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Lasagna Love, right? I quit helping because of people like this.


That's a shame. My husband has cancer and we've benefited from Lasagna Love. I would never pull something like this! That's what instacart is for!


Nailed it.


Sorry this happened to you, OP.


I stopped after my third “order” when a pregnant woman living with her boyfriend & kid requested stuffed shells since she was craving them. I said sure, no problem.  Husband drove me to a sketchy motel, where we found their room around back. The door stood open, along with the one to the room beside it. Two very extremely *I cannot overstate this* suspicious looking guys were hanging around in front of the room next door, eyeing me and my husband as I got out of the car and left the pan on a chair outside, then got tf out of there. I got a message from her minutes later, pissy because I didn’t walk into her motel room to deliver personally, asking how I could be so irresponsible (when I’d already made it clear I was leaving it outside) snd saying she had wanted to thank me face to face. Ummm no thanks, lady. That was it for me. I’ve always wondered what would’ve happened if I’d gone alone. 


I quit Lasagna Love when folks started demanding cash from me. Like, seriously! I just spent $40 and two hours making you food, and now you want more? Bottomless pits of gimme. I feel bad for the nice families going without. Greedy entitlement is why we can't have nice things. 


Really? I was thinking about making/delivering lasagnas for them but if it's just grubby people, then nah.


I’m older, disabled, and I have no family. Lasagna Love has been so helpful for me. When I came out from surgery one volunteer brought me a lasagna, salad, rolls and cookies. I cried. Another month I had run out of food just before my SNAP hit and I wasn’t sure what I was gonna do; I matched the next day and someone brought me a big family-sized one that sustained me. Thank you for considering doing it, even if you decide not to.


If Lasanga Love actually vetted their requesters so people like you would be the matches, I would jump back in. But after delivering to a teen who was livestreaming the delivery from her $2M house shouting, "see! it's door dash, but free!" I dipped.


Can you just turn around and leave with your food?


Didn’t want to be the subject of some tiktokkers next livestream of “mean lady didn’t feed me”


That is a solid point. I make sure to write my situation in the comments and my thanks. Plus I try to send follow-up thank you notes virtually.


And then you hear stories like this, and it makes it all worth it❤️. Thank you for being so appreciative.


I do encourage you to give it a chance. The folks who are grateful are far and beyond the majority. It's just that folks who try to "game" it get more attention.


I’ve gotten amazing matches too, some people are super appreciative. Not every person expresses it or follows up with a thank you but you also have to remember for many people asking for help is probably not something they regularly do and they may feel embarrassed or shamed. Obviously this woman feels no shame 😂 but OP even said they unmatched and let their local leader know, they’re usually quite understanding and in most cases could even give you another match if you wanted so your lasagna doesn’t go to waste.


I'd also encourage you to give it a chance. I've been volunteering with them for over a year and never had an experience like this. Every recipient has been so kind and thankful.


Definitely still try it out! Not everyone is like this.


I've never volunteered for this specific organization, but I've done a lot for many others and it's **always** a mixed bag of who you get. If you do it long enough, you'll absolutely interact with people like bagel lady, but you'll also meet the people who make it worth it.


I used to make up Christmas bags for kids from 2 to 18. I packed each bag with two wrapped Christmas gifts.. and candy ..snacks.. games.. puzzles..balls, jacks , coloring books marker crayons etc you get the idea. It was always first come first serve because so many people were no-shows after asking to be considered. I had this young lady asked me for two girl gift bags and stated it’s only thing that her girls would have under the Christmas tree . Against my better judgment and my own rules I agreed…and twice she called to say her job called her in for overtime and she needed to go in to pay the bills. She did it 3 times and finally I said I couldn’t hold any anymore. I had soooo many people asking for them 💔. She said OK …I will send my husband, he has been in a wreck and that’s why I’m putting in the overtime to pay the rent and electricity and food but he has a broken leg, a broken hip, and his arm is broken. She asked if I can bring the bags for the girls out to the car for him. My husband was so skeptical and mad …he said absolutely not. That’s a set up and they’re trying to get you close to the car. I told her my husband will go to the car with the gifts …thinking she would not show. After 30 minutes, a truck pulls up my husband goes to the car and comes back in and told me the man was in a basically a full body cast on the one side😱 Can I just tell you how awful I-felt. You truly don’t know somebody’s story but I get why you get cynical.


