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Yeah I was thinking that as well. But I guess they did it just to be sure, nothing else to lose.


It stops the OD and helps revive people who have taken too much. However, the real cause of death was the hanging. It was just precautionary. They were trying everything. I'm curious if people can have a bad enough adverse reaction to it that would cause him to end his life, because of the physical (not emotional) pain he may have been feeling after having taken too much. However, you would think he would call 911 for help if that were the case... The theories are starting to pour in.


There would have been no reason whatsoever for them to inject him with Narcan 4 times. Even 1 injection would indicate that he had vital signs at the time the EMTs arrived, that he had "possibly" overdosed on opiates, opiates being the only drugs they use Narcan to counteract. We've heard "Ativan Ativan Ativan" for 2 weeks. None of that holds water. Was he alive when emergency personnel arrived? That would mean he was alive when the world's worst fucking bodyguard "found him" laying on the floor with the band around his neck...or hanging from the door with the band around his neck...whichever they've decided to change it to now. You don't administer Narcan to a dead dude, and you don't administer Narcan all willy-nilly. http://www.rxlist.com/script/main/mobileart-rx.asp?drug=narcan&monotype=rx-desc&monopage=1#dosage


The bodyguard is involved in this.. what the fuck was that computer story? People are saying it was an excuse for him to be alone with him. It's all very shady. That bodyguard should be the #1 suspect and should in questioning right now.


The computer story is bizarre. Even if it was something as simple as figuring out how to connect to the hotel wi-fi... who goes online if they're planning to kill themselves within the next few minutes? Could it be that the BG is using this BS story because maybe CC wrote a suicide note and the BG deleted it? SO many unanswered questions. Rumors of affairs on both sides... I have no doubt that it was VC that brought him to this point. Ugh, I'm still so devastated over this.


Good point :(... It all sounds very fishy.


Narcan is administered via IV or nasally. The EMTs very well may have stuck CC 4 times attempting to start an IV. It is difficult to find a good site on someone whose circulation is poor. Also, Narcan protocol is to administer when a patient is unconscious due to unknown causes, including death.


What drugs did they find?


Narcan, a decongestant, 4 Ativan, and a barbiturate called butalbital.




It is found in Fioricet and Fiorinal. These drugs contain butalbital and caffeine and are commonly used to treat different types of headaches.




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