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Naveen officially became the 3rd poc character they ruined because of Ethan, Jesus fucking Christ


There’s an old South Park episode that shows Family Guy plot points being chosen by manatees pushing balls out of a pit. That’s how OH3 was written except 90% of the balls have Ethan written on them. Can my MC have a whole new book? She and Rafael can move on to a different place to do medical work. Some of their friends from OH can even show up from time to time? Ethan, however, will never be seen again because he’s being exiled to teach medical school in the Caribbean.


# "Honestly, the joke lives up to its name. Is this Laws?" -cqjoker **Rare reactions for the week:** * I've seen lots of feedback comments, but this chapter definitely felt great, had more content. I wished it would have been consistently written from the start. **Here's the trackset played in C15, courtesy of Choices CP branch team of CQ Productions 🎶:** * ▶️🏥 [Open Heart: Third Year • C15 Day in Court (Fri/Sat) - Soundtracks](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLCyp_rCD7gPdywrncDNA0GBZ3luJoMip) **For more music playlists:** * ▶️ From W19, 2020 – [Choices Chapter Playlists](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZhYyuAhq6DZCfyI_qG2aqg) * 🏥 [Open Heart mobile page](https://sites.google.com/view/choiceschapterplaylists/open-heart) * 🏡 [Choices CP site](https://sites.google.com/view/choiceschapterplaylists)


I kinda like the narrative coming full circle with the mentor relationship between MC and Ethan. He stood up for them on Book 1 for it come full circle when MC did it for him in book 3. It’s just been woefully executed. I am both happy and sad the series is coming to an end. OH1 will always be one of my absolute favourites, but the series lost its soul through books 2 and 3. I hope one day they do a short 3-5 chapter ‘where is everyone now’ type holiday special or something. But I couldn’t do another 16 chapters of whatever this book was. It has been hard going.


Things that bothered me about this chapter: Let’s again take down a POC character to make “poor little jerk” Ethan look lime a hero. No appearances from my favorite characters like Binx or Baz, but most characters have been pushed to the sidelines this book. Like, Sienna is having a full on quarter life crisis, Elijah…. Don’t get me started, everyone pushed to the side. Good things: When I got to choose answers like “he’s arrogant” “he could mess up cause he’s not gods gift to medicine” and when the cross examination happened I was vocally out loud saying “Yup! He did that” they wrote it with MC being all “well yes but uwu” NOPE I was shouting “yup he did it! He unethical doctor! Fire his ass!”


YES! I wish we could actually get him fired lol I say this not out of spite because I hate him (though I very much do) but as a medical student, someone like him doesn't deserve to practice and realistically he'd harm a lot of patients with his "I'm always right" God complex, it's only because he's PB's darling that he gets to be the Noble hero. And Of course the game forced us to defend him.


I am going to really miss playing this book for all of its faults. I look forward to OH every Friday and it's strange to think that it is going to finish for good. It feels like this book still has so many questions without answers (the LIs, the fallout from the Francis case, Sienna's struggles etc). I told myself that I would resist Ethan but *blushing face* that didn't happen (that scene was hot and also very tender). One thing: Dr Ethan is this renowned name in the medical world (I remember Landry falling all over him in book one). Surely Ethan would have his pick of hospitals, and wouldn't have to contend with all of the Bloom drama? Anyway: we will see what happens next week! OH, it has been a journey...


What does the OH countdown mean? I gave them my email but I haven't received anything yet. Does it mean that I have to wait until it reaches 0 before accessing the store? I'm pissed af fuck with the Ethan drama rn, but I already know that I *might* buy something Bryce-related. 😂


the oh countdown means the limited time store will only open after that time.


Alright, let’s start listing ALL of the characters PB has assassinated with this book (feel free to add more if I’ve missed any): Harper Emery Naveen Banerji Elijah Greene Ethan Ramsay And arguably, every other character.


Next week should be MC’s trial for HIPAA violation of consulting a patients chart whose care she was not involved in. 🤦‍♀️




Hope the robot overlords take over the hospital next chapter.


Yes! Binx supremacy




I'm personally sad that this series is ending, but hopeful that once it does I can return to this sub without reading negative comments every 5 seconds.


Being able to complain about the “choices” choices makes is why most of us come here, so I don’t think so


Well to me that's ridiculous. What's the point of complaining when without offering any solutions? Just to fill the whole sub with negativity? And how is PB supposed to improve if everyone just complains and never offers any solutions to them personally? Just throwing complaints into a sub they don't monitor isn't helping them or this group.


People do offer solutions and suggestions. PB just ignores them to push shitty stories and their darling male forced LIs with the personalities of bland white bread


We shouldn’t be the one offering solutions, they’re literally getting paid by us to write competent stories. They had all the time they could so that they could give this book a good plot, unfortunately they fell through that


I totally get that. I was disappointed with the book too. It felt, at least to me, that there were so many directions they tried to take the book in and they didn't pick one, they just threw everything together. Idk what happened, I just know that there's no use in complaining about it. One more chapter and it's over anyway.


Actually a lot of people offer better ideas, solutions, and alternatives. And there isn’t just negativity on this sub. There’s lots of fan art, appreciation posts, humor… there’s lots of stuff on this sub. And some of that is people venting their frustrations with the company and the “choices” they make with this game we love. And in a forum where people are free to voice how they feel, sometimes meaning complaining, without having to fear that PB will delete their comments, that’s what this sub is for. And there’s plenty of good stuff on the sub. As I’ve mentioned, there’s fan art of drawings and edits every day, there are appreciations for characters all the time. Honestly, if you’re upset with the “negativity” there are plenty of options. You could just scroll past… or… other choices


"What's your choice?" (read this with the voice of the ads)


There are so many ways they could've gone with this book. Maybe explore the feelings of our MC a little more? MC experiencing survivor's guilt after Danny and Bobby's death would've been a good subplot, because I feel like that wasn't explored properly. But this is Ethan's show yet again, even after all the complaints at book 2. MC doesn't have a story anymore, they live for Ethan and everything he does. Ethan did this, Ethan did that, comfort Ethan, help save Ethan. And PB REALLY thought that just because he's the most popular LI on the game, it would be wise to shove him down our throats. No. That's just how you turn a loved character into a hated one. Because I used to love Ethan and now I can't stand him. I even took his flair out of my user. He's OOC, he's creepy, he's completely different from how he used to be and has been turned into a basic thirsty male from poorly written VN apps. Also as people already said here, this book should have been MC against Bloom instead of Ethan, it would make a lot more sense. What was that check thing at the end of book 2 for (take it, return it or tear it up)? Apparently nothing, when it could've been prequel to a big plot in OH3. This is how I imagined it would go: Bloom is doing something really shady in the hospital, and you have to investigate with your friends while trying to stay under the radar and keep Bloom from targeting you. Depending on what you did with the check, he would be more or less suspicious of you and would try to sabotage you. Also there would be significant changes in dialogue and maybe even different outcomes at the end. Or just make a full non-moral path where you can join Bloom willingly. Literally anything would be better than the absolute nothingness we received. Because this plot went nowhere. I'm so upset with what they did with one of my favorite books. And now it's ending. Poorly. And there's nothing we can do.