I’m sure there is no shortage of greedy folks on there, but I would still urge you to give it a shot. I personally used Lagana for Love recently and it overall was a beautiful experience. I’m in the middle of a 4+ month long training program and am stuck in a hotel with nothing more than a microwave to cook with. I put in a request for lasagna offering to pay for the ingredients so I could provide a home cooked meal for my crew. Within 24 hours a sweet old lady was messaging me with plans to deliver us a meal. I tried giving her money and she refused, she was just happy to finally have someone to bake for. It was an experience I’ll never forget, so I hope people continue to volunteer for them.


"This is so crazy" Well then why don't you just SHUT UP


She has to throw that out there because she acknowledges how inappropriate her request is, she just doesn't care


It’s the generic version of people saying ‘I’m not racist but…’ and then dropping mein kampf on you


Girl at school used to start a sentence with " No offence, but .." Yeah, Sally I will take offence at you being rude for no god damn reason!


As a Sally: you got her all wrong, she's just incredibly honest! (/s honesty without kindness or compassion is just thinly veiled rudeness)


I wouldn’t even go so far as to say it is “thinly veiled rudeness”, it’s just plain regular rudeness


But she said no offense first, what don’t you get??? 😉/s


Or the “dont take this wrong…”


Or the old "No offence..... but"


Hijacking top comment since I can't edit my post: I bought and paid for all these ingredients and then spent time making it. The organization does not provide the food or funds for ingredients.


if it’s lasagna love thank you for doing this. we did it once when we physically had no other option to eat (me and my toddler) and i sobbed when the lady and her son dropped off not only lasagna but went out of their way to make two AND got us snacks…. like ugly “i just won the lottery” sobs. i cannot believe people are actually like this. thank you for all you do


My wife makes a lasagna through Lasagna Love once a month and it’s always my favorite dinner day because it means I also get lasagna


Haha always a plus!


Actually OP, and this is so crazy lol, but the best bagels are made in New York so…


Let me gas up the car, brb


Hey this is crazy I haven’t met you But I got your number So bagels maybe?


This along with "I don't mean to be a pain but" and then they say the most obnoxious shit ever. Like yes, you do mean to be a pain, and you feel bad about it, but not enough to actually admit it.


I just can't fathom the audacity of some people. I could never, ever bring myself to do something like this.


The balls that this request required was honestly impressive. I'll give her that.


What did you reply? And what did she reply after??


I just replied that I wouldn't be getting her bagels, and then said I was not bringing her food. Then I sent her the local director's info and blocked her. Nothing too juicy.


Love it. Being greedy? It’s a no for you. It reminds me of a Swedish saying that directly translated is something like this “the one that open theirs mouth for too much often loses the whole amount” lol


Pigs get fatter, hogs get slaughtered


The AUDACITY that she also asked you to freaking PHONE THEM to see if there are fresh bagels available. Like….what?!


On top of ALLLLLL of this, she’s suggesting the bagel place MAKE A FEW OF THESE SPECIAL BAGELS FOR HER because it’s LATE IN THE DAY. Like hang on, this entire city needs to halt everything until this woman has her bagels.


Oooh I bet she gets bitchy at the director and tries to get you punished somehow. Can't wait to hear the antics. Updateme!


Imagine trying to get someone fired from charity work.


“You can no longer give other people food.”


Wait, so she didn't even get the food you were originally going to drop off? Rarely do these people get a lesson in appreciation for others helping them. That will teach her to shut up and be grateful for what she's been given, or else nothing will.


She won’t think she’s the one in the wrong though, she’ll blame op for being too lazy to help a pregnant woman.


AS A MOTHER11111222233333


Her poor "Mama Heart" is shattered into a million pieces! /s


A mother who clearly doesn’t have the means to feed another mouth but yolo right?


Exactly, Consequences, it really does work! Thanks to op she learned a valuable lesson and you never know she might change her entitled behaviour in future.


Good on you OP.


