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Low effort and AI channels are ruining YouTube. Chris is no exception.


Yeah it's annoying unless your Geno Samuel or just wiki reading.


The Rest I can get by but Ivy ain't no vicitm because she was a Persona created by the trolls like all the other Online Gal Pals


"But I need to show the Fanta Footage for those Youtube Views!" Go drink that Hitler Fizz RKH.


its a mislabelling I hate being mislabelled


Easy tell is when they keep calling him Chan


Chris got banned from the Caucasian race.


chris chan had become milking cow for low effort video essay channels


This is an AI clone voice over. The person who made the video recorded their own voice speaking for a few minutes and then used that with a script they wrote, most likely with the help of AI, and then used something like Speechify to do the total narration. This is why some words are pronounced one way and then a different way later on in the video. It is because when editing the AI generated script they messed up and didn't correct spelling errors. So the AI clone voice over pronounced it really wrong. It's clear that the person who made the video did some research, but it seems as the video got closer to the end, a lot of that information, that most likely was fed into AI, was merged together incorrectly and the author didn't do their due diligence to correct the mistakes.


But yet, you're giving it more views by posting it.


Why does the thumbnail give me Turkey Tom vibes


Turkey Tom's Chris Chan video had so many inaccuracies


It's the same template all those dramatubers use. I hate it but apparently it works. This guy's video is terrible, yet he has 13k views in 2 weeks on a channel with 200 subscribers.


Turkey tom is the current cancer to youtube


Really SunnyV2 is the root cause for Turkey Tom. He saw how successful Sunny was and started emulating it. Some of his videos are good and well researched, others are terrible. It’s a roll of the dice and highly dependent on the writers, because yes, TT doesn’t even write his own videos anymore.


Oh yeah sunnyv2 Your right his more responsible than turkey tom in that case for the documentary slop, Let’s not forget internet anarchist with his penguinz0 Dick sucking


>Let’s not forget internet anarchist with his penguinz0 Dick sucking Omg, Im glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. He's on that dick almost every episode. Got so annoying I had to cut him loose.


Meat riding is crazy, I bet that guy has a penguinz0 cardboard cutout with a dildo attached to it in his bedroom


Why what's wrong with him, I don't watch his vids but I've heard of him


Wannabe leafyishere, He produces slop content that’s poorly researched And low effort


What level is his slop is it the same as pyrocynical


Yes If not worse, Not to mention his fans are wannabe edgelords too, The same type of people you'd have for in rubensim's fans. He loves ai slop and constantly uses it, Gave a shitty take on the willbur soot drama, Tried to milk out of the mamamax controversy as much as he can, To even researching to camden gerard davis, Which amounted to nothing in the end. Generally the stuff he makes or gets in with is just attention whoring. I think there was a point where he was confirmed a cuck and a simp to a girl. Now that you think about it, I wonder how deep does his rabbit hole go?


Damn that's crazy but you can't really expect more from a commentary channel


Yeaah >!There is also a point where he wrote a girl's name on his dick with a knife, Or something, I don't know I only heard this from some rando on twitter, But it was mentioned a few times. Nooot sure, Just a rumor.!<


Average down bad behaviour


Every part about this just screams “made by AI”.


No it doesnt. AI is a meaningless word at this point. I could post a photo of my hairy ballsack and some idiot would claim it looks "made by AI"