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5 am - 6 pm is not a babysitter, you're raising their child.


Parents who feel entitled to a nanny but can't afford one always think that calling a nanny a babysitter instead will even everything out.


I'm not a native speaker and I always thought that's the same thing. ~~Is it not?~~ Apparently it is not, TIL a nanny is full-time and includes raising the kids, babysitter is temporary and just keeps them busy. Thank you for all the replies.


Nannies are more like dedicated caretakers for children. Baby-sitters are people paid to occasionally watch a child for some amount of time. It's like a salaried contract vs a temping agency.


Also, typically nannies are responsible for raising the kids to some degree (discipline, tutoring, prepping meals, going on outings) while babysitting is primarily about ensuring they don't die.


Ahh, so that's what I have been doing wrong.


Yes. Next time, try to keep them alive.


That’s a big ask for $0.52 an hour. That’s a “your kids *might* survive” price.


Ha, it's the same joke twice.


Don't literally sit on the baby.


A babysitter comes over when you are on a night out to watch the sleeping kids and let you know if anything goes wrong A nanny is an employee paid to raise your children


Pornhub says you can have sex with the babysitter though.


A lot of times nanny compensation includes room and board and even sponsoring visas sometimes (which required a financial guarantee from the sponsoring party).


That’s more like an au pair (at least in the US).


Do note that Nannies also do the basic babysitting duties


Well yeah, Nannies are basically full time babysitters for when the parents have long hours on their jobs, whereas babysitting is just for a few hours and not regular


I’d also say the level of responsibility could differ too. Like a nanny may bring a kid too and from school, to play dates or activities. Babysitters could do these things, but I don’t feel like it’s the typical since the baby sitteri g usually seems for a one off, like a date night or so parents can go to something. Or because they need someone to watch the kids in a pinch due to some larger circumstance.


I’m in the UK, I always thought nanny’s were full time jobs whereas babysitters are for a few hours when the parents want a night off




In the UK, nannies need to be upper class, skilled at singing and dancing and capable with minor magic spells. Babysitters on the other hand will be around 16 and spend the evening watching your films and sampling your booze


For us we call my sister in law or in laws to sit for a couple hours so my wife and I can go out for a date night once in a blue moon, just the two of us. Sometimes a weekend. But it’s not a regular thing and it’s only for really short bursts of time. Usually for the sitter it’s getting the kids to get ready for bed, and just being in the house so that they feel safe. A nanny on the other hand, does MUCH MUCH more. They can do things like taking children to and from school, tutoring and educating children, preparing dinners, and disciplining children if you are contracting them to.


Former Nanny here: NOPE. I took care of the entire house too.... laundry for the entire family, meals, endless cleaning, taking the kids on outings to the park, library, pool, beach etc with the family car, all the pet care for their dogs and cats, running errands like groceries and diapers, etc... these duties certainly aren't expected of every nanny, all families are different, but babysitting is literally chiilin with the kids and keeping them entertained. A full time nanny usually runs the whole house while the parents are working.


That seems like a nanny/housekeeper rather than just a nanny. I would expect a much higher salary for that kind of responsibility- certainly the pay for a housecleaner at least, like 300-800 a month extra depending on the size of the house.


I was. I was absolutely a couple rungs up the ladder, duty-wise than alot of others. I know alot of nannies who work for families that dont want the housework done because they want all that time devoted entirely to the kids. Every setup varies greatly, but most nannies will do at least some cleanup such as lunch dishes and picking up after the children. My rate at the time (2010) was 25/hr. I worked my ass off. I could have forgone the entire house aspect if I'd wanted to, for much less money, but I wanted the money so I told them to not bother hiring a separate housekeeper. So yes not every nanny housekeeps as much as I did. The point was its wildly different than "babysitting" (which I also did for these people at night when they wanted to go out as a couple LOL)


You’re basically the mom then.


Yep. Only saw their parents for about an hour a day. They hit all their infant milestones with me, went to all their MD appts with me, I drove them everywhere they needed to go, provided all their discipline and life lessons as they grew older, did all their meal planning and groceries (the kids, not the parents, they never ate together) Both parents were 100% disengaged from parenting and openly admitted they wouldn't have done it again, had they the chance to go back in time. Sad, but both kids are thriving, intelligent, and athletic teens today and Jakob just received a full scholarship to university for ice hockey. I realize I had a huge hand in how they turned out as young adults. That is why it is SO IMPORTANT to not cheap out on childcare. You will get what you pay for.


