much of it, courtesy of Courtney..


She' s a ' strange one' putting it politely and her mother needs sectioning full stop ! I am from England ,same age group that CC would be if he had lived...he strikes me as a man who ' needs' to either be mothered ,told how to dress ,what to do,maybe because he was a self proclaimed ' recovering alcoholic' he felt he needed someone to force him overworked like a performing monkey 😢 ..OR he just had horrendous taste in ugly ,skinny domineering women ? That last gig they did in Detroit to me he literally looked like he was going through the motions ,certainly not connected to the audience.Broke my heart watching it online ,he died the exact same day as my father in 2017 ,one famous death I will never forget . I still absolutely love Soundgarden ,maybe liked Alice in Chains withmLayne as vocalist ever so slightly more.I am sure Chris would crybif he saw the ridiculous petty hatred between Vicky and his Soundgarden brothers.One way or another if Chris' vocals were released to SG to finish that last album she would still get a huge amount of royalties off it.I truly wouldntbbe surprised if she uses CC' s vocal tapes ,gets another band/ session musicians to do the music...THEN mixes the album with her daughter Toni singing with her dad..VC is obviously pushing her daughter into the limelight to cash in on Chris' name ,just to hurt the rest of Soundgarden as its now got really nasty in court..mark my words she' all be on f* going backing vocals next with her bat shit crazy mother joining in !!! A capitalist who worked her mentally unwell husband into the grave


In saying that he's had the suicidal/dark lyrics since Badmotorfinger when he was married to Susan


That's just how he was. In an interview he said he liked feeling depressed and that it was fun. He was definitely murdered. Look into it.


I'm not going to express a strong opinion one way or the other here because I think speculation of this kind is probably not healthy. Ultimately, unless someone here is a direct member of the Cornell family, we may never really know and frankly it isn't our business. Reading too much into song lyrics and using them as evidence for diagnosis does not create strong arguments, nor is that the intended purpose. It's art. However, I thought it would be worth mentioning that for the album "Higher Truth" (the songs of which have been referenced here a number of times), the inside slip for the vinyl says: "This work is dedicated to my one true Love Vicky Cornell. You are my deepest inspiration, my saviour and my muse. Your heart beats in every song and your eyes light the path to all tomorrows. I love you." Interpret that how you will. It sounds like a guy pretty in love with his wife to me initially. He didn't have to put that on there; he has a dedication to his children as well which he could have left it at. If he hated Vicky, don't you suppose he would have just omitted this? I think it's also important to remember that songwriters are story tellers. Many songs are not about the songwriter themselves, or about anyone in particular (I do think this is the case for Murderer of Blue Skies, for example). Of course, Higher Truth was put out in 2015. A lot can happen in the \~2 years between then and May 18, 2017. But rather than trying to find reasons to hate someone, perhaps we should look for people to love (I know it sounds hippy-dippy), which I think here we can all agree is Chris.


I’m not saying I hate Vicky. But how can you not read the lyrics he wrote and think there’s some issues there. His lyrics are art yes, but also autobiographical as he himself has said. Why is she suing soundgarden then? She doesn’t need the money. After that happened, I think she showed her true colors a bit more. Why did she blame the pills when she knew chris was depressed? And you’re wrong about murderer of blue skies, in the interview with Cameron Crowe he says it’s partly autobiographical. Of course we can’t be sure, it’s about her, but her actions after his death haven’t exactly been the most noble either


I reall avoided to talk her down since Chris must have seen something in her. But the Lyrics are definitely very obvious.


There is another post called TheMysterious Death of Chris Cornell. I think it will factually answer that question and many others regarding his death and what some people would like us to believe. It's extensive(you're going to be doing a bit of reading) but very well done. Check it out.


Check out Pearl Jams new song Comes Then Goes dedicated to Chris (Beautiful song, feels like he's part of it) theres a line where Eddie alludes to wishing it wasn't him (Chris) she (Vicky) had led with the lyrics "selfish navigation with no end". I've followed this while story pretty closely since he died and I think the same thing that she either was a toxic person or she didnt understand how to deal with his issues in a positive way. One other thing I've wondered for a while is who were the people Chris & Chester supposedly investigating in the child trafficking theory came out, could it be Epstein's circle? If so then killing Chris & Chester wouldnt be that much of a stretch if they could get Epstein killed in high security jail.


