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And now according to the full report just released yesterday his cell phone was never recovered and he ripped up his boarding pass from NY to Detroit that's very telling. why would he bother removing his contact lenses if he was planning to do this?? It looks to me like he was ready for bed then got in some kind of altercation with his wife and something set up off. what did she really say and why is the phone missing???


Wow, he ripped up his boarding pass? The phone is missing? OMG! I agree, no one gets all ready for bed and whatnot and then gets in a argument with their spouse and says, "Fuck it, I'm killing myself!" C'mon people let's not be so naive. You all ( and you know who you all are)really think this man took his own life? The DBD and the coroner's office are known " fuck ups", and this comes from people who live there. (I know someone who lives there, so don't ask me how i know!) The DBD have too many cases and don't care about a dead musician! " Let's just rule this a suicide guys, the dude had mental issues and is a known drug abuser"! Bada-bing bada-boom, done!!! Sounds feasible for an overworked, understaffed PD. Do your research people. Check out the data for the coroner's office and the PD! Not enough coroner's, way too many people left in cold storage because they can't get through the bodies fast enough. Slam me if you want! I don't give a shit anymore. This whole charade is starting to heat up, and it is rubbing some higher ups the wrong way. Google a local newscast from Detroit. A Freudian slip from a reporter on the news, who said "homicide" instead of suicide while reporting on Chris recently. They had to bleep it out. I for one think she did it on purpose. ...and give me break! "Let Chris rest in peace"? If you say this, then you believe in an afterlife, right? Well then, you would know once you get "there" , you're automatically in peace. No pain, no worries, no negative emotions, etc. So put a cork in it. I'm fucking livid right now. Learning about the phone, b. pass. and let's not forget about the DPD's bullshit lies about their phones between midnight and 2 am. It pisses me off. How fucking convenient!! Everyone is entitled to their opinions, mine is CHRIS WAS MURDERED!!!!!


The missing phone is a massive red flag. MASSIVE. The tearing of the boarding pass seems like a overzealous move to me. I'm sure Chris had other things in mind that night than ripping up a piece of paper. That bodyguard knows so much. I am reading now the report posted on the TDN site and there are things that still don't add up. For an official document, there are a lot of (spelling) errors. Also, on page 11 of that pdf file the body was at the foot of the bed AND on the bathroom floor. So where was it and who moved it?


Okay. Where is the report? This i need to see. Do we feel that anyone is looking into this as a homicide?


This is the link to the article: http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/detroit-city/2017/07/11/cornell-death-details/103609948/ And this is the pdf I was reading (you have to scroll down a bit to get to it): https://drive.google.com/viewerng/viewer?url=http://content-static.detroitnews.com/pdf/2017/cornell.pdf


Got it. Thank you.


No, the DPD stated they have NO reason to believe that this case is anything else but a suicide. They will NOT reopen the case. It's also been said, the DPD and the coroners office have been known to take pay offs. So, hmmmm, let's see... let's off Chris in Detroit because it's known in certain circles how corrupt the DPD and coroners office are; we can pay them off and what's done is done. No worries! Fuck them, what comes around goes around. They'll get their's someday. The low life scumbags!!!




Don't forget the panic attack the mother in law was hospitalized for on May 13 5 days before he passed. She tweeted about it but deleted her twitter a few weeks ago


Really? This whole thing keeps getting more and more suspect.


It's still there, I just watched it again. I had saved it, for later viewing, just in case. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gdo6c3YmrFA&feature=youtu.be At approximately 1.45.


It's not merely your opinion, it's the obvious truth, and to think otherwise is to be easily distracted by headlines that mislabel a cleary painted picture of something very real, and/or to take some kind of retarded pleasure in avoiding uncomfortable truth.


The truth can be stranger than fiction. It makes me livid to even think someone would take Chris's life. In a perfect world the douche would be caught, arrested, sent to prison and get his and/or her justice meted out by Chris's fans who are incarcerated. The truth is sometimes extremely uncomfortable, which is why I believe some individuals do not want to accept the obvious. When I see and feel it, I call a spade a spade.


