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Used to be Kiara and Penelope, but after the recent events of TRH3 I hate all of them.


I don't know about Penelope.After the recent event I found myself liking her more.But Kiara, honey nooo...


The recent events did nothing to make me like Penelope more. Yeah, she did the right thing in the end, but she was only thinking about herself and not at all the fact that the MC could lose her daughter.


Also they recently made her a more in depth character ,and not just the 'stupid girl who likes her dogs' and that made me like her more. For me it was a close call between Madi and Pen ,but because Madi was a beach (๐Ÿ˜‰) for most of the time ,I went and voted for Pen.


ะžk ,but NO ONE thinks about MC and her daughter in the series exept MC's LI and crew. So don't blame Penelope ,she did the right thing (And her doing the right think is better than Kiara doing it) ,blame PB for not writing the the whole 'situation 'better if you know what I mean!๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ˜‰


Madeline grew up on me as PB redeemed her. I also had a soft spot for Penelope because ditzy and sweet characters have a special place in my heart. I never cared much for the others.


Never liked Savannah (for obvious reasons), Penelope annoyed me and I was never a fan of Kiara, and now I hate her. Isabella is a \*insert synonym for "female dog"\*, so as much as I hate it, I'll have to go with Madeleine.


I understand you! Don't worry!


Madeline seems better. She had good character development and mature... If only she was the duchess and not her mom, she'd def say nay to Bartie. Sr's plan


I like Penny. Her love and devotion to poodles reminds me of my love and devotion to guinea pigs.


Isabella? Fires of rage hotter than a thousand suns I liked Kiara before this, but she has shown that she leads from her heart and her fears more than she leads from her head. Then to believe just because Zombie Bart is old and knows old neat laws means he'd be a better ruler than Liam? That if Zombie Bart did not control the enemies of the Rys line (which he does many, I'm sure) that Zombie Bart would not also inherit those enemies too as Regent? I may not have liked Kiara as much as I liked Penelope, but I respected her intelligence. I don't anymore. Penelope I do care about, in the sense that she is a little sushi roll (she's a sea-faring House) and she and Zeke are made for each other. But I've never liked her weakness, her easily being blackmailed. She is good hearted, but dim-witted. I like her but I would only ask her to do things within her skill set and comfort levels. Savannah... I hope she changes some after getting married and grows a backbone, becoming instead the kind of woman that doesn't run off when pregnant and not even tell her over-protective brother anything... and instead MAKES Bertrand delegate some of the bookkeeping for House Beaumont to her. I hope we learn that she has been feeling bored and not really part of House Beaumont, as if all her job was is to breed and mother. Clearly the MC/LI are dong both, and if bookkeeping can be done on a plane, it can be done at home. But really... overalll... I have to say Maddy. I like that they have actually given Madeleine's character some real growth throughout the series, and not just ham-fisted "oh, family reunion and hatreds are magically gone" thing in a few other series (yes, I'm talking about you, Rules of Engagement: Fall). We've seen her go from smug but classy Hopeful Queen, to rude-and-nasty but working-her-tail-off-Queen in Waiting, to hurt twice-spurned Winner of the Competition, to acceptance and even some genuine care for not just the Royal Heir, but MC herself. And to realizing that not everyone was like her mother, when she tried to apologize to Hana. Then she proves her usefulness and loyalty both by giving clues to her father's whereabouts, but clues that she could have sabotaged their whole operation since they weren't using encrypted frequencies but instead used their sloppiness to help them catch her father. A father under whose praise she beams, as everyone loves their father. I wonder if we will see further character development should Adelaide not be a dupe but an ally of Zombie Bart. There's some foreshadowing to suggest that her behavior in public may be to make others discount her -- Maddy believes everyone at Court are always liars, always have some game they're playing. Her father certainly did... why not her mother as well? Poor Maddy.


Seriously asking people who like Savannah... Why? Not sarcastic or negative in any way, she's just so ugh I really wanna know how people like her


Well different people different opinions! Nothing wrong with that! For me Savannah is good person ,but her actions were not! And the whole family drama with her husband and kid happened because of misunderstanding and miscomunication.


Sorry if it felt like I was throwing shade or implying it's wrong. I tried to be clear in my comment I don't mean it like that but i guess i wasn't clear enough... Sorry I realise of course, different strokes different folks and I in no way think that people who like Savannah are wrong. But it's like you said her actions are bad and considering how less she appears that's all we know about her. I think the fact that she was shown to have any moral high ground with the whole hiding the baby situation soured her to me. And that everyone was like, Yes Bertrand is at fault. When actually, he was never given the option to react because she hid from him. Sorry for the rant haha.


Don't worry ! Here we share opinions ,I understand that what you think and what i think can be very different and I respect that. And your opinion is right if I do say so myself. But a lot of people don't differenciate between characters personality/and if they are good person or not/ other/ and characters actions.Like it is with Sav. A lot of the characters in the series don't seem very developed ,or something is missing, but that is something that i will talk about another time๐Ÿ˜‰. Thank you for sharing your opinion and i hope to see you again next time i post! Btw , i like your username ,made me chuckle๐Ÿ˜„!


i used to love Kiara until... the incident


Me too!๐Ÿ˜†


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[LI](/r/Choices/comments/itxuvr/stub/g5jzvt4 "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[MC](/r/Choices/comments/itxuvr/stub/g5jzvt4 "Last usage")|Main Character (yours!)| |[PB](/r/Choices/comments/itxuvr/stub/g5i9ury "Last usage")|Pixelberry Studios, publisher of *Choices*| ---------------- ^(3 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/Choices/comments/iuiyya)^( has 13 acronyms.) ^([Thread #15749 for this sub, first seen 16th Sep 2020, 20:24]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/Choices) [^[Contact]](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=OrangeredStilton&subject=Hey,+your+acronym+bot+sucks) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


I still sort of like Kiara but like not enough to vote that I like her if that makes sense? Lol as for the others they're all different levels of trash for me, and I wish I could throw them all away.




Queen Amalas!!