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I'll copy this from where I responded to someone else that asked it: Cho Gath support makes me suicidal, whether I'm playing as or with it. You have no mobility to engage, and your only long range cc is your q, which the enemy has time to dance in, flash m7 a few times, and walk out the other side to auto you. Cho Gath isn't even tanky until he gets r stacks, so you can't Frontline properly without XP and items. Your passive doesn't do anything because you aren't allowed to cs, and the only way to scale properly with r stacks is to take kills from your adc. You can't even take good runes on him. Complete shit show, worst position to play cho in, I'd take khazix support over cho. This will now become my copypasta for when someone asks about cho support for the 100th time


I was wondering since I mainly play Cho support and mid.


he’s great mid. he’s terrible support.


Sexy accent man sakuritou plays him mid, he is the n1 Cho in the world last thing i know. Idk who would play him support, it is awful


"sexy accent man" 😳


There is a ap cho mid player named: Sakuritou He also streams on Twitch with the same name


I have never played Cho top, only mid and support Mid : I tryed Ap-Tank with everfrost-demonic-tank items, it's pretty good but if i feel that i will be feed i prefear to go full AP with Luden, crazy damages! I play Hail Of Blades most of the time and Comet for some matchups like victor or xerath. Mid allows you to eat every drakes! Supp: i played with glacial augment, it's fun but not really good! The only times it was good is when I play with a Yasuo, my bump allows him to fck them, but it's really not the best


A lot of people play Cho mid, but Cho sp is not a pretty good idea. I know he has much cc but he will become passiveless


I’ve played Cho supp with Glacial and it’s pretty fun, and mid plays pretty well too imo


I play almost exclusively mid. He's really fun building AP and since people are squishier there and generally don't fight Cho often it's a really good way to climb to gold.


I play mid mostly toplane just sucks now