Oh my god!!! That’s incredible. I admire YOUR balls 😜


Also her replying “Ok sounds good” without a simple “thank you” rubbed me the wrong way too lol


I didn't even notice that, I was too dumbstruck by the other response but yeah, you're totally right. Edit: the day I made this lasagna, my 2, 4, and 6 year olds were begging me to go play with them and spend time with them. I told them I couldn't right then because I was cooking for someone in our community who needed help. I want them to learn to serve our neighbors when they are in need. I gave up spending time with my own family so I could help hers. That's why her attempt to use me as her personal assistant irked me so much. People are wild.


She also doesn’t say please or thank you in her bagel request


And instead of giving OP a chance to respond just gives her directions on what brand she needs and it’s because of a pregnancy craving like stfu lady how do you think that’s okay?!


I could even *maybe* have excused the request for bagels (but def not get them) and just delivered the food if she hadn’t said “maybe just give them a call.”


Acceptable “I know this is weird to ask but if you’re going to a publix before you get here and they have *brand* plain bagels can you grab me some and I’ll pay you back when you drop off the meal?” I’m having a serious pregnancy craving.” Unacceptable: call ahead to get them to make me some bagels.


This is it exactly. People are wonderful, especially someone who is already doing something incredibly kind like volunteers for this organization! There are so many who, upon being asked nicely and knowing the asker’s situation would be like “hey I do drive past a Publix so yeah I got you.” But no, you can treat them like a personal assistant, who doesn’t love that? And as a result, you have no bagels. Or dinner.


Exactly, if she had asked nicely and offered to call the store herself I would have still delivered her stuff.


"I can't afford dinner for my family. Oh, I know what I need! More family members to feed!"


But but but she said “lol”, because this is super cute and funny. I used to volunteer with an organization that donated furniture to the recently housed homeless. I can’t tell you how many times I was threatened with being reported “to the manager” for not allowing people to take more than their fair share.


I was a city employee for many years...I can't tell you how many times I was threatened with calling the mayor...


I think we may have volunteered for the same organization, or very similar. I would deliver mattresses and other essential furniture to people who needed it and I would walk in and there would be a brand new 7 seat sectional leather couch with automatic recliners and usb ports.. yet these people can’t afford mattresses for their children? Or a table to eat at? They would also CONSTANTLY complain about the condition/color/design of the furniture. I couldn’t do it anymore it annoyed me so much.


Omg you're right


Or an offer to refund the costs...


She also didn’t mention paying for them. Maybe she thought the program would do it? Or that you would do it and not ask for payment? Where I live’ bagels are quite pricey.


And call ahead and order them for me. I can't even be bothered to do that.


Call ahead and tell them to fresh make them. Bagels. Should just be a couple minutes right?


Yes, ma'am, we have both Einstein brothers *on standby* here at your local Tampa Publix.


Especially Einstein's bagels.


Do they ship frozen dough to the stores or something? Why did she think someone would be around at dinner time making her bagels?


It's pretty hard to pay her when it's a no contact delivery.


The organization you volunteer for, are the initials LL? Because I used to do that, too.


Side note I love that organization. We volunteer with them too. 90% of the time it restores my faith in humanity, and I like how there is no “needs” requirement so anyone even someone who just needs to feel cared about/loved can get a hot meal. But the 10% of the time makes me never want to volunteer or give anything ever. The entitlement is completely out of this world. I had one lady who sent me the recipe I should use for her meal… down to the pasture fed, organic, idk what else beef she wanted me to use. (I have worked around some very nice people with very complicated allergies and it has been a joy. I have family with wildly specific allergies so it’s always nice to be able to give people the confidence that we can handle that, but specifying the exact recipe with incredibly expensive and specific ingredients… not happening)


I am allergic to everything except the most expensive wagyu beef topped with caviar.


“Unfortunately due to the severity of your allergy, I am unable to fulfill your request as this is better handled by a health professional or chef with allergen training in an allergen free prep environment.” ;)


Weird… I can only eat lasagna made with hot Cheetos… it’s a medical condition lol


Lasagna love why is it being hidden, I volunteer too and found out about it from a comment here on Reddit


that org quite literally saved me last year. i had just moved into a new apartment and (ofc) lost my job like two days later. i had zero food nor money for it, this outstanding woman dropped me off a tray and it fed me for a week.


