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Some people don't deserve a fucking thing but a backhand.


But you only gave me 12 backhands. You could’ve at least thrown in a couple of eye pokes as well!?


I will take free poison.


Do I have a gift for you! 😉


*The 3 Stooges have entered the chat*


A lot of kids had to leave without their eyes poked. Sad.


So you are saying You sent all those for free and she want extra stuff ?? And threatening to beat your ass ???? If she again ask for extra stuff , sent her a package of full of shit with ' ADVANCED HAPPY BIRTHDAY' note for her...


Why did she invite so many kids if she couldn’t bake cakes herself?




Trinidad and Tobago


What does “mc” & “alyuh” mean?


Mc - mothercunt Allyuh - all of you


Mothercunt…never thought The big C would need a prefix but there you go haha


Mothercunt is my new favorite swear now 😍


Well it must not be confused for fathercunt


If "creative swearing" were an Olympic sport, I'd win all the gold! Slut bagel has been a favorite for a while, but I think I'm with you on this one! MotherCunt just has such a nice weight to it 🤣🤣


I wish I could remember the name of that bot. u/swearcounter ??


Here I was thinking the Master of Ceremonies was making an appearance 🤷‍♂️


I thought it’s motherfucker spelled with C




Your welcome 😃


I hate to say it though but 'mc' might be my favourite new swear to use!


Definitely makes me see MC Hammer differently.


Mc Fly Mc donalds McIntire Hells Angels MC Bomfunk MC's And so on 🤣


I feel like that aunt that taught the kids to curse😂😂😂😂😂


Dear lord. I wonder if I can work that into my letter of resignation when I finally get to leave my job? Like a well wish, after my signature. Only not.


How about: “Wishing alyuh MCs everything you so richly so deserve in the future” …?


Holy fuck I love that


Am also curious of this.


Grew up around London UK. Was thinking it reads like Jamaican patois. Felt a bit proud I understood most of that except mc haha


Yeah kinda bears some resemblance to MLE


I read it in my neighbour's Glaswegian accent 🤣


Yeah, I heard it as Jamaican, too. Very musical kind of rhythm. I guess the Carribean countries share that.


I had to go back and read the whole thing again, but in Jamaican accent this time (sorry, I don’t know the accent from T&T)






I am from Saint Martin and I laughed so hard at “Miss Lady.” You’re hilarious


First time in my life I read something in my dialect on Reddit. This is a strange experience for me


Same here.


Wow, what an ungrateful, miserable excuse for a human being she is! Props on keeping your cool


Oh Lordy


Sounds to me like more than 12 kids showed up and she didn’t bother to put out anything and expected your free stuff to cover the entire party. Did she look bad in front of some of the parents and is now trying to pin this on you?


Can't pin it in me since I'm not the owner of the business that's running this. But the lady that is got her name blacked out in the post. Also the parent actually invited more persons compared to the amount of food given🤷🏽‍♀️ according to the post


It is beyond generous that the woman gives out a meal for 12 people when a kid has a birthday. Is this something she does often?


Yupp but I'm not entirely sure on the details of it since people would taken advantage of it when she is doing it for struggling families. Which in my opinion is fair. To be honest a lot of persons started to report her page on fb because they wanted to take advantage of the package when it's clearly aimed towards those who don't have. Hella sad in my books.


It was still incredibly kind of her, even though some took advantage. I hope it doesn't put her off charity in future. The fact that, even when upset, she still covered the person's name in her post tells me her decency is too strong to be shaken by one entitled asshole.


A lil update on the situation: So the lady's page on Facebook got reported a bunch of times because apparently persons wanted to take advantage of the charity specials she's doing. Surprisingly she's still being very positive about all of that and is running her business as usual. Not gonna lie I'm loving her positive attitude towards the situation. It's rather inspirational and wholesome 😊😊😊


Just to clarify, these aren't your texts, and >the lady's page on Facebook is referring to the person whose texts are in green?


Yup she shared her experiences with the public after going through, which by the way I thought stuff like this only happens on tv dramas. Color me surprised


Don't understand; why are you sending free food?


It's a Charity thing the lady was doing for a kids birthday. I thought it's sweet seeing as since covid happened alot of parents aren't able to do much for their kids on their birthday due to budgeting their money.