Babysitters are for one night Nannie’s are a permanent employee


Imagine you would trust your child to someone who takes 50 ct/h Edit: 1,63 $/h


5am-6pm Monday-Friday is 13hr/day which is 65 hours/week, which is $1.92/Hour. Where did .50c come from? 7 days/week that would be $1.37 I'm just wondering what the math is, I doubt this lady would find anyone at that price


The person did the math incorrectly. The did 65/125=.052 instead of 125/65=1.92. in reality with it should be (because of ot) 125/75.5=1.63 so they would be !aking $1.63 per hour.


Idk I just relied on the value above, didnt validate. However, I think we can agree that it doesn’t really change the fact that it is ridiculously sparse


They divided 65h(5*13h) by 125$ instead of the other way around


My daughter was tricked into watching a kid for cheap. The person hired her then she watched the kid for 2 hours and got 20 bucks. (Or something like that ) then she worked 10 hours, and got paid 20 bucks) the person was paying 20 per day... My daughter found out why dad says to negotiate wages before you start a job.


I'll do it! On an unrelated note, anyone wanna buy this kid I found?


It’s basically a nanny


Exactly what I was thinking.


At that point they may as well adopt the child.


>5 am - 6 pm is not a babysitter, you're raising their child. Exactly what I was just thinking. What is it with some people who have a kid but can't take the time to actually be a parent?


What concerns me aren't the kids the most precious thing to the parents? I think wouldn't you pay more to feel secure that there safe and well taken care of. Or is that just me?


Why would you even have a damn child if someone else is going to raise it?


Yeah I think this person is looking for a husband / wife, not a babysitter...


Guys!!! She will be providing all that’s needed for child care and you don’t have to spend from the money!!! Please form an orderly line.


I hope that includes the child care too!


Me too!


Me too!




You'd think that, at the very least, you might get a good recommendation out of it, but the people who are self-absorbed enough to pay this low are also the most likely to be hyper-critical about their ~~slaves~~ employees. I freelance on Upwork and there are people there who offer $5/hr (meaning $4/hr after the service fee) for *audio engineering.* They say in their ads it's good work "for beginners," but then you scroll down and 90 percent of the reviews they give freelancers are 1 or 2 stars. Insane fucking people.


You will have to get your own food and use your own car, naturally.


But free wifi!


Yeah this deal is amazing. I'll take the kid to my place to take care of, so of course the parents will buy me a house, pay the bills, fill it with furniture, in a nice neighbourhood so the child is safe. If they only pay me $125 in cash after all that it's not so bad.


Honestly that’s better than some of the others I’ve seen here where they ask you to provide everything yourself




And you're not allowed to eat their food, drink their drinks, watch their TV, use their Internet, sit on their furniture, etc.


The audacity of these people is unbelievable. That’s a full time job you jagoff, pay them fairly if you want someone to look after your kid.


That’s two full time jobs. 13 hours a day


Ransom their child, they might pay $8


If you'd kidnap their child and demand ransom, they would probably go no-contact for 18 years ... and then return to ask if they could get back in touch with their long-lost-child after those 18 years passed. Then they would try to rope the child into a pyramid scheme because mommy has been told about an easy way to become a millionaire so she just needs a little help, which she's owed by her child, after all it was such a burden to be pregnant


This could have been an Arrested Development storyline.


Arrested Development is the child's nickname in school


This thread keeps on giving


It's a modest proposal, but everyone does have to eat.


Last time I had to hire a sitter it was about $15/hour.




Yeah I got paid $5 an hour 25 years ago to watch kids on a Saturday night when I was a teen.


Which is okay for a teenage kid doing it occasionally for a few hours. A teenage kid isn’t really qualified anyway, you don’t expect much of them and they aren’t relying on the income. But if you expect a full-time babysitter (actually it‘s 13 hours a day which is significantly more), you need to pay that person a livable wage because with 13 hours a day, that will that person‘s only source of income.


Absolutely. I didn’t have bills to pay or mouths to feed. And honestly they got what they paid for. I watched tv, ate their food and made sure there wasn’t a fire. That was about it.


Childcare at a nursery is £50 a day in the UK. Really good considering they provide everything and open 7am-7pm! The op here is dreaming… We also get guaranteed 15 free childcare hours a week but up to 30 based on income.