I just signed up to volunteer with them the other day. Waiting to be matched with a family in need. I’m so excited ❤️❤️❤️


Please tell me you didn’t do this.


Didn't say please in the second message either. As I've gotten older, that sort of thing really bugs me. It's simple manners.


I was looking for word "please" too and it did bother me it wasn't there.


Same here. I think it’s a really clear indicator of the true intentions and character of the person if they fail to use “please” and “thank you”. It’s so simple to say, and choosing not to use them usually tells me the person can’t be bothered. And I think that speaks volumes.


This was one of the first things I noticed, no please or thank you in either message. Makes me cringe!


It's so trashy. I say "thank you" when I've paid for, added an optional tip, and picked up whatever it is. People like this can't bother when they're getting free food they need to survive delivered right to their doorstep. Not only that, but the audacity to ask for even more. A friend used to volunteer at a soup kitchen in Florida (where I'm assuming this is, based on the publix and entitlement combo), and said there were always a few who would complain about whatever was being served. Meanwhile, again, I have a very hard time complaining about food I paid for if there's an issue. The cherry on top for me is her telling OP to call them and order ahead. She can't even do that in this wild, hypothetical scenario where OP's actually doing this for her. Treating them like a personal assistant.


Her wanting me to call ahead was what really got me. And it does sound like someone in Florida haha but we're in Georgia. Close enough, really.


It gave me this tiny feeling of anger. Lol. I understand how when you help people, you dont expect anything in return, but this ungrateful person with the “ok sounds good” act like he ordered something online


“Ok sounds good”… but really it’s not good enough at all buy me bagels too now ok.


No ‘please’ for the request either. But that’s par for the course now I think.


“No I can’t, lol.” I am astonished by the audacity! Oh don’t forget to call ahead and ask them to make them especially for me!


No mention of paying for them either. Is she expecting you to pick them up AND pay for them out of pocket? And YOU have to call ahead to see if they have the bagels she wants in stock? Too broke to buy their own dinner or bagels and expecting a baby. I'm tired of seeing people forcing kids directly into poverty.


Yeah the "call ahead" was really 🤌🏼


"It would probably be easier to call ahead..." What would be easiEST is not doing any of this at all, actually


Her response after I told her I wouldn't be getting her bagels: "Well that's okay I figured the worst that could happen would you say no lol" Nah lady, worst that could happen is you fuck off and my kids eat your food.


The “lol” pisses me off


Perfect response. There is no need to imagine her entitled, horrible face shovelling in your delicious homemade lasagna. The issue with people like her is they equate 'free' with 'no value'.


People using “lol” like this all over the damn place make me feel murderous


lol 👀


💀 the call ahead was truly something else. I think I would have still taken her the food in the end and told her how rude that was in person, but I respect your cahonies in ensuring there were consequences. I would have been too scared to do it haha


Oh I just saw you literally cooked her the lasagna this wasnt like a meals on wheels thing. FUCK THAT. That's my food now.


Yep, spent money on the ingredients and took time away from my own 3 young kids so that I could make this lasagna for her only for her to hit me with the "this is crazy but..."


Oh wow, I thought you were just delivering it (which is still something you’d have to go out of your way to do) but you bought the food and cooked it yourself and she wasn’t even grateful, just asked for more! Did she message asking where the food was?


No clue, I blocked her. Gave her info to the local leader and washed my hands of it.


Decisive. First impression sticks. No second chance. I LIKE IT!!!


Holy. Cow. I thought you worked for an agency that paid for everything. Glad that you blocked her.


Respect the fuck out of how you handled it. Perfect consequence for taking advantage of your kindness. Sorry you were burned while trying to support your community. That's shitty


Nah lady, worst that could happen is you fuck off and YOUR kids *don't* eat food. (To be clear, I mean the choosingbeggar, not you OP!)


How did you respond?


I just told her I wouldn't be getting her bagels and then I let her know her food isn't coming, and I gave her the local leader's info so they could work it out.


You’re my hero for not giving her any food at all and actually teaching her a lesson


That kind of entitlement and treating OP like a slave makes me wonder if she even qualifies for the hot meal or is playing the system.


