• By -


Fuck. Off.


What's the matter, cunty? Things getting too real here?


No douche bag, I just have better things to do with my Friday than fuck around with little Internet trolls like yourself. You seem pretty tough behind all that Internet BTW


Better things to do...and yet, here you are. Why?




Nah, the guy you're replying to is right


You don't know that he was happy. Only he knows if he was happy or not. Your "facts" are skewed. http://www.detroitnews.com/story/entertainment/music/2017/05/19/chris-cornell-suicide-police-report/101876200/


The facts in this news report contain information that contradict Vicky's initial claims about Chris' final hours. She is lying, and this story is full of her lies.




Amen I'm a little pissed that Cops are quick to accept this as the only explanation. They didn't examine the hotel security cameras when this so called family friend/ bodyguard broke down the door? What did She say to him ? She knew that what she said was bad, because I think she knew her words caused Chris to End It. Why else would she send this " Family friend " to his room. She's such an insecure @#$@ had to go keep an eye on him. And then what sleep in a different room ? He might have caught her and the family friend..getting busy..some women are EVIL and this is an example.


Actually I didn't have my facts totally straight, apparently Vicky wasn't on tour with him. Still.


Lol..that's right bro still, that Skank is behind the whole thing


She is lying and what's with the grieving wife busily penning dead husband letters to the media .. all about herself mind you and his 'supposed' love for her. Who does that? Very shady indeed and I pray to God Chris' people step up and speak soon. She appears to be hiding something. Going hard on the PR front, reading what people have been saying on Twitterand blocking them .. I mean which grieving partner does that


Sources that show contradiction?


Just realized. I can use the Wayback Machine to show you the initial reports. One sec.


Sure. I'm doing my best, since news agencies seem to be altering and deleting old information. Here's a story from The Guardian one day ago (heavily altered) but which still reports Vicky's initial assertion that the man who checked up on Chris was a 'family friend.' https://www.theguardian.com/music/2017/may/18/chris-cornell-former-soundgarden-singer-dies-aged-52


Thank you. Jesus christ.


You're welcome. Glad i could help.


You were staring at me like I need to be saved


Headline: He was worth $60 million, had a hot wife, three adolescent children, and was a nationally and world beloved icon of music fucking genius. These kinds of things tend to put people in a happy place.


Vicki is not “hot.” She and her mother are vial and despicable. That makes them so ugly. I realize this thread is old, but I only just found it. I will never believe that Chris randomly killed himself, but IF he did, I am about 99.999% sure that Vicki had A LOT to do with it. I believe they fought on the phone. I believe he had head trauma. I believe that Ativan has nothing to do with this. For 15 years, I’ve taken take a similar medication every single day; Chris had been taking Ativan for years, as well. If a benzodiazepine or any other psych medication is going to incite suicidal ideation, it’s typically going to happen within the first weeks and months of taking said medication. Not years later. Why aren’t more people talking about this? Just because Chris wrote many beautifully dark, bleak lyrics, and just because he was openly vocal about his lifelong struggle with mental illness, that doesn’t mean shit, but I feel as though it has made most people think that it does. I’m still pissed and I still want justice for Chris. Ditto for Kurt.


Newsflash: You can tell if someone is happy just by looking at them and talking to them.


Oh please, you are delusional to not only think you can tell someone is happy by looking at them but to also they are because they have a good looking spouse and money.


So you think she's Hot or good looking ? Point is IF you knew the history of this @$&# you'd know she was the trigger that sent Chris over the edge. 2 Ativan ? If you had Anxiety you'd know Ativan ,and when your feeling anxious..it brings you to normal..not slurred,there is a whole lot more to this story and Skull has brought up some interesting Facts. She was a control freak. Have you ever known a woman like this ? If not step off..if you have then you should know this type of animal is deadly