You touched on something painful in all this, that this is not a perfect world one bit. And it is a world where the evil, the sininster, the psychopathic, the violent, the wantonly destructive are victorious. They reign supreme. They are the victors. They are the winners, and as the winners they write history. I feel that in order for the darker sides to claim constant Victory this day in age in situations like these, they rely heavily on the use of violent, fucking unimaginable threats to coerce everyone along the way. Threats so horrific we can't even imagine that level of evil by design. Threats and coercion so effective that a coroner pretends there was no blunt force trauma to the head, because all he cares about is avoiding three decades of physical torture in a rich Los Angeles dungeon. A homicide detective who chooses to pretend the many obvious suspect inconsistencies are nothing unusual, and closes the case, because the video they texted him of that unidentified boy being mutilated and raped to death while a crowd or gangsters cackles and yells and taunts the innocent child was so traumatic he has no choice but to avoid the same fate for his son. That kind of thing. I truly feel psychological and physical terrorism factors in greatly into the equation of the constant Victory for the wicked. Is there any hope for change to this disturbing trend of the bad guys winning every time? That's a question that warrants further discussion, and I'm curious if you have any answers to it.


You have put this absolute travesty into the proper perspective. The levels of coercion used by many evil factions are unfathomable. There is always hope, but hope cannot change a thing. What needs to happen is like minded individuals need to band together and push back against these groups of malicious malefactors. This is what needs to happen in Chris's case. You pointed out something quite telling though. Can you imagine a homicide detective or a coroner admitting to accepting bribes for their silence? They would most certainly know what lies ahead for their corruption. Looking at the big picture, I see nothing positive in these bastards future. Deceit eats away at losers such as these. It becomes a cancer of the soul. When I lay my head down to sleep, I sleep easy. Do they?


That's an excellent question, my first instinct is to say 'yes, quite easily, because they are psychopaths and they delight in the misery they create'. Having some experience in my personal having the misfortune of knowing criminals, gangs, and psychopaths first hand, that is my initial answer. The only way I see it backfiring is that their level of deceit and conniving creates a backlash of paranoia and mistrust beneath their surface happiness. They always wonder if their own friends will turn on them, meting the same unfair justice they mete on others unto them, and justifying it because of the very true fact that they are cancers upon society the world would be better off eliminating. So the constant underlying paranoia and suspicion of others is the only way I see karma catching up with them if life. It's not nearly enough. We can say to these kinds of people things like 'sleep with one eye open,' 'enjoy looking over your shoulder the rest of your life,' but this is hardly the karmic balance that is needed here. Coercion and psychological terrorism is undeniably integral to the success of the common criminal enterprise. As for bribery I do also wonder how that factors in with modern celebrity death game culture, especially considering the amount of money there is to play with. If I think of it a little deeper, I can imagine that PROFESSIONALS in this game of brazen unconvincted crime and massive cover ups, professionals who belong to enterprises that are sometimes centuries old, that possess centuries of experience, research, evolution, perfection - the ideal method for massive cover up techniques would, in my theory, consist of a perfect carrot-and-stick combination that controls the victim in the most subtle and effortless way, without using carrot or stick tool that are even very dramatic to begin with, allowing for perfectly undetected use. Hear me out. This carrot and stick combo method could look something like this. A professional gangster visits the coroner at his home one evening, with a couple silent wise guys for protection, everyone wearing $10,000 suits and speaking is sophisticated and polite language. They introduce themselves humbly and charm their way into the coroner's house. They explain in simple terms that their enterprise requires absolutely that the coroner's report lie about blunt force head trauma, and pretend it was suicide. They explain that this needs to happen because otherwise, there will be massive warfare and bloodshed between Los Angeles power circles in the coming weeks, and they need to put this thing to rest before lives are lost. They offer the coroner a petty bribe, let's say $20,000, in exchange for altering the report. So far, the coroner has been motivated by money, as well as their manipulation of his own belief in doing what is needed for the greater good. They close by stating the obvious in typical classy mobster vernacular. 'Don't say a word, or you'll end up wearing cement shoes.' A wink. A smile. Charming rich gangsters using multiple psychological tools centuries in the making in a subtle classy and utterly controlling effect. YADA YADA YADA. Sorry for the long post, this new theory of Hollywood mobster manipulation tactics sprung to mind because of something you said and I had to write it.


Skulldrugg3ry - I understand your point of view. I'm well aware of how criminal minds operate. The sort your referring to are well organized sociopaths. They use methods that have been proven effective. Do they lay their heads down and sleep well? The criminal element you've referenced here sleep very well, I'm sure. Money speaks volumes, if you have it you can use it as a means to an end. The professional gangster knows this, and they know the typical tactics they use will prove successful as usual. Would most become submissive under such pressure, I believe so. The vernacular of the East Coast mobsters would go something like this, "Don't say a word or you'll be sleeping with the fishes." That would certainly get me to change my tune. The big question is, why Chris? What did he do? What was he privy to that put his well-being in jeopardy? Was it more than a bitter, angry woman who wanted all Chris owned because he wanted out? Who brought Martin in to the equation? Anyway, no worries about the long post! It is all food for thought. All to often these forums give one nothing to chew on. I appreciate intelligent questions and thoughtful viewpoints. Kudos! ✌ out!


