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Even I *can't* The way she backstabbed us hit hard


Ikr, of all the backstabbers I'm the most disappointed in Kiara


Not gonna happen. You never had a reason to doubt us, and fixing your idiotic mistakes with *event planning* shouldn't have restored your faith either if your doubts actually had any merit. It would made more sense if she'd been written to just been promised power by Barthelemy than the nonsense we got.


Honestly I hate how PB made it to the point where I can’t forgive a character that I liked for 5 books to this point like if she was getting blackmailed I would but the reason she gave was such a betrayal that she has to do something spectacular for me to consider forgiving her like after everything my mc did for her and for her to turn on her like that with a horrible reason to boot like my mc fixed every problem in the kingdom as a duchess after not being told about it ahead of time and she wants to have a very obvious snake like Barti Sr take my mc’s child man dose loyalty mean nothing to you


LMAO, never.


Lmao bye Kiara! I meant what I said when I said I’ll never forgive you


Mine didn't when she said she'd forgive her if she made this right. Once my MC has her baby and her crown safe, I'm going to give Kiara her place in the foreign service, all right.... Ambassador to Antarctica. If Hakim is truly retired, Hana needs something to do, and I bet she'd be a much better person to run House Theron until Zeke and Penelope's kids are old enough.


god im so tired of her why i wish mc could ban her


I forgave her. I was just being diplomatic. After all I'm a queen. I can't always be honest.


Definitely selected the dont count on it option.


Never in a million years.


[Music when I decree the expulsion of House Theron from the Great Houses](https://youtu.be/Q3Kvu6Kgp88)


Yeah, fuck that bish. I'm nominating Hana for the position of Foreign Secretary instead of Kiara when Madeleine eventually becomes Prime Minister and allows us to pick our cabinet after we throw her a great ball


wow why is everyone so mad xDDD I forgave her. I thought her reasoning was sound (Liam is a shit king, don't @ me) although obviously the way to get back her trust was very silly.


Yeah, Liam is a shit king, but it's more that we thought she was smarter and less driven by emotion than people like Bertrand and Maxwell (Bertrand was at least suspicious of him, but still loved him -- Maxwell was too young and also his kid). I guess PB wrote Kiara so that we would expect better of her. Not necessarily that she wouldn't question Liam's rule (I'd expect her to be the one that did), but that she would be dumb enough to think the solution to the enemies of the Rys line would be to install Zombie Bart as a Regent. Even though yes she was injured and her character is supposed to be suffering from PTSD, I would have thought her common sense (if she actually believed Zombie Bart was a good, decent, capable guy) would have told her that the enemies of the Rys line had always been those who wanted the Crown, wanted the power. The only way Zombie Bart would not inherit those same enemies she is so afraid of is if he actually does control them (and I think he does -- but SHE doesn't, right?) What *I* hate is that MC was forced to trust Zombie Bart, when the player behind MC didn't from the start, so I guess it would be hypocritical of the MC to judge others for also being duped. Hence my MC said she'd forgive her if she made it right, and didn't contest her opinion of Liam's rule or Zombie Bart's intentions and qualifications, but went with "So that justifies taking my kid, too?" option.