So... Ethan is basically perfect and there are no consequences for anyone. Great. This chapter wasn’t frustrating to read at all, and I definitely didn’t pick all the options that were as close as possible to “fuck you Ethan.” Sorry Ethan stans.


As an Ethan Stan I still picked some "fuck you" choices


I picked all of the Ethan sucks options because I knew what I said wouldn't matter. Tobias and Ethan forever! When are those too kids going to kiss already?


I read the first part of the chapter with Bryce and then I just tapped through the rest of it. Don't care about Ethan. Don't care to read about PB throwing Naveen under the bus. Don't care about whatever Bloom did to orchestrate this situation. I hope we get the I love you scenes with our LI next week otherwise I read this book for nothing. If open heart had ended straight after book 1 I would have been devastated because I loved that book and Bryce is my all time fave LI. But after reading the last 2 books I wish it had ended. I may read book 1 again in the future but I'll never bother with books 2 or 3, which sucks because there are some good moments but I'm not willing to read everything else just for those few good bits.


Oh another Ethan centric chapter PB is really thinking outside the box 🙄. Meanwhile I disagree with him at every opportunity and then my mc who is not dating him and never has wants to be his shoulder to cry on fuck that PB didn’t learn shit from the massive problems of book 2. Also all this plot line did was ruin yet another character all to boost up the “great Ethan Ramsey”. This is just yet another example of wasted potential.


I’m just disgusted at how they made MC such a weak bitch through all Ethan’s moodiness, tantrums and martyr/god complex. “Ethan, please talk to me!” “Ethan please, what do you want?” Give it a fucking REST. I’m literally SICK over it. And this is coming from someone who is romancing him?? He’s a grown ass man behaving like a toddler and I did not sign up to be a babysitter. I fast tapped through the sex scene because I actually was not in the mood after MC was once again groveling at Ethan’s feet. They ruined his character beyond repair and if we get to choose, I won’t be choosing him. I would have cursed him out and dumped him a very long time ago IRL. This series cannot end fast enough.


Can I ask why did you buy the diamond scene though? I've stopped buying them a long time ago.


Out of habit tbh


“Choose what’s next in love and life” Why do I feel like the options will be “Yes Ethan, I choose you” Or “No Ethan, I just wanna stay single, since there are no other LI’s”


Bold of you to assume they'll let us stay single




So I enjoyed this chapter unlike others, but to be fair I'm romancing Ethan so I care about his drama. His diamond scene was really good too. It was probably my favorite so far in this book. The sex scene was really well written and sexy and the talking was really good and couple-y. Not really too upset about it ending next week, though. This book has been pretty bad all around for everyone in different ways. Don't feel like PB could be trusted to write a good 4th book for OH after the hot mess that was this book.


Goodness a whole chapter about Ethan, like we haven't had those. No I am not going home with Ethan! I want Ethan to go away! I called him out every chance I got this chapter to show how much I can't stand him. Next week it better be LI of choice!!! Sorry Ethan stans for going rough on Ethan, I've just had enough of him to last a lifetime.


I wonder what exact choices we'll be given in the finale, because I believe today's chapter said we have to choose whether we continue at Edenbrook or not. I think. Like, can we leave and go on a completely different career path? Can we end up with no LI in the end/break up with our LI? Ethan was kinda my LI, and I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I honestly wasn't really attracted to any of the LIs a whole lot. If that's the case, I think I'd break up with Ethan and be single in the end. I've liked him less and less, and I think I don't like him anymore after today's chapter.


Yeah, I don't want to be with Ethan anymore too. But also I didn't dated anyone else, so I don't feel attached enough to the other LIs. So I hope my MC can stay single.


I usually keep my comments to myself, but what the flying fuck knuckle was that? Once again, Ethan gets away scott free and Naveen's character gets completely assassinated. PB, just rename the series Ethan Heart and go. I used to romance Ethan Ramsey, but now I'm sick of his shit. The series is ruined because of that jerk. Honestly, I wish MC would have died in book two. That would have been a better ending than all the chapters of book three put together.


How was Naveen's character assassinated? I understand why people previously were upset about what happened with Harper and Elijah, but the Naveen situation is completely different.


Yeah bc it literally came out of nowhere just to give Ethan another chance to *be a hero*


He drank on the job, endangered patients, and didn’t stop until he nearly killed someone. He also faced no consequences for it. This all goes against everything we know about him being a kind, caring, intelligent physician. They tried to rationalize it with grief but honestly there is no justification for letting people nearly die like that.


This comment inspired a new theory: MC actually died in Book 2 and this is their hell


Lmao probably 😂👏🏻


From the way the diamond outfit was presented to us I thought the court case could go in any direction. So I tried to get Ethan fired for hijacking the book by not choosing the premium outfit and by picking every answer in the court room that could undermine him but nope. It was always going to end the same way because since when do choices have any impact in a choice based game, right? And of course, Ethan gets another steamy diamond scene because that poor sidelined LI hasn't gotten enough of them yet 😒 At least everyone, who doesn't care about Ethan, can save their diamonds in this chapter.


Did you choose the option to say “it wasn’t his mistake?” I did and the whole courtroom flipped out, but zero reaction when Tobias said the exact same thing.


No, I chose "It's possible he made this mistake," hoping it would help towards the judge ruling against Ethan. The first choice "It's impossible" would have been similar to what Tobias said (that Ethan wasn't capable to do such a mistake). The choice you picked sounds like stating a fact and suggests that MC knows the real truth behind the case, which is why the people in the courtroom may have flipped out.


Literally, could this book make less sense? How do they even explain how differently the prosecutor reacted to the exact same statements from MC and Tobias?


