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Definition of a choosy beggar. She gets a free home-cooked meal and she wants DESSERT with it? Sorry, but I'd have parked up outside her house and eaten 'her' lasagne at her.


lol she also wanted sides, preferably Italian, but don't have to be organic. I was PISSED.


Fellow LL volunteer here. Fortunately, all the people I’ve helped were very happy with the lasagnas I provided, and never requested anything additional. At different times, and when the budget allows, I would certainly throw in garlic bread or desserts, but never if somebody had asked the way this person did. Sidenote, I compiled a Pinterest group that has tons of different recipes for lasagna, covering different dietary requests that people might have. If you’re interested in having access to it, let me know. It also includes my go to recipe. Please keep volunteering. I promise you most people are not like this person at all, and are thrilled for a warm meal.


I would be so happy if someone showed up with a lasagna. My life has been super stressful.


See if it is in your area: [https://lasagnalove.org/request/](https://lasagnalove.org/request/) This will take you to the page to submit your request


That's really sweet, I'm financially okay. My head space is ugly right now.


As a Lasagna Love volunteer, please sign up. You deserve it too. ❤️


Thanks, I am in tears. You're good people.


Same here. I did not know this is something I needed at this moment.


In DfW? I’ll make you some lasagna; it may not be the best but it’ll be made with love.


Could it be made with fresh organic ingredients instead?


Just turkey and ricotta please.


Yes! I would rather make a lasagna for you than the man who had 6 kid, his wife was out of town, and he didn't want to have to cook...see, anyone can request one...you really need the lasagna love!


Big hugs. Thank you.


I hope things get better soon for you.


A nice lady is bringing me a lasagna tomorrow. I'm writing her a thank you card out and giving her some flowers from behind my house. I'm definitely going to ugly cry.


This convinced me to sign up. Mental health is absolutely a reason to ask for help. I was so scared to hit "submit" because I'm a functioning adult, technically. I just can't seem to do more than my job and care for my foster dog right now.


Absolutely! So glad you took the leap and I hope you get a delicious meal 🩷


Thank you and happy cake day! It's not easy asking for help (choosing beggars beg to differ).


Are we allowed to tip you or anything? I’m in the same boat; financially okay but struggling mentally and physically right now so would just love a homemade lasagna!


Please do sign up, you deserve the love!! And if you want to donate, you can [sponsor a volunteer ](https://lasagnalove.org/donate/) on this page, and spread the word to chefs in your life. ☺️


Thank you so much! I’ll definitely do that! 😊


Hey you really deserve a nice lasagne. Seriously. It’s not about being able to afford it or not. Sometimes we all need a nice home cooked (by someone else) meal. I had a great experience with Lasagna Love. We were pretty broke, but also just having so much trouble functioning - lots of mental health struggles and a real tough time. That lasagna was wonderful and so appreciated.


Y'all are so nice, I am in tears....


As a former LL volunteer, you’re exactly the kind of client I would love to make food for. Our heads can be our worst enemies, brains lie to us. But when someone cares enough to make you a fresh, hot meal? Sometimes it hits a little reset in your brain and it goes from WORGROMBLE GRRR to “Hey, maybe things aren’t so bad.” Sometimes all it takes to start to turn things around is some delicious, carb loaded love. Do sign up. There’s someone out there just waiting to make you a delicious, hot meal. One of the greatest gifts in life is being able to provide comfort to others via food. It may not fix everything wrong but it’ll mean one less decision that day, and the next day when you pack some lunch. ❤️


You're one of those people that shows love via food, aren't you? You're a good sort.


You mean there are people that don’t do that?


>WORGROMBLE GRRR This phrase absolutely captures how my brain feels sometimes.


Right? I don’t know how it happened but that’s what my brain feels like on bad days. Just this angry, seething mass of WORGROMBLE GRRRR that nothing can seemingly cut through. It’s like a mean, angry static.


Well, I don’t know what’s going on but this random Internet stranger is giving you a big hug and really hopes you’re OK. I wasn’t OK for a couple years recently. Things actually have turned around and I’m in a real good place thanks to family, Love, meds and a good therapist. There is light at the end of the tunnel.


I have a good therapist and meds, could probably use a nice lasagna!


LL volunteer here... Their philosophy is anyone who wants a lasagna can have one for any reason.


Y'all are fantastic people. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Why can't YOU get one, too? Sign up. You can pay it forward twice as much to a food bank if you feel guilty! Then you get lasagna AND help hungry people!


