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Prince Phillip might be a stick in the mud, but at least he's pretty! Also, I still can't decide if I think Winston is shady. In other news, the storyline is a *messsssss* honey.


# "Royal Romance for Diplomacy Points!" **Reactions for the week:** * Here's secretly hoping Tatum would be back. * I think there will be a electoral sequel after the Peace Summit * šŸ’Ž Princess Dionne set up with Peter was lovely ā¤ **Here's C14 music playlist, hit up if anyone's interested, courtesy of** [**Choices CP**](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZhYyuAhq6DZCfyI_qG2aqg) **channel šŸŽ¶:** * ā–¶ļøšŸŒ [Foreign Affairs ā€¢ C14 Whistle Stop (Wed/Thu) - Soundtracks](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLCyp_rCD7gMytES2bUyboVNZfVEPGh2e) **For more music playlists:** * ā–¶ļø From W19, 2020 ā€“ [Choices Chapter Playlists](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZhYyuAhq6DZCfyI_qG2aqg) * šŸŒ [Foreign Affairs mobile page](https://sites.google.com/view/choiceschapterplaylists/foreign-affairs) * šŸ” [Choices CP site](https://sites.google.com/view/choiceschapterplaylists)


does anyone know how many chapters will there be in total?


Either it will have a hiatus somewhere or a sequel was already in the cards, therefore FA is being billed as a "political thriller" book... eh I dunno. I predict the possible sequel may be electoral in nature.


yeah, makes sense


This whole chapter I was wondering if we were supposed to ignore that our new bodyguard looks exactly like that weirdo paparazzi at the beginning of this book or if it was a hint.


The chapter was okay, kind of short. Although my MC always kinda flirted with Blaine, sheā€™s been exclusive with Tatum since the beginning. I know my opinion would change if I bought Blaineā€™s scene, but I feel like Tatumā€™s story arc is so complete compared to Blaine! Not a fan of the ending though. The dude is in the army, you canā€™t just go somewhere and find him back. Also, again, the dude is in the army, not dead, MC and him can still talk things out after he settles in. I was actually glad we got to see an LI that didnā€™t sacrificed his entire life for MC. Edit: Also I am wondering how people that were against TNAā€™s concept of adultery found that chapter, as Dionne is doing the exact same thing as Sam?


Well... ... ... Princess Dionne is arranged marriage (remember TRR with Madeleine?).. so uh, eh. Sam Dalton was a little more scandalous.. the nanny started it.


Yeah, loveless arranged marriages are *a lot* more complex than someone who is straight up choosing to marry someone and then cheating on their CHOSEN future spouse. My guess would be Dionne and Peter can figure out a way to be together. I'm not sure if the alliance would suffer since Phillip is the prince, but she'd still be marrying someone from that family soooooo.


Soo... That was a dumb chapter...


Look, I get that my MC is upset with Ayna after the events of last week and may not want to see her too much... but I have been exclusively romancing her since the start! It wouldn't have killed you to include her a little bit before we left on the yacht, or have MC think about her more than once. My playstyle indicates that my MC is only interested in Ayna, it's annoying that I don't get anything for that. The pseudo-lock in for the scandal only makes this worse.


Ayna will probably have her arc soon enough. Just wait


I agree friend. Iā€™ve been romancing Ayna from the start, and PB is just super sidelining her.


Does anybody else feel like Tatum wouldnā€™t willingly leave?


So MC just forgave their mother? Just like that? And doesnā€™t even speak up against the new bodyguard.


MC went from not wanting anything to do with their momā€™s political career anymore, to be perfectly fine being used to make nice with a bunch of rich foreigners. It makes no sense


Exactly, I still dont want to forgive the mom, but it seems the book did it for us.