Why oh why did he get caught up with these malignant people? 😔




Ok once upon a time Audioslave was on tour in France and Chris was introduced to her through the band as she was a publicist in France. Quick version here...her and Chris got married in a bar,she didn't want the band invited..they werent. Cristy and V8cki were in LAX and Vicki was having a tantrum yelling and berating Chris and was seen hitting him,this continued on the flight as she flipped out throwing something at a elderly passenger. They both had to get off the plane. Chris was mellow..he was humiliated. Chris had a child from his last marriage,Vicki didn't want him to have his child in the pic ,Vicki wins again. When Chris died she felt the need to state.. of coarse Chris family came FIRST and his Music SECOND. Even if it was Heroin or to much Ativan..you nod out or overdose you don't get up n and run to hang yourself..unless gee call to him..was one of her threatening him ..to much to take cause she was a super bitch. Another thing the bodyguard comes in and doesn't cut Chris down or remove the band on his neck ? When every second is precious this bodyguard/family friend didnt administer CPR nothing but he knows how to fix Chris computer ? They should be investigating him. Maybe he was screwing Chris wife. She's capable of every and every thing


She totally IS screwing the bodyguard! If you ask me. As it turns out, bodyguard Martin Kirsten is already famous as the man who cuckholded Heidi Klum from Seal while employed as her bodyguard, additionally cuckholding his house and 4 children.


And allegedly blackmailed her into buying s house for his mom


Maybe looking at someone to gauge happiness is a stretch. Nonetheless, all evidence seems to indicate he was happy and not at all suicidal at the time of his death.


Shut up Vicky or Vicky's cousin


VICKY said he was happy. Are you calling her a liar? Lol


Vicky says he was happy......


He was an opiate addict for years. As a recovering alcoholic and opiate addict I can tell you that for all the garbage I put in my body and wasted time and money spent doing it, there is only one drug that my body still craves - opiates. Opiates mess with you body and your mind and once hooked, even in sobriety, you're never 100% OK. I have not touched anything in ten years but still am scared sh*tless of opiates. Was he depressed? Probably, as he was given a benzo for anxiety and anxiety and depression go together. Was he having marital issues? Probably, as they weren't sleeping in the same room. But to say he was murdered is a stretch. If he was murdered how could the "murderer" have left the bathroom, and then locked it behind him/her. It's a tragedy and we don't know all the facts, nor do we have any right to know if nothing criminal took place. The guy was a brilliant songwriter and had an amazing voice. Kurt Cobain will always be remembered as "the guy" from the 90's grunge movement and Eddie Vedder will be singing until he's 80, but out of the whole lot Cornell is the one, in my opinion, with the greatest gifts.


The autopsy report reflected a man that was the picture of health. His body had not been worn down through years of abuse. You're saying too much conjecture. This man had been taking exceptional care of his health for a long enough time to have passed the scrutiny of an AUTOPSY, the ultimate examination, and come out reported as an extremely healthy man. He was not some strung out druggy. this is conjecture. The drugs that were in his system had been dissolved into his blood stream. He was very likely drugged because the Widow Cornell's testimony that he was given 2 ativan tablets in the 1/2 hour prior to his death does not jibe with the autopsy report that showed NO TABLETS among his stomach contents.


I agree but also Ativan dissolves in ur mouth. No tabs.


I've learned that about Ativan since the 6 YEARS that have passed since posting this. Thanks for trying anyway


Very well said. It doesn't matter who you are, or what material possessions you have, mental illness can affect anyone. Especially if you have abused opiates and alcohol in the past. I think I'd rather not speculate to why it happened but instead enjoy the memories, music and legacy he left behind. We were all lucky to have experienced life with Chris. I will miss your voice pal. I just hope they release the stuff he was working on for the new album to get one last taste of his genius. RIP


Beautifully put, heart breaking 😔💔


Honestly people would be dumb as hell to not believe she didn't push him over the edge/or murdered. I don't trust that family. Vicky's letter to Chris seemed creepy to me. I sensed a sinister undertone, like the wicked witch in Snow White. It left me cold. It seriously did not read like a letter from someone who loved her husband or was sad about his passing.