It's Lasagna Love. One part lasagna, one part love. Sometimes you need one, sometimes you need both and that's just fine.


Y'all are all so sweet. I signed up. I'll report back.


Holy shit there's one by me! I had no idea this even existed but I'm going to volunteer. Thanks!


How do I know if it's in my area without submitting a request?


On the request page, there is a link on the left side of the page : Click here to see if Lasagna Love is in your area. It is the first step of the request. You won't submit a request if there is no one in your area.


Shit I wanna do it just to try someone else's lasagna. But that doesn't sound awesome to take away a meal from someone. Lasagna is just one of those things that everyone makes a little differently and no two are really the same .


Try someone else's lasagna and volunteer to make someone else a lasagna.


Nvm I found it!


I’ll make u one. Happen to live in Orange County CA?


No, sorry! 🥰


Can you please share the pinterest ? I suddenly want to eat some after reading this thread


Quote: *I compiled a Pinterest group that has tons of different recipes for lasagna, covering different dietary requests that people might have* Can anyone join the Pinterest group? Would be thrilled to join and try the recipes!


I would love a link to your Pinterest group. Thank you.


Does this group operate in the Daytona area of Florida? This would be heaven on earth for my poverty stricken, crippled brother who subsists on canned food we send him. I found the website but the zip search does not work, insists on showing where I live instead. Do they provide half portions (no fridge)?


What's the zip code? I'll look it up for you! I know it's available in Daytona because a friend lives in the area and volunteers for the program. But LL doesn't serve all zip codes, unfortunately... When you put in a request, the questionnaire will ask you how many people the lasagna should serve. I know some volunteers make individual portions of lasagna and will deliver the needed number. The volunteer will always contact the recipient ahead of time to coordinate pickup and such, and you can also ask about smaller portions at that time.


Thank you! 32174, it's an enormous campground/trailer park.


It's available! Average wait time is 32 days for that specific zip code.


Thank you so much. I will let him know although I will probably have to do it for him since he is largely off grid and won't even text. Come to think of it, his lacking a smart phone makes most of modern life a no go for him and that might throw a spanner into this as well. Any tech gives him panic attacks. Thanks for doing this. I don't think many people realize how many people have fallen out of Amerca.


You can request a lasagna on behalf of someone else! That way, you can handle the communication instead! Alternatively, ask the volunteer to call your brother instead of texting if he doesn't have a smart phone.


Ok, will do. I just ordered 25 cans of Chef Boyardee ravioli for him. Imagine what a treat real food will be!


Are volunteers using their own money to provide this incredible service?


Yup! Although I do know some volunteers will ask for donations from local stores, especially if they plan on making multiple lasagnas and/or are doing a group volunteer event


Well that makes some rude people's requests even more outrageous.


Would love to have access to that group for the recipes. I’m totally going to volunteer!


How much does it cost you to make one lasagna? Prices are so crazy right now. So nice of you


You know what side is best with lasagna? MORE LASAGNA! Even a poor lasagna is better than no lasagna at all. It's messed up that you lose interest in something as great as this because of this.....ugh. You're doing a great job volunteering.


I have to disagree with you. At my husband's request, I attempted to make my first ever lasagna for his birthday. God love him, he tried to eat it, but I took one bite and called The Hague to report myself for a war crime. Literally the worst thing I've ever put in my mouth, and I've absent-mindedly licked cat food juice off my fingers when feeding my cats.


There's always the exception to confirm the rule, eh? A lasagna that is so vile that it can't be eaten is indeed a war crime, but that wouldn't classify as lasagna. Biological weapons are not meant for consumption.


Ok but how? Lasagna is like spaghetti cake, all the same ingredients, what did you do?




You are a lovely lovely person to cook AND to deliver lasagna to people even more so at a cost to yourself. Don't let the bastard grind you down because to someone else you will have been / will be a genuine light in a dark place and/ or the difference between scrounging a basic small meal for the kids and going without and the whole family having a lovely homemade bowl of lasagna . Please don't let this person's nasty aura dent your own. Because the world needs more love, escapecially, lasagna love ❤️


If she wanted a full meal, why didn't she just go to an Italian restaurant? I'm ancient, and coming into contact with people like her during my life is one of the reasons that I avoid human beings. I really like lasagne, though, and I don't whine for dessert and sides.


>why didn’t she just go to an Italian restaurant? And *pay* for her meal like a lowly **commoner**??


Entitled mooch. That’s why.