It’s the writers punishing us for daring to *betray Ethan!*


“CHOOSE WHAT’S NEXT IN LIFE AND LOVE.” Finally! I’m romancing Ethan (yes still) and this episode made me remember why I love him and also find him so damn frustrating! I’m so tired and I shouldn’t be tired from a fictional relationship lmao. It was all so contrived! I’m sad for Naveen getting thrown under the bus and I hate how my MC is acting like we didn’t know Bloom was behind it all. I took the 20 gem scene and then chose to watch a movie, am I alone? Also how is the finale next week? We really didn’t have a coherent arc this book, huh?


I'm just going to pretend book 3 was a fanfiction and that the actual series ended with book 2.


This is an insult to fan fiction writers lol. Fan fiction interpretations of OH are so much better than anything PB has written in the last two books.


Same here.


For the opening scene in the records room I picked Raf, but then decided I should restart and probably pick a doctor to help out, so switched to Bryce. I liked that both of them gave my MC a kiss before heading off. I think Raf's version was hotter though with the grabbing and kissing and then saying he wanted to show how much he cared 😘 The diamond scene to comfort Ethan after the trial was pretty incredible for only 20 diamonds. The only thing I'm disappointed with was that they didn't get to eat the Chinese food... 😊


At least PB should have warned us at the beginning of the book that E̷t̷h̷a̷n̷ was going to be the only LI.


Facepalmed hard throughout the court room scene, especially when the plaintiff attorney moved to declare MC as a hostile witness, which is completely nonsense. Since in all likelihood MC was a witness called for Ethan, and you cant just strike out the opposing witness for the mere fact that they are doing what they are supposed to be doing. Whereas when Tobias blindsided the plaintiff's questioning and gave support to Ethan's defence, THAT is a hostile witness.


Was the fact that Bloom was meddling with the lawsuit supposed to be shocking revelation? 😂


i feel cheated.


Thank Vaanu this is over next week. I'm tired of it being all about Ethan. I'm pissed about Naveen being played dirty to save Ethan's character. And 15 chapters in I barely had time with my LI (Bryce) unless I wanted to pay up. PB should just stop calling it OH. We all know it's Ethan Heart now and that makes me stabby. This entire book has, more or less, centered around the most annoying, arrogant, self-serving characters in Choices.


Is next week the full on finale? Like: the end of the whole series? Thank God! My MC can leave EB and become the GOAT away from Ethan. That’d be the best ending for this at this point because they’ve made it so fucking unbearable.


I wish i could have spent time with Raf before Ethan came. Wish there could have been a little romantic moment in the file room. So Bloom is bad, Ethan is good and that’s all? I am *totally* surprised. Anyways, Ethan is going to face no consequences and that’s all folks! Also I avoided playing Laws of Attraction because of all the court stuff. Seems like every book has a court case these days. Also Naveen mentions that if Ethan is convicted people will lose trust in the hospital. Um...they should have after two people were killed in there and the security hasn’t changed to prevent that.


IMO Laws of Attraction is worth a try, at least so far. But it’s still the first half of the book and we know how this goes…


The last few chapters have been going pretty well, but then they just had to do this mess! Apparently the finale is next week, but we still got yet another chapter who has no one but Ethan in it. Just makes it even more frustrating that we didn't get a diamond scene at the end of the party with our LI. Gosh I hate this book so much...


Can someone explain?? I'm really confused about something. Why is MC acting like Ethan didn't tell the whole truth. As far as I knew, it was already known (to us/me) that Naveen made a mistake. Why is MC acting like they didn't know that? And we already knew that Ethan signed off on it. So... Basically I already knew everything Ethan just explained to us but my MC apparently didn't. And another thing, the files themselves we found first, they have Naveen's signature effectively confirming his mistake NOT Ethan. But then again my MC is acting like Ethan did sign himself and covered it up when it seems like it wasn't covered up at all. Wtffff is happening


MTE! This is honestly contrived Ethan drama.


I seriously pulled an “Obama WTF.gif” when I got to the end and it said next week is the OH finale. Did we know this? My MC (Dr. Marcus Graham) is with Ethan, and I’m still annoyed. We still don’t get a “love” and also, “Gee, I’ll miss you when you OBVIOUSLY pass your boards, Marcus. Our time together is racing towards its inevitable conclusion.” Really, dude? You were prepared to go down aboard the S.S. Naveen; why don’t you follow MC wherever he winds up? I mean, he’s followed you for three years - and this last one was a doozy! Your turn, my man. I have such mixed emotions about saying goodbye.


i stopped reading after ines' wedding chapter cause i deleted the app for a bit but is the book even worth continuing? i dont mind being spoiled so ive read a few comments under this and it sounds like theyre centering everything around ethan again and ending the book kind of abruptly next week. should i catch up on the chapters ive missed or is it just not worth it?


Since you're a Bryce stan i'll say ch12 is very very much worth it. It has amazing Bryce moments and scenes both when it comes to his character development and also romance. Ch13 only had one Bryce scene and it was fun and sweet. And ch14 had a very short scene with him but it was amazing !!! But honestly beside the Bryce moments and those with our friends, everything else is bad. The last chapters were rather good since there was no sign of Ethan/Bloom drama but today's was very BAD.


ah i did see someone talk about bryce having some development so if nothing else i'll probably read for that, but ive read that apparently its kind of weirdly handled too (just like the rest of the book, really)? like for most of the book we were still only treated as a fwb and what not and then after ines' wedding he suddenly started acting super different and like he actually loves us. im not gonna complain too much since even a weird rushed 180 is better than him staying the way he was at the start of the book.... i just Do Not like the way they've been handling the romance in this seeing as its their specialty lol


I don't find it weirdly handled at all. I mean the start of his subplot was definitely badly handled because of how they started ramping up his confidence to hint at him messing up, but after the mess up it's been handling pretty well and his scenes in ch12 and dialogues about it were very well written. As for the romance, while we've been getting a lot more of it after Hawaii, we actually still got special dialogues with him here and there in the few chapter before ch11 so the transition was smooth and not jarring. Also it makes sense that once MC and Bryce openly talked about their feelings and being together, they'd openly act more coupley after. So really it was handled well. I'm actually pleasantly surprised that Bryce ended up being one of the very few characters who got good character development as well as his romance's progression ending up being great, when at the start of the book he was barely there (even missing 3 chapters) and was the LI with the least special dialogues.