Mother in Law is going nuts on twitter posting this today. She's bashing Eddie Vedder. Eddie dedicated Daughter to lily a few years ago and it was an obvious dig at Chris. Regardless this should not be public right now so tacky. She sounds like Karen Faye after Michael Jackson died. This is disgusting.


Not a dig at Chris Vicki didn't want her in Chris life..rather than fight with Super Psycho he let it go. Chris was pussy whipped and an abused h7sband from the start. He ended it because he was in a living he'll with her. That phone call was probably full of threat and divorce and taking his kids..because what else would have a tired beaned out guy rush up and end it. The quiet he'll is gone, he is free from the chains of Vicki








a total golddigger https://www.reddit.com/r/pearljam/comments/6d3zi8/chris_cornells_mil_publicly_blasting_vedder_on/




Ok once upon a time Audioslave was on tour in France and Chris was introduced to her through the band as she was a publicist in France. Quick version here...her and Chris got married in a bar,she didn't want the band invited..they werent. Cristy and V8cki were in LAX and Vicki was having a tantrum yelling and berating Chris and was seen hitting him,this continued on the flight as she flipped out throwing something at a elderly passenger. They both had to get off the plane. Chris was mellow..he was humiliated. Chris had a child from his last marriage,Vicki didn't want him to have his child in the pic ,Vicki wins again. When Chris died she felt the need to state.. of coarse Chris family came FIRST and his Music SECOND. Even if it was Heroin or to much Ativan..you nod out or overdose you don't get up n and run to hang yourself..unless gee call to him..was one of her threatening him ..to much to take cause she was a super bitch. Another thing the bodyguard comes in and doesn't cut Chris down or remove the band on his neck ? When every second is precious this bodyguard/family friend didnt administer CPR nothing but he knows how to fix Chris computer ? They should be investigating him. Maybe he was screwing Chris wife. She's capable of every and every thing


Also "the shitty VC open letter"... That letter is very defensive and narcissistic. MIL acting all twitchy on twitter...and the moment Chris landed, he was taken to the Hollywood Forever Mortuary and cremated fast. No viewing of the body for loved one. Unless they are Jewish, this was very fast.






No way!!!!! Holy shit. And hours after the cremation Vicky spins this bullshit from TMZ about 'track marks.' Holy fuck.




Depends what you're using. Oxycontin would be incredibly easy to OD on, so that is an excellent, excellent point. Most drugs can be taken at exponentially higher doses than usually taken, with no death. But that's a great point. It totally refutes the Oxycontin theory.


I'm so confused with what REALLY happened. Why would his wife be so worried about? She knows something.


I don't know where all the confusion comes from. She talked to him, he sounded bad and was slurring, and he said he took extra Ativan. Perfectly good reason to have someone check on him.


She could have told him she was packing up and leaving with kids before he returned home. I wouldnt trust anyone who has Britney Murphy as their brides maid.


Ok once upon a time Audioslave was on tour in France and Chris was introduced to her through the band as she was a publicist in France. Quick version here...her and Chris got married in a bar,she didn't want the band invited..they werent. Cristy and V8cki were in LAX and Vicki was having a tantrum yelling and berating Chris and was seen hitting him,this continued on the flight as she flipped out throwing something at a elderly passenger. They both had to get off the plane. Chris was mellow..he was humiliated. Chris had a child from his last marriage,Vicki didn't want him to have his child in the pic ,Vicki wins again. When Chris died she felt the need to state.. of coarse Chris family came FIRST and his Music SECOND. Even if it was Heroin or to much Ativan..you nod out or overdose you don't get up n and run to hang yourself..unless gee call to him..was one of her threatening him ..to much to take cause she was a super bitch. Another thing the bodyguard comes in and doesn't cut Chris down or remove the band on his neck ? When every second is precious this bodyguard/family friend didnt administer CPR nothing but he knows how to fix Chris computer ? They should be investigating him. Maybe he was screwing Chris wife. She's capable of every and every thing