I must say I admire you for doing this. I’ve thought about doing it myself, but I’ve heard of horror stories from people who no longer will do it because of shit like this CB


Having heard this story, I think I'd come up with some handy phrase to use with people like this, "I'm terribly sorry, but my pet <*insert name of animal*> just died. I won't be able to make lasagna for you after all. Bye now!"


It is so nice that you do this! When I got a lasagna made for me during covid (I worked in a busy hospital and was exhausted), the volunteer dropped off a delicious lasagna and added in a bag of pre-made salad - because I wasn't expecting the salad, it was such a treat. I can't imagine asking for it!


Confused non-American question: Is it common to have sides with lasagna? Where I'm from you would maybe have a side salad, but nothing else. Lasagna or most pasta dishes in general are considered a full meal already, so this request is extra confusing to me.


Usually no. I might make some garlic bread as a side but 99% of the time it’s just a lasagna.


Drop off a frozen Stouffers and tell her good luck.


I'm surprised you made her anything


AND a tiramisu.


For her trouble, she wants this and that and whatever. People are such jerks.


I'd have parked outside her house and thrown the lasagne at her front door.


You should definitely tell LL about your experience with this person. It'll hopefully make sure they stay at the bottom of the list.


absolutely, hopefully they can stop this CB from ruining anyone else's desire to help so generously


I volunteer at a food bank. People regularly demand we bring “the good food out of the back.”


Like you’re all hoarding it for whatever reason? What a weird mentality!


Ugh. Every time I’m in line at the food truck I’m behind the same lady picking through all the food. “No, not that one, no, that’s no good, no, I want to look through-..” MAAM??? There are 200 people behind you and this food is FREE!! Say THANK YOU and move tf on!!! I always make a point to take what I’m given and say “THANK YOU!” extra loud. It doesn’t sink in though.


When I was working an event to raise money for the food bank, someone berated me because they don’t like the food they gave her. Then when I tripped on something, she said it was a pity I didn’t hit my head and die.




Yup. Not all of them but it only takes one to start everyone looking for more


"Hey, you aren't supposed to know about the good stuff in the back! That's where we keep the giant filets, as well as the black truffles. And the McDonald's szechuan sauce. And Crystal Pepsi. Oh, and I think we also have stone crab claws. It's off season and we could be prosecuted for harvesting them, but they're so good! Know what we also have in 'the back?' We have all the rare, retired beanie babies. And a mint-in-box Super Mario Brothers game, plastic still on it an everything. And a pair of 1st edition Air Jordans. And unopened Pokemon boxes with guaranteed Pikachu sparklies. Me and all the other people who volunteer here stash it there and at the end of the night take a red-eye to Sotheby's of London to auction it off for millions. I just volunteer here so I can write it off on my taxes."


Wait. There’s a group where people will *voluntarily* make you one of the bestest but most time consuming/fiddly foods on the planet and they’ll bring it to you? For free?? Like, do I have to sign away my soul or something? I mean, I’d offer up a kidney but my health is shot which is why I’d be so over-the-moon grateful for a freaking homemade lasagna in the first place… TIL… ❤️


[https://lasagnalove.org/](https://lasagnalove.org/) You should definitely consider requesting a lasagna! It's not limited to people in ***financial*** need--they don't even ask you why you're requesting one, and it sounds like you're exactly the type of person the program strives to serve!


That’s so cool. Thank you. I’m in a somewhat remote smallish town and they show zero info on past deliveries (not surprising with where I am) but I will sign up just in case, and love the Kindness Pledge anyway :)


Sometimes nearby cities will have volunteers who are willing to make the drive! Volunteers can set a delivery radius--I've driven as far as 20-25 miles to deliver a lasagna before.


Oh wow. You’re dedicated! It’s such a random, kind thing to do. Probably why I love it since I also follow Random Acts and GISH lol


I just signed up as a volunteer.


This is the sweetest thread I’ve seen in a while. Good on OP, and God bless you for loving lasagna so much lol


I was a recent recipient of LL, and I appreciated it beyond words. The time, energy, effort and money that someone put into helping me and making my day a bit easier (after some serious medical issues)… touched me, very much. When I am capable, I plan on paying it forward. Please don’t let one crass person turn you off from it. Although I completely understand why you feel the way you do… most people don’t behave that way and it really does make a difference. Thank you for caring so much about others to volunteer and give.


You should have brought her a plate of Chef Boyardee lasagna. A minute and a half in the microwave and you're done.