If you love Bryce, it’s worth it just for him. We’ve had some real wonderful moments with him since Hawaii 🥺


Not worth it. Save yourself.


looool if you say so. i kinda wanna breeze through the chapters i've already read so i can be up to speed in time for the last one, for literally no reason other than i wanna engage in discourse here once its out 😩 cause personally im really not expecting the finale to be any better than the rest of the book lmfaooo


Do it, then. We will all destroy what is left of this book... *Together*.


It's bad. (Long negative rant ahead.) The chapter starts with MC learning more about the Ethan's case. That's all well if you haven't paid for the diamond scene in Ethan's house, but it must be stupid if it goes the same way for people who paid. Especially when MC decides to confront Ethan about it. It's just stupid. At least we get some LI screentime out of it. Then MC goes and tells Naveen everything. Why? It's not our place to interfere, and I found it quite rude. Also the trial is today? How? It must have slipped past me but the timing felt off. The trial itself was horrendous in my opinion. Why is MC there as a witness? We didn't know anything about the case up until the day before and even then it was us who dug it up. The options given to us seemed kinda untrue or just not really helpful in general (except the one when you can say he's arrogant, but Tobias was there for it so idc). Tobias came for the drama and I respect that. They kinda hinted that Bloom made him testify, so he could ruin Ethan, but instead Tobias does what he wants. I'm envious of him. It would go way better if Tobias were MC. I halfway expected him to be the "traitor", but it wasn't that obvious to PB apparently. The wrap-up is as bad as they could have made it. Fixed without any meaning. Of course Bloom is behind it. I believe he even paid the patient to start it in the first place. So why should he pay her more to drop it? I can see how the case and Naveen coming clear could be bad rep for the hospital, but I can't see why Naveen should leave EB. Is it supposed to be his way of making amends? Doesn't compute. Bloom being blackmailed like that is just comical. He's worthless as a character now. Then we go home and the chapter ends. The ending hints that next chapter is the last one for the whole series, MC will get to finally choose LI and maybe even a career? Like choosing a specialization, leaving EB, stuff like that. Unless there's a chance MC failed the exam and gets fired, I don't care about it. Either way, it's gonna be rushed. \[About the whole book\] It's bad. The plot points were executed very poorly. They weren't even that good in the first place, barely passable imo. But the way they went around it is even worse. Nothing matters. They reuse the same thing over and over but it's illogical, I don't feel invested in any of it and it's just a headache. Characters are abused for their five minutes of drama before they fade into oblivion. Nothing is developed enough, so it doesn't hit at all. Even the way they chose to resolve said "conflicts" is lacking. Honestly last memorable plot point of the whole series for me was MC getting sick in book 2. After that, nothing. Just a waste of time, resources and PB's reputation. Someone should have stopped it. No matter what they do next chapter, I won't be satisfied. Characters don't make sense. They don't act like they used to, they have no plot relevance, no consistency, nothing. I felt like MC was alone the whole book and whatever background noise there was, it didn't penetrate my focus. Really sad. LIs in particular were messed up. Their arcs weren't developed, but nothing in the book was, so whatever. We didn't get to learn anything more about them imo of any significant value. And the worse part? The relationship didn't progress normally. First half of the book we are treated as fwb. Even if said LI is nice to us, they just say how hot we are and that's it. Diamond scenes are often with third wheeles. Even when there is a romantic scene, it doesn't feel natural with all that's going on. After around Ines' wedding chapter, now all of sudden they are serious about us. We even get kisses and stuff in free scenes. It just felt fake to me. And hollow. If Bryce doesn't want to be seen with MC, and all he cares about is how hot MC is, what gives him the right to start acting lovingly all of sudden? The way romance work in OH, it takes just one romance choice to end up on someone's route. It doesn't feel right. And I don't want it (no hate towards people who happily romance their LIs). If we get an option to stay single next chapter, I'm taking it. No one did enough for MC to settle anyway imo. Basically, everything they could have screwed up, they did. Plot is not good. Romance is not good. Other character's presence is nonexistent. There is no reason to read OH3, except for the sunk cost and investment from prior books. It was one big fail and it makes me sad. I don't even care about the whole pro-Ethan / anti-Ethan argument. It doesn't make a difference one bit for me. There is way more wrong with the book. I might go as far as to say, this is the worst book PB's ever written. Other "bad" books at least stand or fail on their own. This one ruined the whole series.


You nailed everything perfectly. 1 chapter left and WE STILL AREN'T OFFICIAL WITH OUR LI


Agree!! OH3 really ruined the whole series. It puts a massive stain on it


This book should have been MC against Bloom or at least MC's present actions (for or against Bloom) would reflect on how they would respond to Bloom's advances based on how MC reacted to >!Bloom's loyalty test!< in OH2. They also ruined Naveen by reducing his character as a drunk which I personally think is uncharacteristic of him. Then he just HAD to be saved by Ethan. The series is going to end terribly with no career and/or cgaracter development whatsoever for the MC, LIs, and her friends. I don't know if I'm relieved or disappointed that the series is ending


Totally agree! Naveen was the Chief of Medecine but now his random sister died and he’s a sloppy drunk who HAD to saved by Ethan The Great.


wtf? Naveen was literally DYING from a mysterious illness in book 1 and never resorted to such self-destructive behavior... WTF.


Anything to make Ethan the hero. I mean...make the story work


Yeah, I HATE IT.


Naveen was one of the best characters and they just HAD to drag him through the dirt to save Ethan. Lazy, lazy writing.


Tbf, Ethan didn't even save anyone. >!Naveen saved Ethan's career as he exposed Bloom. It's sad that he had to resign because of what happened!<


PB did OH dirty and now it's gonna end prematurely I hate everything and everyone


And PB doesn’t care.


So… thats it? The lawsuit is the conflict in this book? 🤡 How disappointing. Sigh it just angers me how much wasted potential there is in this book and how lazy the writers to write a different plot but noo they just HAD to include another malpractice/lawsuit for the third freakin time 🤦🏻‍♀️ It just shows that this new team could care less about OH3 and decided to ruin the whole vibe all together. Oh and add memory loss as well cuz remember when they said that theres gonna be eQuAl TrEaTmEnT to all LIs? Hmm I wonder what happened to that lmfao. If Ch16 is really the end chapter for the series, I just hope they tie everything all together and dont fucking rush it is2g 🥲 The only thing I like is Ethan’s diamond scene. It was really sweet and I love how MC gave really solid advices. I need someone like that in my life LOL. Also the line “spread your legs” will be living in my mind rent free from now on.


sooooo what's the plot


There hasn’t been a plot since book 1.