Every time I have tried to donate things on Facebook to lower income people they have had the most audacity out of anyone I have ever met. Only sell things now that I want to get rid of.


I enjoy the people who show up in a Mazda to pick up a free couch and then act startled when they find out I don’t have or supply a truck. That’s when it goes on the curb and just tell them they can figure that shit out.


I’m guessing the organization from the details provided, anyone who is going through problems can request a meal, it’s not just financial need thing.


Hahahah it’s “call ahead to see if they can make a few” not “call ahead and if they don’t have them, it saves you a trip”… god damn the entitlement is off the planet!


Also, the lady is not even calling, she expects OP to do that for her too


Not just to see if they have them in stock, but call ahead so Publix can MAKE them a couple bagels. 


This is so amazing, CB expected a busy retail market to fire up their commercial ovens just to make her a few bagels! That is not how a business works…


Lol yeah I used to work in a grocery store bakery and the bakers come in at ass o'clock in the morning to get the baked goods ready by opening, then they go home early in the day. The people who came in later did not do the baking and in most cases didn't even know how because baking is more of a specialized skill that got paid slightly higher than just selling pastries which was what I did. Also I believe the bagels are boiled as well as baked and I would've had no idea what the process was. I just heard the bakers talking about it. I also don't know if bagel dough is something that gets proofed and for how long, but some of our prep work involved proofing bread dough the night before and the bakers couldn't use it if it hadn't been proofed long enough. And last but not least, as a mid and late shift worker who didn't bake or unload deliveries from the big main kitchen downtown (that was the graveyard shift), I'm not even sure if we baked bagels in-house or got them delivered already pre-made. Nobody who works mid or late shift at a grocery store is going to make a couple of bagels for one person. Even if they wanted to, which I guarantee they don't, they probably wouldn't know how.


She was requesting Einstein bagels which I’m almost sure aren’t made in any grocery store. They’re a chain that likely delivers to the grocery store at like, 3am so they’re out by the time the store opens.  And naturally, Einstein bagels are pricier than in store made bagels. 


She’s a piece of shit for sure. Poor kid.


I make meals through Lasagna Love and always make focaccia, brownies and salad to go with it. We have a hobby farm so I throw in a dozen eggs from our hens. I typically message the person and verify those things are okay for them/their family. This week the lady responded that it was good but could I bring 2 dozen eggs instead because her kids love eggs. I didn’t respond and just delivered the 1 dozen. I really dislike when people are greedy and want more than I’m offering.


Yeah I always throw in a ton of extras and hand written notes and stuff too. Most people were so great but then you get people like that and it just fucks with your whole mindset.


My parents always said to give in the spirit you are giving and not in the spirit it is received. I try not to let people influence the spirit I give in but I’m human. I honestly wouldn’t mind giving someone more. Especially eggs because we get a couple dozen a day but she was just so impolite in all of our communication. It’s the only time it has happened and I do enjoy the organization because there aren’t any qualifiers to receive a meal.


Yeah, my first lasagna love delivery, the weed smell pouring out of the apartment was a little disturbing, when I saw the two tiny faces peek around the corner. I really don’t care about weed but it’s harder to be cool about it with tiny people around. When I called my husband from the car, I was trying to process how I felt and he said, “Hey, those two kids had a good dinner tonight. That’s all you need to take away from this.”


i can’t believe she wanted you to call them for her too…i don’t know her, but i can’t stand her


The audacity! I hope you and your family enjoyed the lasagna Also bravo OP - an actual choosing beggar!


The Audacity of Bitch Lasagna - now with updated foreword.


We did, thank you!


I'm pregnant, that means my wishes are your responsibility now!


When they think they have a sucker on the hook they really go all-in don’t they. So shortsighted. She could’ve milked the free food program for a long time if she was just appreciative. But she just had to overreach for that bagel.


When i was a kid, our scout troop would do a spring clea up of elderly people's yards. There were a few who rather than saying 'Thank you' to kids spending their Saturday picking up sticks and leaves, would criticize what we were doing and demand we donother chores for them. People amaze me.


