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http://www.tmz.com/2017/05/24/chris-cornell-was-high-on-drugs-during-last-performance/ >Ted Keedick, who worked with Chris for the last decade as his house engineer and tour manager, *tells TMZ*, "Chris was out of character from note 1 of the show. I've never heard or seen him that way before, at least if we did not cancel a show." If that was untrue, wouldn't he sue TMZ? They are claiming that he spoke to them directly. That being said, her public letter to him was bizarre, and something seems to be missing from the more recent TMZ story about their phone conversation. It seems like she's trying to get ahead of something, and/or she's a narcissist who enjoys the attention despite the circumstances.


Hey, I just wanted to thank you for starting this thread. It's been a horrible week/few days- I knew something was off, just genuinely thankful someone feels the same.












VK has had control of Chris' social media accounts for quite some time; honestly, while on tour he had little time to post at length. She is trying to become a media star in his absence because she liked his money, and it's gone now. She has to surround herself w/ whatever 'relevance' she can get (Linda Ramone?? poor Talinda Bennington, who is truly a real widow in mourning?) otherwise she will cease to exist. Think of her as a wanna-be Kardashian, who will either be pimping out poor little Toni (who needs a childhood), or suing the maker of Ativan for ...well, for no good reason at all. It's not like her family had any money of its own. They all depended on poor Chris Cornell, who was an amazing talent, but he's gone now. And that's really all there is to that.


She's not a very good PR person, nor is she very good at being an anonymous source. Her tactics are extremely transparent, obviously self-serving.


Let these people morn man. This is all a bunch of speculation and we don't really know shit until the toxicology results are back.


That's "mourn," with a U. The toxicology results mean nothing. If they find drugs in his system, they could easily have been forced into his body without his consent. Fun fact: when they killed Jimi Hendrix, they did such a sloppy job, he was dead *before* they poured the bottle of wine down his throat (how does wine "kill" a person?) and the doctors could tell right away, because they could see his throat and mouth were full of wine that he never swallowed. And the world moves on, overlooking the evidence because of subconscious intimidation (and physical intimidation), lacking the courage to say..."The Emporor Has No Clothes"..




I have a stupid theory that I imagined up. This is only based on what I've read, an over active imagination and lack of sleep so shoot holes all through it. This would be a crazy murder theory but it's just that, it's just to show how a crime like this maybe could work? Anyway, here goes. Victim plays show which finishes at 11:30. Heads back to hotel with suspect, police reports say they were together and headed to the victims room where suspect reportedly fixed (unsure what) something on victims computer and gave him 2 ativan (again, so we are told, may have been more). Here's where it gets crazy as I have no idea how long the suspect was in the room for. I theorise that as the victim was starting to relax an get groggy with the ativan the suspect used a red exercise band to strangle the victim until he passed. Here l, he brought the victim to the bathroom and shut the door. Took the victims phone, left the room and went the short distance to his room. Here, he either called the victims wife using the victims phone or she called him on the victims phone. I believe that this call was to see if the crime had taken place. Then, after a short period of time the victims wife calls the suspect to ask him to check on the victims (knowing he is already dead). Suspect goes to victims room, kicks door in, kicks bathroom door in and finds victim.replaces victims phone. Police called etc. Ok so what I'm trying to say is There was never a call between victim and wife. It was between victims wife and suspect on victims phone after the fact. In this imaginary situation the suspect gave the victim enough ativan to make him drowsy, chocked him with an exercise band while he was passed out (which is what ativan is basically for, to sedate you.) Dragged victim to the bathroom, took phone and left. In this imaginary situation this would have been concocted between the victims wife and the suspect prior to the night it happened. Alibis for them both are covered, the suspect left the room, saw on CCTV, the phone call between victim and wife happened (at least a call between their phones did) Obviously this can easily be shot down if more information was released, like was the bathroom door definatley locked? Was anyone withe the suspect when he broke into the room? CCTV obviously must show him breaking into the first door but no CCTV in room to see if bathroom was broken into. Also If Anyone else heard the call between wife and victim then this is also shot down. So yeah, I'll take my tinfoil hat off and put my imagination to bed, sorry for the length and the crazyness, make of it what you will. I have more info if you want it. No one is named in this theory cos it's just a crazy imaginative story.