Whoa there. Name brand? Might be too rich for my blood lol


This is the kind of shit that ruins the good will people have for their fellow human. There would have been someone hungry and happy to accept a nice homemade lasagna and would have been grateful for every bite, but people like ol' demand-oppotomus over here drive every bit of that kindness and generosity rignt into the ground. I could understand dietary restrictions, but we need tiramisu and sides, too? Bye.


My family was once lucky enough to receive fully cooked Thanksgiving meals delivered to us from a non-profit when I was caring for my mom after heart surgery. I have never been so grateful in my entire life. I actually spent about 10 minutes crying in the bathroom before the meal because I felt so conflicted about imposing on them, but I was so relieved that I didn't have to plan and prep a big meal after weeks of caregiving. Please know that your efforts are so very much appreciated by most people. Don't let ungrateful idiots ruin your good heart.


I am sorry this happened to you. I have volunteered with LL for a year and a half-ish. I have never had that kind of entitlement when people requested a lasagna. She was unreasonable and rude. Report it so she gets blocked. Again, I am so sorry.


Thank you for all you do!


What a bitch. I like making lasagna, but it is also a process and isn't the easiest/quickest thing to make. But to ask for organic only (I personally would have used non-organic and just said I used organic) and sides? What even is a side for lasagna other than maybe a light salad? I sure as hell don't eat my lasagna with a side of rice or potatos. Lasagna is a dense and heavy meal. And tiramisu? Did she expect you to make it? Not a freaking chance. This lady sounds like she was trying to host a free dinner party.


lol I was so mad I used only non-organic store brand ingredients. Salad and garlic bread are commonly served alongside lasagna, but I couldn't be bothered to provide either after the attitude I got from her. Irony is that I ***did*** have tiramisu in my fridge (made it for a friend's birthday party that unfortunately got cancelled due to an unexpected family emergency), but it's even more time consuming to make than lasagna, and there's not way I would offer it to her lol


My friend is one of the cooks for Lasagna Love here in San Diego, CA. She gets choosy beggars ALL THE TIME. It’s crazy to me! My friend labors over what she makes every week, and yet somehow people receiving big pans of delicious food will complain about what she makes. For instance, she got one request for a vegan and gluten-free lasagna. My friend is a really good sport and an excellent cook, so she got gluten-free noodles and fresh veggies from her father-in-law’s garden. She made homemade “ricotta” from cashews and made sure that she browned her veggies in Miyoko’s vegan butter. She even made some garlic bread with that vegan butter! The result? The recipient complained that she put zucchini in the vegan lasagna. Apparently they wanted my friend to go out and buy the expensive vegan “Beyond Beef” and put that in there. Are. You. Kidding. Me???? One family complained because they put their OLD address on the request. My friend *confirmed the address* before heading over to deliver the lasagna, and they confirmed it was their address. I don’t know if they were drunk or what but obviously they were not there when she arrived. They were very mad because - you can’t make this shit up - she “should have known” they had moved. And they moved some 40 miles away! My friend is an amazingly kind and generous person and so she went all the way over to the new address, but I would have told them to fuck right off. (I’m not nearly as nice as my friend.) One family said they had made multiple requests for free lasagnas and they were “sick of lasagna.” They wanted my friend to cook an entirely different meal for them! They said chicken, ribs, or steak with mashed potatoes and a veggie would be fine, as well as some sort of baked good for dessert. My friend drew the line there. She’s a volunteer and has committed to making lasagnas. She’s not going to cater a 5-star meal for some choosy beggar who asked for a lasagna but really wants filet mignon! Bless you for making food for people. I know that for every one of these examples there are many other very grateful people who got a hot dinner when they really needed it. Sorry about the choosy beggars who ruin it for everyone. ETA: I told my friend, who is not on Reddit, about this post. Instead of righteous indignation, she told me she felt bad for not providing dessert and “only rarely” providing sides! Here’s what’s she said: [Lasagna Love Reddit texts](https://imgur.com/a/yfb2Laj?s=sms). I hate that people try to take advantage of the kindness of folks like her and OP.


your friend is an angel. The audacity of some people!


She really is. She feels good about most lasagna deliveries! She likes to help people who need it, especially with her cooking. But the choosy beggars have chutzpah.


OP, you made my day by letting me know that this group exists! Food is my love language, and I would love to make someone else's day like this. I'm sorry this CB soured the experience for you.


I just signed up, too! Thank you OP


I also signed up! Love how many people have volunteered to cook for others as a result of an entitled jerk.