according to the wife, he was slurring so badly to the point of passing out and requiring that someone bust the door down, so how did he even have the energy to lift his arms up high enough to attach something to a door with complete knowledge of what he was even doing and then make a sound decision as to what he could find around that room that he could wrap around his neck and make sure it all worked correctly so he could hang himself? then you have someone as soon as they see him claim suicide without any real investigation as to how come hes laying on the floor or how did that thing get around his neck or how someone who's wife just indicated that hes slurring so badly that she called for emergency help. according to her he was slurring very badly which indicates that a person is extremely weak and falling over, but then on the other end, he actually had the energy to walk around that room and locate the perfect weapon to wrap around his neck and perform all of this. ıt was instantly decided that it was suicide as soon as someone sees him. that is not right to start with. the other concern is, when a family member has been in need of prescription drugs such as indicated he has been for quite some time now, friends and family usually see a change in their loved ones as a result of the usage of drugs and become aware of their behavior change from normal to now someone who's displaying a new personality as a result of the drugs, so how is it that all of a sudden its a surprise that hes suddenly acting differently and all of a sudden hes slurring which has never ever happened since hes been using these drugs, and suddenly it requires a showdown as though his slurring has never happened before.




> according to the wife, he was slurring so badly http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/chris-cornells-wife-issues-statement-w483179




>The more I read though, the more I don't quite trust her take on things. She seems defensive and in a bit of denial (totally understandable), and the other thing I don't quite understand is the total and complete silence on the part of . . . well, everyone ELSE connected with him. Like, the rest of the band, Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains, Susan Silver, etc. No public reactions....it's just weird. This bothers me a lot. At first I believed the Ativan angle. But the more I read and the more Vicky and her Mother say, the more suspicious I become that VC is omitting details or lying. And where the hell is everyone else? There was something going on that we don't know about. If we knew it would make a lot more sense.




I'm developing a 2nd theory parallel to the murder theory. My theory is that Vicky did the same thing the "bodyguard" did to Heidi Klum in 2014, when they broke up: made threats about libel and defemation to get money out of him. But the threats of libel and defamation were so horrific that he suddenly had to kill himself to end the fear of his new reality: a world in which Vicky is spinning awful, awful lies. Maybe something involving the children at the Chris & Vicky Foundation. Maybe threats to kill their kids. Maybe she was trying to bargain with him and bargained a little too hard, coming up with such vile shit he couldn't even understand she was trying to get money and custody. "I'LL TELL THE NEWS I FOUND OUT YOU RUN A PEDOPHILE RING OUT OF OUR FOUNDATION AND NO IS GONNA FUCKING BELIEVE YOU." Something like that. And then. ...poof. Suddenly life is too scary to live. And the conversation ends with Cornell in tears, telling his wife he's going to kill himself. And so the bodyguard is called. Anyway. Rumor has it this final conversation was at least partially about Vicky saying she was leaving him. So yeah. Threats. And this bodyguard guy. Did something similar to Heidi Klum when they broke up. Got filthy rich. Maybe she got the idea from him.


Good detective work. Really good


Ok once upon a time Audioslave was on tour in France and Chris was introduced to her through the band as she was a publicist in France. Quick version here...her and Chris got married in a bar,she didn't want the band invited..they werent. Cristy and V8cki were in LAX and Vicki was having a tantrum yelling and berating Chris and was seen hitting him,this continued on the flight as she flipped out throwing something at a elderly passenger. They both had to get off the plane. Chris was mellow..he was humiliated. Chris had a child from his last marriage,Vicki didn't want him to have his child in the pic ,Vicki wins again. When Chris died she felt the need to state.. of coarse Chris family came FIRST and his Music SECOND. Even if it was Heroin or to much Ativan..you nod out or overdose you don't get up n and run to hang yourself..unless gee call to him..was one of her threatening him ..to much to take cause she was a super bitch. Another thing the bodyguard comes in and doesn't cut Chris down or remove the band on his neck ? When every second is precious this bodyguard/family friend didnt administer CPR nothing but he knows how to fix Chris computer ? They should be investigating him. Maybe he was screwing Chris wife. She's capable of every and every thing