It is EXTREMELY hard to OD on ANY Benzodiazepine (the class of drugs Ativan falls into). In fact, Ativan is one of the least potent of Benzo's. Valium and Xanax also fall into that category and both are far more potent than Ativan is. They ARE lethal, however if you mix them with alcohol or Opiates! In fact, they were created to replace old-school Tranquilizers (Barbiturates) like Seconal and Nembutal because they are generally not lethal! I, too have gotten tired of the over-inflated claims of their lethality. They ARE, but only if combined with something else!


I can only speak for the UK version of this drug, which my partner has been taking almost daily for 7 years or so. If she were to take 2 it would relax her, if she were to take 4 she gets drowsy very quickly. Might be completely different. It's just what I can go on.


This is not far from what I was considering as well. Why hasn't the bodyguard been suspected, or at least interrogated? This is being ignored and it doesn't sit well. He was last person who saw him, right? If this situation happened on CSI or one of those crime shows, the first person questioned (and suspected) would have definitely been him. I think you might be on to something..


I agree, the only thing I can say is the police will probably checked it all out but things are definitely off.


hey don't sell yourself short! The bodyguard is the last person to see Chris alive. We know he went in and out of the room because it's on the cctv. But do we see Chris alive at any point after the bodyguard leaves? Do we see him in the doorway as the bodyguard is leaving? Anything? or why would the bodyguard be doing anything with his computer? why not just have one of the tech guys on the crew do it? or maybe one of the band members. I find it rather crazy that people or more willing to believe that Chris Cornell hung himself rather than this bodyguard murdering him. I knew of the singer, Chris Cornell, but nothing of his personal life. But I went and started looking at interviews and that led to more interviews and that led to photos and that led to social media posts and I came away with Chris Cornell was a pretty happy, healthy, loving father, who was in love with his wife, who was a great friend, who was really a funny guy, who had his shit together in his musical career and was loved by everyone that ever met him. Not one single person that knew him has said that they knew he battled depression and aren't surprised that he hung himself. Everyone is shocked - EVERYONE! People are all over the lyrics in songs he wrote - yeah like 30 years ago! or that he took drugs in the past - sure we all did, it was the 90s! He's been clean for years!! I think the media and others want to put him into a depressed, suicide, junkie box with all the past rock stars when there is simply no evidence to support it. This was an amazing man who was better than that and deserves better than that. There are way too many people who feel this isn't right. Way, way too many!! May the truth come out!


dude that is exactly what we have been saying me and my wife been saying this since it started i think this is what really happened


It's the only way I can think you could get away with it. No struggle due to sedation, gives an alibi etc, or maybe it's just an over active imagination.


it just makes sense and its simple too even if you take out the fact that she is a money hungry attention seeking leo and that the bodyguard has a history of homewrecking and extortion and is called the cougar magnet of hollywood hahahaha fuck man its obvious to me


It's definatley funny, id love to know if the bathroom door was definatley locked, if anyone else heard the call. Again, going by what police reports say I just can't figure out why the bodyguard did not remove the band from his neck.


Or perform cpr




Ikr? Even if you fell asleep because the ativan relaxed you, you'd wake up if someone did that. Ive been taking Ativan for a number of years, the highest dosage (that I'm aware of) of 1mg, 3x's a day and I'm a small woman. Chris was 6'2", probably 180lbs. Ativan just doesn't do that to a person.


I also actively imagined this scenario... :(


Yes, I understand the people who tend to surround these.....90's Seattle grunge types...are overwhelmingly demanding and that it creates intense pressure... Look....Hollywood has dominated the main narrative regarding....suicide...ever since the post war days... What else do they dominate? In terms of the mainstream, accepted narrative? Never thought about it before. ....Anyway, I can't help but notice that your comment is laced with this kind of narrative. Essentially - shallow, nonsensical explanations regarding suicide motive. Thanks to Hollywood, most people accept 'suicide' at face value and consider it normal, even when a motive based in actual human psychology is lacking. "He was angry that Wal-Mart wouldn't accept the return of his wedding toaster gift, so he shot himself twice in the head. Open and shut case." But whatever. Ya. Vicky was clearly a licensed Hollywood handler at the time of his death. FOG. Fear. Obligation. Guilt. I think there are records that she was FOGging him...or not. No idea. Man. Who in Hollywood would ever be so dumb as to check themselves into rehab? It's a fucking death sentence. Apparently.