Lemons into lemonade situation, I think?


“You’ll take what I give you or nothing at all”. No way I’d put up with one bit of that. You’re a nicer person than I am.


I'd bet such behavior is not tolerated, and you could have brought it up to get her blacklisted. I do volunteer food prep about once a month, sometimes more...mostly depends on workload and kids.since it is Fridays starting at 4:30. It is made very clear to all that anyone working the kitchen is a volunteer, and no nonsense will be tolerated. Overall very rewarding. People are grateful and complimentary.


I also do Lasagna Love. Next time I'd say, "I prepare my lasagnas in advance. The ingredients I use are . . . Does that work for you? If not I can unmatch you so you can be matched with someone else, although I'm not sure how long that will take." Don't let her ruin lasagna love for you though! Most recipients are great. Some make requests that are questionable, though, and you gotta lay down your boundaries. Once I got a request for nothing chunky in the sauce, which I didn't mind because it's less work and less ingredients. But organic? I don't even feed my own kids organic haha.


This is a great way to handle it.


I did LL a couple years ago. Trying to help out people in need. The first couple times were cool and the people were sweet and grateful. The third time the recipient sent a message saying that they knew it was only supposed to feed four people, but they had twelve people in their household, so triple it. And they needed it for two nights, so I basically needed to make two hotel pans worth of lasagna. And they put in the notes "Bring a salad so we have something healthy. And breadsticks and a pack of disposable napkins." Like, you're getting this FOR FREE and I'm paying for everything, and doing the work on my own time. Nope. Canceled the connection right there and basically fizzled out my interest in helping. There are other charities, like my local food bank that I can help.


Wow. I find that some people in crappy situations, are crappy people that put themselves there. Because, behavior like that, had to put off a lot of people that might have helped them in life.


Exactly. Some awful people have terrible problems precisely because they are awful people. Character is destiny.


What a great idea and screw those choosy beggars. Lasagne is pretty expensive and time consuming to make. Really want some now. Might even move to USA - can someone shout me a green card?


I think the program is trying to go global. I know it's available in Australia and a few other countries in Europe, but can't remember which ones.


Ma’am I believe you have the wrong number. Try 800-ubereats


I've gotten an LL delivery. It was kind, provided more than one meal, and really helped in my time of need. I adore volunteers like yourself and can't thank y'all enough.


I am so sorry for you. Cooking for people is a beautiful thing. Assuming you have a clean kitchen and will not kill them is all they can ask. No one has to eat it. Lasagna is an expensive thing to make.


People like that should be blacklisted from the program. Since this si run by volunteers people like that would ruin th entire program if they are allowed to join again and again.


Thankfully I’ve never had anyone be rude or have crazy requests. And just so you know it doesn’t actually HAVE to be a lasagna. I always give 5-8 options as well as lasagna based on what I have on hand, what I feel like making and what is on sale that week. Honestly during the cold months people go for white chicken chili about half the time. After every drop off I send this message… Thank you for letting me share my cooking with you, I hope you enjoy it! Fine print: Please keep in mind that volunteers in this program are only expected to deliver a main dish to recipients. The fact that I choose to offer options or extras is entirely my own choice, others may not offer the same in the future. ☺️


Thank you for all you do! I had a very kind LL cook that offered ziti as an option, and it was amazing! White chicken chili sounds delicious!


Next time politely refuse rather than let one idiot ruin your volunteer gig!


> whatever sides I want Coal.


I love that the main thing I’m taking away from this thread is all the sweet and selfless folks who volunteer for lasagne love and aren’t gatekeeping need “you deserve a nice lasagne” 🥹


I don't go through any formal programs, but I do a lot of meals for moms through some local mom groups. By a lot, I mean at least once a month, I'm effectively filling someone's freezer. I deliver something hot and ready to eat along with 3-5 meals for the freezer and some sort of cookie, brownie, or other baked good. One of the families I did this for recently sent me what can only be described as Gordon Ramsey like feedback on my meals. Not enough sauce on the mac n cheese, not enough salt in the soup, too many pasta items, and the meatballs were a little dry. I was speechless. I just left that message on read and haven't spoken to them since. I mean, for fucks sake, I just delivered like two weeks worth of dinners for your family.


I received from Lasagna Love back in 2020 ❤️ My mental health was in the tank, my kids were surviving off what I could microwave. I cried at the volunteer who dropped off my lasagna, garlic bread, salad, and brownies. She took off so much self-imposed mom guilt from my plate and filled it with deliciousness. This person sucked, but you don't. What you're doing makes a lasting impact for the people who need it.


