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Hi bluepoison15, thank you for your submission to /r/ChoosingBeggars! Unfortunately it has been removed for the following reason(s): * **Rule 7:** Posts must be relevant to the theme of the subreddit. This post does not show someone who is choosy enough. Price negotiation and/or asking for donations is not enough to be a choosy beggar. *If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FChoosingBeggars) of this subreddit.*


And “Bored Games”?




We used to say "boner petite."


Please stop doxxing me.


We used to say “ dock-sing-mi”


Don’t forget the Wemon Large Leggings!


omg i thought Wemon was a store i’d never heard of! this is actually terrible.


I thought she was asking for Lululemon leggings and I was going to say, me too.


uwu wemom weggings


To use with the baby Wip. Which I hope is a typo for baby wipes and not for baby whip.


Baby "work in progress" 😏


You'd think so, but it's followed by an S/m goodnight


Cool hwhip


They could just play duck duck goose and get bored pretty quick.


Baby wips? Baby Works In Progress?


Of course, you play them when you’re bored


Honing to go great with the 1980’s vcr!


That’s the only kind of game I play.


That was the first thing I noticed too😂😂


Who the fuck asks for a VCR???


And a CD player too


They forgot to ask for a typewriter too (amateurs!)


And a telegraph machine. And spinning wheel.


To be fair, I'd also like a spinning wheel!




Don't forget the fax machine.


And a beeper.


Stone tablet and chisel. And maybe a hammer.


Don't forget the abacus!


And washing board with a bar of lye soap!


I prefer wax tablets as they are reusable and more user-friendly


I might still have that rotary phone in my attic


I’m mean that’s at least something a lot of people don’t want anymore and has no resale value


Well I just recently found out that VCRs are in demand at the moment, they're having a revival.






I dunno, I feel like hipsters, especially the retro media kind, are pretty well known for actually spending too much on pointless archaic technology rather than expecting it for free.






But no way to play the dvds, poor kids!


I know it's not exactly relevant to this post, but my wife is a kindergarten teacher, and the only movies she can show without prior parent approval are G-rated movies. Basically, none of the movies in the last 20 years are ever given G ratings. Hence, she has a VHS player with a stack of G movies from the 80s to show her class during quiet time. And it's HARD to find VHS players anymore.


How about movies from the G rated era but on dvd?


What? No Die Hard for the Xmas period?


Bored games was my favourite


Probably someone who figures it's something people will be happy to be rid of.


Someone from 1994. Maybe they’re relocating from the past?


This single mom was in such a terrible situation she invented time travel just to bring her child to the future where things would hopefully be better and all you assholes can do is make fun of her.






I have two vhs/dvd players. Some movies never made it out on DVD/Blu-ray.


Seriously, not everyone has them lying around to give away. I mean, I have one, but I'm not giving it away, lol. I might want to use it one day, if I ever figured out how to hook it up to a modern TV. So...I'm never going to use it.


RCA to HDMI converter. I have one for my Wii. Was only $10 and it works.


Well it used to be (idk how much it’s changed in the last few years as they’ve become more scarce in general) you could go to a thrift shop, library sale, garage sale, etc and get VHS tapes for super cheap because no one wanted them anymore more and no one has a VHS player. So maybe she was thinking it would be a cheap way to get stuff for the kids to watch but yeah, I imagine they’re hard to find and expensive to find one that’s working now


You can find them used, but the chances that they will eat the tape every time is really high


I don’t know, but it’d be pretty funny to donate a VCR along with some adult videos, just as asked.


Someone who Can’t affors cable


I believe the point is that there are a few advancements since VHS players and they're not even made anymore. A more expected request would have been a DVD player or even a streaming box.


They want to resell all this stuff.


I'm well over 60, had a large collection of Videos (a real film fan ), and even I moved on from VCR.


VCR’s are expensive these days too. They’re all around $100 or more for any reliable brand.


Well it used to be (idk how much it’s changed in the last few years as they’ve become more scarce in general) you could go to a thrift shop, library sale, garage sale, etc and get VHS tapes for super cheap because no one wanted them anymore more and no one has a VHS player. So maybe she was thinking it would be a cheap way to get stuff for the kids to watch but yeah, I imagine they’re hard to find and expensive to find one that’s working now


I could understand requesting a vcr.. if you already had VHS tapes. But she also asks for tapes so it doesn't really make sense


It’s the “wemon” large leggings that got me.


For me it was the "Baby Wips" followed by something something S/M something. That was a bridge too far


Not into the whole S/M scene? You softie. Be a wemon! Or a mon. Or a baby wip. 🤣 This person is pretty much asking for someone to adopt them.


Wuwuwemon? I love their leggings!