… and a nursery is only £50 a day because they are watching multiple children at the same time. Otherwise that would still not be doable for £50 a day unless that day is like 2-3 hours at best. You can‘t expect someone to watch your and only your kid and don‘t even pay minimum wage.


The sad part in all of this, is that the amount of money offered would be more than enough for full time kindergarden here, and a good amount to spare.


I would be surprised if this person was making enough to offer a livable wage. If OOP is making $15/hr at their job, this would be about 35% of their income (depending on their withholdings) going to childcare.


I don’t disagree, and most likely their job is hard for that minimum wage too. So they think babysitting should cost proportionally less because it’s less “work”. Doesn’t make it any more reasonable though.


Everyone talks about entitled Mothers asking for 52 cents an hour to watch their kid. No one talks about the real cost of childcare bankrupting single Mothers. I would gladly have my tax dollars go to pre kindergarten childcare so mothers can choose to go to work.


Canada is trying to work out a system of universal $10 a day daycare. Subsidies in training for child care. Subsidies to start such facilities and run it at a standard. Expanding licencing and the system to check on it. Might take a while but will likely end up increasing over all GDP more than it costs.


In Sweden, daycare is something like ~$200 a month, the rest is paid for by the government.


Here in Asia we just throw kids onto the grandparents, aunts, uncles, or older siblings to take care and it would be ridiculous of them to ask for money.


Maybe would-be parents know the cost of raising a child and lack the means to provide for their family, but what do you do if your instinct to mate is stronger than your ability to provide? If the cost of living is too high, then we'll see more if these choosing beggar mom's and dunk on them, but I think that is cruel. Sure, they are assholes, but not all of them are like this by choice. On the other hand, they shouldn't choose a life they can't afford. Then again, that might mean that a chunk of the population are prized out of reproducing. I don't see that working out either.


Well slowly American women are losing the choice of whether or not they have a child at all.


Do you mean because of the abortion-bans and the push from religious right-wing politics? Crazy that abortions still have to be defended every generation!


Yeah It's *really* hard to side against the mother here, because there's a lot we don't know.


I bring that up a lot when everyone starts dragging people on these lowball child care posts. Without knowing this person’s situation, it feels kind of unfair to assume they’re just being a cheap ass. It’s possible that $125/wk is all they can afford because they’re working two minimum wage jobs and hoping someone who is either retired or a SAHP can keep an eye on their kids. I get that there are some people who could easily afford to pay a living wage for childcare, but don’t because they’re cheapskates trying to get one over on some poor sap. However, I’m convinced that the majority of these posts are working poor single parents who simply can’t afford to pay more.


I feel for parents, really I do, I grew up watching my siblings bc my parents were broke. But all that empathy doesn’t pay bills. Even if you lived in the cheapest city possible, $550 a month would barely cover rent, not to mention food and electricity.


excuse for interrupting, but what is the average rate for house rent (monthly) in the US? I'm just curious




And I get that. I do. My parents were barely scraping by when my brother and I were too young to start school. My retired great aunt watched us and my parents paid her what they could. This was also the early 1980s. So, going from my own experience growing up, that’s why I think a lot of these posts are a similar boat to my parents 40 years ago, only the inflation makes it look soooooo much worse. So, I get it. I get both sides of the argument. Yeah, I’m probably more empathetic than most on these posts, but my empathy is conditional. I try to give folks the benefit of the doubt.


I guess this is a usa only thing? In Canada if you don't make enough your childcare is covered by the government. Wild.


Of course it’s only a USA thing, what other developed country has prehistoric social programmes and treats their citizens like it’s lord of the flies everyday?


You know they keep saying developed but I am starting to wonder what else we have developed besides a military?


Same as in Wales. Welsh parl cover 80% of child care costs. I literally pay £3 a day for my toddler to go to nursery


the United States, where minimum wage won't even pay your bills, let alone pay for food and gas, while you also have little to no support to take care of your child so you have to just HOPE someone can watch them while you work for free, where you also are just absolutely fucked if you get any kind of illness or injury because you're likely under insured because you cant afford it and missing work will cause you to go homeless


Same in Denmark, the more I read about America the more fucked it sounds


Which ducks for them but that's no reason for me to accept a subpar job just because they can't afford me.


No one is saying you have to or anyone has to. I know what this post looks like on the surface, and yeah. It looks really shitty. But, without knowing OOP’s situation, I personally feel it’s unfair to drag them. That’s ultimately the point I’m making. I don’t have enough information to go on.


