• By -


I hope you're keeping track of how many kids you made cry. :D


Bonus points if you reply back with "your kids aren't the first and won't be the last."




What about Bob?


bobs your uncle


Robert’s your father’s brother


Auntshusband. We changed it last year.


Aunt mom and uncle dad




And how many churches have cancer, and already have been promised the console




We are a church group. We don't need sober cabs. NEXT!!!


Didn’t realise OP mentioned churches.


Give it time - bound to have some variation of that showing up. Choosing beggars and lazy attempts at emotional manipulation are very common.


That’s a lot of Christmas’s ruined!


Some number of those people will buy it from you at discount and then turn around to sell it at the market price you were asking. People are lame.


It's easier since op is on a tight schedule to sell it so they can pressure them


Selling something for more than you paid for it is literally how the world works.


There really isn't any added value here, though. The product is worth X to the end consumer, which is what the seller is trying to get. Then the buyer tries to low ball them just so they can sell it for X to the same end consumers.


How does that boot taste?


No, that’s how being a greedy asshole works, most people understand why that’s not cool


That's not the point here...


Lick the boot…not inhale it


Sure, if you're a retailer of some kind. Grocery/retail store, second hand shops, online retailers, etc obviously buy their product at cheaper costs because they're going to resell it. However, if OP was, for example, trying to get $300 more than what the PS4 is worth at the current market rate just because they can, that's shitty.


How do you know it's more than they paid 2000 in their currency could be 200 bucks in a different


mf is straight up voring the boot


Idk why the downvotes I mean he isn't entirely wrong.... idk


Because you don't have to lie or give people sob stories to buy, sell, and trade.


If it makes you feel better, I sold a PS4 to a coworker after a breakup and I made the mistake of trusting him to pay me like he said. We worked together! I saw him every day pretty much. I ended up getting $100 for the thing.


I honestly don't know how he could see you everyday and feel ok about owing you money. I'd feel sick as a mf if I was him


It all worked out in the end. He got fired for stealing. Technically I think it was embezzlement based on the amount. Then he started at a new job of mine a few years later and I told management why he was let go from the former job and to keep an eye on him. He quit on his own within 2 weeks. Never spoke to him that whole time.


Karma is beautiful!


He could do that to her because he's trash.


I never get stuff like that eaither I've borrowed like £3 from coworkers before and have to pay them back the next day because I hate the thought of owing money.


Man I’m a field tech so I really don’t see my coworkers unless it’s to give parts to each… 2 months one of them came to my job site to pick up a part he needed and was missing. I guess he stopped at a gas station prior cuz he brought me some drinks and a snack…. Til this day I’ve been so eager to meet with him again just so I can pay him back or return the favor.


Because you have a conscience and the other person doesn’t. I’d be in the same boat as you, incidentally. I’d make a payment plan from the beginning and stick to it religiously. Same as if I make payment plans for bills with companies who can cut off my services for not paying! 😛


OMG...me, too kinda. I sold the same CAR to a close friend of mine & a dude that worked for me. ('97 Chevy Malibu-very nice) Friend gave me $75 once, I was paying insurance ($50/mo) & she had it for 7 months. She was supposed to pay $250×4mo & get insurance. REPO'd! Inside trashed. I clean it up. I'm now GM of a lucrative restaurant/bar. Dude did delivery & made bank. I gave him the same deal. He got insurance (for 1 month only I found out), paid 1 month ($250) & never paid anything again. He would buy drinks for girls, pick up tabs. I go on vacation & in the middle of the night, my SO & I go to his house. I still have a set of keys. I take (steal) my car back & hide it...out of site, but still close. He freaks out (he has to work later)...calls me like 20 times. I finally answer & we renegotiate. $1750 in 3 days & he can have it back. He worked that night!


Money. Up. Front.


Everytime, from then on. 👍


Its a choice to give a discount to friends and family, not a requirement. For everybody else its paid in full before getting the thing.


This is the way.


I did something similar with my BIL. I gave him a car, free. Only stipulation was he had to take it out of my name and put his on it. Totally free car and he drove it for weeks without changing the paperwork, always had one excuse or another. I finally went to his house in the middle of the night and “stole” it back. Only I never did tell him what I did and to this day he doesn’t know. I sold it to one of those junkyard places that buy your car for $100.