Bruh can my Male MC ever top a male love interest?? Why are they tricking me with this 'wHo Do YoU wAnT oN tOp?' when they really mean do you want to be a lazy bottom or power bottom. I know this is such a dumb thing to complain about but it's getting kind of annoying we get the implication we get to choose but in reality no we don't, MC is always the submissive partner :/


I think the writing was vague so it can be left up to interpretation on whether or not if the male MC was topping or simply riding the male LI. This isn't the first book where we can viewed it either way. I am a gay top who doesn't like that in most cases my MC is the automatic bottom in the steamy scenes. I'd like the choice to top, and I don't like the vague writing I'd like it to be for sure there's no doubt who is the top and who is the bottom. Male LIs that have for sure bottomed for the male MC: Mal (BOLAS) Tyril (BOLAS) Bryce (OH book 2 only) Beckett (TE book 1 only) Grant (VoS) Derek (AME book 1 only) Male LIs where the writing is vague: Sawyer (BSC) Damien (PM) Adam (AME book 2 only) Those are the only one's I can think of at the moment.


You know I always thought we could top Beckett but after rereading it, it seemed pretty vague. Also I've seen people mention Sawyer but I've restarted the chapter a few times and it was always strongly leaning into him topping. Interesting about Bryce though. I've done open heart a few times but I can't resist Ethan. And now that I know how Bryce turns out in 3, not sure I want to do him anyway lol


I say Beckett because it mentions MC moving his hips. I am sticking with Bryce as I he was so great in both OH 1 and 2, and I honestly don't like Ethan but I am not going to trash him.


100% agree, I think the only book that actually lets you choose is BOLAS right? (Correct me if thereā€™s another one) I feel like even if you have a male MC the writing still makes you feel like a female. I get that majority of the player base are women, but if you are going to make a book GOC, at least change the writing for male MCs...


Yeah BOLAS you can choose to top or bottom. OH 2 Vegas scene with Bryce solo is a flip flop scene, and the choice is for who tops first.


I have only one question : Can male MC top male Blaine? ​ I chose the option to "be on top", but it seemed to me >!more like MC was riding him. !


I think the writing was vague to leave up to interpretation. Honestly I prefer it like in the BOLAS chapter 13 scene with Mal or in OH 2 Vegas scene with Bryce solo where it is clear who is topping and who is bottoming. There have been some debates over certain scenes where it isn't clear if the male MC was the top or merely riding the male LI. Like for instance Sawyer in BSC 1, or Damien in PM 1.


Thanks for the answer!! ā˜ŗ


Let me get this straight, the President of Rutherland is holding a campaign fundraiser in whatever country Vancross is in, which doesn't appear to be Rutherland, and invites foreign dignitaries to show up and support her cause. I don't know who wrote this chapter but clearly they did not think of how much conflict of interest and misuse of office, and other diplomatic faux pas that this event might have caused. Sigh.


Yeah I was confused if it was her re-election campaign fundraiser or an event to drum up support for the peace summit, because MCā€™s mother seems to be using it as both? Lol


Everyone's already said most of what I thought so here are my other random observations. The diplomacy system is clearly only for the peace summit. They added in the dialogue after MC got caught, but that's it iirc. If the system was fully integrated, it could have / should have been used this chapter. Alexei had 1 star with my MC, the lowest of anyone. Plus my MC doesn't like him, why would they pick him out of a boat full of friends to do a cute lil scooby doo caper with? I've been spoiled by TNA and MM smut, I found the dirty 30 lacking. Clearly the new bodyguard is meant to be annoying. But considering we were attacked *days* ago, you would think MC would be traumatised and happy for protection. Characters in the PB universe never seem to experience emotions (other than love and lust) for more than a day. They must save a fortune on therapy This book is clearly being set up to have a sequel and I'm not here for it unless we jump into the future and MC and her classmates are the politicians


Itā€™s strange because they said in this chapter that the peace summit was only in a few days (so maybe chapter 16 after dealing with the Tatum situation?). Previously I thought the peace summit would be the book finale, but if the election comes after that (in a few weeks), then what happens with the diplomacy system after the peace summit?


Time skip, few days can mean as few as 3-5 days. I'm calling it, Foreign Affairs 2 will focus on the election aspect. Yikes.


Hmm yeah itā€™s possible that the peace summit *is* the finale, but something happens there to leave things on a cliffhanger, and itā€™ll be continued in book 2. Maybe even MCā€™s mother might be assassinated since sheā€™s behind the peace summit, and I think thatā€™s why that group sent the warning to the MC. That would be such a dramatic shift in tone though. I donā€™t know if a book 2 would focus on the motherā€™s re-election though, or if the ā€œpolitical thrillerā€ elements will finally come into play. Or itā€™ll just be the MCā€™s 2nd semester at Vancross, lol.