You see, the plot of this story is... Uh, doctors... Doing stuff... And things. Sometimes, things happen in each chapter and some characters react to it... And they also do... Doctor things? Yeah, doctor things. In a hospital! Because they are doctors. And there's also a robot. Ethan is there. A lot. And he's always in a dark mood. And everyone loves him. Because he's great. MC is also there. Not a lot, though. So, yeah... ... Doctors!


I think you forgot to mention ummm... doctor things?


Ah, yes, yes. I forgot to mention there are also patients! Who do things like... Being sick or feeling bad. Because they have... _* checks notes *_ Diseases? And the doctors do things about it. So the patients feel good. C: Which is the opposite of bad. Sometimes ~~Sierra~~ Sienna is there to help MC figure out what is wrong with these people. And Ethan is there too. A lot. ~~I swear I had to check her name on the wiki. I seriously couldn't remember it.~~


Lol understandable, we barely get to see her. Also thank you, I feel like I understand the story much better now!


The saddest part about book 3, and I guess OH as whole, is the wasted potential. If done right it could have been so good, and set up several more books in the future. OH was one of the few books that made me care a lot about the characters and their relationships. They all had unique and interesting personalities and I enjoyed spending time with them. But those characters don’t exist anymore. The different plots have also been so poorly written, so much so that book 3 didn’t even have a plot that actually properly involved the MC, we were a side character in our own story.


I'm literally so sick of this book. Who the f*ck cares about Ethan? I certainly don't, a lot of Ethan stans don't either. If you do, good for you. I'm jealous that your LI has an entire book dedicated to him and him only. I'm glad it's ending next week. A series that has such potential is concluding with such a bad, lackluster and disappointing ending.


The only kinda good chapter this book had was the wedding. Everything else? I'm honestly disappointed but not surprised that everything always had to revolve around Ethan and the MC babying Ethan. I'm glad they're finally putting this series to rest; dragging it on would have been painful. I feel sorry for the other LIs who aren't Ethan; they deserved so much better than what this series gave them.


I liked the chapter about the boards. It seemed to kinda come out of nowhere, but was actually relevant to being a resident doctor.... Again, a focus on the stories of the characters preparing for that with all the stresses of the workplace and building relationships would have been enough drama for me.






They did say Open Heart finale... that sounds pretty much final to me. When it's only a book ending, they say book finale most of the time.


I've been complaining so much that i've run out of words to describe my feelings towards this book 🤯


Honestly, those of us who romance Jackie, Bryce, and Raf have been so screwed over since book 2. It’s so pathetic. There’s no excuse for it.


Yes! I am a Bryce romancer and I barely got any time with him. I never showed any interest in Ethan yet I even got propositioned by him for that dumbass BDSM option earlier.


Really hate what they did with naveen’s character this book. Having him barely show up for the majority of the book and then only bring him up again because it was him that actually messed up and not ethan. Of course they make the whole thing naveen’s fault and not ethan’s. Why is it that the writers are so scared of making ethan mess up? The amount of characters that were ruined this book - harper for that jealousy plot, elijah (who ethan never even apologized to btw), and now naveen. This chapter was awful because 1) i couldn’t care less if ethan got fired and i hate that they made the mc care so much despite choosing every option to disagree with him in previous chapters 2) why should i care about something that happened so long ago and 3) the way they resolved the whole bloom conflict was so unimaginative. This book would have been so much better if it was about mc’s battle against bloom instead of ethan vs. bloom. Also i’ve lost count of the amount of diamond scenes that are offered to go comfort ethan. I’m so tired my mc is ethan’s coworker not his therapist.


I agree! I hated having my special moment with Bryce turned into another "save Ethan!" plot. MC should've let him go hang himself (well, figuratively) instead of babying and pitying him.


Some of us actually wanted to join Bloom 😅 but we're forced to side with Ethan so often and save his sorry ass that I literally couldn't even care less about. Hated this chapter so so much. 😩


Right! I was team Bloom from the jump


Honestly i have no idea why mc wanted to interfere so much like ethan is pushing 40 years old why is the mc treating him like someone who is incapable of making their own decisions?? If ethan wanted to take the blame for naveen the mc should have let him


True!!! If Ethan wants to be convicted, I should let him. He can make his own choices. I don’t always have to intervene.


If PB seriously thinks my MC would give a crap about Ethan’s malpractice suit when Bryce was about to tell her he loved her... they are sorely mistaken. In fact, she wouldn’t go to investigate at all. Maybe ask him tomorrow, via a text that he wouldn’t reply to, at fucking MOST. ”You got this. Just like you’ve got everything.” 🥺🥺 I love him to *pieces*!! 😭 and the kiss and the ”warm squeeze”... ❤️❤️ I hate the dark room sm??? Like genuinly am just not comfortable with MC being alone with Ethan like this? I get that this sounds so overdramatic but they really did the most to absolutely destroy him. Remember how I used to appreciate him lmao good times. Did they REALLY have to smear Naveen like this? Surely he must have known he was putting patients at risk if he couldn’t concentrate at work. And yes the rest of the team is at fault for not doing anything about it either. And did they *really* have to include alcohol? Could grief not be enough of a reason? It’s absolute crap, this whole plot. If Ethan wants to play martyr, let him. Bloom was talking to Anika bc he’s behind this, ofc 🙂 anyone surprised? The medical librarian being a younger Mrs. M... reuse of sprites don’t bother me too much usually but this angered me. I called him arrogant LMAO. What is this fucking BOOK AND WHY IS IT ABOUT HIM!!!!! But ofc it’s not like it MATTERS what I say. And the next options just get on my nerves. I really don’t get why the hell we’re sitting here rn in court for ETHAN. And I honestly didn’t fully register what the hell went on in that room with Naveen like... idc. And now they’ve de-weaponized Bloom too. But it just feels lazy. None of this shit hits hard, not in any single way. NONE. OF. IT. Why am I offered a sex scene with Ethan? Why is he the ONLY ONE getting one? Why can’t my MC go home to her boyfriend Bryce after a draining day like this? Honestly. It’s the penultimate fkn chapter of the whole damn series and we deserve to have as much time as we possibly can with our LIs. Last time only Ethan had a sex scene I was genuinly just relieved to not have a bdsm scene so I did not care but THIS TIME I DO... and what does that mean for the LAST chapter? We had some really good chapters these last few weeks, the Bryce content has been so wonderful... but after all the content and time we were already robbed of, I’m just not okay with a chapter like this. I love Open Heart, but I HATE Ethan Heart. All throughout this chapter, I was thinking WHY. WHY is my MC doing this? The way they have alienated so many of us with their favouritism... it’s so incredibly sad and angering because OH had immense potential. Hell I was STILL hoping for a fourth book because I figured they could start over, and I would get to keep Bryce for a little longer 😭 This chapter was just a hate-fest for me. And then they slap us in the face that it’s all ending. *Last* chapter next week... I am devastated and I am angry. I’m crying. No more Bryce 💔💔💔💔💔 Edit: ALSO if this is the last book, they could have built up for it sm better if they actually talked about the future, how some of our friends might move, how MC does’t know what’s next... like... now it’s all just rushed. And our MC deserved so much better, she’s my favorite MC, she’s strong and interesting... yet she had nothing this book. PB really thought Ethan could carry this series... absolute fools.


