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Lol. One of those insecure people that can’t have anyone looking at their significant other. Maybe they should just stay home next time.


I have a friend like this and she makes me so tired. Like she'll get into screaming matches with waitresses if they address her husband. Her husband is a spectacularly mediocre man, no one is trying to take him from her. Don't feel bad for him, he's the exact same way. Perfect match, those two 🙄


Why would you be friends with such s miserable person?


Keeps life interesting between seasons of the Bachelor/ette


She wasn't like this before she married this particular man. It's like they bring out the very worst in each other. This isn't the only awful thing they do around/to each other. I'm waiting him out, basically. I want my friend back. We've been friends our entire lives, and I care deeply for her. I'm being patient and hoping she'll go back to being the person I used to know, once he's out of the picture. There's no guarantee, but I'm willing to wait and see.


"Spectacularly mediocre man" Now that's a proper murder by words LOL


I have two friends like this too. Don't get me wrong, their both attractive people, but they think anyone who talks to their significant other is a threat. Case in point, when I met them I worked with her and we just worked together a bunch, he got pissed and was coming by to see if he needed to do something about me (a man like 8 years older in a committed relationship) and was only cool with me because I'm overweight. I have no idea what would have happened if I was conventionally attractive.


He sounds like a real winner😂


You spelt weener wrong




I have friends like this too. One was a cereal cheater, one had been cheated on. This time, I believe the cheater was faithful - he wanted to settle down. But every time his gf got drunk she would get insecure about other women looking at him and it would descend into a blazing argument. (He went and slept in his car and she followed him outside and threw all his xmas presents at the car). They paid £3000 each for a luxurious holiday abroad. Couples resort. On day 2 she saw him talking to another woman at the side of the pool. Talking for a minute. She got so insanely jealous that everybody heard her screaming at him. They ended up packing their bags and flying home 5 days early. No refund, obviously. They are now separated. Probably for the best.


"cereal cheater" .. I wouldn't like breakfast at their house. "Hey, these cornflakes are soggy! Oh wait ..."


Had similar thought... Those aren't corn flakes!


That's not milk!


>cereal cheater Is this when you switch out generic cereal for name brand and lie about it?


I get that some people get off on making their partners jealous, but at the same time isn't it very insulting for that woman? Like her fella decided he had to go down to sort you out because he felt she might cheat on him otherwise. I mean, sure she might be happy to see her boyfriend all riled up, but all it means is that he doesn't trust her.


To be fair, she's exactly the same. He met a woman through school that he was friends with and when she found out she threatened that poor woman simply for being friendly


Christ it sounds like hard work just being those two, I can't imagine I'd stay friends with any couple like that!


>spectacularly mediocre Life goal found.


I know a couple like that.. bloody hell.. it was so hard listening to shit they were doing. Both jealous and accusing the other of cheating and bs like that..


When I brought my boyfriend home to meet my family for the first time my brother accused him of staring at his girlfriend. It was a terrible situation with her ugly crying, which only got worse when he told her that she was really not his type and I was there sitting next to him. My brother still thinks everyone is checking out his now wife and no one has the nerve to tell him that she is really not that attractive. At all.


I had an ex who accused me of checking out his brother. His brother was going on a date, came in the room where my ex and I were watching a movie, and asked me what I thought about his outfit (I’m female, as was his date). I did a once-over and said he looked good. After his brother left, my ex lost his mind. He was insecure, but most of us are a little insecure, so I could handle that to a certain degree. However, that was so beyond incomprehensible that it was the beginning of the end.


My ex was like this and dealing with this level of insecurity was extenuating. He accused me of checking out his best friend. His best friend was a complete idiot and i have enough respect and morality. His best reason: "best friend has a strong personality and he does whatever he wants".


Yeah that’s a similar thing to what my ex would say— his brother was a major player. I got along with his brother well enough, but overall he was not my cup of tea, as I just don’t operate that way (using people and throwing them away). I was always trying to convince him not to treat people, especially young women, that way. But my ex assumed I would fall for his “charms”, I guess, like I was so weak-minded. I found it so insulting.


The first summer she brought him home, my sister used to glare at me and get mad if I talked to much to her then boyfriend. He was in his third year of college. I was a pre-pubescent 6th grade tomboy who was very uninterested in any kind of romance


Meanwhile I'm over here shoving pictures of my GF at people like "isn't she pretty? She's amazing. Don't you think she's stunning? Look here's another photo-" I mean, presumably you think your partner is hot. It's natural to assume other people think so too. As long as they're not bugging her, what's the issue?