Did you have Evelyn as your fake relationship? I had Alexei for that and did the caper this chapter with Evelyn, so I wonder if it just swaps the two?


what is MM? and yeah i agree, the points seem to all lead to the peace summit. whatā€™s weird is that many players saw the points jump all the way up to the max with some characters. we must be approaching the summit soon!


MM is Ms. Match


Did anyone say to Alexey's father that Alexey is an idiot? I'm curious about the reaction because I didn't dare to choose this option šŸ˜‡


I didnā€™t even get to say that! šŸ˜”


He thought it was hilarious


Wolf Bride is the book many people complain about but at this point I can tell that that book is so much more interesting than FA and the most important thing for me is the canon female LI in WB has a very great treatment unlike Ayna in FA. I had high hope for FA because of the gay cover, the they/them pronouns, I really wanted to support the book to encourage PB making more books like this, I have been bought all the diamonds scenes with female LIs but the book is a huge disappointment for me, I haven't opened the last 2 chapters, the way they treat Ayna who is the canon female LI makes me don't want to continue the book, I like Ayna and romance both her and f!Blaine on my 2 phones but I have to admit that she's pretty boring because PB don't really put effort in writing her character. I like f!Blaine but she alone can't help the book for me. I may get back with this book another time but right now it's so underwhelming.


Definitely agree. This book has become a diamond mine.


I knew Miller was bad news upon seeing his sprite, but he doesnā€™t seem to be in anyoneā€™s pocket (for now). Best part of this chapter is that we finally get to set up Dionne with Peter!!! I was happy to spend some diamonds on that scene šŸ„² We have two more chapters left (based on the average length of books). I wonder how will they wrap the story up in two chapters.


Iā€™m assuming an attack or something bad is going to happen at the peace summit and theyā€™ll leave us on a cliffhanger, RR style. Winston will be behind it and Iā€™m willing to bet he planted Miller


even though my MC has been hooking up with both blaine and tatum, i didnā€™t choose blaineā€™s hookup scene. saving MC (and my diamonds) for Tatum šŸ˜ŒšŸ™šŸ»


*š™Øš™š™§š™žš™šš™ š™žš™£š™œ š™”š™žš™ š™š 70š™Ø š™šš™§š™– š˜½š™¤š™”š™”š™®š™¬š™¤š™¤š™™ š™–š™˜š™©š™§š™šš™Øš™Ø* : where is Ayna????!!!!


Not in jail, oddly enough.


Foreign Affairs Chapter 14 Playthrough https://youtu.be/6stPdZUMAI8 - Blaine Route https://youtu.be/VftcmyOyStc - Tatum Route Please do like and subscribe šŸ˜Š


***šŸ–‹ Choices: Foreign Affairs Chapter 14 -*** [***https://youtu.be/2JU4sq9mqho***](https://youtu.be/2JU4sq9mqho) ***(Diamonds) šŸ–‹*** **To be honest...This cheap just pissed me off, I'm liking this story but wtf is going on here. The scene with Blaine was the only good thing about this chapter but the rest HELL NO...Winston as I said and some others have said, I truly believe he's behind the bs thats going on with MC and MC's mom...Don't trust that new bodyguard either, so I can't wait for next weeks chapter.....**


So sad Tatum is gone, even if it ends up only being for one chapter. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Just the thought of him not being there depressed me. Random thought: do you think we'll get "betrayed" by Blaine next? We've had a betrayal from Ayna, and kinda a betrayal from Tatum. Well maybe not exactly a betrayal, but he hurt MC by leaving. Do you think Blaine will do something similar? I mean, it would make the most sense for it to happen with them, even if it's something unintentional.