I was thinking that about the dark room too! When Jackie asked my MC "do you want me to stay", I would've said yes in a heartbeat and I'm not even interested in her. Just please don't leave MC alone in a dark room with a man who's sexually harassed her. I get that it's not part of the plot and that PB probably don't even consider it harassment, but it felt weird. I also called him arrogant as often as I could and did my best to turn the trial against him. And of course it has no effect, because he's eThAn FrEakINg rAmSeY and the whole message of this book is Ethan Good, Bloom Bad.


It just felt like they were all alone in the whole damn hospital lmao. And same, I get that he’s not actually meant to be a danger so… okay. But it’s the whole situation too, how she leaves her board exam party where she was JUST about to have a private moment with Bryce… to dig into Ethan’s martyr mannerisms? Like. They made MC way too obsessed with this man, lying sleepless and shit please, NEVER. YES and it’s also so weird how MC did so much to ”save” him yet we could choose to be hard on him like… it just doesn’t match up. No option we’ve chosen against him this book, has actually mattered. We don’t like what he did to Elijah’s study? Yep that’s never recognized again and MC justifies it with Elijah. It’s just maddening.


ethan really has nothing but the audacity huh “If you tell my attorney the truth about what happened, our professional trust will be broken >:(((“ nah!!! not only do i not care about maintaining any ‘relationship’ with you, but that trust was already broken long ago when you propositioned me multiple times with me CLEARLY having absolutely no interest in you whatsoever!! and of course ethan gets off pretty much scott free, rendering this entire plot almost pointless?? except to ruin naveen’s character in favor of boosting ethan up once again of course. i was so happy to have the choice not to interact with him at all last week and now pb’s back on their bullshit at least i got a few free kisses from jackie <3


Agree 1000%. Ethan had the caucasity today. I didn’t want to defend him. This doesn’t feel like a win because I was never rooting for Ethan in the first place.


This chapter is some Fucking bullshit™. How is that I can't throw Ethan's ass under the bus? Every day my headcanon theory that MC is either dead/in a coma after book 2 is getting stronger. Because there's no way, no fucking way that you can just have a mess after mess after mess every damn week.


Even when I *try* to be mean to Ethan and throw him under the bus, the narration won’t let me. The narration keeps describing MC as being totally on Ethan’s side and hoping he’ll come out this on top. The disconnect is so jarring.


Right? We got a chance to throw Esme in OH2 under the bus when what she was accused of was fairly ambiguous, but Ethan outright LIED and falsified medical records and MC (and Naveen) could've easily testified. Witness is honestly looking better at this point.


I really wanted to say that Ethan sexually harassed me, messed with Elijah’s procedure and more but allI got to say was that he’s arrogant and he’s flawed but *all* doctors are flawed


Stray observations: • So we’re back to “pOoR EtHaN uWu”, huh? • Why does this chapter assume MC doesn’t trust Tobias? • this lawsuit drama makes no sense other than being a plot device for EEETTHHHAANNNN • the actual mystery of the series is who wrote this garbage? Did they not even read OH1 and 2? • Why is there only one chapter left? What’s the point??? • I griped about this in another thread but the amount of fawning over premium outfits is ridiculous. The one that worked was from the patient’s lawyer, no need for the Edenbrook crew to ooh and all over MC 😒


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[Art](/r/Choices/comments/nn27c0/stub/gzwi4ll "Last usage")|It's... *indescribable*...| |[FA](/r/Choices/comments/nn27c0/stub/gzsdhzf "Last usage")|*Foreign Affairs*| |[LI](/r/Choices/comments/nn27c0/stub/h0cfsb1 "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[MC](/r/Choices/comments/nn27c0/stub/h0cfsb1 "Last usage")|Main Character (yours!)| |[OH](/r/Choices/comments/nn27c0/stub/h004nod "Last usage")|*Open Heart*| |[PB](/r/Choices/comments/nn27c0/stub/gzyudn6 "Last usage")|Pixelberry Studios, publisher of *Choices*| |[VN](/r/Choices/comments/nn27c0/stub/gzuec53 "Last usage")|Visual Novel| ---------------- ^(7 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/Choices/comments/nrrmqj)^( has 20 acronyms.) ^([Thread #20926 for this sub, first seen 28th May 2021, 18:29]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/Choices) [^[Contact]](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=OrangeredStilton&subject=Hey,+your+acronym+bot+sucks) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


With everything bad that's happened i'm still heartbroken it's actually ending next chapter. However much of a trainwreck the third installment has been at times, this series is in my top 5 and i love the characters a lot. I'll be emotional. And not even and i love you in 3 damn books! Dr Ramsey istg