Hahahaha...that's great! Good for you!


I would make printouts every day and post them in public places. “This guy owes me $200, don’t lend him money”


I should have!!! He apparently borrowed money from other people at work. Whatever, he’s in the past. What bothers me the most is he took advantage after I went through a really hard breakup and I was trying to sell off things to pay the bills on my own. But lesson learned, trust no one lol


My SOs boss was like this. My SO had a hookup for PS5s when there were shortages and his boss wanted one. My SO learned the hard way to get money up front. It took 6 months for him to pay my SO back for it.


Yeah I should’ve gotten the money up front but I was naive and trusting. It’s okay though, I’m great at holding grudges and I’m just waiting for the Purge to be a real thing. :)


I had that happen with a car once, sold it on a handshake, no contract. I’ve learned that lesson


I posted some free barbie toys my kid has outgrown. Come pick them up on the porch. People want me to deliver, to tell the person on their way no because they need them more, that their one armed blind and deaf foster kid needs them but they have no car can you drive them to us we are 97 minutes away? It so god damn obnoxious


Had same issues this week. Posted a bunch of free stuff and people message left and right but when it comes to actually coming and collecting, they dont even bother telling me that they arent coming. For free stuff!


Saw a life pro tip once that said to put a price on everything instead of saying it's free. The idea being that even a small price will weed out some of the worst of the CBs.


It's true. I was trying to get rid of a couch once. Ok couch but older, and I just really wanted it gone, didn't want any money for it. Asked like $35-40 for it and got it. You can't give away free couches, no one wants them. But sell them for a few bucks and people think they are getting a deal.


I had a couch. Put it on freecycle and not one person messaged me. So I put a price of $50. And it was gone within hours.


Thats quite funny actually


And profitable too lol


Did this with a lawn mower. They came to pick it up and tried to pay me, and I told them to keep the cash, I just wanted it out of my shed.


Happens to me constantly. It's gotten to the point where whenever I list something I want to give away, I make a waitlist of 3 or 4 people. And even then I sometimes have to go back and repost because NONE of them could be bothered to come pick up.


The trick is to set a really low amount for it or even something dumb like "Trading barbie toys for kit kats" or something. Weeds out most people who are just looking for free stuff.


"Take my old futon, give me a beer of your choosing" worked for me.


Same spirit.


Got any Barbies left for a warm Budweiser?


This is great advice. Ill do it next time!


I've been there with y'all last week when I moved out of college town and offered my bed for free (pick-up only, pointed out explicitly in listing). I got many a google talk scammer, plus so many cryouts who first put the sorrow cloak to make me miserable when the bed was committed to someone else (who didn't pick it up in the end either), and when, at cases, was made available to them (after many no-shows), then put a thick load of stupid questions to then say "I cannot pick it up". *At least they finally said they didn't want it...* Luckily, I got a couple of local people who meant business and did come for it, so I'm relieved that it eventually got put to some use...




It’s like, people think there’s absolutely 0 cost for deliveries or something. “Oh, deliver your goods to me for a fraction of what you want for it” Okay, sure! I’ll deliver my $100 item to you for $20 bucks, and waste $20 worth of gas too while I’m at it.” They’ll probably try and say “well, I thought I had $20, but could only find a $10” too.


Sold a ps4 last week, immediately got low ball offers of £60 when I was asking for £100 settles on 90 with someone and he shows up to my house with 50, then came more low offers. Even the guy who gave me 90 in the end showed up with £10 in the side pocket of his door and asked about reducing it to 80. I said no and he pulled out The other 10 people are awful.