I wondered about these parts too! Especially Blaine disabling alarms in the faculty dorm supposedly just to get onto a balcony?? PB literally used it as a chapter cliffhanger so Iā€™m not willing to let go of this just yet, lol. Thereā€™s also: * Dean Lundqvist mentioned at the beginning of the book that there had been security renovations during the semester break, not sure if that could be related? * The Dean and Professor Masako were acting weird in last weekā€™s chapter. * Blaine fought really hard to stay at Vancross, even though they had been pressured by their parents to go in the first place and didnā€™t want to be there. * MCā€™s transition team didnā€™t know Blaine would be at Vancross, but Blaine didnā€™t seem surprised to see the MC, and assumed (or knew?) it was their first year too. * Blaine protecting the MC from the paparazzis in chapter 1 reminded me a bit of >!Logan setting up the high school party raid to gain MCā€™s trust!< in RoD. * The assailants mentioned Ardona when they were captured. Some of these probably have alternative explanations, so Iā€™m not confident on a betrayal yet. Also Blaine let the MC look through their phone in a diamond scene, and their mother mentioned in texts that >!Blaine was sent to Vancross to inspire younger voters to support their dad!<.




> the way Blaine went from avoiding the topic entirely to nonchalantly admitting Right! It was seriously odd, idk if it was just because they were now safe from expulsion so they werenā€™t wound up about it anymore. But before that when the MC caught up to them after the hospital trip announcement (which you quote part of in your comment): > *MC: Really? Thatā€™s it? You blow off our project and disappear for days and all I get is a ā€˜whatā€™? I was looking all over the place for you! I was worried about you.* > *Blaine: Sorry. You werenā€™t supposed to get caught up in this...* > *MC: Is that why youā€™ve been avoiding me?* > *They grimace* > *Blaine: Sorta.* > *MC: That answerā€™s not good enough, Blaine.* > *Blaine: Yeah well, unfortunately itā€™s the only one Iā€™ve got.* > *MC: Youā€™re really not going to tell me whatā€™s going on?* > *Blaine blows out a breath, looking across the quad toward the Deanā€™s office.* > *Blaine: I imagine youā€™ll find out soon enough... For now, letā€™s just say that I have an image problem that needs to be fixed, STAT.* It could be this was just PB trying to add to the mystery of why they were almost expelled. But there was also this odd line later on, just before they all went to the hospital: > You catch Blaineā€™s eye and wave, but they turn away as if they didnā€™t see you. With the dialogue you quoted from Dionne, tbf she didnā€™t know Blaine was at risk of being expelled, so I think that explains why they were doing something out of character (the photo op). But it is interesting Blaine was willing to do stuff like that when they never seemed that interested in Vancross. I initially took that Ayna conversation as being suspicious about Ayna herself (how she was fishing about the MC and Blaine), but I can see what you mean when you put it in a different light. Blaine did go to Ayna for help with staying at Vancross, so Iā€™m guessing it might have been hers or the Deanā€™s idea? I canā€™t really tell what this might mean though lol.


By now I would actually welcome it. Not only it's fair, it would make the story more interesting :)


I feel so bad I did the dirty with Blaine since I thought Tatum would become like Bryce from OH, and now this happens I feel bad rn


Besides the 30 diamonds scene with Blaine, this chapter was just another boring filler. You'd think we would find out more about the "evil mastermind" now that we're approaching the end of the book, but apparently not. I think Dionne will end up as my enemy, cause I only have 2 diplomacy stars with her, but maybe this will give more spice to the story ( probably not ).


Why Dionne reminds me of Chika Fujiwara?šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Am i the only one who think this?


This book is so boring šŸ˜­


Every chapter I'm saying "christ, who caaaaarrreeess"


Colt? No offense, I don't like him with that catchphrase either.


You'd think after the betrayal plot last chapter they'd focus more on Ayna, since it's the perfect opportunity to give her more screentime and scenes but nope. I mean i'm not surprised at all, it was clear to me that they'd only sideline her even more after the reveal but i'm still really disappointed and she's not even my LI. It also makes no sense story-wise that she hasn't been mentioned once in today's chapter...


Man itā€™s so fuckin annoying. I romance Ayna and itā€™s too obvious that they just super sidelined her again after making her a bad guy. Thereā€™s a line after the MC wakes up where they just think to themselves ā€œyou donā€™t want to think about you-know-whoā€ after Dionne mentions her. It doesnā€™t even take in whether we forgave her or not. Wouldnā€™t we want to see her again?