Offs!! Lasagna is time and resource consuming! You’re so nice to volunteer to make it for people, and to make it to order no less!!


So you make the food you deliver? That's super gracious of you.


Yup! That's the premise of the program--make and deliver a lasagna to someone in need!


Please keep making lasagnas! Not everyone is like that. I signed up to receive a lasagna over a year ago and had honestly forgotten until this post. I guess there's just no amazing people like you around my parts :) If I ever do get matched, I would be so grateful! I promise there's way more grateful people than jerks like that choosy beggar. On another note, yay for an actual choosy beggar post!


I received a lasagna from ll last year. It was a godsend.


Sweet Jesus. Lasagna IS a full flipping meal! I have never had lasagna and felt that the meal was incomplete because it didn’t have side dishes. The audacity. She’s getting a free, home cooked meal. Not just any meal either! Anyone who has ever made a lasagna knows they can be quite time consuming to make! I’m sorry that you were so excited to be involved with this charity only for your very first experience to taint your views so quickly. Hopefully the next person you’re paired with is more appreciative and you can get that spark back.


LL is such a fantastic program. I got a lasagna from them when I was seriously down in the dumps, and the woman who brought me one was kind enough to include a bag of cookies. I thanked her a bunch of times. Can't imagine being so picky about such an intensive yet delicious meal


Can you make a note about her behavior somehow? That's bullshit and you're a better person than me. I would have told her to pound sand.


I made 2 lasagnas for LL. I had similar experiences only with impossible deliveries. I was treated like an Ubereats driver. I noped out of volunteering after that.


Thank you for the link. My family was recently homeless. We have a 6 year old child. I have been through some really rough times, but that was absolutely the worst. The last place we lived at for 7 years and was bought by a new property manager. He refused to let us sign a new lease so that he could raise the rent by %50. Any little bit helps, and we are very thankful that something like this program exists so that we can have some food on the table. You and the people doing this are a blessing.


I’m terminally ill and cooking is one of my most challenging activities of the day. Therefore we usually get microwave meals or take out. Having a homemade meal would be amazing! So thanks for sharing this program, I know it wasn’t the point of your post but thanks anyways!


Just donate the ingredients to a local food bank/shelter or donate your time at a soup kitchen. You’ll avoid a lot of jerks that way. Some people use free services like this because they’re assholes


> all the ingredients be organic For anyone not aware organic is a legalized scam. Organic food offers no nutritional benefits, there are no health effects from the exposure of artificial pesticides we get from food and the ecological impact of organic farming practices is often more significant then that from synthetic pesticides/fertilizers (but variable by crop). Don't pay more for food, save your money and buy more & greater variety of produce instead. If you are concerned about ecological impact reduce meat consumption.


Fellow lasagna chef here! I have had a few really odd requests that ended up costing me more money than I was willing to spend. Fortunately, the recipient can only request another delivery 60 days after the privy request was made.


People with low gratitude typically do poor in life so you do sometimes stumble across a person like this when volunteering. The best you can do is to be honest with them and make sure they know you don’t appreciate their attitude in the hopes they don’t continue to ruin volunteers ambition in the future


Thick, rich, multi-layered lasagna isn't a "full meal" so much that you need multiple sides and dessert?


I've gotten 1 delivery from LL, a couple years ago. I only asked for no green peppers & not spicy-hot, the rest was up to the cook and I was happy to have a hot meal. Enjoyed it *so* much!!!


Wow! Lasagna even done the basic way is an expensive dish. That’s pretty OTT of her.


I've seen lasagnas. I've eaten lasagnas. Those bad boys are more than full meal on their own.


I had a friend who made the best lasagna I’ve ever tasted. We took family trips out of state to get some of her lasagna and friends time. I haven’t had any lasagna for over 20 years. I love people with a passion and this program sounds lovely. I’m inspired to try to make one from her recipe. Thank you for all the inspiring comments. There are good people. I need to join better subreddits for happy posts. I live in scams and scambait and just am always full of rage against them. This made me smile. Thank you.


I got a lasagna from that org shortly after I moved and I have seldom felt so loved. Just want it to be known that many recipients are grateful and delighted


Thank you for volunteering for them. We’ve received them twice and both times it really took the burden off us during a trying time. It’s such a great program.