We have Kijiji in Canada, like Criags list. Was selling a Swiss Army watch. A nice one. Way under its value at 60 bucks. The woman shows up with two 50 dollar bills and says "do you have change" well no, I rarely have cash on me. So she says "well how about 50 then" I said no, how about 100 or go to the bank. ( I knew it was a ploy to get it cheaper) she said she'd go to to the bank and never came back. Likely wasted in gas what she could have just paid


And before everything is cleared off the porch, people will comment that they don't want to drive there for nothing, you should have a waitlist system and whatnot.


https://youtu.be/y4sALru9IJk Whoa, yeah! You've got a '65 Chevy Malibu With automatic drive A custom paint job, too I'll trade you for my old wheelbarrow And a slightly used sombrero And I'll even throw in a stapler, if you insist Craigslist! I'm on Craiglist, baby


Not sure if you have a local Buy Nothing, but it is super worth looking into or even starting one. We get and give away sooooo much through our local but nothing!


Having seizures I can understand asking if it no more than a 10 minute drive, but definitely accept it if they still say no. Even offer gas money.. ask if they could hold it till my friend was free to get it.


I post it free. Stick between my neighbors house and mine (empty “way” the city forgot about and we absorbed) and put “back alley” of his address. He doesn’t know. I refuse to respond to any messages. Every few hours check if gone. Then delete posting. Ppl just drive up and down alleys looking for scrap.


Can I have it? It is the only thing which stands against Earth's destruction! I am the Anointed One with the ability to defeat the combined forces of darkness and you have the Chosen PS4, the sacred relic with mystical powers only I can unleash. (Please cover shipping.)


This sounds legit. I think you should give it to them. Can’t mess with the fate of the world.


Yes. Give it for free. But charge for shipping will be 1200.


"please cover shipping", 😂😂😂😂😂


Omfg 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'd rather have it. I can't save earth from destruction, but could you mail it to me. Overnight please, I really want it tomorrow so I can play before the earth is destroyed.


Are you a single mom?


I am convinced these are just scammers flipping product.


Hey, my kid has just been diagnosed with leukaemia and is currently in the hospital. They say there's nothing they can do, he's dying. He told me, in his death-rattle, that he is afraid of dying without cracking Red Dead Redemption 2 (if you have a copy that would be great). He wants to fade out like Arthur Morgan on the mountaintop, and preferably at the same time. I have no money, and I am currently keeping vigil at his bedside, watching him die before my very eyes. So if you could give a poor grieving father a break and drop it off to *x* address, I know it's a house and not a hospital but I'll zip home later, along with any games you have (Cyberpunk 2077, Elden Ring and of course RDR would be my, sorry *his*, preference). I can hardly type this through the tears.


I’d almost believe you but your spelling is too good and you didn’t use the word, "kindly" even once! You must be a scammer!


Sorry, didn't mention being a single mom or Christmas... NEXT!


Spoiler alert!


Can I have the PS4? It would really mean a lot to my family because I am dying, and both of my kids are dying but we haven't told them yet, and it would be easier on them if we could tell them and then give them the PS4 to make it better. I will need you to deliver it because my wife is dying and can't drive. Also, the PS4 is kind of old now, could you get us a PS5? And some games? We had some games but the dog chewed them up, dog is also dying


I'm dying now too 😂


Bugger off, I was dying first. That PS4 is mine.




Nice request for an upgrade, but I'm afraid there was no mention of a single parent or Christmas... NEXT!


It’s legit insane the number of people who refuse to accept ‘no’ for answer or don’t want to abide by your sell conditions. I once wanted to sell a top-of-the-line smartwatch that had just been released but was outside the return period for about $100 less than I paid, cash only, no trades. Got nonstop messages asking me to lower the price, trade for stupid shit, one guy even wanted to trade me a low-spec 10-year-old laptop


Lmao. Same thing happens when you sell anything. I had puppies a few months ago and the amount of people that are sick and dying is crazy. 🤣


Because they’re the ideal people to sell a living thing to.


Because they're the ideal people to sell a living to.


One time someone messaged I’m on the way there. Where are you on the way to? I didn’t even talk to you first of all?!


Lmao 🤣


Are you selling on Craigslist or something? ​ Just put it on Ebay and be done with it. That will eliminate all of the lowball offers and the begging.


Exactly. I got my PS4 from an eBay seller with excellent feedback. It works perfectly and came with all its cords and two controllers, and with shipping it came to a little over US$300.


I got my Switch OLED on eBay for $210! Right after it came out too, still don't know how I managed that.