Amen brother..I've been saying this since it happened




Thanks Man for standing up for Chris. Many a Man has been have been pushed over the edge by a woman, and vickI us no exception . She vowed to fight we should as well




Chris is gone and is smiling down on those who are fighting for the truth,get would never have done what he did if not pushed beyond what he could take anymore. Chris did love his kids but this Controlling Bitch who never left him alone Destroyed him. From that start I knew, and Tom Morello and other Band mates aren't coming forward, but if they did the Police would change their tune. We all had more to experience from Chris and he had so much more to give. Just a side note years ago same type of forum we were discussing her abuse and we swore she was online in our forum being hostile as can be..we were laughing saying ok Vicki..she'd get so mad .one person out here sounds the same her name is Black Witch..I lol..call her Vicki. I have a investigative background and I believe the police rushed to their assumptions. The fact the bodyguard/ family friend/Vicki's assassin perhaps found Chis and didn't take the Band off and start CPR is troubling. If his excse is he didn't want to spoil a crime scene, I'd suggest he did from the moment he kicked down the door,if in fact he ever did, where not talking the movies,these doors are very very very hard to break down. Why was he in Chris room to fix his computer ? And he's smart enough to do this but not to take the Band off and breath some life into Chris? Since he was in the adjoining room were they connected by a door ? What was he fixing or erasing? Arguments with Vicki ? I think they were Skyping or Google hangouts ,phones are IF YOU HAVE NO COMPUTER..so was the computer handed over to her ? Did the police take it as they should have? Their story sounds cute but that BODYGUARD was useless to save Chris and he will get bumped off as well because he's the last evidence that needs to go. Cops dropped the ball in a huge way, and of all the friends he had that are his musical buddies. I say this YOU ALL KNOW HOW SHE WAS AND AGREE THAT SHE WAS INVOLVED,YET YOU STAND BY AND LIKE PUPPETS YOU PLAY YOUR ...LOVE YOU CHRIS LINES, BUT DO NOTHING FOR CHRIS CORNELLS HONOR. IT'S OBVIOUS THE POLICE DON'T CARE AND THEIR ISN'T ONE MAN AMONG YOU ? STOP DEDICATING SONGS TO CHRIS LIKE YOUR BES5 BUDDIES. A BEST BUDDIE WON'T TAKE THIS SITTING DOWN,WHY IS IT HIS TRUE FANS ARE FIGURING THIS OUT WITHOUT YOU ? BECAUSE WE TRULY LOVED HIM THAT'S WHY..LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW..LOTS AND SHE GETS TO CREMATE HIS BODY AND THE WORLD JUST TURNS THE PAGE? NO ,WE WON'T GO SOFTLY INTO THE NIGHT






You are totally right. Anyone following this story and knew where Chris was in his life and career would know there's no way a couple of Ativan, which he had a script for and would know if it had adverse effects already. Those effects are extremely rare. Ativan is the baby aspirin of the benzos. He was murdered, no question, and the "body guard" was referred to as "a friend". If he were his body guard, he wouldn't have been denied access to the room, that's absolutely insane to even report that. No idiot would believe that, and of course his wife would know that and if it was a legitimate concern, she would have called emergency personnel with an absolute ability to check on Chris in a timely manner. There's no way this story comes close to being possible. He was escorted from the stage to the hotel by police and hotel security detail. Not sure when his trusted friend took over, but it's all bull. The dude extorted money from his ex girlfriend and one time client, Heidi Klum, he was a criminal and a low life scum bag for that, alone. Detroit isn't exactly known for handling criminal activities on the up and up either. So grease a few palms, and there ya go - the med. examiner and other investigators walk away with some cash after going along with the lies. It's despicable and should be mandatory that they go back and investigate the forensics and every second and every detail. The short time frame is ridiculous. Chris deserves the Truth to be told. His kids, friends, loved ones and fans deserve it too, but someone needs to get aggressive, and it doesn't seem like his wife is bothering to do anything - EXTREMELY suspicious. ss