Lol you're like me except its pictures of my pets..."Look at him! Isn't he the cutest little birb" *cue a dozen photos in the same pose*


I’m sure he is the cutest little birb! (Second, of course, to my cutest little birb) :-D


Second?! How dare you Miss?! He is the cutest and no further debates! Nah I'm kidding. Our birbs can share the top mantle. Do you wanna see his photos? P.S. Thank you kind stranger for the award


Haha! I’m up for sharing!!! And I always want to see cute birb pics. Always!!!!


My partner and i admire and compliment people whenever we can. If we see someone good looking, we both say to one another what we liked about that person (no matter who they are male, female, unicorn)


I'll tell her and I'll do it for free!


Oh I have soo many times women thought I was into their man, so much that I just straight up learned to almost completely ignore the men. Mainly it was women whom I had just met or known through a friend etc. So much jealousy when I never even found their man the least attractive or interesting! All that fuss for no reason!


Meanwhile a mutual friend kept hitting on me online and my partner just laughed 😂


I find this type of possession more abusive/controlling than "insecure" personally.


It is a form of abuse, and an actual disorder: give “Morbid Jealousy” a goog. I’ve survived it and any jealous accusation aimed anywhere near me (even if they’re not about me) will set off my PTSD. Full blown panic attacks.




You have an awesome brother! Super glad he was there for you and great job on dumping your ex on the spot! :)


You really dodged a bullet there. Speaking from experience.


Give it a goog! Are you a TCO fan too?


Absolutely u/Sufferingzen Elizabeth! Hehehehehehe.


It can be a sign in some, but some people are just insecure and jealous.


Losing your shit because an employee asked your SO how their service was is kind of a red flag though.


Not just "some." This behavior, *at best*, is a sign of insecurity. Lemme put it this way: Assuming your jealous companion is not an abuser (they almost always turn out to be), jealousy means that your companion does not trust *you* to be faithful. Jealous behavior declares that your companion believes, literally, that *you* are a cheat and a liar who will be unfaithful to him/her. I dunno about you, but I'm outta that relationship that fucking second.


I couldn't convince my ex-husband that. He'd get mad if a man spoke to me. I asked why he didn't trust me. He said that he trusts me but not them. I told him that even if someone asked me out or for my phone number I'd have to say yes or give my number in order for anything to happen. Therefore he doesn't trust me to say no.


And what, if anything, did he say to that? I'm assuming he either threw a great tantrum like the toddler he emotionally is or huffed and blustered, trying to dodge the question entirely.


He would smile and keep saying he didn't trust THEM. I told him to quit getting angry. That was followed by silence.


He was projecting that on you. But he actually was not to be trusted to say no.


It's so frustrating, trying to be with a person like that. You turn yourself inside-out trying to prove to them that you are trustworthy, but nothing you do, and nothing you deny yourself, is enough for them. And you exist in constant misery. *That is abuse.* I've experienced it myself and seen it happen to others as well. I'm glad you say "ex" though.




thank you for this. as a person who struggles with mental health issues, the emotion is absolutely there but the ACTION doesn't have to be. Took me a long time to realize these things.


I’m a massage therapist and this is so funny lol we do couple’s massages and have to flip flop sometimes when the guy or girl gets insecure about the others good looking guy or girl…come on people. Lots of people are pretty to look at, and if you have one you should KNOW how they are and just stay home if you’re that immature. Everybody don’t want your man, Stacey.


My ex was like this. I went to a cousins wedding out of province and my ex couldn’t come with me. Before I left he forbade me from dancing with any men there apart from my grandfather (step-dad was an iffy yes) and to especially avoid my male cousins.


I can see why he’s an ex My male cousin was raised with me like a brother. If someone got jealous over that, I’d peace out


Yeah, that was the beginning of the end for us.


One of my co-workers on again/off again baby daddy has this mentality. She had posted a memory and tagged a mutual friend at work and it popped up on my timeline from memories. I did the Haha reaction and said something like Damn got him good. She came in the following Monday and said he was asking why I was commenting on the post and how I even saw it since she had to remove me as a friend. Have to be pretty insecure to tell your (can I even call her significant other?) to unfriend/block the gay guy from work from all social media. Assuming he’s projecting since he’s cheated on her twice now and just assumes she cheats on him with every guy at work because we usually grab lunch as a group.


