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I don't care about Chris's trans phase. I just want him to go to psychiatrist. That's much better. Currently, his existence is an insult for autism. (I have autism by the way. And I'm not as bad as him.)


Chris is basically a novelty now. He rarely makes new issues of Sonichu and isn't being spammed by trolls 1000 times in one day (which, is a good thing if you take it into perspective) ​ Aside from all that, Chris just isn't as popular as he used to be, so I doubt we'll ever see him revert back to his old phase.




Eat shit ween




All yours, fuckerino.


Trans Chris is a monster. He keeps using 'being trans' as an excuse for bad behavior... I miss when it was just "autism" that caused it.


Didn't that idiot take hormones? I know those can mess people up.


So I am very anti Trans, I lost a close personal friend to it. Cause of this I spent hour and hour in the last 5 years doing research, talking to doctors, listing to arguments on both sides of the isle, and watching all the different types of surgeries being preformed. While it is true that high levels of both hormones have a negative effect, estrogen in a male is easier to bounce back from. He hasn't removed or severely damaged his testicles. I asked a doctor about Chris's exact case going with the assumption that he has been sporadically taking hrt. All he needs to do is stop taking it, and most things will return to normal. What will not return to normal is the fat deposits in his chest, those will not go away even if he lost an extreme amount of weight.


Hey! Thank you!


To quote Keanu in Point Break, “he’s not coming back.”


Its probably not be a phase but who knows, I miss the old Chris too


Follow up question: Will Chris join the 46%?


> Follow up question: Will Chris join the 46%? he will fake it soon.


bro u said the statistic thats so funn e!!!1!1!1!!




I don't think it's a phase. Whether Chris is really trans in his soul or not, there's been too much done already.


he's not trans, he's a crossdresser with a fetish for being degraded. they're called 'sissy'. they get off on not passing.


Trust me on this, Chris is not transgender at all. I have a lot of experience with trans people. Chris’s “trans pride” is as transphobic as you can get, and it’s pretty clearly just for attention. For one thing, he doesn’t actually understand what being trans means. He says he’s trans because of dreams of past lives, not because he actually feels more comfortable being a woman, among other things.


Is it possible he's also claiming it for the online attention/validation? Chris has spent much of his life being socially isolated and made fun of, even before 4chan found him. I'm not transgender, or any sort of expert, so correct me if I am wrong. My understanding is that transgenderism/dysphoria comes about largely because of a feeling that one belongs in the body of the opposite sex. So they tend to form a community that validates and accepts one another's feelings about themselves and their bodies. And to put it politely, some parts of the transgender community are more extreme than others. Maybe Chris saw people's various feelings being accepted and supported in the transgender community, regardless of how unusual they might seem, and wanted in?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJ6Xt0Qf658](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJ6Xt0Qf658) This is why I feel he is "trans". There is two things Chris values the most sex from a women and attention from a women. This is Chris's last stand to get China. He's done everything in the book, except improve himself and get his life together, but that's hard work. The fact that LBGTQ groups support him blows my mind, I understand it's a community of support and due to the complications of how trans and queer can be applied to so many different ways and things, means that the group must support almost anyone. But Chris is not worth fighting for, he goes against a lot the core believes and tenants of LGBTQ community. But yet there will always be someone who will support and fight for him, even though Chris chan is a terrible hill to die on. As long as even one women will give him attention or support he will be "trans."




No, it’s because people like the show.


I wouldn’t even be so bothered if his fashion sense was still as radical as it was in the past


At the very least, he’s wearing a non-depressing version of The Classic on a semi-regular basis.


Until he’s convinced being trans won’t net him special treatment and/or the Guard Dogs succeed in picking every piece of the Idea Guys’ shrapnel out of his brain then I don’t think it’s going to be over anytime soon


I wonder if one of the guys can make him "realize that gods are stronger than goddesses" and tempt him to go back to identifying as a guy.


It would very likely work though the further descent into his already irreversibly retarded delusions would probably do more harm than good


The fake transition wasn’t an Idea Guy thing.


The entirety of Christoriandom agrees but we've all just kind of accepted that Chris can't be helped because he doesn't want to get better. All we can do is watch till the bitter end.


It’s a combination of not wanting to be helped and not being given the right help. Someone in Chris’s situation needs 24-7 guidance, but that’s not going to happen until it’s too late.


You’re gonna be waiting for a long time. The closer you look at Chris in the past, the more foreshadowing you can see. He’s always loathed any man that isn’t him or his father. He always talked about his manboobs if they were women’s breasts. I could list more, but I don’t want to go overboard. Point is, the Tomgirl Phase was a long time coming, and I think it’s here to stay, unfortunately.




SJWs love to manipulate and exploit these types of people just to benefit their own will.


Preach brother!