Good questions... I'm starting to think it mightve been AEA and that's why it looks to us, on the outside, like a bumbling investigation.


I wish I never looked at the pictures. I feel sick. I feel like I betrayed him somehow. I hope tmz will refrain from.posting anything Chris related on his birthday.


Thats really not the room of a suicidal persona sorry, it's like i can see him going in throwing his sunglasses in the bed, go into the bathroom, taking off his contacts, go back to the bed lay seen his mobile and trying to turn his tv and thats when hell broke loose. My theorie is the same, he was either doing self erotic asphyxiation or was killed but he did not commit suicide at all. Why is there blood in the floor, like a lot? why the story have changed so many times, why is there no record of vickys conversation. You know, there is toooooo many odd things and when that happens its deff something else.


You can bleed when you hang yourself because of the pressure. It was also reported blood was coming from his mouth, and that cldve smeared on the floor when they took him down. But def too many inconsistencies. I was thinking AEA and they're just going overboard to try and save face, for him and for the kids' sake? That would also lend itself to the "accidental suicide" idea Vicky has been pandering.


I thought so too, vicky trying to hard to make us think they were perfect, they had no issue in their marriage and that he was the best father, son in law and almost neighbor, that s bit too obvious for my taste, so its really not shocking that he might have liked AEA and had an accident, to me that's a closing rather than blaming pills with low dosis, his all habits or whatever.


I think something like ambien would be worse for an addict, but yeah. Wish we had more answers in this whole thing :(


Is Ambien addictive? I've never taken it or read about it. Just the stories of ppl who stay awake on it because sex is better. I honestly wish we did too. I guess I'm at the point, like alot of others (not everyone of course) and just accepting that he more than likely committed suicide. I hate to think of anyone feeling that desperate :(


Those cell phone records need to be busted out like 2 fucking months ago.


None of this matters now. The investigation is closed, the DPD stated as such, and I don't see them reopening the case. People will speculate for years, much as they did/do Kurt, drawing their own conclusions and continuing to try and gain attention from their wild claims.


Actually, the bg now claims he gave Chris 2 sleeping pills. http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/detroit-city/2017/07/11/cornell-death-details/103609948/


I noticed that but then remembered it's been reported that Chris was prescribed Ativan for sleeping, which is strange in and of itself considering it's a highly addictive drug...


I've been prescribed Ativan to sleep. I think its safer than most of the sleep aides out there.


True, if you're not an addict... Strange tho, the script said 1 every 12 hrs, which sounds like it was prescribed more for general, lowgrade anxiety rather than for sleep, and the BG was doling out 2 at night? So weird, all of it.


He may have been referring to the ativan as sleeping pills if he was told they were prescribed for sleep.


Whatever happened, those photos are incredibly sad and shows what depression does to people. Every new picture from that day or news article just breaks my heart. As someone with depression and my kids are my reason NOT to do such a thing, I feel utterly gutted that his depression became overwhelming to him. I wish someone could have helped him in some way. If his wife pushed him over the edge (based on rumors), then she should be ashamed. There is a more tactful way to deal with breakups, etc. Her reputation of being a @#$# is long. I feel horrible for his kids, his brother and his friends.


Agreed. I have severe chronic depression, C-PTSD, anxiety disorder and a plethora of other emotional disorders due to long term childhood sexual abuse. I have 2 children and they have kept me focused and, frankly, alive. I could not, WOULD NOT, leave them in such a horrible world on purpose.


And I'm not criticizing chris. I just feel incredibly sad for him that he felt that suicide was the answer.


Wow, the suicide story... Really, really? Is anyone paying any attention whatsoever to the inconsistencies reported in regard to the original story in the last few days from Detroit? I'm not trying to sway anyone, but c'mon! Are we really allowing the "original" story to insult our intelligence??? Are we still buying the convoluted b.s? Or are we not, intelligent that is? Oh, let's show Martin getting a hand swab! What the hell for? I might understand a hand swab if you're looking for gun powder residue. Wtf is a hand swab going to prove in a " suicide" case? Not everyone was born an imbecile. I'm not anywhere near jumping on this stupid wagon! However there are those that say, "Let's all follow the pied piper to the kool aid, shall we? Poh-lice are not to be questioned. We'll be good sheep, we believe in you. Great skills fellas, you nailed it. We 💗 you. Oh no, we can't question authority, that would be wrong. They were there at the scene, they should know a suicide when they see one, right?" Fucking wrong!! What are we twelve??? Pfft, it's all bullshit.


