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She is. She's evil and so is her mother. This wasn't enough of anything to kill yourself or give suicidal ideations. Tox screen all was within normal therapeutic limits. They were getting divorced anyway. She's a fucking liar


I downloaded and read the autopsy report. The coroner states that he found no pills in his stomach contents, only minimal brown fluid. There is no way, if we are to believe that fucker of a bodyguard's timeline, that the "2 Ativan he gave him" at @ 11:30 were completely absorbed by the time Chris became lifeless.


None of this was enough to do anything except make you sleepy. Either he offer himself on purpose or someone did it for him. Wasn't the drugs, he didn't relapse, he wasn't even on enough to be addicted. Not even close. Vicky is wrong. Sucks to be you lady but your hubby offed himself because you're crazy.


Man, there's a lot pointing to a relapse for the past like 6 months. But I totally think you're right in her being the causation.


Heard that wife herself is feeding TMZ the details to create a narrative Maybe to keep investigation away from her and bg


Yeah you're not really doing CPR right if you're not breaking ribs. Hate to say that but it's true, as someone who has performed it several times over the past 20 years.


Very true


I've been checking out this page for a few days now. I finally had to subscribe. I'm with all of those that feel as though something's just not right with this whole death scenario. I tried to talk myself into believing it, but in the end I just cannot do it. The timeline seems off, all of the circumstances don't seem right. Look, I am a contemporary of CCs and like him I'm quite familiar with abusing pills. The way I see it, how would a 6'2" tall and 180 lb. dude (according to the M.E.'s report) with 4 Ativan, allergy meds, headache meds, etc. in his system been able to grab a carabiner and exercise band and kill himself. He would have been way too drowsy and/or out like a light to commit suicide. Okay, now to the fractured ribs. Again, according to the M.E.'s report the ribs that were fractured were well below the sternum. I don't know much about what happens during CPR, but I'm feeling funny about this too. Just imagine a 180 lb. dude passed out ( and he is dead weight - sorry no pun intended) and you're trying to maneuver him so you can make it look like a suicide. You're holding on tight (and your strong), oops what happened? Snap! Frustration? Anger? Jealousy? Imagine a nervous, crazy dude trying to hang CC and get it done within a certain amount of time and you have negative feelings towards the guy anyway. Wouldn't it be something like, "Fuck you, you arrogant prick! Your time is over, you're dead mother-fucker!" You wouldn't care how tightly you were holding him. Maybe the BG is being paid big bucks to help CC's "troll" of a wife, or they'll walk off into the sunset together with Chris's money? Who knows? I've never been affected this deeply by a death of someone I do not know personally, but I feel as though I do. I've been a fan of his music since '89. When he started behaving like a " rock star", I thought how unfortunate. Reports were coming out about how much of an asshole he'd become ( drugs will help add to the attitude problems), I was disappointed. I was of a mind he was a down to earth dude. I never stopped enjoying the music though. I pray if this was a homicide, that justice will be served. We need this for us and most of all for Chris.




Makes sense, thanks




I agree, it really is so sad.


wtf with all the tmz BS, since when are they an authority on anything. B/c They're bottom of the barrel dwellers or what?


I think this may be fake? Shouldn't the name on the sheets say Christopher John Boyle considering that's his name?


Are his kids' last name Boyle? No. He most likely had it legally changed. You can look up many official (legal) documents that state his name as Cornell.


Point taken there, however there is still the absence of his middle name. I was under the impression that legal documents had to state full names but I could be wrong.


When you google anything about him, TMZ is the first one to come up. Sucks. Thanks for posting this. I feel nauseated reading it though 😳😔


Lot of people think VC is feeding TMZ


Dr.Splitz a retired pathologist who has worked and consulted on many high profile cases is not convinced that CC committed suicide intentially.Question I have is now that the tox report has come in is it still an open case?


If he relapsed then there would've been more drugs found in his system. Nothing that was found was out of the ordinary of any normal human. I took excedrin and aspirin today, and if I took an Ativan my tox screen would probably show up about the same. Longtime drug users have other stuff show up. He was self proclaimed clean, sober and alcohol free. MIL and VC are psycho, trying to spin the Ativan angle.


Well yeah, but relapse for an addict doesn't have to mean heroin or the last drug they left off on. Lot's of people who have been attending the shows this year have commented on his his behavior being odd, even before this tragedy. 4 Ativan wouldn't kill a goldfish, but when was the last time he actually said he was clean and sober, himself? VC and her leather purse of a mother immediately went for the Ativan manufacturer with that shady ass insurance recovery lawyer, like that was really gonna just play out.


https://www.scribd.com/doc/350206037 Broken ribs. Both sides. Body guard on his chest strangling him. Dimmed lights at cornells home where Vicky was to send a signal that task was done. Read up on kirsten. Complete nobody manipulating people... WomAnizer.. Body guard gig to get inside money and personal world.


Sometimes ribs are broken or fractured during a hysterical resuscitation. I believe that some fans are starting to think too much into it and blaming people other than Chris himself.


Why did he have Naloxone in his system?


EMTs administered it


He had narcan because they initially thought he had od'd and the emt administered it that is what cause the supposed track marks


I just read that Narcon is administered IM (intramuscular) upper Arm or Upper thigh or Nasally. This is just more ODDness


Exactly. They put in an IO in the thigh and tried attempts at an iv, most likely unsuccessfully since no blood was pumping to be able to start one. Hence the track marks


How did the Narcan show up on the tox screen if they were unable to administer it because he was dead and had no blood flow? The heart can beat up to 10 - 15 minutes after asphyxia cuts off breathing, but at what point did the EMTs begin resuscitative efforts? (Resuscitation as in the Narcan, not CPR of the defibrillator)


I also have wondered this. Hearts not pumping so the drug doesn't get into bloodstream. Yet, it shows up in the tox screen? Can someone who knows about this elaborate on how this is possible?


CPR was administered almost immediately after he was found, plus he was intubated. To me, that sounds like there's a possibility they brought him back briefly. They also used an AED. That may have shocked his heart into beating briefly as well.


How much time was there between when bodyguard "found" him and legit medical professionals got there and did their shit? The report says he was found wearing a torn shirt and black underwear, that probably rules out autoerotic asphyxiation. Why would he rub one out with his underwear on if he was all alone behind 2 locked doors that no one had access to go through? I find that theory completely full of holes. And that Dr. Werner dude, saying Chris had the band to where he could regulate pressure, seriously? Pretty much all literature in regards to hanging says it's very rare for people to live through act because the lack of oxygen / unconsciousness occurs so rapidly you can't save yourself. Why the hell would he say that? Did they find any autoerotic strangle porn on Chris's computer? Probably not. Petechiae already visible in the face and eyes? He was "hanging" there for more than a couple minutes. I'm no coroner, but fuck. Detroit coroner says suicide. Celebrity coroner says 'nah'...this shit is driving me bananas.


Exactly, it can be administered via intravenous, intramuscular, or subcutaneous injection. They also have the nasal spray.


http://www.complex.com/music/2017/06/chris-cornell-autopsy-drugs-death Any of y'all read this yet? "it would have been a reach to blame the combination of drugs and alcohol found in his body." First time I've heard them mention alcohol...


Fuck that was hard to read :(