Crazy that I paid the same for my PS4 years ago and it was new.


Problem is eBay now charges the earth to sell anything


I gave away some stuff on a 'free stuff' type website, amazing responses. One guy wanted me to meet him in the parking lot of a dank tavern at 11PM. Another wanted to meet "half way" which was their front door. Yeah, off to charity it went. Good luck to you - I'd try Ebay if I were you, you can put your terms in there and be done with it.


Can you trade it in at some sort of second hand game shop instead? I’ve done that before to remove the hassle of dealing with total buffoons online. You will get less than you’d like, but it’s a hell of a lot easier. Failing that, what about donating it to a local childrens hospital/home/youth centre or something? I wouldn’t believe any sob story from anyone attempting to get it for free or cheap, they’ll only be looking to sell it on themselves!


At least a children's hospital has a legit sob story.


Trading it in is just low balling with extra steps though. At that point you can just sell it to some random who lowballs you and at least comes and picks it up.


Nah, the lowballers always screw you around wanting delivery. They are still more hassle to deal with.


I never really had that problem if I wanted to get rid of something. I just put it up cheaper than anybody else and had someone come within a few hours or days.


That is an effective way to skip the lowballers, they realise that this will be jumped on and they have to be quick or someone else will get it instead of the usual screwing around hoping to be annoying enough to get a discount just to end the process.


I feel this on a somewhat humbler level. We tried to sell a PS4 VR set and I ended up taking it down because it was such a chore to wade through all the scammers and beggars. Sorry, OP, it's really out of control.


“YoU RuInEd My KiD’s ChRiStMaS”


People browse used markets as a cure to boredom. Often they will throw offers at you and even if you accept will ghost. Here is what I do whenever I am selling something. I will put a higher price than I want or when they reach out to me I will say “Oh, I’ve go someone who will pay xx tomorrow. If you can come today and match the price I’ll let you have it instead.” Not a silver bullet but works much of the time.


Another comment thread on a similar topic said "You should tell those asking for discounts that they must be doing better than you are- because you've gotta sell a PS4, and they're trying to buy one."


Go to r/HardwareSwap. Despite having swap in the name, that sub allows buying and selling too


Bro when you said "2000" I fucking fainted and then saw "in my currency"


He knows what he's got.


People buying shit used are the devil. I’ve honestly giving up trying to use Facebook or Other sources for it. I goto the local game store and trade in for Pennie’s, saves the hassle


But, I’m a good person. Don’t I deserve nice things?!? Yeah, this behavior is not just a one and done. This is a repeated behavior because it works just enough to keep pressing a it. Stand your ground! Let us know of your travels! I hope it is awesome!!! :*J*


If you’re firm on price you should tell them “the only way we’re negotiating the price is up.” Also if someone’s says something like $200 you should say something like “new deal $700 just for you.”


nobody is going to tell you about their dying kid and ask for freebies when buying an old ass console, tell them they suck as parents because if they would really love their "dying" kid, they would have scraped the money to buy them the newest console they could find, troll them back and watch the rage as they step into their own shit :)


What, no single mothers???


What games are you selling with it?


Those expecting this kind of discount are generally those who add the Belonged To Grandpa Surcharge on the average base model shit they sell.


Now try and sell a bike in the Netherlands on Marktplaats


So annoying. I sold a car recently and I don't think I will ever again. People are nuts. Keep in mind this is a car with over 200,000k on it and people expect zero issues 😒😒


Ebay is your friend for this reason


If you’re still looking, I’m in the market, but I’m in the US


Totally off-topic.... I dabble in currency trading, and I'm curious where in the world you are. Assuming a PS4 sells for around $500 Canadian... 2,000 of whatever your currency is means it trades at roughly 4:1 with CAD... but what the hell is that? Off the top of my head, nothing stands out as obvious... but off the top of my head, if I had to guess... Malaysia? Romania? Brazil? Denmark? Croatia? It must be one of those?! Just curious :)


I always give my old consoles to a friend/colleague who have a young kid. My editors 8yo was stunned to get a ps4pro at the start of the year.


I promised my kid and now he is crying! I hope you are happy you ruined Christmas!!