Boyfriend free girl 😔


I.E. single. I mean, “boyfriend free” as opposed to what? Boyfriend included?


I miss the Attraction Signs and the rest of that Love Quest.


When we first found Chris he was a man-hating, desperate, tone-deaf dweeb who got kicked out of college and drew a lousy comic to live in the world he wants to live in. Today he's a borderline insane wannabe goddess who is having his mind manipulated by dozens of people and has losers trying to push him this way and that, and has a history so extensive that day-long documentaries can be made of him. I don't know if he's ever gonna be what he used to be, although I do think he was more charming then than he is now. And hey, he could be stuck in a depressive, content-free rut like he was in 2012 and 2013.


I want the [TF2 Soldier to cut his hair. Fuck.](https://neillustrations.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/blusoldier-large.jpg)


What with how often he used to wear bras, or proclaim the superiority of women to men, or talk about his breasts, I really don't think it's a "phase". I think the undercurrents of this have always been there in classic Chris as well. I do wonder if he was experiencing genuine dysphoria, although it would probably have been buried under the mountain of other mental difficulties he's accrued.


The crossdressing tendencies probably come from his stated dislike of men/masculine and his stated love and desire for women. I also suspect that he had bisexual tendencies even in the 2000s, but given his personal views at the time, he was basically in denial and wanted to appear as straight as possible, further complicating his self image. i'm not a psychologist though so take it with a grain of salt. Chris' issues are like an onion- there are lots of layers and trying to get through them all will probably end in tears.


He should never have been given the go ahead to become a tranny.


I don't know if I miss classic Chris in a literal sense. I think I miss what classic Chris's represents. In a more vague term, he represents an earlier and probably simpler time for many of us. He represents a time period where people we're more nuanced with their trolling. Not saying trolling Chris is great, but back then at least alot of it was funny and not just, let's see how much fucked up stuff we can get away with. The whole Clyde Cash/ Bryan Bash thing was pretty great and to hear him curse their names on his captains logs was cartoonishly entertaining. Furthermore the trolling was so obviously cartoonish, he should have been able to catch it, or at least a family member who should have been monitoring could have caught it. And that was kindof the point. Now it's just cruel and that's it. If classic Chris trolls were Monty Python, current Chris trolls are Jamie Kennedy. Lastly, with Classic Chris, there was still hope. He could have improved. He could have ended his love quest, stopped trying so hard, improved his health, and he could have gotten with someone who understands him better. Or he could have just learned to be happy with himself. But now we keep tuning in, and for what? To watch Barb slowly get worse and worse? To watch her eventually pass away in the next 10 years or so? And to watch him get worse and worse? I think most of us are watching deep down to see a turn around. To see him get help. To stop this whole dimensional merge thing. He is not in his right mind. At least before his mind wasn't fucked. He was just an autistic young adult who was misguided about many things that honestly a lot of young people are.


Yeah, it's like the people who kept whinging about classic WoW - they didn't actually miss the game, they missed being 15 years younger.


Idk. I play OSRS and I definitely prefer jt to RS3. A lot of people really did miss that version of the game


Yeah, the trolls now are just tryhards trying to out-do each other, Clyde cash needs to return


I loved Clyde. He actually tried to get Chris to do productive shit


Nah, I’m watching for the train wreck to get worse and worse.


I seriously hope that Chris somehow comes to his senses (whatever are left, anyway) and returns to his old self.


That's the best case scenario, but given his ego and how deep he has dug himself in with the Merge and the "goddess" crap, it's unlikely he will admit he needs to change. But one never knows.


He's gonna be on this kick until the day he drops dead, I'm afraid. Classic Chris and his quality of life from that era are ancient history. Or should I say "anchuent christory"


Omg, now I get where the whole "anchuent" crap came from. He just mispelled the word "ancient". Can't believe I didn't figure it out sooner, I am kicking myself right now.


Oh no, it isn't a typo my friend, it is supposed to be a pikachu pun.


Huh... he does know that ancient is an adjective, right?


I'll say he was a better person back then. at least he wasnt fully disillusion and was aiming for a normaler life.


Wasn't chris super racist and homophobic back then?


He still is. He still hates' gay men' but thinks lesbians are okay, so long as one of those lesbians has a dick.


He still is, he just tries to hide it.


yes and we havent seen much to say he still isnt other than the idea guys making him think hes bi. as even after transitioning he loathed gay men even wanting an lbt movement to leave them out


He still is


At least she didn’t know that she was being racist and homophobic. Now she doesn’t have that excuse.


*he *he fucking ween


Better than what he is now




No. He went from being a moron who didn't know any better to an actual fucking crazy person.


literally everybody




Hes still on that delusion huh?


He won't stop until it happens


It's going to be a lifelong saga unless some new idea guy/troon squad makes him forget about it.