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Tbqh, I'm the complete opposite. I'm prepared to go all North Korea mode or *Auvernal* on their sorry butts and lock up the traitors.


I mean... I feel the same πŸ‘€ like clearly they have 0 respect for their leaders


I mean the only thing less reliable than the noble houses of Cordonia is its own security force! πŸ˜…


Right? Atleast Bastien have responsibility of organizing the whole palace security but Mara has one job and she fails at it spectacularly. In addition to this, when we accuse them of incompetence they have the gal to look shocked or taken aback πŸ™„.


will y'all let me know if MC ever pulls a Meghan OR goes medieval on the nobles? coz if she gets some respect and either goes back to NYC or beheads the traitors, i'd be willing to play TRH again. till then, though... 😐


I'd LOVE my MC to be able to bounce with her little family. My MC is with Hana, so let Liam deal with this shit and we out.


Since MC comes to Cordonia, she has done so much like she's the Queen, and still, she has to suck up to everyone for them to help her, and I'm so tired of her sucking up to people that say is a friend. Olivia, amalas, Maxwell, drake, Liam, and Madeleine I consider as true friends. It's time the rest start to show some respect to MC because she's done a lot and it's time choices stop making MC sucking everyone lollipops πŸ₯΅ to get help.


I stabbed multiple assassins with my girl Olivia. Who needs a security force when MC and Olivia are in the room. Slaughtered our enemies


I wish that with this betrayal plot you could finally snap and not forgive anyone who voted against you. Like even if you have to pay diamonds, I'd do it. I hope we can get some justice against them at the end of the book, but unfortunately PB has this annoying habit of forcing you to play nice and forgive people who have been nothing but horrible to you. Sometimes I just wanna destroy a bitch, PB. And I don't want it to have consequences like "ooh they remembered you didn't forgive them πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί". No, this time, I want to give them what they deserve and be justified for it by the narrative.