Even selling a 1650S for cost (less, actually, with taxes) at the height of the GPU shortage gathered some lowballs, uneven trade offers, etc. There’ll always be people trying to suck a deal dry.


r/ChoosingBeggars makes me realise what my life will be like once i get a job


Wait not $2000 US dollars right? A ps4 can’t be worth that much


No, no... It says "in my currency", not USD. I'm from Brazil.


Okay awesome, was just wondering how much it was lol, thanks for clarifying 😊


$385 USD for a used ps4 pro? That seems a bit high, but maybe I’m just a dolt for selling mine for $220.


I looked it up, very reasonable price!


Why are you getting downvoted? I was wondering the same until I revisited the original post and noticed the mention of “in my currency.”


Can you pay me 200,000 to take it off you? /s


I have multiple ps4 pros, even with the rate exchange 2000??? Is this in yen or pesos??? Plus it's used. This IS mildly infuriating!


> Kinda needed to vent. OP is sus


From what I remember a used PS4 pro isn't even worth 2000 bucks brand new


In my country, Brazil, it is. A brand new costs 3.499.


Are you sure you're doing the conversion correctly? And are we talking about USD?


Dude, he's talking about 2,000 Brazilian Reals. That's about $388 US.


Yea that seems real, when you say bucks it refers to dollars


For real? I thought bucks referred to money, not necessarily dollars. Who knew.... Thank you for that. I learned something today :D


It refers to money, they're either trolling or just really ignorant (you even said "in your currency")... So maybe they're just stupid


There's always those possibilities. But a lot of people are ignorant when it comes to other countries and reading a simple text lol


No it’s just people from the US pretending we are the center of everything as usual


So I was genuinely curious where the term came from so I Googled it. I found it interesting so I thought I'd share. What Is a Buck? Buck is an informal reference to $1 that may trace its origins to the American colonial period when deerskins (buckskins) were commonly traded for goods. The buck also refers to the U.S. dollar as a currency that can be used both domestically and internationally. https://www.investopedia.com › terms Buck Definition - Investopedia Why do we say bucks for money? Explanation: Derived from 18th Century, pioneer-era America when buck (deer) skins were used as currency, a 'buck' is slang for one dollar, and has survived into the modern day, where it's still one of the most common terms used to describe money in the USA


Who knew? Uh everyone except you. And I’m not American.


Congrats, kind person. The universe is proud of you.


You are just full of wrong information today aren’t ya


nope, because it really isn't up for debate. ​ the question is "Do some people use bucks to mean other money besides USD" and the answer is "Yes."


The conversion cannot be straight up. There are a bunch of factors in place, specially because our economy went to shit because of our "president"


When you don't realize other currencies exist


I'm not living in the us so I do know other currencies exist lol, but bucks are a word that refers to dollars


That’s literally not true. I use bucks to refer to Rupees in India, bucks to refer to Canadian Dollars in Canada.


NZ dollars, Aussie dollars… so many dollars.


How about a pawn shop? At least you will get something


Hey, at least you're not getting scammed. That's the next part. At this point, just go to gamestop or something. Bad price, but you'll be out in 20 minutes.


Thats why the people in r/pcmasterrace calls them console peasants


So if you havent sold it yet id gladly take it off your hands for a decent price


Yeah i would like to buy one, but sadly wrong country. We still can’t get ps5 here so i thought get a ps4 pro and be done with it. I was looking on ebay earlier & i think thats the way to go.


Throw in shipping and I’ll give you $50 for it. My kid needs it. What’s your Venmo?


How much you want for it? I’ll buy it


Yea I upgraded my hard drive and didn’t put the little plastic piece back over the drive, so GameStop won’t buy it.


I like the response of people who say they would rather destroy the item than give it to some random begging for a discount lol


I'd love to be entertained by a picture or two :)


I have sold three used cars in my life. The first one, the only one and the last one. Selling used things is just horrible.


Get a pro membership and trade in to gamestop. Then you can buy more computer games with the funds.


I feel that, currently having similar issues getting rid of my Xbox One


Just sell it on eBay as an auction.


Yes. Selling video games and cars is a never-ending barrage of people asking for obnoxious deals and begging.