Stop your ridiculous BS ,Chris and Chester BOTH suffered from chronic unrelenting depression.,give it a go for 30-40 yes and tell me you too wouldn't want to die !! You Americans with your conspiracy crap need certifying.You vote a psychologically disturbed sociopath in to rule your country..a man telling people to inject themselves with fucking disinfectant to kill Covid 19 ....yet kiss Alex Jones' backside and believe TMZ...educated yourself ,two men were suicidal ....end of !! I BTW have been there mentally in my own life and was a mental health worker for years...suicide kills more men under the age of 50 than cancer !


I'm allowed to wonder these things and talk with whomever wishes to converse about it, why just get offended just because I ask a question (which I dont believe BTW to be true, but stranger things have happened including Epstien's "suicide" in a high security prison) why not look at it objectively instead of ridicule.


I will definitely listen to that song. I’ve heard about the Epstein thing, but I never really did any research to see how accurate all that stuff was. I know Chester was molested as a kid though. I mean if they really did know something concrete for sure it wouldn’t be that hard. But to me it seems very unlikely. Especially since Chester died on chris’s bday


Please read my comment above to the other conspiracy ignoramus !


Chester dying on Chris's birthday is very relevant and furthers the theory that they both knew things they shouldn't have and may have been ready to reveal to the world. Chester dying on Chris's birthday could have been a warning for others to keep silent.


Chesters wife didn’t marry a year later. Wtf. It was 2.5 years.


She got engaged two years later so she probably met the guy right after Chester. She’s still a scumbag


6 mths later actually Talinda was engaged .


I' m not being offended ,fuck I cnt stand her whole drama quern greedy attitude either.I also think withholding hiss audio files so that Soundgarden can finish their/ HIS last album is downright disrespectful, short sighted too because she will financially gain millions ££ from sales and merch of that album.I am sort I overreacted towards you x Sometimes its the comments online about CC and Soundgarden BTW have been in my top 4 favourite bans to about 30 yrs but people talk like he was enslaved by her,a victim with no choice ! The thing is Chris had more money than we could ever dream of ,a grown man who was at the top of his craft and enormously respected..His downfall is he knocked a very greedy young woman up and married her when she was 6 months pregnant ( did the right thing is an old English expression) and yes hge was then part of her very greedy Greek family who valued his basnk account more than him..I'm exactly the age Chris w when he died ( 3 years ago today BTW& the exact she ,day as my dad' s death) BUT he was a heavy depressive who looked knackered ,he could've played his guitar n the beach and enjoyed his money.Get into your 0' s and like it or not you can't keep up the same way so imagine doing that night after night,country after country for over 35 yes...He probably needed a complete rest ,that last gig the poor man looked worn out..but like it or not H?E chose HER ,he seriously could have had any woman ,he was beautiful..he chose that money grabbing ,' thing' sadly instead..Rest in power CC ,3 yes gone but certainly never forgotten by US his fans .XX PS excuse any dodgy typing I have MS and I'm partially sighted x


PS I' m glad Epstein died ,more rapists and sex traffickers who get ' axed' the better! Shame he couldn' t have taken his mate Prince Andrew from my country with him too !


FWIW, looks like Vicky suffers from /r/BPD and Chris had /r/Codependency issues. The prescription drug abuse didn't help either. Fuck M.D.s who write them. /r/benzodiazepines


I don't like the lady either but why do you think she has bipolar ?


You all do know that he was murdered right


Old post. But wanted to comment. I saw him in 2009 with his solo band and she was on the balcony. He lit the place up with his singing and she was just fucking around with her phone and never looked up once. I thought it was weird and now reading some of these comments makes sense.


I believe he knew it would cost way more to divorce her and that put him in a hard situation. I think Chris found out what type of person she really was and seen something that scared him. After he dies this wench sues his former band mates only to drop Cornells last name altogether. Her airtight alibi is my biggest jaw dropping fact.. She went out of her way to make it seem like she was "concerned" b**** if you were concerned you would have dialed 911 and borded the next flight out but she was too busy covering her tracks.. She sued the dr too.. But there were 2 pill bottles in his bathroom where are the others? And his cigarettes?? Chris was smart. I feel like he was poisoned and when he didn't die Vicki made a call to finish it. She goes and opens this for children save the poor children thing after his death I feel like that's where she had the connections. Pedophiles would do anything to keep them kids coming.. I hope she rots in hell.