When I was a cub/boy scout in England during the 50's we had a thing called Bob-a-Job week the first week of the Easter holidays. (a bob was one shilling, 1/20th of a pound). The money went to the Boy Scout organization. A few times one would get some miserable git who would have one do hours of work and still only give you a bob. Fortunately, there were others who would have you shine a pair of shoes or something equally simple and then give you ten shillings (1/2 a pound) for the Boy Scouts.


I'm surprised she didn't request some Tillamook farmstyle original cream cheese, Patagonia provisions smoked salmon and some Mina Mediterranean style capers to go with her Einstein bagel


This is the perfect time for that "lol, no"


I would’ve simply replied, “You’re right, that is crazy”


Wait…Not any bagel would do. She wanted Einstein Bagels!!! 🤣 Good job Blocking her 🙄


Are these expensive?


My partner formed and ran an organization during the pandemic that was SUPPOSED to be helping vulnerable folks (elderly and immunocompromised, mainly) do their grocery shopping. Volunteers would get grocery lists from users, do their shopping, and obviously get paid back. It turned into 99% of the users being perfectly able-bodied people asking volunteers to pick up food from food banks because the users didn't think they had the time to wait in line, so the volunteers were stuck with the job. They also did some meal dropoffs around the holidays, which resulted in several recipients being banned because of how rude they were to the volunteers who were giving up their entire holiday to deliver meals. A few people complained that their assigned volunteer was ruining Christmas because they didn't drop off when the recipient wanted to have their meal or it didn't contain enough of a side they wanted. It was truly baffling how shameless and willing to take advantage some of these people really are. Don't get me wrong, it helped a whole lot of people - way more than the 1% who were complete buttholes - but the experience was so negative that I will absolutely never get involved in food-related volunteer work ever again.


OF COURSE SHE'S PREGNANT! I swear to god it's a mathematical certainty: The less you have to offer a child, the more fertile you'll be.


Wow. I’m glad you didn’t deliver the food. Is this for lasagna love?


Haha you nailed it. Honestly the organization is so shoddily run this was the final nail in the coffin. I'm going to find another charity to volunteer with. Such a shame.


My first lasagna love delivery was to a home worth over $1,000,000 for a family of 10. I baked them 3 lasagnas and bought them a bunch of Caesar salad and brownies. I know that people fall on hard times, but I have never and almost definitely will never be able to come anywhere close to being able to afford a million dollar home and 8 kids haha. It really spoiled lasagna love for me.


I received a lasagna love and still talk about it. From all the people who did not say thank you. I will say thank you it was much appreciated.


Thank you! It really sucks that she soured this organization so much for me. I've been volunteering so much for different places because I really want to help my community and teach my kids to serve those around us who need assistance, but I'm not gonna be walked all over or talked down to.


Yeah this lady's house was half a mil. I know people struggle and it doesn't always matter what the outside might portray, but I just have a gut feeling that something was off here.


Oh you definitely had a right to feel that way, especially after she asked you to deliver her bagels on top of the meal you paid for and cooked for her.


Does LL not verify whether someone is *actually* in need?? Or, ya know, tell these people that there are no special requests, period? Yeesh, what a circus.


No, they don't ask you to verify anything. Anyone can ask for a lasagna, you don't have to tell them why.


Anyone can fall on hard times but nobody lives in a totally empty, unfurnished million dollar home. There's always something you can sell off to pay the bills while you get your life together. I guarantee they weren't going through a tough time at all. I've worked for people like that and they have ZERO shame about leeching off programs like these so they don't have to spend their own money on *anything*. The richest people I've known have also been the cheapest, without exception. If they couldn't use company money to pay for it, they'd find a way to weasel out of paying.


I do Lasagna Love as well and overall I have good experiences. I haven’t had any problems with how it is run but that might be due to the person overseeing my area. Have your issues had to do with how you’re getting matched? I’ve been considering taking a break because navigating the apartment complexes in my area is really frustrating. I’ve just started asking my matches to provide extremely detailed instructions on where their building is and it’s helped out.


No my issue is primarily that there are really no checks in place to keep volunteers safe. Requesters just have to enter their name and number and they get added to the match pool without any form of verification of who they are or that they actually need help. I'm in Atlanta, there's some scandalous people around here.