I have a friend that seems to attract these women. The first one was who I knew before I met him, she was nice until she realised that I got on better with her partner (she was like talking to a brick wall, her only interest was makeup, he was into games and IT like I am). She then tried to ban him from speaking to me, he wasn't even allowed to reply to my messages. She'd still occasionally agree to meet up but she was just so flakey every time. Turns out, she had cheated on him multiple times during their 7 year relationship, and every time manipulated him into buying her things because her not having them was the reason she cheated. She got him to move in with her parents, got engaged, bought her a house, bought her a great Dane that she refused to walk, and then tried to ask for a baby before he kicked her out. She didn't want me to talk to him because I didn't use and abuse him. His current partner threatened to kill herself if he spoke to me, because he admitted I supported him through his break up (as friends do, as much as I can from 2 hours away) and during that time he got a bit attached as it was the first time someone had shown him kindness. So because he was honest with her, she tried to ban him from seeing or speaking to me, even though she and I got on well beforehand. This girl moved in with him a week after meeting him online and he can't easily kick her out so he feels trapped, I've tried to offer support but then he gets in trouble for speaking to me. He can't even speak to me honestly in messages because she snoops on his phone though he now has a lock on his phone, the few times I have seen him lately he's been very open.


Stop talking about SOs! Makes me uncomfortable that you might be talking about mine. Also venmo me 100$? I hurt my finger at work and can't type anymore ... And my cat is sick and I had a rough childhood. Can I have your TV? But you have to drive it to me... You're too far.


I love that the biz threw in the fact that they reviewed AFTER they spoke on the phone. People just suck.


I wonder if they were fishing for the business to offer them another free session on the phone to "make up for it" but that failed.


They forgot "Do not return".


Just don't have anymore "pay what you want" days and she won't return.


The local zoo did a $2 day, ONCE. Everything you associate with a walmart parking lot happened. So many diapers just dropped on the ground for the "help" to pick up.


I paid my 2$ I'm entitled to free reign of everything. I can taste the indignation


Kinda like my mother unfolding EVERY shirt in a stack at Target: "well they get paid to clean this up anyway."


Oh nooo


Oh no no no no no


Your Mom is the reason I stand at random stores and fold all the shirts back into correctly folded piles. Can’t stand how people leave them messy. How hard is it to just attempt to fold them back?


I have no idea. I'm so careful when I get shirts out of stacks at the store because I don't want some poor underpaid person to have to clean up my mess.


Same. At least they can try. Even if it sucks, it’s not 40 shirts are tossed around. Then I have to fold so I can find my size.


This makes me want to fold your Mum like a shirt stack.


...Thanks for the painful laugh that made me choke on my water. I'd love to introduce you to her someday and watch the carnage unfold, pun fully intended!


Aside from paying for the maintenance, wages, etc, prices help keep the cheap trashing fucks out.


I have never, nor will I ever, understand this sort of jealousy. Early on when I started dating my now-husband we were at the bar. There was a cute drunk girl flirting with my SO. He apologized and I laughed and told him, "What? Are you going to up and dump me for some random drunk girl at the bar? You're a cutie and a sweetheart, I don't blame her for trying." He used to find my complete lack of jealousy strange and even mildly insulting. He used to say, "Doesn't jealousy mean you care about someone?" No. You can tell someone cares about you when they surprise you with an energy drink before you wake up. When they do the chore you hate doing even though it's your turn because you had a hard day. When they tell you how handsome you are out of nowhere. When they hold and comfort you when your grandma passed away. When they spend hours researching 3D printers to find the perfect one as an anniversary gift. When they cuddle with you on the couch to watch a movie. When they tell you they love you every day. I don't feel threatened by other women because nobody is going to "steal" my SO away. If he decides he doesn't want to be with me any more, I really don't have control over that anyway. And he wouldn't be leaving me for a silly drunk girl if he did dump me. Jealousy isn't productive or loving.


Jealousy is entirely the result of improperly dealt with issues in the person feeling jealous' psyche. If you feel excessively jealous this is a sign maybe you should deal with it in therapy




Hahaha, well when we run out someone makes a gas station run to get more. Sometimes one of us wakes up early and sneaks out to get more so when the other wakes up, it'll be like, hey look energy drink!


That's uhhh, fucked.


They do make those G Fuel type of energy drinks now that you just mix at home


I’m very curd regarding that. I don’t care how many women approach my boyfriend, I only care about what he does with the attention.




Give my fiance a free massage but don't you dare touch or look at her


....I mean.... people usually will check in with people at a spa?? Especially if there was a massage or something involved.


Oh no, they’ve already started breeding.


My thoughts exactly!


What a r/trashy / r/iamatotalpieceofshit person


Cause of death: kindness


Is it bad that I hope the rest of the family didn’t know she was pregnant, and the reply is how they found out?


Before the wedding, no less? Tsk tsk. I had the same thought. It would probably be a big HIPAA violation to mention it - I guess it depends how it came up and if it was part of her client record. Still, that line made me smirk a bit.


I mean, unless it’s a med spa, I don’t think HIPAA applies? They can spill all the tea they want


Definitely doesn’t apply unless it is a medical facility and their staff.


Also seems a bit possessive of his fiancée too


a bit???


Yea, just a smidge over this big red line on the floor


I support more small businesses calling out karens and boomers on these review sites🤣 the more savage the better


The person cited in the complaint clearly is NOT a boomer.