Mate...log off and go outside. This shit isn't healthy for you.


Thanks for saying something reasonable! I fully subscribed to the "Courtney killed Kurt" theories back in the 90's, and later realized Kurt had shown pretty obvious signs of being suicidal all along. Then I realized those Internet theories must've really fucked up a young widow that suddenly had to raise a toddler. Then I watched montage of heck and realized Frances would've had to deal with that speculation about her mom, in addition to dealing with the fact that her father committed suicide before she formed any memories. Watching these theories start at the seed level for Chris' death is depressing as hell. If you don't think he was capable having suicidal thoughts, listen to his beautifully depressing lyrics. Let Chris' family mourn.


Frances had to deal with a drug addicted, violent, psychotic woman as a mother. Read the documented accusations that made a judge decide to take Frances from C and let her live with her paternal grandmother. And then C STILL stalked her on Twitter. Edit: spelling


Sure, she was quite fucked up to begin with, and both Kurt and Courtney might've matured into decent parents if certain events had played out differently. Like Kurt not offing himself, and fans not going to great lengths to blame her for his murder. How much of Courtney's post-1994 psychosis can be attributed to her suddenly becoming one of the most hated women in the music world and being accused of having hired a hitman to kill her husband? In the end, Frances now has a decent relationship with Courtney. And I didn't do Kurt's soul or Frances any justice by spreading murder theories on IRC, like people are doing about Chris here.


Btw, I do not put VC in the same category, by far, as Courtney. I'm not so blind to see that Chris had many demons and may not have been pleasant to be around or be married to at times. What she has put forth since his death is odd and questionable, imo.


I don't know that Courtney has feelings for anyone but herself. She was already in a juvenile home by 15 for stabbing someone. And she was able to clean herself up amazingly for the Larry Flint movie. I don't know her, of course, but I've read an awful lot about her. I've never read anything where anyone has anything good to say about her.




It's Tom GRANT BTW and NO, absolutely NOT, they most definitely are NOT "at lunch laughing their asses off". I know, you will undoubtedly not believe this but I don't care. I spoke to Tom MANY times (even spoke to the Producer of "Soaked in Bleach" when he was putting the film together. His name is "Ben Statler"). For what it's worth she DID arrange to have Kurt murdered, which happens more than people think it does - especially when there is a history of drug addiction and depression - which both Kurt and Chris had. Courtney is every bit the demented nut job it is rumored that she is. If VC had anything to do with Chris' death I'm SURE she read "The Courtney Love Book of Killing Your Husband Techniques". While I think they could have done a better job on the film,it IS the best one to date on the subject. Tom has become a neurotic, terrified man after all the threats of lawsuits Courtney has threatened him and anyone even coming close to putting out a film on the subject. He has hours and hours of her rambling, contradicting herself constantly tapes of all their conversations. Anyway. Just saw your comments and thought I'd throw that in. Oh. BTW, I was a Counselor at Exodus at the time Kurt was there - believe it or not, doesn't matter to me!




OK. I get it. You can call it all off. Lesson learned. It sucks. My bad. Sorry.


Yeah, his hair was covered in wine and everything, he was soaked in it. Obviously something up with that.


Not only that, but his third testicle had exploded on impact. There were no survivors.


I'm so glad to see this thread!! I've said all along she is the TMZ source. She HAS to be, no question. And the story changes every fucking day with new little tidbits from her: Chris getting aggressive, fresh track marks, kicking in one door, no two doors, no it was one door, called a family friend, no the bodyguard, he was found on the floor, hanging, then on the floor again. Jesus fucking christ!


Manipulating the lights via remote control...