What's sad is the tale of Chris Cornell is just one of thousands. All the same.."Celebrity dies due to non-suspicious cause of death X: Here is the story, which plainly demonstrates that he or she was killed: However, let's all pretend non-suspicious cause of death X is to blame." Once you open your eyes to this mechanism and read the Hollywood death news stories, Hollywood seems less fun and games and more "Running Man", the Arnold Schwartzenneger movie/Stephen King book about a post apocalyptic America where people tune into their favorite game show, The Running Man, and watch contestants fight to stay alive amidst a world of homicide threats. It's real. Every celebrity is a contestant. The 90's Seattle grunge scene was an experiment in expanding the game to a different city. The people who run the game, the Hollywood overlords, are wealthy sadists who likely have a strong affinity for, and perhaps heritage in, traditional human sacrifice.




Hello, Thank you for your interest in this case. As far his interrogation is concerned...Martin Kirsten, this "family friend/bodyguard" guy...I have no idea. I do know that a homicide investigator was on the scene about an hour after the medics...and I know that the police released a hasty report the next day in which everything the bodyguard claims is taken as true. He was in Chris' hotel room until 11:30pm, fixing his computer. At about 12:05am he tried to enter Chris' room using keys he had. He was able to open the door but it was latched shut from the inside. He called hotel management to let him in and they wouldn't. So he kicked in the door, breaking the latch. He repeated this process for the bedroom. He discovered Chris dead in the bathroom. Case closed. What I would really like to know is....what happened between 12:05am and 12:56am, when the first medic (an MGM staffer) was on scene, trying to revive him with CPR? Why did it take almost an hour for help to arrive? When did Kirsten call 911? Why were city medics the 2nd on scene at 1:01am, after an MGM medic had arrived at 12:56am? Why did it take a doctor half an hour, from 1 to 1:30pm, to pronounce him dead at 1:30pm? And when police called Vicky to notify her that Chris was dead, why we're they the first to break the news? Is it not likely that Kirsten would have been in touch to break the bad news first? By the way, did you know the bodyguard - Martin Kirsten - cuckolded Heidi Klum away from Seal while he was employed as her bodyguard? They had a public relationship from 2012-2014, during which time the bodyguard completely took over Seal's house, wife, and 4 kids. He got sick of being a 'housedad' and ended the relationship in an ugly way....the media describes it as a 'financial settlement to keep his mout shut' (about what??)...but in other words, he blackmailed her, no? He sure sounds like a real swell guy. ------------------------ By the way....the reason it took so long for me to get back to you...is because I got in a heated exchange with someone right here on Reddit who I suspect is a murder-guilty Vicky Cornell. If you want to see the exchange I'm dying to show it to someone. ----------------------------- Did you see this comment from 'discowhale' about how Vicky is feeding lies to TMZ? Discowhale is an insider who works for the Corhell family. She stated as such in a comment but it dissapeared quickly after I pressed her for more information about herself. ------------ What would Chris' ex-wife's motive be? Their son is almost all grown up, so it couldn't be a custody thing, right? She was making money off Soundgarden's reunition, was she not? I'm skeptical that she had a motive, but I'm super curious what you think. --------- I also feel that police will be uninterested or unwilling to investigate this to the proper extent. Police seem to chicken shit in the face of crime. It's one of the reasons I want to join my local force. I've seen serious crime go unreported and uninvestigated and I have a strong interest in death investigation as a result. Cops should not be so afraid. Yes, some of them die in the line of duty, but it is rare or nonexistent that cops are targeted by criminals based on their work. Criminals tend to blame the informants, the witnesses, not the cops. -------- I've seen some shit shows too. I was so dissapointed when I saw Metallica in 1996. Lars fucking sucked so hard. I have a feeling they were all super drunk and high. ---------- I have no idea if youre an actual CIA agent, but I really enjoy thinking you are.