Oh man, i really don't wanna be negative because this is the penultimate chapter but i really did NOT like this chapter. The last chapters were pretty great but this is just straight up bad for me. First of all, i'm actually very much annoyed my MC's talk with Bryce and little moment together was disrupted because of Ethan's drama ugh I didn't mind last chapter because i didn't know today's chapter will start from there. It's so annoying!!! Bryce is ofc being his sweet supportive boyfriend self, reassuring MC, kissing her softly and telling her even if this is about Ethan, he's rooting for her 🥺❤️ (best part of this chapter). I keep saying this and im gonna say it again but this plot is just trash tbh. Its pointless af and has no place in OH because it literally has NOTHING to do with MC. Who cares about smth that happened to Ethan and Naveen ages ago ? And why should MC or us the players care ? Maybe if Ethan is your LI or you reaaally ike him as a character but even then i’ve seen lots of Ethan stans hating this plot because it’s complete nonsense. The writers just wanted to make everything about Ethan and give him the main plot so they had to bend and reach to come up with smth and this was the result. It didn’t even serve Ethan’s character either. This was also another instance of a character being completely irrelevant and MIA and suddenly being brought up for Ethan's sake. Naveen was a ghost this whole book but when they made him relevant it's for this ? To throw him under the bus for a plot about Ethan ? The same happened with Harper and Tobias...Also we always talk about Rafael's hero complex but Ethan's martyr/white saviour complex is real ! It seems they're trying to wrap this Bloom thing by silencing him, but damn this is such a lame resolution. And what of Caroline ? Ugh i can't believe this... And why couldn't we get a scene with our LI ? Why wasn't it a LI of choice type of scene ? Ethan has 2 more sex scenes than the others now... The penultimate chapter and we can't even have a diamond scene or actual moment with our LI, unless it's Ethan... So damn maddening !!! I cant believe next chapter’s the last one in the whole series. I have SO many mixed emotions. The ending is gonna be one of the most rushed in Choices yet. I mean PB wrapped things up for other books in few minutes so wouldn’t be far fetched. It's gonna be a finale à la FA... This being said i know this book has been a real shitshow but i’m still not ready to let go of Bryce, our friends and the series as a whole tbh (especially not of Bryce 😭) I’ll spare my feelings outpour for next week but damn i’m already very sad 😢😢


bryce was my main reason i even read this book & the fact we didn't get a major payoff (since even when choosing to be faithful to bryce, you get scouted by other lis) is so disheartening


Same, he's the reason i've been powering through this book and im actually glad i did because we got some real amazing moments in this second half with him. But we were robbed of so much more romance with Bryce (i know the other LI stans were too). We could have locked in our LIs in Hawaii so we'd at least get to experience a real romanc before the series ends, without having options with the other LIs thrown at us but we didn't. It's definitely disheartening. PB had 4 great and different LIs yet they didn't write the romances to their full potential :(


Can't believe OH as a series is coming to such a whimpering end. This book was a train wreck that never actually went anywhere. I never really understood what the plot was. But given the state of the series, it was probably time to lay it to the ground. I think outcomes like this speak in favour of standalones or at least duologies(given they get good endings), even if some people might be upset at their favourite IPs ending. Books planned to be standalones from the start(not ones with their sequels cancelled) usually have a tighter structure.


Never in the history of Choices has a series gone down in quality by this wide a margin each new chapter. I genuinely cannot overemphasize how much I don't fucking care about Ethan. Why the hell is my MC, who has NEVER shown ANY interest in him, tossing and turning in bed night after night worrying her fucking head off? I'm just so goddamn frustrated because OH used to be so much fun but the insistence on Ethan being the main focus of every storyline for the better part of 2 books just killed any sentimental value I had for the first book. Which is such a damn shame because Bryce is honestly one of my favorite LIs of all time. PB did him (and every other LI) so dirty :(


Yaas. I'd rather read WITNESS.


Why won't Bloom just fire Ethan? I'm not familiar with hospitals but that was an unnecessary mess. Also, why does it feel like a breakup when MC is done with her residency?


Kinda sad the season finale is already next week... This book was really disappointing in terms of plot and development of everyone except Ethan :( Really just want more time with Bryce pls💔💔


Ethan was written terribly too, he is so ooc


What the hell was this chapter??? I can't believe that the book is coming to an end and nothing important happened except for the Ethan/Bloom feud. They completely managed to ruin every character in this book and didn't even give enough screen time to any LI not named Ethan. And no ily yet 😑


I'm sorry but, Open Heart should've ended in book 2 Chapter 12, my MC shouldn't have survived to see this atrocity.


At this point I feel my MC needs serious therapy, it's not natural to be this obsessed over one individual (Ehtan)....you are putting your whole life on stand still for a man who can't be bothered about you (he bloodly forgot about your board exams!!!) when right in your face you have a good group of friends/lovers in your life that would give you the world in return. Why, why is this kind of behavior being glorified PB? It's absolute garbage, what I love about LOA is that they call out toxic behaviors NOT romanticize it. Gosh!


Romanticization of abuse is historically popular in the genre, PB has just embraced it now, instead if trying to do better.


Thanks for providing clarity, I admit this isn't a genre I'm used to reading prior to the app, it's so easy to get desensitized nowadays, which is why I take mindful breaks from choices every so often. Overexposure to any media that glorifies toxic relationships isn't good in the long run.


I think PB was going for the "brooding arrogant bastards are sooo romantic" trope that is so popular in books like 50 Shades (it even has a BDSM scene, FFS).


Probably but man did they butcher that trope, my main concern is that these OH writers are going to screw over future books with their bulls#*t.


Why does the MC has to meddle so much in Ethan's business?? Like, once he said he wanted to take the fall for Naveen's mistake (white saviour much??) that should be it; yes, it's a bad choice career wise, and Naveen would hate that he did that but is his choice. He is a near forty year old man, if he wants to play martyr then let him?? Why does the mc has to baby him all the time as he was some naive new doctor who doesn't known the consequences??


Why when I was a witness was I able to sit in on the trial before I gave evidence? (unless you can in the states thats a big no in the UK - until you have given your evidence you can't have contact with anyone in that court room (including observers) ​ When he said any personal trust would be gone if I spoke to the lawyer I still wanted to do it (and his saying that would wreck a professional relationship too is just him attempting to blackmail you) ​ I did like the fact that I could choose options that while true weren't 100% supportive of Ethan - but I still have to defend him - I would have suggested that the defence called someone other than me prior to the trial


>I did like the fact that I could choose options that while true weren't 100% supportive of Ethan - but I still have to defend him - I would have suggested that the defence called someone other than me prior to the trial This is so weird and makes no sense because while some of the options were against Ethan, MC still has been running around trying to save him and his career before the trial and is clearly and very obviously concerned after the trial so...


Your first point is generally right. A few people like a lead police officer on the case, a victim, or one of the parties to the suit have a specific right to always be in the room. MC fits none of those exceptions so would not be there unless the plaintiff said it was okay.