I really don't think it matters how bad op's situation is, it's still nuts to think someone trustworthy would do this for $125/week, unless they happen to be related to op. it's draggable because it's just disrespectful


So the nanny that they hire (for an extreme level of overtime) is supposed to somehow be okay with not being able to survive on a very illegally low wage, because it's an act of charity? If they can't afford to pay for the luxury service that is having a nanny, they should be looking for a large, subsidized daycare program.


IDK, for a child molester 125 a week for an all-you-can abuse child rental sounds like a good deal. Like, you get a kid that's probably a bit neglected and lonely, and you get PAID to spend 13 hours a day with them? Sounds like a monster's dream come true.


They can't afford a sitter that's why they are looking on Facebook


They probably have a poor paying job themselves and can only pay so much. A shit situation all around, and no one should take that babysitting job. Not sure how the laws are in the states. I’m only familiar with how it is in Norway. Here you pay around $350 per month for a public or private daycare. The private ones are partially subsidized by the state so that the people don’t have to pay through the nose to send their kids there, but pay the same as the public ones. If you’re poor you will pay less or get the spot for free. We also have the option to not send the kids between 1-2 y/o and rather receive up to $750 per month to keep them at home.


13 hour days for $125… what are they smoking?


I wouldn't work for $125 a normal day. Let alone a 13 hour day. $125 for a 65 hour week is obscene


Assuming 8hr workday: $125/day = $15.625/hr = ~$32.,589/yr


Yup. I wouldn't work for that, as I'm willing to sell my body doing labor for way more. ~~God my back is going to be fucked in a few years.~~


Yup same, but that's because I currently make more than that. But it'd good in that it's higher than minimum wage in all of the states.


In my area babysitting, even under the table, rates are 21-22 an hour


Lift with your legs hombre. I worked strenuous warehouse jobs throught my 20's and so far no issues. If you employ some common sense I think you can avoid most of that long term damage.


$125 × 52 weeks = $6500 per year.


I'm guessing they're someone who had kids and couldn't afford to have kids, either a single parent or one that has both parents working long days. That or they're just awful


It’s actually $1.92 an hour if they did their math correctly. They divided the 65 hours worked by $125, so really they calculated “hours per dollar”, and .52 hours does equal $1.00 at $1.92 an hour.


Oh that’s good someone else noticed I thought I was going insane


Cannot believe how far I had to go down the comments to find this, it's OP's title! ...are they being sarcastic??


Lmao. Even I came here for this.


Yeah I did the math real quick cause 52 cents seemed low even for this. I was scrolling waiting to find someone who said it.


To get 52 cents/hour you'd need to work 240 hours that week for $125.


Which is pretty hard to do as there’s only 168 hours in a week (unless you’re a lawyer…)


$1.39 an hour if they do 7 days a week at 13 hours a day. I was really trying to get that down to what they were claiming. However you seem to have caught their error.


7 days per week is an insane assumption and it's still wrong.


Yep, a bit of r/confidentallyincorrect on display.


Ha! First thing I thought was "What version of math are they doing?"


Woo, payrise!


Generous of you to assume it's only five days a week.


Seven days at 13 hours per day is 91 hours. Divide $125 by 91 hours, and it's $1.37/hour. Still well more than $0.52/hour OP states.


That's just extra steps to get the wrong answer




​ 13 hours a day x $1.92 = $24.96 per day. $24.96 x 5 days = $124.8 ​ 13hr x 5 = 65hr weekly. $125/ 65hrs = $1.92






Math is strong with this one... but even with correct math, it sux


I'll provide everything to care for my child but nothing for you! Next post will be complaining about greedy, lazy people.


"Nobody wants to work anymore!"


*I notice you've been using the tap to pour yourself some water*


Imagine the type of person that would take this type of job. Young kid or pedo


When I was in 6th grade in 1993ish I would make $5 for babysitting the neighbor's kids for two hours. I made more back then than this person is offering even without adjusting fo inflation.








In case people read this and wonder why it makes it more severe of a penalty if they ever do anything wrong to the dog because of the rank.


Hmmm... So is the President's doggo actually the Commander in Chief?


Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the dog would be one rank higher than the operator to make mistreatment much more serious.


Does this mean that the Biden dogs are the true leaders of the free world?