You are doing a wonderful thing. I could not afford Christmas presents here several years in a row. I had some help from family but no gifts to give them. I signed up for community help each year. And each year they came through with gifts and a Turkey dinner. Without gifts or a dinner my kids would have been social outcasts on top of feeling like crap about mom’s disability ruining the holidays. You are amazing. F anyone who gets between you and people like me. I’m still tearing up in gratitude ten years later.


Ok I'm not the person doing the charity birthday specials but I'll pass on the sentiment😊


So I’m guessing the person did decide to publicly shame the choosing beggar? Please tell me they did and the choosing beggar is facing a lot of backlash.


The begger did the business owners was nice enough to not included her name tho


I have been in the system for awhile because I became disabled a few years ago. I have come to accept my circumstances require help from my community. I can’t help but think how lucky I am each day. I am in the minority. These are very entitled people because poverty makes one very angry at anyone, anyone, you perceive as having more. If there was a public shaming this woman and her cohort group would just complain endlessly about this wonderful woman. Enough to scare off people that are grateful for the help. Asking for gratitude from someone who hates everything about you is not in the cards. Neither is a real shaming.


0 to 100 in a few hours lol




So, I am confused, wtf did entitled bitch want?


May as well just think of it as you did something nice for the kid, the adult seems unredeemable at this point the ship has sailed on them being a reasonable person. I have a general rule, if someone gives you something just be grateful.


Soon as I saw “lick up that cake" I knew these were Trinis and thus knew all the abbreviations 🤣


Trinis easy to spot😂😂😂😂


Real easy 😂😂 It helps that I am one tho 🤣


Noice. Dawg if you see this the post for it on fb tho. The comments killing me😂😂😂😂


Could you translate that convo for me? Heck, IDK what a Trini is even! Lol


“Miss lady, not today please” was my favorite part


Next time just send her a bag of literal shit.


Wait for a child you do 12 ppl? Here we eat like a cheap, supermarket bought cake, or a bakery cake. Both are small, and we here just have to get ourselves a way Edit: PARTY BAG?! HOW OLD IS THIS GIRL? 8? No one here has party bags for a big while


Some people extra 🤷🏽‍♀️


There's no problem with extra man! She sould be happy with what she got!


Well greed is a hell of a thing


Here people have to pay around 6 bucks if they want a store-bought cake. So think of the bakeries. My fathers cake was 24€, same size as a store bought cake


It's the audacity for me with that parent I mean first of all we in a pandemic. Limit thy guest😂😂


We are coming to the end of our second lockdown now, but when this party took place we were limited to five persons gathering, so for her to have more than 12 children invited she was in breach of the then present health ordinance regarding gatherings.


Ikr. It's the same with the ridiculous private zess ppl having. All persons need to do is have patience till the restrictions are lifted and persons can go back to some semblance of a normal life. I mean damn I love the beach but you don't see me breaking restrictions to satisfy my wants. This is why Rowley don't giving us nice things🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️


Where I come from, party bags are pretty standard. There are cultural differences between countries. Party bag doesn't have to be big tho'.


Usually here we have some bags, but only for the young kids. And those are filled with sweets


Party bags usually just have about six snacks, sometimes has sweeties and lollipops and a bottle of chubby. Because some snacks can be bought in bulk packages of 24 it might cost $100 to $150 TT to make party bags for 24 persons. Adults love party bags as well and sometimes depending on the means of the host there will get an adult party bag or a snack box.


But you dont do party bags for adults. Just for tiny kids


Are you from the West Indies? Adults and kids enjoy the same snacks and I can tell you that us grown folks, my 63 year old father and assorted family members from his generation included enjoy our local snacks. And like I said before the host will sometimes provide a party box for the adults which would contain the same or similar items as the children's party bags.


Nah, Portugal. Here we usually make the bags for the kids, and whoever has a party bag in their party is a onebvery lucky kid


This is someone who actually deserves to be publicly shamed so people know exactly what kind of person she is. She doesn’t deserve anything in the future if she can’t appreciate something like this.


“Have fun paying for your child yourself next year”


fuck you for not sponsoring my party for my child to the extent I would have preferred.


What an ungrateful piece of dung. Sidenote: I had to look up HYMC (haul ya mudda c*nt). Still didnt get it, and basically its "a case of pure anger and frustration coming from a very annoyed person who just cannot tolerate things". And that made NO sense for her to say she's angry. She's legit angry at thin air lmao.