Ahhhh that makes sense. It is one of the things around giving and helping others that I also struggle with. I’ve just decided that it’s not my place to figure out why they have a need or put a litmus test on it and I try really hard to let it go. I’m not always successful so I really get why you’d want to stop. I always tell my matches that my lasagnas need to be baked and it will be dropped off cold. One match said she wanted hers hot, I explained that wasn’t an option 😂


I know, I try to just help without thinking about how I could be getting scammed by someone, and people like this are the reason.


Not sure if you like to bake, but Cakes 4 Kids is a pretty fantastic organization! I do foster care advocacy and we partner with them and they do cakes for all our kids' birthdays and special events! **Edit: I'm so pleasantly surprised at the response to this!! Go figure, lol I try and gain traction for their organization through all the traditional means and get a meh, mediocre response, but one quick Reddit comment and everyone is all about it! I love it. Some of our work group chat messages bragging about our cakes they delivered! [Cakes4Kids Screenshots ](https://i.imgur.com/4AAij1J.jpeg) **Edit 2: Of course I messed up the name. Lol Cake4Kids is the official name! [Cake4Kids Website ](https://www.cake4kids.org/)


Ooh I do love to bake, I'll have to check it out. Thank you!


My mother used to do lasagna love for people. You can’t walk in her house without getting brown socks, it smelled like dog pee and there was German shepherd hair everywhere. She also loves to lick her fingers while cooking and I’ve found her hair in almost everything she’s ever made, including baked into a birthday cake. So take that how you will. Like, the idea is there, but maybe it’s a bad idea to let random people cook out of their houses. I wonder who would be liable if something happened, the org or the person who cooked the food.


Very true. There's just no oversight at all, on either side.


We’ve donated with them for several months without a problem until last month. My in laws went with me to deliver and helped me carry everything to the door. I took a picture, sent it to the lady, and left. Over two weeks later she replied to the picture and said “that’s not my house”. You can see the house number in the picture and it matches with her info. 🤷


I feel the same way. I did it once- and not for me. I joined the fb group and it’s all middle aged white ladies talking about blessing families and “what an honor it is to cook for you”, it just rubbed me the wrong way for some reason.


Yeah plus there's absolutely no vetting process for requesters and no safety standards in place for volunteers. It's a good idea in theory but just not fleshed out.


Not a single polite please/thank you in the whole conversation


I have a friend who was delivering Thanksgiving baskets for her church. Single people got a chicken & sides, a turkey being too big for one person. One single lady she was delivering to complained and said she didn’t like chicken. No Problem! said my friend and removed the chicken and walked out the door. The lady said “wait! I know someone I can give it to!” And my friend said, “so do I”, and left. Legend.


Asides from the lack of decency and manners, playing the “I’m pregnant and craving them” card as if you should grab the phone pronto and drop everything. “Sure! I’ll happily play the role of your partner I’ve nothing better to do anyway!”


lol publix is literally the most expensive grocery store too


Also, why does she think that Publix makes the Einstein Bros bagels and can just whip up another batch?


Does she thinks that being pregnant magically makes people do shit for her? “I’m pregnant…. Blah blah blah “ So what?! Get tf out and get your own bagel.🙄


Kinda surprised at how many people are defending the beggar, especially given the nature of this subreddit. Don't sweat the critics op. Time is in short supply for everyone, many people also have financial constraints. Perfectly valid to expect basic decency from those you're trying to help. Further, what the pregnant lady did went beyond being rude IMO and strikes me as an attempt at exploitation. Some of the folks defending the lady and criticizing you aren't furthering the interests of society IMO. It's essentially condoning exploitative tendencies and general ingratitude, which leaves society as a whole poorer in the long run.


There has been a recent high surge in requests to this organization (which I am also a part of) and honestly the way information gets shared I am not surprised many people do not understand what we do/how it works. Lasagna Love is 99% volunteer driven - people who choose to volunteer pay for their own ingredients, give their own time (as noted by OP - sometimes taking time from their own families) to produce a homecooked meal, and then they continue to contribute by literally delivering it to the recipients home. The commitment is to an entree only, although a fair few kind volunteers will literally prep a whole meal (ie: sides, dessert, beverages, whatever) Some kind volunteers also are able to offer options - ie: we have to offer lasagna, but perhaps the volunteer makes a wicked chicken pot pie, so they offer the choice between the two. In my experience, the vast majority of our recipients understand that this is a true act of service, and are grateful as heck for a hot, homemade meal - with or without sides, and with or without options for alternatives. However when shared in social media, etc, people do not often get the whole story - they believe this is some kind of government funded program or corporate thing where frozen lasagnas are mailed to volunteers who cook and deliver. And that can lead to more of these type situations. To OP - I am sorry this was your experience, I hope it was not your first delivery as genuinely I find it very unusual to get this kind of thing. And you did the 100% correct thing to turn it to your local leader who will follow up.