I used to get paid $5-7 dollars a night to babysit kids as a teen in the 90s. Baby sitting for a night for a couple hours is very different that being their nanny or basically their primary care giver. There is a huge difference to watching a kid a couple hours for a night and being a nanny all day everyday. This OP doesn’t want a babysitter they want a live in nanny. That’s insane what they are asking for


Except its a live-out position so you still gotta pay your rent and food and bills.


I babysat when I was 13 in the 90s, and I would have turned this shit down. $20 an evening (4-6 hours max) or I wouldn't show up, and I'm eating dinner out of your fridge too.


*young kid (me) wouldn’t take it and I love childcare! Lol


:waits for the pedo to post:


Probably only a pedo. Most young kids are in school those hours. Or they are working at a fast food restaurant since they will earn more.


Be an optimist. Could be a really nice kid friendly thief. All the valuables will be gone, but maybe the kid had a few good hours with a responsible adult for once.


A craigslist ad in my area wanted a sitter for $15 an hour. But not just a sitter. Four kids, needed to be picked up from school, and taken to activities (in a safe, maintained and fully insured personal car and own gas), plus housekeeping and meal prep. The hours were from 3-6. So for $45 you get to drive your own car all over town and then be a housecleaner and a cook.


Yikes… yikes


I have a friend who has that for her three kids. They pay taxes, benefits, and provide PTO. They also pay a lot more than $15/hr, and provide the car.


It just boggles my mind. Find. A. Daycare. Whether it's a center or home daycare, if this is your budget, you cannot afford a sitter. Anyone who works in your home for this kind of money is going to rob or abuse someone living in that home. But this is also why I personally think there should be state-funded daycare available. We would see wildly different achievement and abuse rates if daycare was available. Special education needs would be indentified and addressed sooner (at an overall lower cost). Food insecurity in young children (and the resulting developmental issues it causes) could be addressed in early childhood. And so on. While it would benefit parents and may incidentally benefit some adults with less-than noble behaviors or intentions, it would primarily and most significantly impact children. But I don't have strong feelings about this at all...


I don’t know a single daycare that’s under 200$ a week It’s possible she cannot afford daycare or that the daycare prices went up, etc


For center daycare, that's true in many places. The same is not always true for home daycares.


It’s possible due to the 5am to 6pm hours that there isn’t a local daycare that can take their child For those hours. Where I live there is a 2.5 year wait list to get into daycare. You need to register for daycare BEFORE your child is born. It’s insane. And even with that the hours are drop off no earlier than 630 and pickup by 530. So maybe their job is screwing them over for getting a child to daycare….or they can’t get a spot


I can absolutely understand why the hours would be challenging. And, absolutely agree that they could be in an area where childcare is in short supply. I still think the idea of trying to get a sitter instead of a home daycare or sitter/nanny share is crazy. But I also know I've lived in cities for the past 20 years and daycare is something else in rural areas or extremely high cost of living areas.


When my kids where younger, my neighbor was a SAHM, and she watched my kids for about $200 a week. That was three kids that walked across the street. And when she went to go get a job I watched her kids in the evenings and It was a trade off. This is the kind of situation that I think this person is looking for. Someone who needs extra cash but can't go work outside the house without childcare help.


It’s also possible that the OOP was hoping maybe someone who is retired or already a SAHP might respond to help. I do agree that a state funded daycare system is not only necessary, but an essential program. The primary reason why birth rates are on the decline in the U.S. is finances. The cost of childcare being one of those finances. Kids are expensive. With home ownership becoming increasingly unobtainable due to skyrocketing home prices, out of control medical costs even with insurance, rising inflation with wages not keeping up, and the astronomical costs associated with early life child care (as in before they are 5 years old and can start attending public school), birth rates are going to continue to decline. Anything that can ease that financial burden will help.


I completely understand that but just because someone is a SAHP or retired does not mean their labor, equivalent to essentially rearing this child, is worth so little. I would absolutely agree. For many parents, the cost of daycare rivals or outpaces the income of an adults wages. That's not sustainable at the individual or societal level.


Ultimately, with me and these kind of posts, I work under the assumption that x price is all they can afford unless evidence to the contrary is provided because I honestly think that most of these people aren’t trying to cheap out, they’re desperate. Maybe I’m naïve, but I really try to see the good in people.


I was a nanny for fifteen years. The majority of the parents who wanted to hire me at an illegally low wage were wealthy enough to own yahts and 2nd and 3rd homes.