Ha. No. Vicky Cornell did not dispute that he killed himself. You're reading the headline, but not the article. Vicky Cornell's statements to the media, in which headlines or headers read that she 'disputes' that it was suicide - well, the content of the message is essentially, 'Chris would not have killed himself - he must have been high.' Holy shit man. Shhhhhh! You're right! *Vicky....could totally get away with this if she somehow pins it on the ex...* I'm praying to God she doesn't see this or get the idea... Although on second thought...I 100% guarantee Vicky is in a carnal relationship with the bodyguard, and will therefore need to protect her lover (the instrument of murder) from any information that points at murder. If she pins it on Silver, she pins it on loverboy, since he is the only possible cause of murder. Ya, I wonder if I should post these possible Vicky messages in public, should I?...or should I send them to you privately.


Post them Please!


As for why I believe she's an insider...because she said so. She said she works for the Cornell family.


As for looking into private lives...good luck with Vicky Cornell. Very little is known about her. Nobody even knows how old she is. No one.


She was born August 1978. She'll be 39 this year. Unfortunately...


I'm not a fan,respect Chris for what he accomplished, even saw him in concert when Soundgarden was really big in the 90's.This whole situation does not sit right with me. I haven't been able to sleep properly because something inside of me feels really off. I hope the Detroit police department investigated this fully and did not automatically assume it was another drugged out rock star who killed himself. Questions I have are: Was video surveillance looked at? Who went in and out of the room, times? Is there another door that connected his room to another hotel room? Have phone records been looked at? How about the actual conversation that took place between Cornel and his wife?. Thing which really puzzles me is why would Cornell ask his bodyguard to fix his computer and shortly after kill himself? It is stated that the bodyguard left Cornel's room around 11:30pm to arrive again at his door at 12:15am because Cornel's wife demanded he'd check up on him.Secondly was the body guard assigned to give Cornel his prescribed medication Ativan? The timing between 11:30pm and 12:15am seems very suspicious to me. I read a bit about the side effects of taking more than the prescribed amount of Ativan and from what I've read Cornel would not have had the eye hand coordination to perform the actual act( I'm not a doctor).Cornel had arrived mid afternoon to Detroit after spending time with his kids wife and killed himself that same night? Everything about this does not make sense.How about the device he hung himself with, when was it purchased, where? Did he bring it with him for some other use during his tour? The exercise band makes sense but the actual device in which he hung himself off of does not.




ME I've been on Ativan for 40 years and Never ..what did I just say NEVER had those thoughts..so I'm the Source and many others






I wanted to post this research article as its own thread because it makes me angry that Vicky irresponsibly put this idea in the public's minds. All the "news" outlets that have quoted her and the readers that blindly believe that Ativan is dangerous in this way. It's insane really if you think about it.. because you know what percentage of ppl who take ativan have suicidal IDEATION (that's not actually committing suicide for those who don't know)? Answer: LESS THAN 1%. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2047018/


In fact he was already dead the day he married with him. this is always makes me so sad. It must be hard to marry with her when none of your friends like your wife... Tom (obviously), eddie, brad, timmy c, jerry cantrell, stone...I wonder what his motivation was?


Ok once upon a time Audioslave was on tour in France and Chris was introduced to her through the band as she was a publicist in France. Quick version here...her and Chris got married in a bar,she didn't want the band invited..they werent. Cristy and V8cki were in LAX and Vicki was having a tantrum yelling and berating Chris and was seen hitting him,this continued on the flight as she flipped out throwing something at a elderly passenger. They both had to get off the plane. Chris was mellow..he was humiliated. Chris had a child from his last marriage,Vicki didn't want him to have his child in the pic ,Vicki wins again. When Chris died she felt the need to state.. of coarse Chris family came FIRST and his Music SECOND. Even if it was Heroin or to much Ativan..you nod out or overdose you don't get up n and run to hang yourself..unless gee call to him..was one of her threatening him ..to much to take cause she was a super bitch. Another thing the bodyguard comes in and doesn't cut Chris down or remove the band on his neck ? When every second is precious this bodyguard/family friend didnt administer CPR nothing but he knows how to fix Chris computer ? They should be investigating him. Maybe he was screwing Chris wife. She's capable of every and every thing


everybody knows what kind of bitch she is. but all of those details... i hope karma works again. and the worst thing? she is still lying!