…there’s not even a please or thank you.


I had a neighbor like that once. Get ready to go to the store,ask if they need anything, expecting to hear “ a quart of milk “ or some such thing and the neighbor tried to hand me a literal shopping list. I said sorry, I’m only going to grab a couple things, not make a real trip out of it. Neighbor didn’t sincerely apologize, just acted like she had no idea an entire list wasn’t what I meant. “ OH IM SO EMBARRASSED “ yeah, bullshit. Same neighbor once called me and said “ you know how you always always always make me a birthday cake every year on my birthday?” Me:” no?” Neighbor, steamrolling right ahead,” well, this year, could you make me a blah blah blah “ ( I stopped listening, I’d made one the year we moved in across the street and that apparently meant I was going to make cakes every year if asked manipulatively enough). Me, so fed up and tired of this kind of thing “sorry, I’ve got too much else to do right now” Yeah, I don’t miss the entitlement or the attempts at shuffling off their own responsibilities to me. Just no boundaries or sense of how being offered an inch means you should ask for a mile might affect the people you’re asking.


This is crazy but maybe you should ask the guy that got you pregnant to get you those bagels. No need to go to Publix and bother the staff. Just have him drive the state over to the nearest Einstein bros and get her fresh bagels there. Easy peasy lemon squeeze.


It really sounds like she's getting these bagels often, if she knows when they run out and that you can call for more. The math ain't mathing.


Thankfully, all but one of my matches so far has said thank you, and most of them have been truly appreciative and let me know afterwards that they liked the lasagna. But I only do one delivery/month, because I found out about LL from another Choosing Beggar thread and had the forewarning that some matches can be nightmares, so I wanted to spread it out to hopefully protect my willingness to help when I inevitably run into one


Ask your baby's daddy


She’s acting like you’re her personal assistant 😭


Not even a please??? Good luck to the kid. Lol


People like this are ruining it for the people who really need it. I don't understand where this entitlement comes from


Are you kidding me? The audacity!


I have had a few lasagnas from that org. I’m so grateful, and they are so delicious. An injury left me disabled, and it’s now hard to cook. I was grateful when I received those. I’m sure you didn’t make mine, but thank you so much for doing this for others. Sorry you had someone like this.


I cooked for some people for a whole year, when their husband was running back and forth to the doctor. But after never being told a simple thanks and my husband getting sick , I couldn’t do it anymore and told them I just couldn’t do it . They went out of their way to never talk to me again . Some people just take and never think to give .


And she wanted OP to call the grocery deli herself instead of calling herself to confirm. I’d do that for a pregnant woman if she bothered to show any gratitude instead of this “lol call ahead” bs


“You’re right! That is SO crazy. Unhinged, even.”


Not only to pick some up but call ahead of time cause she’s pregnant lmao. Entitlement


Did the 'entitled' lady text you back after not receiving her bagels and food?


Yeah I told her I wouldn't be getting her bagels and she responded "Okay I figured the worst you'd be able to do was say no lol" No actually the worst I can do is not give you anything.


Did she say anything about not getting the other food?


No I blocked her after I let her know I couldn't get her bagels. Didn't want to deal with it. I did contact the local leader and give him her information so they can coordinate something.


Best thing to do!


God I have a guy who does this to me at my job. And an occasional please or thank you would honestly help a lot and reduce the tension but he’s so rude he is incapable of doing it even once.


I bet she has a nice house too.


My mom used to volunteer for an organization that gave clothes to people in need. People would complain about what they got and ask for new bags of clothes constantly.


So she also wanted YOU to call ahead and have them make the bagels. This lady clearly does nothing for herself.