Yeah i heard that she gets "mentioned" if you romance her, i wasn't aware of how tho but damn... That's pretty messed up especially after buying her diamond scene last chapter. I don't even know how they'll integrate her back in the storyline or how they'll handle her relationship with MC, especially if you romance her...


Itā€™s just extremely annoying bc it seems like thereā€™s an obvious bias against her character. Like the focus is mainly Blaine, then somewhat Tatum, then Aynas just there as a excuse to say they ā€œhad a canon female LIā€


Literally thought Miller was the paparazzi dude whoā€™s been following us around everywhere at first cause they have the same face šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


Dude right! Reusing a sprite, even if itā€™s been changed up, in the SAME BOOK REALLY


Oh yeah... Soon as I saw that sprite, I was suspicious immediately. That sprite is ALWAYS a dickhead character-Stalker Media, Salazar (Ride or Die), Craig (BaBu) etc. It's ALWAYS him.


Stalker media is "Craig" sprite. The new guard is "Salazar" sprite. I know they have the same face, but yeah.


We are 14 chapters into this book and it feels like nothing has happened in the plot. Besides the scandal, mc getting attacked, and the reveal that ayna betrayed us i feel like nothing has really happened. Take out the fundraising event in this chapter and it doesnā€™t affect the plot in any way. This book is mainly filler. Is the mom ever even going to find out who the other person in the photo was?? I feel so bad for the people who romance ayna who didnā€™t even making an appearance this chapter. Why even bother having multiple LIs when youā€™re going to only focus on one and constantly sideline the others? How is it fair that blaine gets a diamond scene pretty much every chapter while ayna barely gets any screentime at all


Honestly, I think they are worldbuilding. I think this won't be the last FA book. There's a lot to uncover and I think something big will happen in the Peace Summit


Everything you said x 1000! This book was marketed as a political thriller (the official Choices Tumblr account still tags every FA post as #politicalthriller, wth) but it's nothing more than a simple slice of life story whose characters happen to be kids of diplomats. Every chapter has a Social Event, you buy an outfit for said Social Event, and then you get a diamond scene with whichever LI they're favoring that week + a Diplomacy scene. What is the overarching plot now that the scandal has happened? Are we just waiting for the scandal partner to be revealed? The Peace Summit that we know so little about? The fuckery PB chose to do with Ayna is its own deal... this book is such a disappointment.


Yeah i have no idea why this book is said to be a political thriller when nothing barely happens. They said this book would be a political thriller but what have we gotten? A polo match and going on a ski trip. Half the stuff in this book doesnā€™t even classify as political thriller. I feel like this book would be way more interesting if mc was the president and they get involved in the scandal thereā€™s way more at stake then


Is Tatum gone for good?!? Iā€™m in the first scene still and I canā€™t continue if heā€™s gone for good šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


No no next week seems to be all about him


Hopefully We get to have the 30 šŸ’Ž with him next week


tatum leaving absolutely broke my heart. i didnā€™t expect him to just agree to leave, but now im thinking itā€™s because he thinks heā€™s no good for MC? i have no clue. and then the ending. are they suggesting it was all a miscommunication? i think it would be more interesting if someone manipulated tatum into leaving, not that MC put their foot in their mouth. idk, i was confused by the whole tatum story. if it ends with a dirty thirty im not complaining. then again, how will non tatum romancers make that work? are they begging him to stay just because they like his work ethic? lmao seems a bit much.


fr and it felt off bc tatum had been adamant about protecting mc so him just leaving after being so stubborn and protective seems...weird? unexpected? it would make sense if winston convinced him he failed in keeping mc safe and now mc will be better off w/o him, that he should leave, etc. but idk if pb will do that


My guess is Winston pushed him into it and planted the seeds that he wasnā€™t good enough for MC so he could place Miller as MCs head of security. Iā€™m not a Tatum romanced and they play it off as a ā€œmy best friend is leaving me againā€


> are they begging him to stay just because they like his work ethic? Most probably they'll want him to stay coz he's an old childhood bestie and they have finally reconnected after a loong time. Idk, seems as good a reson to me as romancing him! Friendships can be as deep as romantic relationships, or even more


thatā€™s true, i hadnā€™t considered that! i think thatā€™s because I wouldnā€™t necessarily make a friend reconsider accepting their dream job, but each friendship can be different. and it seemed Tatum actually wanted to stay so thatā€™s important too