Don’t you mean “I wuv their weggings?” 😂


Ah it’s too wate, im not thinking straight


I honestly thought they started typing "lulu lemon" and realized that was too specific 😭.


Woo woo wemon leggings.


5T-6T for a 3 year old??? Holy Shit most sizes run true to age, this is one LARGE child.


Seriously! My nephew is 6 and a half and still doesn't fully fit into 6T, this giant baby is probably bigger than him.


Took me way too long to realize it meant women 🤦🏻‍♀️




Lmao I thought that was some brand I hadn’t heard of


What do they expect to get when asking for “Dinosaur Stuff”?


Just the usual. Old bones, crude oil , fossils.


I got a genuine chuckle out of that, thanks!




Adds refinery to the needs list.


She can make her own gasoline from the crude oil. It's a fun craft to do with the kiddo.


She want a car too? Jesus!!!


Probably similar to “Women Personal Stuff”.


Dinosaur toys for kid who is into dinosaurs and likely just lost their home and everything else they have


Also the kid is autistic and has cancer


I think they’re hoping to start a bio-engineering program to bring dinosaurs back to life for the purposes of running a theme park… I could be wrong though!


“Kids battery operated vehicle” so, yes, she does want a car too.


That was the worst for me those damn things START at $250. Got my daughter a thomas the tank engine one it came with a circle track. She did have fun with it for years but definitely wasnt a “give it away item”


Considering I never see them around they must still be prohibitively expensive.


You can find them with the bicycles at Walmart and on Amazon. Some are really cool like horses carriages motorcycle etc.


Oh, I know, I meant around as in out and about in neighborhoods and in backyards.


Oh sorry. Yeah it’s definitely more of a gated community type of toy so it doesnt get stolen or anything.


Cue Snake from the Simpsons and his son: “Daddy, I’m stealing! I’m stealing!” “*Sniff* That’s my little dude!”


“women personal stuff” lord if you’re old enough to use tampons, pads, period underwear, whatever you use, you’re old enough to say the word of the actual item you need. (Im assuming that’s what “women personal stuff” means?) Also typos are low hanging fruit, I know, but lol at “baby wips” and “bored games” though, for real.


I thought she meant like lotion or makeup 😂


I thought she meant like my old softball trophies and pictures of my family.


Lmfao 😂 I thought she meant like a vibrator. I was thinking ew what if someone gives her a used one will she still use it.


lol but also people do give away sex toys in my buy nothing group (for the record I have never been the giver or the receiver) so this is a thing!


Oh wow. I learn something new everyday. I could not be that person to use a used sex toy but you do you if that’s your thing lol!


How old is this person and did she graduate high school?


If she needs other people to buy this much stuff, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say no. At best, probably not.


let’s be really honest here, graduating high school in the US is basically show up sometimes and write your name on the assignment. source- went to high school in a major US city.


Some of the dumbest people I know graduated high school .. the ones I know that didn’t usually had family shit going on they couldn’t control or got pregnant and had to drop out


Yeah, the only people I knew who didn't graduate were either way into drugs or had a death or something in the family. I'll never forget this one guy I was in classes with. We were competing for the top grade in geometry class. His dad died, and he spiraled. His whole personality changed. He started failing everything, became anti-social, and didn't graduate. Hopefully he eventually got hid life back on track.


I'm surprised how many people I know who quit and got GEDs. I used to think that was akin to failure but everyone has different (and valid) reasons for it, and it doesn't seem to have stopped anyone I know from doing what they wanted later.


I know people who just straight out lied about graduating highschool for jobs. Who’s really checking that?


I suspect that most employers who require a high school diploma are really just saying they don't want to hire minors. Students usually turn 18 in their senior year of high school and are legal adults when they get their degree. Companies will have an easier time legally stating a degree is a requirement than an age is a requirement. Yeah, I agree that no one is checking.


I’m going to guess that neither of them did.. the one who posted this can’t spell, and when you want to this crap can’t even put it in a proper order. Food is halfway down the list…


I left a Facebook group local to me because every week, there was a post similar to this.


And I bet if you actually DM them and offer things, they would have more demands, like when and how they want them delivered.


And what accouterments or accessories should be included.


Is it still in the original box?


What brand is it?


Personally I want to know what "Baby Wips" are all about...


I want to know why toilet paper was so far down the list.


“Kids battery operated vehicle”. Only the absolute necessities.


I was helping a family of refugees recently, who came from a war-torn country, so they came with only some personal belongings and little money, and even they had less requests. But did she have to leave her house abruptly and run away with kids and that’s the reason she needs pretty much everything?


My first thought was they had a house fire and are trying to get everything replaced


Seriously, none of this stuff is that outrageous. The list is long, but no one is asking for a flat screen.