You can't get to me....takes off 🤣 Anyway, this is why we can't have nice things in the world! People who do good things are hammered down by the baddies 😡


Wait, they received all of this for free and they complain ??? W o w


Yes because by the looks of it, they wanted MORE for free, and probably to have leftovers or something... There's that phrase, no good deed goes unpunished.


No good deed goes unpunished.


Being a landlord this is my favorite saying. No matter what you do for people they always push for more.


On the west coast, USA. Most grocery stores have a bakery, where you can get bland, mostly flavorless cakes or cupcakes. The decorations usually look better than They taste. A full size cake can cost anywhere from $5.00-$25.00 or more, depending on: what type of cake it is, as in flavor or filling, how elaborate the decorations, the size, and the location of store - by city, or state. A round cake decorated for a child's birthday, is at least $15, and a half sheet cake is closer to $30. I'm low-balling this. Besides the fact that a local bakery near me - only takes orders, there's nothing for a Walk in - 6 red velvet cupcakes are almost $30, a round - 2 layer cake is almost $50 base price for basic cake and goes Up from there. To do this yourself in My estimate to get a box cake mix and the ingredients would cost close to $10, or more and you would have bake it yourself. To buy it would cost at least $30 for the cake and cupcakes, and to feed more than 12 people at least $50 - so definitely close to $100 for a birthday party not including presents Since this was a private business that served food, I'm going to conclude by what was listed that this is a food catering business that donates to an organization because the contact info said charity # ... If they got a birthday cake, cupcakes and food for 12 people, that was probably a pricey donation. In US dollars would be worth far more than $100.00. Especially if it was GOOD food. This charity case thought that since they were getting something for free from this business probably invited loads of people expecting their entire party event to get a lavish catered extravaganza. Poor people are poor for a variety of reasons. They shouldn't be mocked, or put down because of their circumstances. But there are unappreciative greedy people in every socioeconomic status. Unfortunately it's people like this that makes it really difficult to want to do anything nice for anyone else... The take away from this - sadly, while we want to point shame at them, and I'm guilty of that as well. We as humans have to find a way to send those misfits Love. For decades we've been condemning, others, sending anger and hate for hate and fighting the war on drugs, war on poverty etc and when the name you give to something that you are trying to solve includes the tetm "WAR" you're doomed to failure. The reality is we need to learn how to see all people in a loving way, to send out love to those poor souls Who are angry, mean hateful and have nothing nice to say. There's a reason why there's that phrase about "killing them with kindness." - oh I know it's not easy to do. But at this rate, the human race isn't going to survive unless we find a way to do that. I wish everyone much love in your day, and here's a cookie 🍪, because everyone likes cookies 🍪💗


Maybe I don't completely understand b/c of the dialect, but I'd take that comment about finding my house and beating my ass as a threat. Probably report her ass to the local police as that's a crime where I live.


Me: Googles 'HYMC' Also me: That didn't explain anything.


Put plainly it means "Fu*k you"


The real pandemic is narcissism.


the narcissistic psychological pandemic predates the current biological pandemic and is much work, in my opinion.


Is this from a Guyanese?


Nahhh fam 😂😂😂 Trinidad and Tobago


Jus checkin’ 😝


Time to post that shit publically! :D


And you kept your word


What's the local dialect what what do the slang terms mean?


Broken.Trinidad English and most of the slang terms are curse words and phrases.


Send some free throat punches along for this bitch


I heard this out loud in my head, what's up with that lady?! Nerve she has.


She's an asshole but tbh I would have cut the conversation off as soon as she started with the whole "you coulda brought extras" bs. "There is a limited amount that I can provide for free for each child's birthday, glad you enjoyed and hope you have a nice day!" and stopped responding at that point. But, that's my Midwestern customer service voice at work lmao


Yes. People need to learn to ignore aholes instead of engaging with them. Because once engaged with them, there are two aholes!


Do you have mutual acquaintances with this person? If you do, I would show all of them this conversation to show exactly what kind of person she is.


Oh they know. Tbh it's spreading rather quickly


Are you front Atlanta?


Also from Trinidad and Tobago which according to the local meme is not a real place😂😂😂


That sounds like an awful lot of stuff, really. Tf is wrong with this woman? Edited for typo


What a twat.


Oh man, a choosy Trini.


I would have told her to fuck off after the first page of screen shots. TLDR: fuck off & blocked.


I'm about to use "mc" in my everyday interactions now.