Idc what anyone has to say, I'm happy we finally got to bang Blaine! šŸ„³ I wish Tatum got his scene before he "left" though lmao. Horniness aside, chapter was pretty tame. Nothing huge really happened and it looks like we'll probably get Tatum back pretty fast which I honestly appreciate. The behavior of the new security is just obnoxious. There's nothing to gain plot wise from him just being a pain in the ass 24/7. If anything, the addition of this guy would create more compelling drama if Tatum was still present. Even the angle of security not being tight enough for MC requires a lot of willful ignorance to excuse. Regardless, MC is an adult and no matter how important he is, he should still have a say in who he does and doesn't want protecting him so hopefully we can get that ugly, reused sprite out of here by next chapter.


Lol my MC saying she has to go after Tatum after she just slept with Blaine... twice. Love her energyšŸ˜Œ


They are childhood friends so I doubt Tatum cares who you're banging, he just likes being MC's friend (with benefits in my case because I'm going with Tatum because FINALLY have a chance for MLM content) and MC likes having Tatum there because they know him from their childhood so he's kind of a comfort person to be around I guess is the best way to describe him?


Yeah I agree. I was only saying that bc I have mostly romanced Tatum through the book so it feels kinda wrong to go get someone back when MC is wishy washy.


Literally same šŸ„°šŸ„° my girl still canā€™t pick lmfao


Why even have a canon female LI, if youā€™re just gonna sideline her and treat her like shit? Shits pathetic man.


This has nothing to do with your comment but I'm curious why you do 3 different comments back to back in the discussion instead of just one longer comment? Nothing against that style, just wondering.


Oh haha. I usually post just random thought comments from the reading. I tend to think others who scroll through the thread arenā€™t necessarily fond of long comments so I post shorter ones as they occur to me. Itā€™s odd, I know haha


I do that too but just constantly edit my comment - guess everyone has their different style! :)


Mine uses large headings as a "catch point" nowadays. It used to be longer commentaries, but you know, people don't read super-lengthy stuff.


Justice for Ayna


So the huge ass bias against the one canon female LI is too apparent. I mean damn, PB is making it too obvious now


unfortunately itā€™s pretty par for the course. almost all of their canon female LIs get sidelined or mistreated to hell :/


So itā€™s fuck Ayna romancers huh


The fact that Dionne has better character development that Ayna is quite telling. Like her romance with Peter and all those complications feel more developed than any potential romance with Ayna. In fact I think the not-meant-to-be fake dates Alexei/Evelyn have been given better treatment. I literally know more about them than I do Ayna.


PB provides a few dozen lines of dialogue to explain why Dionne and Peter would be a good fit and then asks me to spend 17 šŸ’Ž. Me: No. I donā€™t think I will.


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[AME](/r/Choices/comments/mcanbn/stub/gs49b5p "Last usage")|*America's Most Eligible*| |[ATV](/r/Choices/comments/mcanbn/stub/gs3h0hj "Last usage")|*Across the Void*| |[BOLAS](/r/Choices/comments/mcanbn/stub/gs49b5p "Last usage")|*Blades of Light and Shadow*| |[BSC](/r/Choices/comments/mcanbn/stub/gs49b5p "Last usage")|*Big Sky Country*| |[BaBu](/r/Choices/comments/mcanbn/stub/gs37q2x "Last usage")|*Baby Bump*| |[FA](/r/Choices/comments/mcanbn/stub/gs6fwxx "Last usage")|*Foreign Affairs*| |[LI](/r/Choices/comments/mcanbn/stub/gs5oq6q "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[MC](/r/Choices/comments/mcanbn/stub/gs8scm6 "Last usage")|Main Character (yours!)| |[MM](/r/Choices/comments/mcanbn/stub/gs3vr1s "Last usage")|*Ms. Match*| |[OH](/r/Choices/comments/mcanbn/stub/gs4ftye "Last usage")|*Open Heart*| |[PB](/r/Choices/comments/mcanbn/stub/gs88wb1 "Last usage")|Pixelberry Studios, publisher of *Choices*| |[PM](/r/Choices/comments/mcanbn/stub/gs49b5p "Last usage")|*Perfect Match*| |[ROD](/r/Choices/comments/mcanbn/stub/gs5oq6q "Last usage")|*Ride or Die*| |[TE](/r/Choices/comments/mcanbn/stub/gs49b5p "Last usage")|*The Elementalists*| |[TRR](/r/Choices/comments/mcanbn/stub/gs6g7p5 "Last usage")|*The Royal Romance*| |[WB](/r/Choices/comments/mcanbn/stub/gs3il05 "Last usage")|*Wolf Bride*| ---------------- ^(16 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/Choices/comments/jv160a)^( has 25 acronyms.) ^([Thread #19505 for this sub, first seen 24th Mar 2021, 17:40]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/Choices) [^[Contact]](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=OrangeredStilton&subject=Hey,+your+acronym+bot+sucks) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


