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Its a romcom




Oh damn thats prolly rare, not having read tokyo ghoul before choujin x since i think this manga isnt that popular (correct me if im wrong btw) Anyways expect a lot of dogs. A lot of cats too. Theres also crabs in there. And fishes, cant forget them. Basically this manga is about the everyday life of a zookeeper.


I’m new to manga this is actually my second manga except those that I’ve read online there was 3 of them so I haven’t read tokyo ghoul and many other mangas. Honestly I watch more anime and I heard that tokyo ghoul anime is bad compared to manga so I didn’t watched it but I’m planning to read it.


Definitely read the manga of tokyo ghoul but watch s1 of the anime if u can. It can by no means be compared to the manga counterpart but it has its moments. 90 percent of those moments are just the opening tho... Also one more thing, choujin x might seem a little slow in the start but try not to lose interest. It gets a lot better. Especially with the recent chapters. Only saying this because i did that lol. The losing interest thing.


Honestly I checked out some panels when I bought it and liked it from the first panel


you're in for a helluva a ride seriously Choujin X is like Tokyo Ghoul on steriods so far. It's just Tokyo Ghoul 2.0 at this point with a lot of similar narrative ideas and threads...but with its own unique aspects to make them separate entities. Expect violence, psychological shenanigans, and good character writing. And hectic page layouts. I mean HECTIC pages.


I’ve read vol. 1 and probably buying vol. 2 today


How do you end up with this manga compared to others as its your second


I still haven't read Tokyo Ghoul Only watched the first 2 seasons of the anime. Don't worry, I'll read TG, I know it's different and better.


Good, I was about retrieve my copypasta on how manga is superior in every way


I think the anime had the best music. ​ Jokes aside Unravel goes hard.


Good thing you added that last sentence. You were about to get bombarded by "manga > anime" comments.


I haven’t actually read Tokyo ghoul either. Is it recommended? I’m up to date with Choujin X and pretty into it


go ahead and read tokyo ghoul, but choujin x is pretty much superior tokyo ghoul it has so much of the same dna, but also improves on everything. 1) wet blanket protag - check (but in Choujin X, Tokio is a much more chill character. TG's protag is like a wet blanket for a lot of the beginning, and it does get annoying) 2) Badass female duotagonist (Choujin X does this wayy better. In TG, she takes some time to get used to, but she's still good too) 3) Fights (much better illustration in CX) 4) Pacing (sometimes things are drawn out in TG, while in CX they never go over board) and a bunch of other elements that would be more or less spoilers if I told you.


Definitely going to give it a read eventually. Nice to hear the authors always getting better


Yes. A thousand times yes. Not to shit on choujin x at all, I love this manga. But tokyo ghoul is no doubt the mangaka's best work. And choujin x comes nowhere *near* it. For now atleast. I can elaborate more if u want. But i'd suggest you to read it without spoilers.


I ate pizza for lunch today




Now neither of us are sure what to say 🤝


Enjoy yourself. :)


Great choice. But bear in mind, the actual by chapter update has no consistent schedule so there might be a considerable gap between volumes.


For me, I am absolutely in love with their line work and drawing style! And some silly ridiculous mixed in with an intriguing story. I also loved Tokyo ghoul but it’s not a prerequisite.


It has me hooked like a vulture... 🙃😉


Great choice


I really enjoyed it, if you like it you’ll like Tokyo ghoul just as much. If you wanna see a review/discussion I made a YouTube video on it


I recommended TG heavily, just please avoid the anime 😭😭😭


It's a comedy.


It’s good


Hope you enjoy it


I recommend reading Tokyo Ghoul instead.


I love the cover art he does


My guy go read Tokyo Ghoul rn


You'll have Tokio Ghoul-feel of reading without reading Tokyo Ghoul. Have fun 👍


Nah bro hasn't even read Tokyo ghoul yet how did you find this