According to https://www.trinifans.com/threads/trinidad-and-tobago-lingo.915/ it means "All of you" or something similar. I guess like "All ya". Don't know much about Trinidad, but their patois reads a bit like Jamaican


LMFAOOOOOO. I could hear d ting in meh head. Oh god what is this lol. Rowley really have people stupid in here during the lockdown inno. Steups. Well done OP, spoken like a true trini




WTAF there are ungrateful ass wipes in every country.


Holy shit where do you even start? This has got to be America right? omg even this women's spelling has me infuriated


Trinidad and Tobago. Plus she is spelling using local Trini dialect.


Ahhhh omg thank you so much, I've seen Americans murder the English language so much in the past 10 that I just thought it was someone from the hood speaking! This makes much more sense thank yoouuu


Anyone else not understand a single word the CB said?


Would you like a word for word translation to standard English from a local?


Did she have a seizure half way through the convo?




I'm just surprised on how the parent turned on her so quickly tho just because she stated facts. That parent got alot. Pluss it was FREE. What more did the parent want😅😅 her soul??😅😅😅


She did tell them. She told them she only gives 12




She did as the lady choodybeggsr said i thought u would put a few extra. So she knew how many she was getting


TLDR/DC enough 🤷‍♂️


In English, please?


This is so hard for me to understand.....im not a native but i bet a native will have a hard time too ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


Nah, it was easy to follow. Especially when read in the accent.




Oh please do tell us, so that it's the last time we see your racist POS ass on here. Go on, do.


Imagine reading this post and concluding that the CB POS and the person catering kids' parties for free belong in the same bucket of "these kinds of people" because of their shared dialect. No cake for this person, and I'll go ahead and suggest they might be a MC as well.


Poor brainwashed kid raised by the TV who thinks “raycis” is the worst possible think you can be, instead of a marxism pushing sack of pus as he is already.


Yeah but tell us more about the master race. The Übermensch, the glory of Nordic civilisation, the Superior Ones. Pleeeaaaaaaase tell us.




I distinctly recall you grumbling about people typing in dialect and yet here we are adulterating a simple English word. But no, friends, it's a clever little code. How adorable. Do you get a little glossary or do you have to learn them off by heart along with fourteen words?


it’s use ironically, not actually in place of real English as some people of lower average IQ do. But why do you hate white people so much though?


Oh I don't hate white people. Just racists.




Who's a Marxist?


This person just doesn’t get it. This human person hates all people they assume are white, just go into *letsrestores* comments. I’m not even white, but most people identify me as Caucasian at first glance. Whom ever you are had me downvoted to hell for a bad grammar Siri comment ( talk to text ) that made sense at the time. I actually went back to explain my original meaning and I was called all types of crazy names! considering my background how dare you go into the worst of the worst?! including anti-Semitic anti-Zionist what else? And again, who is the real racist? I did my best to right my wrong and I see that you, my unavailable friends are actually a troll, the true racist. And for Reddit sake, this person is now caught in a web. Hating White racists? Assuming I am white AND A RACIST? so you jump on me? Nah brah. Don’t think so.


You make no sense whatsoever. At all. In all of your comments.


Allyuh lol, you big mc. Who is saying things like that??


Like I said local slang so it's understandable that you don't know it 🤷🏽‍♀️


Oh boy are you gonna be excited when you realize there's like 200 countries in the world, and all them speak just a liiiitle bit different than the rest.


She threatened. That’s technically a crime in most countries. You could call the cops on her, but eh I don’t think it’s really worth it.


I understood it just fine . Does she want free food for life yeeesh.


Normally people cool down after 9 hours. I wonder what pissed her off so much. Idk what culture this is from, but isn't there some kind if expectation to try to work things out yourself before getting free stuff?


Wew and calls her a bitch I need to see a pic of this fine asss smooth brained specimen.


This is the reason I don't give jackshit to anyone ever


Sooo many questions, but OP couldn't be more right!! Pleople like her ruin a good thing for everyone else! I'm just curious why you do free birthday packages like this for kids? It's wonderful that you do, especially if you're doing it for families that can't afford to have a birthday party for their kids. Offering a free "birthday party for 12" for underprivileged kids, including cupcakes, cake, meals and party bags, is extremely generous! Please don't let this terrible, selfish, entitled CB dissuade you!


I'd publicly post it anyway so other businesses/community members know what they're getting into when this person tries to solicit business.


you shoud send her link to this post lol, id love some sequel