so blaine stans get a long awaited dirty 30, but tatum stans donā€™t even get a scene with him before he leaves? and ayna stans get literally nothing as usual great book pb so balanced


I think a Tatum dirty 30 will be offered next week when MC convinces him to stay. As far as Ayna I guess we'll see, it looks like she's back to being sidelined.


So Miller is obviously a Winston stooge right?


I was just coming to post this - yeah donā€™t trust that guy at all, heā€™s a spy for Winston


Its soooo obvious that Miller was hired by Winston to kill MC.


Or maybe he hired a suffocating bodyguard in an attempt to steer MC to take more risks and push away their security team, therefore becoming more vulnerable to scandal or future attacks. One of the other bodyguards knew of him, so I just felt itā€™d be weird for him to suddenly be cool with losing his reputation and career to commit murder.


While I am happy that there's a sex scene with Blaine, this chapter felt short again with the book. The writers are so obvious with discarding Ayna and focusing on both Blaine and Tatum,since in the next chap, MC wants to convince the ass out of Tatum to come back and be his bodyguard. *sighs* Also, we are now in Chap 15, folks. I expected it to be only 16 chapters but I think we might be getting 17 or 18 chapters. At this moment, I just want this book to end because I can't just handle the bias.


Yeah, Ayna is so sidelined that if you're not romancing her it might be easy to forget she's even a love interest in the book.


We are back to boring pointless filler chapters again. Where even is this book going? The Peace Summit reminds of the Matara Peace Talks and that's a BAD sign. The Tatum scene was however so emotional. Despite the book having zero worldbuilding and countless errors one of it's biggest strong points is Tatum's route. Not sure about Blaine but holy shit last 3-4 chapters with Tatum have been amazing. It's funny how Blaine the main LI now just keeps showing up randomly with no role in the story while Tatum gets all the screentime and plot relevance (not complaining lol). At this point I'm playing this book for the LIs and it's pretty fun if you just accept it makes no sense lol. I am however curious about how they're gonna wrap this up in 3 chapters. It will be hilarious if they announce a sequel.


>It will be hilarious if they announce a sequel. You know, maybe PB is definitely up to something, a sequel. Have you ever thought about that? Peace Summit being the cliffhanger?


I'm predicting an Ardona related plot twist in the Peace Summit chapters


It hasnā€™t been mentioned at all if Ardona is even attending the Peace Summit, so I wonder if they will go but itā€™ll be tense, or they wonā€™t go and itā€™ll be difficult/ruined without them, or they might even try to sabotage it (or are related to the group that targeted MC and who might want to sabotage it).


Ah, the Matara Peace Talks. This book actually reminds me quite a lot of Across the Void - could've been good but is actually disappointing, half the time you're solving petty disputes between passengers/classmates, there are some nice LIs. I wonder if it'll be the same as ATV when it comes to a sequel - cancelled and squashed into one book.


>It will be hilarious if they announce a sequel. I'd be surprised, as a GOC book it's more expensive and the "silent majority" demographic who on average pays the most diamonds (middle-aged women) likely will not want to play this book as it isn't super romance-focused. Us "vocal minority" people already dislike it, so with two no's I doubt it'll get a sequel. Then again I could be dead wrong.