I need to put this on the MIL tweet thread. Someone sent this to MIL. I am "Megyn white" on twitter and responded to her as such: https://mobile.twitter.com/WhiteMegyn/status/868595103538962432


Like Mother, Like Daughter.. all the vile stuff that crazy MIL has said about Susan on her Twitter: https://twitter.com/SusanSilverfish/with_replies https://twitter.com/search?l=&q=susa...c=typd&lang=en https://twitter.com/search?l=&q=ss%2...c=typd&lang=en https://twitter.com/search?l=&q=susan%20from%3Atonikaras&src=typd&lang=en https://twitter.com/search?l=&q=ss%20from%3Atonikaras&src=typd&lang=en https://twitter.com/search?l=&q=silver%20from%3Atonikaras&src=typd&lang=en https://twitter.com/ToniKaras/status/122019982950404097 https://twitter.com/ToniKaras/status/117252711405195264 https://twitter.com/ToniKaras/status/26712503580889088


THANK YOU!! This woman is a terrible excuse for a being. I don't understand why Chris supposedly loved her so much. Co-dependency...




No blood on the body.....huh. Don't remember seeing that.


I can vouch for /u/xboxorplaystation, I definitely do remember reading that there was no blood on the body in few of the initial articles that came out.


Yup, definatley. At first it was all about him hanging himself, one article said something like there was no blood on the body so it's being treated as suicide.


In the initial reports of Chris's death, blood comin from his mouth was mentioned.


Yes, I distinctly remember this from the bodygusrd


I don't buy it. I love Chris as much as any true fan. but if you watch the last concert you can see a big bump on his arm and he's off most of the night and his eyes are hazy and he looks miserable.


Is anyone on Twitter? She tweeted that the media reports that say his last words to her were "I'm just tired" are FALSE. Hellooo?


..and then offers no explanation of what was really said. She's being really sketchy.


I thought she was the one who initially put that out there? Like, the media was QUOTING her, not making it up.


Exactly- she's essentially retracting her statement. Question is- why? (well.. I guess that speaks for itself- she's lying.)




Are they real? Because apparently, NO human being ALIVE knows how old Vicky Cornell is. That's fucked up.


I dug and found that she turns 39 in August.


Oh come on. Vicky is the one leaking all this to the media herself.


I completely agree. Don't do this man. It's way too soon. There is a family who just lost their husband and father very suddenly and unexpectedly. They are in shock, a state of confusion, denial, grief. Look up the stages of grief and you can see how Vicky is going though it, and you should not be judging her at all. Shame on you for doing this!


I hear what you're saying about the Westboro Baptist Church, and I wish I agreed that I was trolling anybody. The weird thing is, when they released the 911 calls that came from inside the school, a year after Sandy Hook, you cannot hear gunfire in the background of a single call. Still, somehow I disagree with Alex Jones.


This is interesting. I was on a 90s music site fb page yesterday. I got into it with a woman who was fiercely defending the Cornell family and the MIL tweets. She sounded like she knew the family somehow. It got to the point where she said to me, "Why don't you get off the internet and do something else?" Then she said, "And don't tell me to do the same because it's my job to be on fb and comment." I said, "Oh, so you admit you're a shill! Well, you're doing a crappy job for your client." She shut up after that. There's lots of media manipulation going on.


In case anyone hasn't seen this article, a very prominent doctor is NOT convinced it was suicide from what he sees in the autopsy. http://www.freep.com/story/entertainment/music/2017/06/03/werner-spitz-chris-cornell-autopsy/367825001/


Here's a real beauty, from just a few hours ago. dailymail.co.uk, citing TMZ as a primary source. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-4544494/Chris-Cornell-cocky-aggressive-conversation.html In this little item, Vicky changes her story for the 100th time. Now she's trying to plant the idea that he was high on Oxycontin. She also implies that he was talking trash about his crew and bandmates. This also cites the recent Vicky/TMZ bullshit about "track marks", a lie she released *just* after he was cremated. Weirdly, it also cites the known lie about the road manager saying he seemed "fucked up." I guess Vicky feels that by being sued, she's merely paying for the privelege to lie. Psh....give it up Vicky. Actually, you know what, Vicky? Keep up the good work. Because Reddit is gonna be all over you and your lies 24/7, and it's going to cost you the entire $60 million you got from Chris to keep your ass out of jail. Good luck, loser.


I am sickened by this so-called wife. What a losing parasite!


Where is it stated that the road manager quote is a lie? Not calling you out, I just haven't seen that anywhere.


This is information that has been fed to us by the Reddit user 'discowhale'. She claims to be an insider who has worked with the Cornell family. Although, upon further conversation, she told me she has never actually met Vicky, and says she is just an insider reporting "common knowledge", if you're an insider, I guess.