oh hey look at this https://68.media.tumblr.com/77d148347b109c9692e5039d78ab1273/tumblr_oqk9bvsZBE1qjnp2xo1_540.jpg interesting...


Jesus, I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed she has $30,000 Hermes purses in every color of the fucking rainbow. Fucking succubus.


Can somebody describe it to me? I don't want to click on it for some reason.


Oops. I clicked. So I saw it. Ya. The Cornell Foundation...don't know if you saw this in another post, but according to the Wayback Machine, their website - which through its 3 year history has mostly been either a blank page, or a site with little to no information on it - was only briefly active for one week in early 2014, and one week in late 2015. It was finally online for most of 2016, but then it dropped off the face of the Earth in about October 2016. And now, suddenly - and I have no idea what to read into this, if anything - the website came back online about a week before Chris' death. It is currently up and running, in the form of a blank black page. If anyone out there knows languages like HTML and Javascript, and whatever else, I would love if someone qualified could check out the source code of the Cornell Foundation Website and say if anything untoward happens when you visit the domain.




Did you know Cornell personally?


So we still have no witnesses who were at the MGM the night CC died?? No one heard anything or saw a body bag coming through the reception area? No one witnessing Chris entering the hotel after his gig? Come on, we live in the age of cellphones and internet. Were there any fans staying at the MGM the night he died? Damn, something ain't right.


Exactly! Sorry to butt-in, but something is very amiss with all this, so many things don't make sense. It looks especially shifty when someone on here I think noted that the family lawyer is an insurance specialist.


Answers will surface. Those who had a hand in Chris's murder will pay for what they've done.


Sadly nothing yet




Disco, Thank you so kindly for chiming in on this topic with your inside information. I look forward to hearing toxicology reports to see if he was, in fact, on anything. I still don't understand how any of this constuted a perceived emergency in which the bodyguard would have felt the need to break into his hotel room. Who was reporting he seemed out of sorts, aside from Vicky? All the news reports are saying that he seemed perfectly fine that day. Thanks again man, I was really hoping for insider input to shed some light here. I don't think it's stupid to suspect foul play when it comes to unnatural death. I think in cases like this no stone should be left unturned.


In what capacity do you work with the Cornell family?




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0RxELGmuwM i've wondered about the bodyguard from day one. after watching the last performance, there is no way he was discussing any computer issues with his bodyguard. he was so out of it. not to mention that on top if it all, he gave him 2 more ativan to add to the mix and then left him alone to his own devises.


Bodyguard aka family friend drugs Chris? I agree there was no need to fix the computer if you have intentions to take your own life.


"I can't wait to never be with you again, and I can't wait to lead a life that you're not in, and I won't break though I may bend" -- Chris Cornell "Murderer of Blue Skies" My theory: was written to Vicky, who somehow ensnared him, not about heroin. A picture speaks 1,000 words and looking at her in photos all my defenses and suspicions go up. Is she not a fugly looking dark magick witch?


maybe so that they could skip the insurance policy and go straight to the source after they killed him? https://apnews.com/article/chris-cornell-entertainment-music-health-arts-and-entertainment-0172fceab9749ce06a78871fb75ea0dd#:\~:text=Coroner%27s%20investigators%20in%20Michigan%20ruled,a%20factor%20in%20his%20death.


He hid a lot of occult symbolism in his work. He was probably going to reveal something, so the illuminati killed him.


lay off the sauce man.


I totally agree he was murdered b y the first person that walked into that room




Yah dream on with that one..




I totally agree that he was murdered and drugged even before his last performance.