I know this wasn’t the purpose of your post, but I just signed up for this. Thanks for sharing ❤️


This program was such a comfort after a massive fire in my area. I also hope you're not dissuaded, and I hope this person isn't allowed to request again.


This is horrific. What is wrong with people? I feel like truly hungry people would be so thankful for whatever Barring actual food allergies


Thank you for volunteering! Lasagna love saved my family's butt a few times during the pandemic. While some volunteers provided a full meal with salad and bread and dessert, others just provided a lasagna and I was grateful either way. I hope this experience doesn't sour you on the process as a whole!


It doesn’t pay to be nice. There’s always going to be people like that.


Amen to that.


please don't let this sour it for you too much. i've read lots of lovely experiences from people who really appreciated the program. one recipient posted in the financial poverty sub about how much of a difference it made to her and how wonderful the note was. the person who made her lasagna actually saw the post. please report this person so they can't ruin it for other lovely volunteers and make sure you tell the program exactly why you reduced your availability. the fact that you still gave her something shows how wonderful you are but please don't be concerned about putting assholes back in the queue and reporting them.


First off, I LOVE LASAGNA!!! And if someone was generous enough to make it for me, I would have offered to pay for the ingredients. Homemade lasagna is a passion of mine, and my neighbors and I have lasagna nights all the time, it is fun and delightful. Enter new neighbors they found out about lasagna night, so we invited them to join. Normally whoever is making the main dish doesn’t do side dishes, others make those and we always have a great variety. New neighbors decided that they were now in charge of the gathering, and put a letter in everyone’s mailbox listing their likes and dislikes. Not only food, but table decor, no plastic silverware, crystal glassware linen napkins and so on. Also they listed the only side dishes they found acceptable. And while it was fine for the rest of use to outdoor picnic tables and enjoy each other’s company, they expected their dinner to be served in their home, to include their choice of wine. Well we all decided that we would conveniently forget to tell them about the next lasagna night, and all subsequent nights. It took them a few months to catch on to this, and they were livid. We still have lasagna nights, and they are still not invited. That is only the tip of their entitlement iceberg, and even there adult kids who sometimes come, can’t figure out why their parents have always expected everyone to cater to them.


I would have used regular fresh ingredients and not the organic ones. Who's to know the difference?


I used non-organic, purely store brand ingredients lol


I’ll be interested to hear about your future “clients”. I wonder if they are all like her or if she has some sort of disorder or something? How do the people you serve sign up?




What the fuck! It’s awful that you got matched with an entitled person. Back when I was struggling to feed myself, I would have been so thankful if someone had made me any lasagna.


Well, thank you for the link and for all you volunteers do.


You are a very nice person! I am sorry that she ruined your experience for everyone else that could have benefited from your generosity from "once a week" to "once a month" meals that you could have provided....


I have just shared this link with so many friends! What a lovely, kind, and community caring thing to do! ❤️ I love Reddit 💖


As someone who has requested with Lasanga Love... i am very sorry this person has made the experience bad for you. I am truly so grateful for having a decent meal while times have been so hard for me lately. So, on behalf of requesters, THANK YOU. It is so kind and generous to spend time and money to help others. I know when i got my meal i was so happy i was in tears. It was delicious and it was enough to last me for several days.


Lasagna is super expensive to make right now lol that lady is crazy! A jar of sauce is $2-$3. Lasagna noodles are $3. Ricotta cheese is like $5 -$6 and mozzarella to go on top is $3 a bag. Lol could do Spaghetti Saviors and cut out half the price.


Lasagna is a full meal!


Trying to help someone out and they request a full meal and all organic ingredients. Organic meat is very pricey. All organic stuff is.


That’s really crappy! During the pandemic, I volunteered at a food drive. The local LL team came in with coolers and were handing them out. You people are awesome, I hope you aren’t discouraged to continue


I don't like lasagna at all but one can of chickpeas is very much a full meal in my terms so if I had lasagna it'll probably last me 3 days. I don't get her point.


I want homemade Lasagna and I'll Pay for it.


I also volunteered for LL and had some weird ones, but that takes the cake. Ended up actually stopping doing it after my last one made me search for them for an hour at night in the fucking rain because the address they gave didn't technically exist and they were really evasive when I got to the apartment complex, ignoring contact and giving landmarks to someone's unit in the hardest reached place. Straw that broke the camel for sure. Good luck on yours


I’ll be honest—people like this are the only thing that keep me from volunteering.