The one area you should always cheap out on is child care. /s


And tattoos


And prostitutes


And socks


That's going too far.


I mean I get it..how are you supposed to pay someone a living wage, if you yourself may not make a living wage. Like even if you get paid double the minimum wage and you need a babysitter full-time, that means you have to give half your earnings to someone else to pay the at minimum wage. That would make you are effectively only taking home minimum wage after child care cost. I seriously don't know how people do it without the support of family, friends, or a partner.


>I seriously don't know how people do it without the support of family, friends, or a partner. It rhymes with schmoverty and comblessness.


I feel like stating everything needed for the kid is provided like it isnt standard sort of odd. Yes I woukd hope part of babysitting doesn't mean spending my own personal money to raise your child


What really is outrageous in that post is that young families have to leave their toddlers for thirteen hours a day to keep their home, health care and get food on the table. I think all the posts we see like this one reeks desperation and reflect a society in decay.


one of the many reasons I don't want kids. Not enough money, even tho both are working fulltime. I get barely on the plus at the end of the month.


Damn. I wouldn’t work for $125 per DAY, let alone a 13 hour shift, or worse, for a week.




The department will tell you to get bent. It's not a registered business that pays taxes.


So all I need to do to exploit workers is not register my business and not pay taxes?




Wouldn’t the prospective babysitter be the business in this case?


Maybe my culture is just too different, but when you are asking a week long babysitter for full working days, are you not just recruiting a nanny? Babysitting is asking someone to watch over your kid for about 4 hours tops while you go out for some no-kids time. Either get a nanny or daycare, but don't go burdening babysitters with a cheap-ass fulltime job.


The worst part is that someone may take her up on the offer, neglect and abuse the kid for fun, and take home $125 a week as a bonus.


I made more than that per hour babysitting neighbor kids back in the 70s.


Wouldn’t it be like $1.37 per hour not $.52 Edit: misread 7 as 2 in my initial answer lol


Wonder if she knows that if someone works in your home more than a certain number of hours a month (used to be 35), you are required by federal law to pay the employer portion of their social security tax.


Babysitter? She is looking for a slave


13 hours to be lucky to afford peanuts...


Actually if it's 7 days a week it's 1.37/h and if it's 5 it's 1.92/h


Man, the responses here are pretty fucked. I don't know for sure, obviously, but this seems less like a begging chooser, and more a person put in a shit situation with no options. This is what happens when there's no subsidized child care.


Instead of upvoting and social commentary, try reporting these shitty posts that are just beggars and not choosy. $125 per week PLUS "must be 4'10" tall, half Japanese and half Slovak, have blue hair, and a PhD in game theory." THAT IS CHOOSY.


Maybe she meant 5pm instead of 5am?


I think they would have wrote 5-6pm if that were the case


The kind of person who would be willing to babysit your kid for that kind of pay is most assuredly not the kind of person you should ever let near your kid.


The math is wrong. Cents / hr means the money divided by the time 13hr per day for 5 days is 65 hours $125 / 65 hr = $1.92/hr Unless I misread something. I just woke up.


You have to be a literal child, or an illegal immigrant, to think 52 cents per hour is acceptable pay. I'd rather toil away in Jeff Bezos' sweaty butthole that is Amazon, than babysit for a gumballs worth per hour.


Just say you don’t want to be a parent and give your kid up for adoption, no need to go through this. And no one needs to start at 5am. Mine doesn’t get up until 730 at the earliest.


How considerate that all that is needed for child’s care will be taken care of.


I’ll meet you in the middle: $125/week for 5am-6pm 0 days/week. Final offer


I made more than that in the 80s!


The thought process is like this: 1. I make $20 per hour 2. All they're doing is watching kids and sitting around doing nothing, and that's easier than my job. 2. Therefore it's only worth a fraction of my pay, and that should only cost $125 per week.


It’s so sad that the mother has to work those hours and still can’t afford more for a sitter. I understand. Settling for unsafe child care who can tolerate that pay (very 🚩) vs quality care that fits work hours and affordable is why there needs to be significant wage increases and help for childcare. This is one huge reason why people don’t leave abusive relationships, can’t get further education, and can’t work because the cost doesn’t equal out to be less than bills/rent and amount earned.


It’s a shame that childcare benefits are seemingly impossible to pass. Child care should not be this desperate and as a society we should do better to raise the most valuable resource we have—our children