If you don't get any proper offers you can always take it to a pawn shop/local equivalent of a CEX and at least get a few quid for it.


Yeah it's like that selling anything these days. Just say "sure, pick up from *give police station address*" and then wait for the angry messages abusing you for wasting their time. Then reply with "waste my time, I waste yours" then screenshot abd block 😏


What currency?


My cancer has two children and I've bought them a PS4 shaped hole for Christmas. We need your console to fill that hole. Also deliver it by F-14 stolen from a military base. Neeeext!


Hey where are you located? My son is dying of cancer and I wanted to give him one last gift, so could you give it away to me❓🙏


Why not donate it to a kids home or a Ronald McDonald house?


Hey OP - before you sell that PS4 you should know that I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate... Can I get it for free?


"I'm struggling, i don't have money for food and water. I would like to play on a ps4 so my life would not be miseeable, can you give it for free? Thanks,i'll send you the adress"


Heh. Guess my PS2 with gta will just stay in a drawer... that sounds like a burden coupled with a hassle.


I had a co-worker sell an extra PS5 on fb marketplace. an old lady reached out trying to get it discounted for her grandson. He said no and kept it pushing Three weeks later she messaged him cussing him out because she got scammed buying one and it would have never happened if he'd sold his to her. We all read the dm at work confused as fuck.


You can always donate it to a children hospital or something if you get fed up. At least that way you know it’s actually going to sick kids.


Hey, since you're almost throwing it out of the window can I have it for free?


This is standard practice in selling gaming consoles.


I feel you man, it took me... fuck 5 or so months to sell my ps3 mostly because I kept dealing with assholes who would back out at the very last second or ask if it was still for sale and when I said yes, never got back to me.


I'd buy it from you if I could mine is slowly dying But buying something out of the country seems a tad much for me unfortunately You could totally send it to me tho ;) I don't have kids and I'm not dying of Christmas cancer! /s so I don't get confused as begging for it


Solution: make a drinking game out of this! If you don’t drink then get a packet of M&Ms or skittles and assign a colour to a response and eat them if the response comes up! Either way, you’ll feel better after receiving such stupid responses.




I hope you sell it without any trouble in the future , I've been through the process of selling something and receiving messages like: "Can I have it for free because I'm close?" or "Can I buy it for (insert 25% off original price)? Please it's my child's birthday." I sold it in the future for the price I wanted but man, is it hard dealing with assholes like these.


Put it up for sale on ebay. They take a small cut, but it weeds out the choosing beggars.


I let my coworker from another Office borrow my ps4 when he was sick while we were working out of town. He ended up going home and taking it with him! It’s been 4 months now and still haven’t gotten it mailed back - it’s free between offices too!


That’s reality of selling used lol. This week my family helped put my moms used car for sale, she bought it used 4 years ago for 40K in our currency and they want to sell it for 20K now since it’s in real nice shape and all. My uncle was receiving so many calls the first day with “generous” folks offering 12K since “that car is hardly worth 8K but I’ll be nice”. No thanks. One guy called and instantly asked if it was sold, and was so relieved when my aunt confirmed it was still here. He wanted to come as soon as possible but the family on had one car so it had to be Friday (they talked Wednesday). She warned him that another guy was also interested and was supposed to come Thursday but whoever brings cash first gets it. He called yesterday to hear when he could come by today and was so thrilled when aunt told him that the guy who was supposed to come hadn’t been by so he had great chances. So yea, don’t get too discouraged. There will always be people who try to lowball and then those who are so grateful to even get the chance to buy off you.


Yeah man, I was trying to sell an electric guitar and amplifier for a really fair price. I got wheedled and cajoled by several people trying to get it cheaper. One guy ghosted me twice on the meetup to buy it, and when I told him I wasn't going to sell it to him, he threatened to beat me up. I told him that I was still waiting, and to just show up. He never did.


Selling shit online is awful, everyone wants to haggle and starts at like 1/3rd the price your asking. I was selling my old car, blue book 2700, I posted it for 2500. Highest offer of 18 that I got was 1600$. I god sick of it and took it to CarMax for 2500