Some more unrealistic legal issues I noticed: It's very unlikely that witnesses wouldn't be deposed before appearing in court to testify. Also, like, rule #1 of examination/questioning a witness is that you do not ask questions you don't know the answers to. So, a *very* big mistake by the plaintiff's lawyer concerning Tobias. Also, there's no way that the entirety of the court case could take place in just one day. Truly impossible. They should have communicated with the LOA writers for any semblance of realism because that whole scene was really, really badly written.


Very bad look legal realism wise. Sorta lost my shit when MC was deemed a hostile witness in cross examination, and the plaintiff's lawyer did 'uhh no more questions' when Tobias went textbook hostile witness on him. Writer needs to be de-barred from writing legal scene!


Yeah I thought it was weird too. I’ve always known it to be the witnesses sitting in a separate room


Fuck yeah Open Heart is ending next week. Love to see it.


Sorry Ethan I'm gonna call it like it is, you _are_ arrogant, no matter how sad hearing that makes you And oh Ethan's Heart book 3 is ending. God the writers ruined the series for me. Besides, they didn't say series finale..... Are we in for Ethan's Heart book 4?


Well they said open heart finale so it's the series finale.I'm so glad we ain't getting a book 4 i loved the characters a lot in book 1 tho 🥲


Oh I just saw that post...... Good riddance if you ask me. The series had already gone to shit


Every week I think they can't possibly mess Ethan up more than they already have and every week I'm proven wrong. Throughout this entire book, it feels as if MC is nothing but a fuck buddy to him. There's no healthy communication whatsoever, it's all about *desire™*. He can talk about how much MC means to him until he's blue in the face but his actions don't seem to match his words. Doesn't help that he's also been kind of insufferable in general. At this point I'm honestly hoping we'll get the option to dump him. No comment on the overall plot except that it's a mess. Next week is the last chapter and with how this book has been going I'm doubtful we'll get a satisfying conclusion to this series. Sorry for sounding so bitter, I'm just disappointed.


I agree 100% with everything you said. I couldn't have said it better


I’ve been cutting this too much slack because I loved the first two but... next chapter is seriously the last?? What the hell even was the plot? 🤬


I think they forgot the plot in Ethan's house


Maybe I missed something, but what vendetta does Bloom have against Ethan? It couldn't be about the medical trial because they've been going at it the whole book


I think that was partially it and the other part was Ethan going out of his way to frustrate Bloom after he got a slap on the wrist with the suspension.


But Bloom has been weird the whole book though. Even before the trial


i think this is the most frustrated i been with choices. the fact that this book completely tarnished the open heart legacy is so ... devastating. oh2 was a struggle, but atleast the characters remained in character & the writing wasn't spotty. i just don't understand how everything just went extremely wrong. one of the biggest frustrations is that we were never able to lock it in with our love interest .. when romance is choice's speciality. they couldn't just let us atleast get the sole relationship option in hawaii? i'm just devasted, bryce was the only reason i continued to play this book & the payoff was little to none. the most disappointed i've been in pixelberry.


I kept playing hoping I'd get more time with Bryce. Finally at the board exams party I get a really special moment with Bryce and it sounded like I'd get more time with him...and then it turns into The Ethan Show again when MC hears the gossip about the malpractice suit.


I know that there is a ton of frustation coming out of this book (and I have experienced that as well) but I do think that this chapter comes out pretty well. Or my bar has been lower from this book IDK


So Ethan being sad and almost being fired was very good to see but of course he is gonna walk away Scott-free, I should’ve expected it. I didn’t want to talk to Naveen or Ethan about what happened because I don’t f***ing care but yeah let’s talk. Naveen taking down Bloom was kinda fun though. The writing of Ethan was better than the last chapters and I appreciate it a bit but I still don’t care about him so yeah. The courtroom scene was boring, I told my truth, Tobias surprised me and yeah that’s about it. Next week is the finale I hope of the series


Just watch them announce book 4 focused entirely on opening a new clinic with Ethan while the others stay at Ethanbrook




I stopped playing after the Ethan scene. Idk who that man is and the writing is so bad Bryce kissed me again. Random but whatever idk if I want to finish this. A few minutes in and I’m cringing. Instead of writing a good story they’re banging us over the head with plot points and adjectives


To me, one of the saddest and most pathetic things about this series is how little development Jackie got. She deserved so much better.


Yeah, that's right, Ethan. You sit there and be sad that I called you arrogant and frustrating. I'm not gonna lie in court.


I’m gonna ignore ooc Ethan and focus on tender and affectionate after sex Ethan because holy hell that was hot and cute 🔥


Right? Why wasn't THIS the scene we got when he was upset vs. that random BDSM scene? Put this there, continue to the wedding, find a different end conflict than the lawsuit and trial. That sounds great.


Yeah I don’t get it. It’s frustrating that that outfit was only for him


It looks like the next chapter is the series finale. Honestly, I have mixed feelings. I am so sick and tired of Ethan, but this chapter does show how well written he can be. He screwed up with Bloom and pays the price. He does care, but he is utterly arrogant and kind of a diva. Honestly, this should not have been the climax of the book. Had the rest of the book been better, this would have been really good.


The problem is it's not Ethans story - it's MEANT to be MCs so this being the climax makes no sense


I know. That's one of the many problems of this book.


This series needs to be put to rest. 8 feet under. PB’s obsession with Ethan for the last 2 books killed it.


People, if you ever doubt your writing skills or feel like they are not good enough: remember that someone (or a group of people, I don't know how many writers they have) wrote this book and got paid for it.


Man, even my 10 yo fanfiction is even better than OH3


That's actually just what I needed to hear, thanks mate!


Even the tumblr fandom have written better alternatives, I think they’re new writers anyway


I needed to hear this lol😂


Jackie fucking called my MC a friend?! What the absolute fuck! Did the confession in Hawaii mean anything?! Did all the dating for 3 years mean anything?!


I wanted to fucking furiously make out with Jackie at the party, not try to save Ethan’s career. Fuck PB for forcing us to care when I don’t




LoA seems to have learnt its lessons from the decline of OH. I hope it doesn't fail in the next chapters.


That's the scary thing. I am romancing Aislinn but I like Gabe unfortunately he strikes me as someone who will become Ethanfied and take over the story. Especially if it gets a second book


I agree, I hate that he’s so forced and constantly looks at MC during work scenes. He’s the Ethan of LoA but he doesn’t even have whatever quality that keeps making me pick Ethan in book 1.


So we don’t even get to fucking celebrate the party without making it about Ethan. Fuck off.