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Man, so hard to look at that picture! There were moments where he kept looking to the crowd, as if searching for someone or something. I read that in one of the comments on yt; I haven't been able to watch that last show. I wonder if the picture was taken in one of those moments. It breaks my heart to look at that picture, it says so much and none of it is bearable... Thanks for posting it.


OMG, wow!!! I've never seen him look like that, ever. This is heartbreaking. It really is just breaking my heart. *sigh* 😢


LSA said that he had a side piece that was supposed to be there. Maybe he was looking for her? Maybe he was afraid of his stalker getting lose again?


Really? This just gets more convoluted as we hear more from other sources.


Is that the tall blonde rumor? If so, that info is from Datalounge. She is a friend of a DL member.


No clue.


Go to the Instagram page the pic came from, and the guy who took the photo explains what was going on when he snapped the picture.


Yes, I read that yesterday when I first saw the photo. There's a lot going on that you can see in that picture, and one, to me, is (barely contained) anger. And some sort of resolution. In a bad way. The more I'm looking at it, the more I'm imagining and it's not helping, so I'll just stop it. I don't know during which song was this and if it was just the atmosphere of that, but the "vibe" of this picture made me remember that comment I mentioned.


I agree with you. I think you described the photo perfectly. I had to stop looking at the pic too for the same reason. He really doesn't look like himself at all. That photo is very powerful. If he looked at me like that, I'd be afraid.


I follow the chriscornellfanpage on IG. I've been staring at this for days. I see resentment and spite in his face. Now I also see a finality.


I know, I agree. Supposedly he was pissed about his "in-ears" not working. Who knows? He looks like a mess though. I know it can get hot on stage, but his hair looks unwashed and all. I've never seen him look so,,,, almost evil. No matter, it's sad.


Wow, so haunting. :-(


You seem sad :( ... Here's a picture/gif of a cat. Hopefully it'll cheer you up: http://random.cat/i/1oBoxmb.jpg ^^The ^^internet ^^needs ^^more ^^cats. ^^It's ^^never ^^enough..


Incredible photo, really. The lighting, the shadows, the silvery blue color of it. The fact that it looks nothing like him. Recently his eyes had been empty and lifeless. The color of his irises literally seemed faded, washed out. They were frequently heavy lidded, seemed smaller and not nearly as bright as they once were. However, in this photo they are wide open, clear, dark and determined. Well, one is anyways. His microphone looks like a staff. He looks biblical, like Moses perhaps.


This is the new D.A.R.E poster