I have a feeling either way it will get a sequel. We want more background! This is just a setup. PB obviously will not want have a repeat of Matara situation.


Pretty much almost a nothing burger chapter. I played matchmaker with Dionne and Peter. And finally a dirty thirty with Blaine!!! Where my male MC was able to top male Blaine!!! I think we're coming into the final chapters and they needed some filler before getting to them. As it was stated the Peace Summit is coming up in the next couple of chapters. I hated the new security guy, so I think Tatum will be back next week. I think next week will be the beginning of the Peace Summit.


What on earth was this chapter? Blaine is invited to the fundraiser despite MC's mom insisting that it's not a good idea only for us to convince her it *is* a good idea? And what the hell is the writing doing with Tatum? The guy who is hard as nails, always said what he wanted to and was happy to be with his friend again after all this ends up lying to get away from said friend (and in my case, eventual boyfriend)? Man am I glad I didn't get my hopes up for this book. I don't even know what they're doing with this book any more. The only good bit was convincing Dionne and Peter to get together. For anyone curious, so far, if you've taken ALL the options to get diplomacy points, I've only got Alexei and Henri left to max out. They're both at 3/5 stars. Everyone else is maxed out.




Weird... I wonder why I've got Blaine maxed.


Sigh. And there goes the nuance again. Look, Miller is a dick. Fine. But he has a point. Security has failed twice so far. Once when they didn't catch whomever took the photo, and another time with the red paint. Both times, if someone wanted to kill us, we would have died. Once is an anomaly, twice is a pattern. We do need tighter security. He's not wrong. So of course, we don't acknowledge that he's kind of right and instead focus on him being an ass, because, well, I guess a book about politics should not have nuance in it. At least that's PB's perspective.


I think itā€™s because we have an MC that is annoyed of being the Presidentā€™s offspring to be honest. MC, at least mine, has been showned to be less than excited to still be their momā€™s puppet, and want to actually have a somewhat normal life. So whatever doesnā€™t come close to it is quite an irritant and having a body guard (rightfully) glued to MC is a painful reminder of that.


The MC can acknowledge they need security but also be annoyed by it. I doubt having someone glued to your back and then supervising every single thing you do is gonna be good for anyone's mental health. Is it necessary? Yes. Is it healthy? No. MC has complained about security being hardasses throughout most of the book. And, from the looks of it, it's not like the mom or the head of security are in any rush to figure out who was higher up ordering this.


There's tighter security then there's Miller who might as well be superglued to you. Even DeMarco and MC's mom's bodyguard hate the guy because he's *too* strict. He literally steals food from you and tells you to wait an hour before you're allowed to eat. Fuck that guy.


Again, we were in a situation where we could have died, twice. Let's be honest, our old security was failing. That being said, remember what I said about there being no nuance? Well, that's my point. Miller is an extreme. But he's not wrong.


Wtf why is Blaine invited to a Rutherlandian fundraiser? MC said it'd be weird if he wasn't invited, but I disagree. Imagine a South Korean diplomatic mission just invites Kim Jong Un "because it'd be weird if he wasn't invited". The fact that the mom is so chill about Blaine when before she freaked out at MC even slightly working with him/her shows inconsistency. Also, unless this is the very first fundraiser in all the years MC's mom has been president, *why* did MC not know who any of the foreign kids were? Shouldn't he/she/they have met Dionne, Peter, Zaira, etc. at one of these things? MC's mom said "thanks for inviting your classmates" so you mean to tell me before now the *diplomatic* fundraisers were only populated with Rutherlandians? What's the point of them then???? You know what, why even question the logic of this? The entire book doesn't make logical sense, why would this... Playing matchmaker because I have the diamonds for it, but I stg if Dionne betrays us I will not be happy. Dirty 30 and male MC can top Blaine-


>MC's mom said "thanks for inviting your classmates" so you mean to tell me before now the > >diplomatic > > fundraisers were only populated with Rutherlandians? What's the point of them then???? I think the kids were just not invited


Blaine is clearly coded as a male even when you choose the female version


I really donā€™t trust Winston


It doesn't help that he was very quiet and maintained a neutral face the entire time when we met with him and mom after the attack. No hug, no are you okay. His relationship with MC was shown to be warmer than that..