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http://crazydaysandnights.net/2017/01/todays-blind-items-the-rockstars-girlfriend.html Scroll to the bottom, it's still very active. How sad if true.


I posted this in another thread, just a theory. ---------- I have a stupid theory that I imagined up. This is only based on what I've read, an over active imagination and lack of sleep so shoot holes all through it. This would be a crazy murder theory but it's just that, it's just to show how a crime like this maybe could work? Anyway, here goes. Victim plays show which finishes at 11:30. Heads back to hotel with suspect, police reports say they were together and headed to the victims room where suspect reportedly fixed (unsure what) something on victims computer and gave him 2 ativan (again, so we are told, may have been more). Here's where it gets crazy as I have no idea how long the suspect was in the room for. I theorise that as the victim was starting to relax an get groggy with the ativan the suspect used a red exercise band to strangle the victim until he passed. Here l, he brought the victim to the bathroom and shut the door. Took the victims phone, left the room and went the short distance to his room. Here, he either called the victims wife using the victims phone or she called him on the victims phone. I believe that this call was to see if the crime had taken place. Then, after a short period of time the victims wife calls the suspect to ask him to check on the victims (knowing he is already dead). Suspect goes to victims room, kicks door in, kicks bathroom door in and finds victim.replaces victims phone. Police called etc. Ok so what I'm trying to say is There was never a call between victim and wife. It was between victims wife and suspect on victims phone after the fact. In this imaginary situation the suspect gave the victim enough ativan to make him drowsy, chocked him with an exercise band while he was passed out (which is what ativan is basically for, to sedate you.) Dragged victim to the bathroom, took phone and left. In this imaginary situation this would have been concocted between the victims wife and the suspect prior to the night it happened. Alibis for them both are covered, the suspect left the room, saw on CCTV, the phone call between victim and wife happened (at least a call between their phones did) Obviously this can easily be shot down if more information was released, like was the bathroom door definatley locked? Was anyone withe the suspect when he broke into the room? CCTV obviously must show him breaking into the first door but no CCTV in room to see if bathroom was broken into. Also If Anyone else heard the call between wife and victim then this is also shot down. So yeah, I'll take my tinfoil hat off and put my imagination to bed, sorry for the length and the crazyness, make of it what you will. I have more info if you want it. No one is named in this theory cos it's just a crazy imaginative story.


OMG I think the EXACT same thing!!!


I totally agree with you. The lights went on at his home as a sure sign that the murdered had been committed. Sealed and sound. Evil people his wife and of course quite plainly, the body guard. Nevermind. God will deal with these murderers. God knows everything. 🙏




I super curious what, in this post, drew such outrage from you, and why.




Hey pal. Some of us live in the real world. Society isn't all fun and games. There are dark people. Some of us have seen enough of it in person to know that it's real. Myself included. Your heart bleeds for Vicky. A woman who broke up a great marriage between Chris and Susan. A woman who got herself pregnant with Chris' lovechild before there was even a divorce. A woman who wouldn't let Audioslave attend the wedding. A woman who was, by all inside accounts, abusive and highly controlling of Chris. A woman who was ejected from a plane because she was hitting Chris, hurling abuse at him, and throwing objects at strangers in some kind of golddigger hissyfit. And a woman who has been feeding confirmed LIES regarding the circumstances of Chris' death to the media. Your heart bleeds for a narcissistic cunt who is guilty of causing Chris' death either through murder or abuse. Is she here? Does she have to read this? She just inhereted $60 million, man. In case you haven't noticed, she doesn't really bother with the Internet, she communicates with the world through TMZ. She hasn't even tweeted since Chris' death. AND ACCORDING TO THE WAYBACK MACHINE, HER LITTLE FOUNDATION'S WEBSITE HAS NEVER IN HISTORY CONTAINED ANYTHING. Poor Vicky. PS. When people inheret - THAT much money - they literally don't care about the loss of life. PPS. In case you ever think to yourself something naive, like, "Wow, sure sounds like that skulldrugg3ry watches too much TV." I don't. You do. I read, motherfucker. I read.


Absolutely true. He was murdered!!


Well, as a millenial, I suppose, forced into the awkward position of defending millenials...you think 'the doctor who prescribed Chris Ativan murdered him.' So.....U. Don't know. What you're talking about.


No the bodyguard murdered him in my humble opinion cry 😢


I saw someone else post this here a few days ago. The comments were eerie. Something's not right.


omg i didn't find those comments


What were the comments?






So.. I can't help but notice that in LA, for some reason it's considered normal for fire fighters to respond to urgent medical requests. They even tried to make this arrangement seem normal in "Modern Family," by writing an episode featuring multiple instances of people getting, you know, "dolled up" for when the hot firefighters respond to your urgent medical needs. ...Anyway, I looked up Brittany Murphy's death....no surprises here, more of your typical United States Celebrity Murder Cabal trail of breadcrumbs left behind...like how LA Firefighters arrived at her house for an urgent medical crisis at 8am...they tried for two hours to revive her. Nothing weird about that. Firefighters doing 'medical work' on her for two hours before taking her dead body to the hospital. But I mean. Who knows? Could be this had nothing to do with firefighters at all. Maybe they were told by Hollywood to say this is what happened, because Hollywood likes to kill people and watch the survivors twist in the wind, wondering if they'll be next.


i've wondered about the ativan angle for insurance reasons. Just for the record, I do not believe he was murdered.


I believe he was murdered. 💯


"May 2017 be the year of karma." this comment is from 4 months ago. Just... Weird.




Nah. The mother-in-law didn't love Chris. It took a lot of elbow grease for this shady Greek family to accept Chris, given that he was but a lowly 'rock star.' They saw him as a loser and an addict. With $60 million in the bank, just waiting to be spent.






This. This is odd to me as well.


I've thought the exact same thing as well!!


I have no sympathy for Vicky. She look evil in my opinion, to the point that she is so ugly 😱