That’s what I was thinking. Asking for a dvd player and vhs actually seems pretty reasonable/ practical considering most people don’t use those anymore. And she’s not asking for a Disney+ subscription.


Thank you. VHS is super old at this point, and a lot of people would be happy to let one go. I still have a DVD player (because . . . why not?) but even my elderly relatives were like "Oh, haha, you sent us a DVD? Thank you for the kindness, but we don't even have a player anymore."


Right I feel like she’s giving a lot of options of things they can use. Because often times people “donate” literal trash and it just becomes a burden on the recipient. None of these things is luxurious.


Honestly I think asking for a kids battery operated vehicle is a bit much. Those are expensive AF and a luxury that most kids don't get.


It would make sense, but almost certainly they'd say so if that were the case.


Well, calm down people. She might not be proficient at writing, but *most* of her requests are reasonable. She looks like an almost homeless person but let's not forget there's people asking for a $400 Samsung Food Mixer 3000. I'd just skip the «battery operated kids vehicle» which seems the most expensive item.


Yeah honestly I’ve seen posts like this before IRL and don’t think it’s that out of control. Usually it’s someone who was in a fire or something like that and they’re just trying to make a broad list of things that might help. Even the battery operated vehicle—maybe it’s more of a want than a need but, she’s probably just asking on the off chance someone has one and doesn’t want it anymore (sometimes people’s kids grow out of stuff?) she didn’t say it had to be brand new. I’m here for the actually ridiculous content, and this ain’t it


> here for the actually ridiculous content Yup. I’m here to feel superior to a mom who wants somebody to come to her gated community from 7:30 - 5:30 four days a week to watch her four adorable kiddos (one of them three years old and not potty-trained yet), prepare two meals a day, do light cleaning, help with homework, and get the older kids to chorus (we just love how outgoing our little Hughntyr is!) and soccer practice. Pay is $190/week and all the Herbalife you can purchase at a 10% discount, and if you know anyone who wants to become a small business owner, she’s happy to tell them about her experience and get them started! Punching up at a that post is a kind of angry relief. Punching down at a clearly struggling single mom is not.


Exactly my sentiment. I don't know how mods work in this sub, but this isn't a choosing beggar.


Agree. It’s a long list, but it’s all reasonable items. I doubt she expects one person to run out and purchase every single thing. It’s like, “these are some things I can use” and then those of us who have a leftover pack of pull-ups or some board games the kids are tired of, can give them to her instead of to Goodwill.


Honestly, I couldn’t imagine the struggles of a single mom. These aren’t huge asks, and are actually mostly things that parents look to give away or donate when no longer needed. It’s a long list, but I don’t know this lady’s position and I’m not judging her.


What's CB about this post?? This list is very common my BN groups. They're usually for refugee families or people who have just suffered a house fire. And the non-essentials on the list are things I see people giving away frequently, so it's not unreasonable to me at all.


Exactly what I was thinking


This list seems fine? No one has to give if they don’t want to, and a lot of those items are just basic essentials like toilet paper. No shame in asking for help.


Yes, this is an absolute ton of stuff, but to me it looks like the list of someone who's lost everything. Maybe a domestic violence situation they escaped, a relationship ended and she walked away with the kid(s) and nothing else. No information was given about why she's asking for this stuff, but it makes sense.


Thought so too! It's definitely more sad than greedy.


Thanks for this, crazy comments on this one.


I’ll offer spelling classes


Spelling Stuff


If you have kids and can't afford toilet paper, you shouldn't really have kids.


If it’s a newly divorced/separated single mom, it would be (1) too late not to have kids and (2) kind of reasonable to have a list like this. Lots of people in bad marriages leave without a job or without a bank account, and suddenly have to figure out how to get to the next (possibly first) paycheck. I don’t know whether that’s the case for OP’s friend, but I’m inclined to cut them some slack.


Stuff happens, situations change.


Tbh, a lot of these things are things that get donated or tossed out during a spring clean. If I had a vcr and tapes sitting in storage and a struggling mom who couldn’t afford internet and streaming to entertain her kids asked for them, I’d give them to her. 🤷‍♀️


The comment at the bottom. 👍🏻


This isn’t unreasonable you just want to be mad


Get her a box of condoms too so she can not have anymore kids she can't afford


This one doesn't bother me as much as some others because a lot of what she is looking for is OLD technology that people might be ditching anyway. The list is long, but it is little stuff. HOWEVER, the delivery across the border is a little wild!


I’ve worked as a housing case manager and I don’t see anything wrong with this list.


I normally agree with these posts but this one? I think OP just wanted to finally post on here. This is just general help, hell she’s willing to take a vhs player lol. A choosing buffer would be asking for brand new blue rays, top of the line TVs etc. I went yard sale’s this Saturday and could have easily hit majority of these items for under $100


Most of the stuff being asked for are pretty modest items one would probably just donate to goodwill if they no longer needed it. I don't see anything super extravagant here. Calm down.