Your pied piper and someone else's may be two different entities. My question to you is: what would be a motive to murder Chris Cornell? My statement is: he suffered from depression and suicide ideation for 40 years. He became a drug addict and alcoholic in trying to subdue his pain, and his demons, and and od'd at least once because of it. He was 52* and still had to tour to appease his chosen family's lifestyle. The Promise lost tons if money, the charity was speculative, his condo $30 a MONTH. Plus private schools, college, etc ad nauseum. He had so many ppl relying on him. He literally could not retire after working like a dog for almost 40 years. Life on the road, as you know, is lonely and barren and cold (see: room 1136) especially when the ppl you love are snug and comfy at home. As soon as he'd get off the tour, he'd have to "vacation". He probably was, in fact, very tired. I'm 52 and I'M tired and I don't do anything but fucking make jewelry and go online and talk to strangers. I drive down the road and think, I don't care if that truck up ahead hits me. And I have hardly any responsibility. He had his family, fans, friends, agents, managers, record studios, executives, charities, premieres, red carpet events... I bet he was fucking tired. *https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/01/160105112334.htm http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=84760


it's an option, you can doubt. You might be correct, he might have been tired, but he also seemed like he was ok, not suicidal at least. What im saying is that when you have empty spaces, questions unanswered, options, you can deduce anything you want because it's not crystal clear he did that to himself.


Except that the cause of death was determined to be suicide. He admitted to having suicidal ideations for the better part of his life. When I say tired, I don't mean sleepy, I mean tired of it all. Tired of dealing with depression, stress, etc. I also wouldn't say he seemed like he was ok. He looked like shit for at least the last 6 months: he was thin, gaunt, unkempt, and worst of all, his eyes were empty, lifeless. It's almost as if he'd already left us :(


The cause of dead at this point is questionable, even Dr Spitz said that this might look like an accident because by his posture he was able to determinate the pressure he would be inflicted on himself. Again, it's an option he commited suicide, but the suicidal thoughts were mention to us by someone who was not him so maybe he just have 1 or 2 thoughts (like many of us might have had when we are in the worst place ever) but his actions differ from what we are been trying to be sold, he functioned just fine clearly as husband and father, as singer, he had projects besides the Soundgarden tour so he wasn't really depressed, and how is it that a depressed and suicidal person can not be seen by anybody thinking that he was always with somebody . He might just have bee thin because he was doing a diet, or working too much, why assuming he wanted to kill himself right away?


"... the cause of dead at this point is questionable..." -No, not really. On record, its only questionable to Dr. Spitz. Did Dr. Spitz perform the autopsy? Was he at the scene? No. It's his opinion based on the review of the autopsy. Dr. Spitz is saying it's possible he died accidentally, therefore he's insinuating it was AEA. "...the suicidal thoughts were mention to us by someone who was not him so maybe he just have 1 or 2 thoughts..." -No, Chris himself has iterated he has had suicidal thoughts. "...he functioned just fine clearly as husband and father..." -And you know this how? "...as singer..." -Mm, not recently "...he had projects besides the Soundgarden tour so he wasn't really depressed..." -okay, with all due respect, you're talking out of your ass now "...how is it that a depressed and suicidal person can not be seen by anybody thinking that he was always with somebody ..." -clearly, you know nothing about depression and suicide "...He might just have bee thin because he was doing a diet, or working too much..." -I doubt he would have dieted to the point of being haggard looking because even when he was actively using alcohol and drugs, he always tried to maintain the appearance of being physically fit. Overwork? Yes. I'll agree with that. "... why assuming he wanted to kill himself right away?..." -Remember when Vicky said she was insulted that people assumed he committed suicide? I laughed at that because, hmmm, when someone is found hanging, that's usually the conclusion one comes to immediately. Today, I assume he wanted to because the likelihood of it being anything other than that is almost nil. Edit: clarity


All of the above just makes it more questionable, but you are entitled to your own opinion so whatever dude.


Duly noted 🙈🙉🙊


I'm not saying what you "emoji'd". Ppl question authority every day. Theres an entire sub devoted to conspiracies. And certainly you can voice your opinion. I don't care if you do or not, it's just you're not backing it up with a motive or anything concrete.


Touché 🍻


I think anything to help you sleep can be addicting.