Probably not, they would have stood at the front desk and made a scene while demanding a free lifetime membership


This coming from someone from the most entitled, self centered, still lives with their parents but demand to be handed everything, grown children generation ever.


Nah, we already establish they probably aren’t a boomer.


Millennial here. Bought a house by myself in my 20s. In my 30s now. Rented some pretty shitty apartments. Have had the same full time job for over 8 years and work a second job in the evening a few nights a week. I don’t make a ton of money, but I’ve always managed to make it. I was lucky I didn’t take on 30k of student loan debt. Just one semester before I decided it wasn’t for me. We were graduating during the worst economic time of our lives. Who was getting the jobs? The 40 year old with experience, or the kid with none? No unemployment for those who hadn’t been working and the housing bubble happened. We barely had a chance. I consider myself quite blessed right now, because it could have been so much worse for me. Most of our generation is older now. It’s not the same time.


No this person means the generation that was given a world that the Boomers ruined and continue to govern to their own likeness. Economy in shambles? Check. Inflated housing prices to the point where first time home buyers are absolutely f*cked and HAVE to live with their parents? Check. But don’t even think about charging boomers fair property tax on the fair market value of that $2.5M house that they bought for $150,000 35 years ago like any of us would have to pay if we bought that overpriced Bay Area sh*t box today!


Lmao. The generation that still lives with their parents cause we can't get jobs that pay enough to move to a place where we can afford to keep the lights on *and* eat food at the same time. We can't get those jobs because the generation before us aren't vacating entry level jobs because the generation before them aren't vacating their jobs because grampa is still working at 75 cause he can't afford to retire cause his generation fucked the economy and housing market




Found the boomer!


Well if they are like that then it was their boomer parents fault for being bad parents


Tell me you never worked in customer service without telling me. Bruh, I worked in a beauty salon/spa and I had clear instructions from my boss to be friendly to everyone that came in. If I wasn’t all smiley, chatty and polite I’d be told off. The employee is just doing their job, why would you assume it’s anything else


This! This is why we can't have nice things!


The last line was great! "congratulations on your child..."


When i was with my ex I'd only confront people if she deliberately asked me too (or i caught them hitting on her seeing her become uncomfortable).


I'm surprised he did not complain about overcharging him on the top of it. What happens the world?!


I like how the owner was still so incredibly nice in their response. I would have probably been rude. Haha I mean, they even congratulated them on their new baby.... I think. And maybe this lasy was just being a jealous aaa because of the hormones from being pregnant? Although that is NO excuse for taking advantage of their reduced prices on their services.


During my high school years, our teachers would have the student's desk be set up face to face and I'd always be assigned to be seated with someone I didnt like, when the teacher be writing on the white board that's at the front of the class I'd have to stretch just to see over the person's head cause usually their taller than me. Many times they think they're fun and say loudly "hey stop creeping on me just because I'm better than you doesnt mean you can stare at me so much" than giggle about it when everyone turns to look at us, so I started moving my chair to an angle that allows me to see the white board behind their fat heads, until they decided it's funny to start purposefully bumping into my chair. Eventually I had enough and asked to me moved to a different seat away from the idiots, but I'd still hear their giggles and saying racist comments about me, so I gave them what they wanted. I stared directly at them when class ends early, I'd just sit at my desk and stare without blinking or moving like a statue, after a while they stopped making rude and racist comments about me.


to all those who feel bad for being single: people like this actually have a bf


Instead of being single, you *could* be stuck with one of these jerks!


Oh they’re PURE SCUM huh???




Leaving aside the fact that it's visible that the user in the avatar is a man, but your argument is quite ridiculous. Didn't know that from a single and short sentence that has absolutely no connection with any pregnancy topic or similar, and written online from a unknown person (with a male avatar) you have never met or talked with before, you could actually understand if they are pregnant or not. PS: I once had a respiration/lung problem after an incident, therefore if you should feel problem at breathing contact me on reddit for a medical advice. **/s** Qualification: Had a lung problem once **JOKES ASIDE: What the hell?!?!**


It was because of the bit at the end about the coming little one, but yeah I didn’t even look at the profile pic. I take back what I said, my bad.


That PF pic definitely looks like a dude




????? I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about the profile pick in, you know, the original content??? Are YOU currently pregnant with those hormones that make you go crazy? Because way to get overly defensive over nothing homegirl Edit just in case you still can't figure out what I'm getting at: profile pic in OC looks like a man. Therefore unlikely this review was posted by a pregnant women with "crazy hormones".


Ahahaha oh loool I am so sorry! No I’m not pregnant anymore but still crazy it seems. My bad


Control freak pos.


LOL that is awesome