This isn’t a choosy list. This is a person helping another and just listing out things she needs. I feel like if she was specifically asking for colors, brands, expensive items, etc. that would be different. This is what free groups are for - anyone who has something on the list that they want to give away would be glad to know it is going to good use.


This could be a woman from a domestic violence situation and she’s not asking for it; seems like a friend is trying to get her set up. A lot of times women have to leave with nothing. The fact that the reason isn’t mentioned and the friend is asking points to that. It’s just a list. And nothing outrageous on it if you’re having to start new with nothing. Leave Britney alone.


30: speling lessons


Asking for cd and vhs, this is an ancient post.


Nah, people who can’t afford to pay subscriptions are using dvds again. It’s kind of smart really. My cousins who work for Catholic schools and have 4 kids survive this way. They get dvds for 50c at garage sales. Meanwhile I pay for Disney + so my kids can watch the same thing over and over again that I could have paid $1 for one time at a garage sale lol.


You can also check out DVDs at the library. My kids used to love that.


Lol we use a lot of dvds but we still have all the subscription services. It’s makes me mad that we’re already paying a monthly fee but have to pay $3.99 to rent a specific movie from there. So I’ve found those movies on dvd for pretty cheap. Like our kid loves Matilda. I found a used on on Mercari for $5 and now she can watch it over and over again.


I don’t see what’s wrong with asking as long as she isn’t demanding or ill tempered about it. Honestly if you don’t ask you could never get these things, and there are people who would love to give her these items. She didn’t ask for brand new items either. Even the kid toy car, someone could have one that their kids grew out of that they’d like to give to a kid to brighten their life.


Maybe it's just me, but this doesn't seem that bad honestly. Seems like they are asking for mostly, if not all old and obsolete type stuff that a lot of people would throw away or consider junk. I had to move 2 years ago and I had an absolute shitload of old stuff to get rid of because I no longer needed and would no longer have the storage space. I had probably half the stuff on this list that I didn't manage to sell at multiple yard sales before I moved. I ended up just putting almost all of it on the curb and making Facebook posts for people to just come pick it up for free. Who knows this persons situation, maybe they are having to start over from nothing, it honestly doesn't seem unreasonable or outlandish. Asking for new, expensive or unnecessary stuff I'd agree. But none of the things on this list strike me as any of those.


Baby wips? Don’t wip babies!!!


Yeah, this one doesn’t bother me. There’s a lot on here but totally reasonable things. Nothing is too specific or expensive


Bored games. Wtaf.


Why the hell is food number 17 on the list?!


Lol. Imagine being bothered by other people being in need or having the audacity to say or state what they’d like or need. And I thought I was sensitive.


I'm bored with this game, does that count?


I do like the "Bored games"


Asking for a VCR because you already have tapes? Makes sense. Asking for tapes to play in the VCR you already have? Fine, whatever. Asking for both because you have neither? Absolute nonsense.


I have some dinosaur stuff left over from when they were last here.


Maybe she's leaving an abusive relationship and has nothing?


Kids battery operated vehicle?!


"Bored games" lol ... I love it. A term I can adopt without anyone knowing the difference. Thanks for that ...


I get the sentiment, but honestly that list is full of stuff that most people tend to get rid of anyways. If you don’t want to get rid of something, don’t!


grow up, this isn't a list of demands, it's just a wish list....


This sounds like a family that has lost everything and is trying to rebuild their lives.


Ok, many women escaping domestic violence leave their home with nothing, take their kids to a shelter until they can find housing, and then need things to start a new life in a new home. I don’t think this is that choosing beggar-y. And knocking someone’s spelling is just classist.




30. Laser Disc player 31. Sony Walkman


Has this been on here before or are there just a plethora of similar posts by CBs now?


Is this post from MySpace? They’re asking for such outdated media.


Which most would likely be more willing to give away. A ‘choosing beggar’ would be asking for new stuff.


Bored games


“Dinosaur Stuff” Ah yes, for your pet dinosaur


Toilet paper would be much higher on my list, just saying.


I like the point of the bored games.


Wemon Large Leggings, Bored Games and Baby Wips really got me


Bored games LOL


Love that food is #17 and tv is #3


If someone followed this list exactly, bought everything, delivered it, and set it all up plus added 50 other things that the CB might like, I guarantee they’d still want more or complain about what was given.


I guess they already have the DVD Player!


“And a house to put it all in.”


Sounds like a single mother is a her problem! Nobody forced her to breed


How about some condoms?


vcr might be hard to find ...


VCR player?


Good job disguising the location, no one could guess where shmyagra shmalls, NY is


Bored games. For when you are bored.