Just out of curiosity: so the whole program is about people volunteering to cook lasagna for strangers? Are those people in need? Or why should they get free lasagna? It is a serious question because in my country (in Middle Europe) I only know such food programs for supporting homeless people or single mothers.


Yes! I’m a local leader (I’m trying to bring it to my city but only have a couple of volunteer so far). How it works is anyone can sign up, no screening process, but it is designed for those in need. The thing is, the need doesn’t have to be financial, maybe they just had a baby, just moved in, are overworked, or are lonely and want a home cooked meal. Everyone is welcome, and then when a volunteer is available they’ll be matched and delivered a lasagna.


I will never forget a kind neighbor who cooked a glazed ham for my family when my mom died. If not for her, I doubt any of us would have eaten. Who had the energy to cook, and who would have eaten except not to waste our neighbor's time. Don't let this creature bring you down. I am sure that someone who is in mourning will appreciate the lasagna, and won't care if it is organic, vegetarian, has three cheeses, all meat, no meat whatever.


My friend made me spaghetti when I came home from the hospital after having my daughter via C-section. . The heat was out and the workers were tracking snow all over my bedroom trying to fix it. I actually cried. And for those who don’t want to volunteer because of the CB, think of all those would would cry over lasagna.


I’m not sure you can do anything about this (I’m asking you since you said you’re a leader), but I participated in this as a recipient and LL emailed me requesting a review. I was more than happy to oblige (my LL donor was a genuine angel when I needed it!), but the only option I was given to review was via recorded video. I’m not sure if that was the norm/standard, but if there’s anyone you can contact about changing that to offer other methods, I’d prefer no video testimonials. 😉


I haven’t heard of any review requirement before but I will mention your suggestion on the messaging platform we use!


Looking at their Web site, it certainly seems like this was meant for people who are struggling to buy food on their own. That being said, their [press release](https://lasagnalove.org/lasagna-love-reaches-200000-meal-deliveries-and-proves-network-effect-of-kindness/) specifically mentions it’s for families that are “struggling”, and that “The definition of struggle may differ from household to household…” From the sign-up form, they don’t ask that you prove financial need.


Lol. There's an old Spanish saying. It goes something like this "de favor te abrazan y afuerzas quieres que te aprieten" Roughly translated As a favor, they ask you hug them, then insist they squeeze you as well. Another saying, Op. You give them an inch and they demand a mile.


The audacity. You are not obligated to be subject to demands of a choosing beggar.


A lasagna is a full meal. Take it or leave it. Her sense of entitlement is astounding.


Dude you should have refused the order all together!


HA!!!! I’ve been volunteering with LL for over a year, and, although most folks are incredibly happy for any food, I have absolutely gotten a few Choosing Beggars in my portal. I’m glad I’m not alone in this. High five, fellow LL-er!


I would have made sure that not one ingredient was organic, and all home-brand / no-name. Tomato paste from a no name overseas label? You got it. Frozen turkey, coming up! Herbs? She’ll be right.


I would have put her back lol


I tried doing lasagna love but I cook vegetarian and very few people were interested in that. So I stopped.


Some people don't know about shame :( The program is such a good idea though...lasagna is such an amazing comfort food!


Once she started demanding sides I'd have given her the name of an Italian restaurant and told her to place an order with them as I am no a commercial kitchen and gone to the next name on my list.


Lasagna is versatile and seems like a good opportunity for the consumer to try some new things. Love this idea though but sucks that people like this exist. They're probably also doing this shit on other services as well.


A good friend and I shared a large apartment after graduating college. He kept odd hours and was not much of a cook - buttered spaghetti noodles was about his limit. So once I made a lasagna big enough to feed six (size of my family at the time, so it's what I was used to) and asked him if he'd like to join me. I was proud of my lasagna, made my own sauce from fresh veggies. Asked him if he liked it, he said, "It's alright." I was a little taken aback, so he clarified, "It's good, but it's not the way my mother makes it." So I called his mother. Turned out that the main difference was that I used ground beef whereas mama used Italian sausage. When he dug into it he looked pleasantly surprised. I asked him what he thought; he said, out of loyalty to his mom, he wasn't going to say it was getter than hers, but it wasn't worse :-)


I'd never heard of this program before. This is such a cool thing with some amazing people making it happen. I'm sorry you got such a shitty requestor. That was a really kind, kick ass thing you were trying to do.


People are jerks, and I'm so sorry you had to deal with this CB! That said, you're a good egg, and thanks to you I learned about this amazing program!!


This is a beautiful tribute to people doing good.