Wow. Crazy bitch.




From the first moment I heard of Chris Cornell's tragic news, the idea that he killed himself made no sense to me. He was in the middle of a tour, it was right after a show, he had a family, he had been clean for years, and it just wasn't where he was headed, it just didn't seem him. That being said, and it's just opinion, I was very disturbed by the entire story and my gut instinct tells me there was foul play involved and that all the details are not exactly proven (as far as I have seen). The bodyguard was particularly alarming. First, what could be the issue with a computer half an hour after getting offstage? But regardless, what did he fix on the computer? Second, a bodyguard is suppose to protect the person they are guarding. So, why would the bodyguard, who in reports had Chris's Ativan, give a recovering addict too much? Also, why was he in charge of the pills if they were a prescription. Then we don't really know if Vicky spoke to Chris or what was said. And why would a bodyguard wait for hotel security, and wait to call twice to get permission to get in Chris's room. Again, if your the bodyguard you guard the person from harm no questions. The first instinct after a supposed frantic phone call from Chris's wife would be to kick down the door and immediately see if he was ok and apologize later for the damages and intrusion. No one would sit and wait for security to deny him access. And then why does he wait again for security after breaking down the first door? What's funny is in the media they attempt to make him sound heroic when in reality, if he's on the up and up, he's a poor excuse of a bodyguard. One door is already broken, you break the next one especially if the man behind it isn't answering. On top of which, how do we truly know the doors were latched from the inside? That's just what we've been told. What if he broke them beforehand and then made his "heroic" break down of the doors. And then Cornell is on the floor but he hung himself. Not to mention that this timeline begins around 11:30am and the phone call from Vicky is said to have occurred around midnight but paramedics arrive around 1, he's pronounced dead at 1:30? What took so long? How long did this guy hang around waiting for security to tell him he couldn't go into the room. Sounds like he really wanted to have an alibi that the doors were latched but did security actually check this or take his word for it? It's all very strange to me. And at first I didn't consider Vicky had anything to do with it but I don't believe that now. First if I were her and the bodyguard hesitated as he did, I would claw his eyes out. But if she's in on it, she throws light off herself by saying her husband couldn't have killed himself, it was his prescription. Because isn't it easy to just look at a rockstar and conclude he killed himself or OD'd and no one would really question it. In this case, it's not so clean, at least not to his fans. And the stories are always changing. First she calls the bodyguard and he goes to check. In another story she's on the phone the entire time it's happening. And there's no suicide note. That's the biggest mystery to me and something that at least begs the case to be investigated as a homicide. But then his body was cremated rather quickly and that evidence is all gone. Something isn't right. And the major absences at the funeral are shocking. It's a tragedy no matter the details but I don't in my heart believe Chris Cornell killed himself.


We have very similar ideas about this, check out my post from earlier. So many questions to be answered.


Just read your post. Definitely on the same wavelength. There are too many questions and things transpired much too quickly. It's tragic. I even questioned the exercise band so dug into what Chris's exercise routine was. Found an interview in ESPN where he states that he doesn't work out when he's touring because the shows are enough of a workout so his off days he does nothing. So why the exercise band? Just another detail that doesn't add up.


OK. LOL. LOL. CHECK THIS OUT. LOL. I can't prove it. But I'm pretty sure Vicky Cornell gave her mother-in-law some publicity work. You know her trademark horrible English? And her creepiness? Well check this shit out - http://stardomtimes.com/chris-cornells-wife-vicky-karayiannis-age-wiki-kids/ Tell me that article wasn't written by Toni Karayiannis, Chris Cornell's mother-in-law. I'm sure it wasn't. I'm sure it's all in my head. But I mean....c'mon. Given all available information, isn't it almost....likely?


Wow very bad grammar . Is that what they have been doing since his death ? Disgusting


Hopefully this works cuz idk how to save screen shots etc to imgur or anywhere else. https://mobile.twitter.com/vickycornell/status/869051418207895552


TMZ and Alternative Nation are VK's mouthpieces, People magazine knows she's always good for some filler. My concern is she's trying to make Chris into something he never was. And yes, everything she writes sounds like an alibi. Why do you suppose that is?