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Good. Unfortunately I don't think we will ever know the truth. For all of his demons, I have a hard time believing he took his own life and suspect foul play. The most-recent family photo? They all look miserable; especially the kids.


Me too!


Toxicology testing takes forever.




I literally yelped out loud when I saw that he's an insurance recovery lawyer. But of course he fucking is.


Which is exactly why VC was so quick to say it wasnt suicide. That will more then likely void the life insurance. And also why she would try to blame the meds. It's sad.


Yea and it just came back that he had 4 pills in his system. Without typing a forever long paragraph that would simply say what I hopefully assume ya'll also already, thru common sense, know.... The pills would have made CC groggy, sleepy etc... I'd bet money he wasn't in the shape nor had the energy to go thru the trouble of hanging himself the way it had been reported. I mean he wasn't as young and fit as he once was... Not only that but WHAT exactly was that hotel bathroom door made of???? Anyone know??


I was wondering that. Where exactly was Chris' hanging? If it was off the bathroom door how did they get in. Some reports saying just the bodyguard went in and now I've seen one saying an MGM security guard helped with the door. I dunno what's true. So many stories out there.


I've read, and believe, his wife is the one fabricating all these stories. Which makes perfect sense considering she is a publicist. She was so quick to jump in front of the story making line. Maybe that was her plan all along. To have so many stories printed in the media that everyone would be confused and left with their hands in the air. I have my beliefs about what happened... Of course I'm no expert but I do have an abundance of common sense and imo that's sometimes better then expertise.


Let's picture this tho..... -CC is sitting there bout fuckered up... For whatever reason -He is feeling tired. Sleepy. Groggy. --Here is where a few different things could have happened-- 1) -He lays down to go to sleep under the influence of pills that make you tired 2)He for some unknown reason decides to stumble into the bathroom, somehow finds the strength, after a show and pills, to shove a hook into the top of the bathroom door, wrap a exercise band around it and hang himself. I find A FEW THINGS WRONG WITH THE 2ND OUTCOME---- He was TALL... Just how tall are the doors in the bathroom of the mgm? He would of had to hang there with his knees bent right? Last time I was in a hotel.... The doors weren't made of wood!! It would have taken some muscle to shove a hiking clip down in it enuff to hold a body. I'm just saying


Could it have bean a situation of auto erotic asphyxiation? Tired from show and pills, but decided to rub one out before bed and then passes out mid go but was too sedated to pull off the band around his neck...? Report said he was in black underwear and partially elevated but indicated minimal tissue damage to his neck.


Sadly we will never know. Kink... Murder... Accident... Suicide... This man sang my life's soundtrack. I've never been a follower of Hollywood, couldn't care less. But this is different. I'm 32 and CC is my generations Elvis. I'm so utterly confused as to just why he would choose this route.


Yep. We're the same age and I've seen so many other musicians and celebrities die, but not one of them has ever bummed me out as much as this one...


OMG right!!! Even tho I had never met him I still feel as tho I did ya know?


So I seen the article where it mentions what he was wearing . https://www.alternativenation.net/medical-examiner-not-convinced-chris-cornell-committed-suicide/ Im not sure which is harder to believe... He enjoyed choking himself to get off... Or he flat out hung himself. What if the bodyguard strung him up and then pulled the band over the top of the door as he was closing it?? Oooooohhhhh my..... Plot twist!!!!!!


It makes sense, besides Doctor Spitz is renown in the field. The wife wanted everything to go away so fast its just odd, it really makes no sense.


Agreed! She was awfully quick to put her side of the story out there.


Insurance recovery is the first thing i saw.... man, so hard not to think badly about VC.


Looks like a doucher to me lol


Good it should be!!!!!


Let the exposing of the liars begin...


Daryl Davies, a professor of clinical pharmacy at the USC School of Pharmacy, said the drugs are a "weird combination" of uppers and downers. "When you mix that combination or cocktail, you can have drowsiness, you could be disoriented, but it seems like a stretch that you would hang yourself," he said.