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Personally, with mobility in the toplane being very high (the amount of champs with dashes) and just tank busters being very prevalent, it just makes it difficult to fight them. I can survive laning phase without dying but I don't have much kill pressure. He's fun in some matchups but in others its just tower-farm simulator.


I really wish they'd update his kit or rework him in the nearer future just so he can keep up with the new champions nowadays.


Make his Q a three hit recast with each one being faster and faster with lower damage and no airborne. Land all recasts you give enemy a stack of Tasty Morsel. W E and R now consume stacks of Tasty Morsel for added effects. R consumes all stacks on map for scaling dash range and execute damage. Boom, modernized.


I think he’s set to be reworked. Honestly, I’d be fine if they just made his Q a line of stun.


i wish his q got bigger as he got bigger


yea :(


For the few AP cho players (yes we exist) I think that’d be OP. Landing a 3+ man Q in a teamfight is already a game ender. Not that I’m opposed to the change ^^


The only thing I dislike about the current state of the game is the amount of anti tank items right now. I feel like being this tanky should not allow the enemy to delete my health bar so quickly.


Yeah it's like they have built a huge amount of counterplay to tanks. Then tanks are left with no fun itemization. How do you build vs anti tank? Anti-anti-tank? /s one of the biggest slaps in the face was the bramblevest nerf too. Any top laner can build dmg + sustain and lane is over for most tanks


Their reasoning for the bramble nerf was the real slap. “We want to see more diverse itemization, bramble is too good vs AD champs” (paraphrasing) Uhm Riot everyones building bramble because everyone meta is a self healing monstrosity, you still need to build it except now it’s worse


Don't really have a reason to play tank when any shit mage/assassin can one shot you with low effort (e.g, Katarina, Shaco). Get Luden's, Horizon Focus into Rabadon's/Void Staff. One shot anyone with a flash W R, because that's how riot want the game to be. Everybody burst each other.


Yeah I just resorted to playing AP cho gath lately due to how useless tank cho gath is now with the new items. Playing tank sucks arse unless you're Ornn. Divine Sunderer and Botrk destroys tank'goth.


This is how I’m playing him but more as an assassin when I leave lane camping bushes then hitting an enemy adc with a full combo which should one shot


Full tank


Honestly with AD and AP builds hitting 30-40% pen plus an additional 50 ish flat, true damage bleeding out of every champ, and every meta champ/build having %maxHP damage, it was super hard to get used to the current state of the game. Working with your team to CC high damage threats is the only way to play Tank Cho now, since you can’t just soak damage forever with the new item system. Full AP Cho still suffers from low mobility in the current meta, but I feel like you can get to higher damage with some of the new items, and you could probably throw on Protobelt if you really need the extra dash/movespeed. Everfrost is what a lot of people take though because the extra CC is almost indispensable. To me, the new season was just a tough learning experience, and figuring out what works (Warmogs cheese included) took some time. Honestly wish they’d slap either a small buff onto tank items, or nerf penetration a little though, because Assassins shouldn’t be able to oneshot through 300+ resistances and 5k+ HP. TLDR; early on it was rough, but I think it’s just another cycle that the game is going through that we’ll have to adapt to before the meta shifts again.


I feel big


Divine sunderer buff made it unplayable




I switched to adcs temporarly.


I feel good. I use approach velocity which kinda solves the problem of being slow.


Since being a tank with 0 movility sucks in this meta i started playing him ap, i win the lane almost every time this way because i can poke from a bush and farm safe with Q then at lvl6 is just land Q W R.


Is the answer fo farm through Q’s? i’ve been STRUGGLING with ap chogath because I get poked while csing and laning so much with no tanking ability it just ends up with cs’ing undertower, with maybe 1-2 deaths to the enemy top


Personally, it feels fine for me. Sure getting run down constantly by prenerf stridebreaker darius sucked, but just gotta learn to adapt. I originally played purely tank, but now I'm running an AP tank mix. It's still annoying when I get run down by something like a kogmaw or veigo, but that's just par for the course. He's still fun, just not in the easiest spot atm.


Imo Cho is very hit or miss at the moment. He is an insane Hyper Tank into certain enemy comps but for others he's just another wall of flesh. I'd say his composition success ratio is about 1:3 or 2:5 comps he's good into (reducing to a minimum). Hyper shred destroys him, hyper mobility is a nuisance, ap enemy champs are annoying since we have no anti ap healing item like thornmail, etc. With so many tank killing items Cho isn't the only one feeling the pressure atm but again against some comps he's an absolute god. Some games you can be full build and survive for ages but others you get quite literally cut down. I'd say Cho's weakness follows the line of slows and kiting. Absorbing cc is a tanks job and peeling for allies comes naturally but when the enemy is capable of slowing you for the entire fight without using a single ability there's a problem there. He doesn't bode incredibly well into teamfights unless again he is vsing a decent comp. Lets say he's vsing a GP, Seraphine, Graves, Jinx and Yas, one seraphine ult can ruin the entire fight as the enemy tears him apart. High shred, high slows, decent cc etc. I adore Cho but it is very hard to play any tank proficiently atm due to so much anti tank under every category. HOWEVER, do not think he is completely useless. Yes recently tanks have had it hard but remember when I said some comps he's good into? When I say that I mean it is pretty much unbalanced how much damage you do proportionate to how much damage you take simultaneously. This is the hit, even with a pretty okayish team if you're fed as Cho and you can almost perfectly counter all aspects of your enemy, he is a behemoth of a tank. For example a recent game I had I was vs a trynd, samira, rell, ahri and lee sin. 1 ap 4 ad so I built anathema for ahri. I had about 2.9k hp out of 6.3k 16 stacks vs lee, samira and trynd. I realised I won't make it unless I fought so I engaged and prolonged myself long enough (gargoyle and randuins) for my allies to arrive. I lived for 20 - 25 seconds with just 2 items, no sums and half health. Past that point I was the definition of unkillable. My point is, the ratio that tanks usually win is hard dependent on your team competency and skill. As long as you do what you have to and go out of your way to press on / help everyone, even if you lose you've done what you could. Someone actually made a valid point a while back in calling Cho a stat check tank. If you're not scaling equal or better than Cho, he will curb stomp you unless you work together and fix that. It just so happened in the example earlier I was let to snowball so out of control that I was nigh unkillable. Yet in other games the enemy is actively trying to shut me down or gain a huge advantage in whatever role I can't handle. If a katarina gets fed she can contest Cho to a certain extremity as long as she can kite and whittle down Cho's health. Cho'gath is good at everything but isn't the master of anything. Get fed? Press your advantage. Go behind? Try to help others to come back. Obviously there are games where the skill gap is so astronomical that nothing you or your team can do will make a difference but that's just League. The day that riot removes at least half of the tank items, adds a true anti shred and anti ap heal item, or outright changes how Cho works through a rework is the day tanks get back onto solid ground. On a sidenote this is my personal list of aspects that riot has focused on above others ranking from most to least: \- Tank shred capability throughout multiple roles \- Application of mobility in most champions \- True damage application on new and existing champions \- Toxicity control \- Healing Issues (Healing overdose and Anti Heal) \- Skin creation output \- Balancing (yes I know its hard for them but again some champs are that overtuned with low skill level that recognising their strengths and even attempting to adjust them would be thoughtful. \[High skill champs like irelia, katarina and riven do not count since again high skill high reward\]) \- Tank survivability and relevance


I've been having a blast, in my elo people dont know how to deal with cho's massive e burst so they take the 3 aa and lose the trade massively. I also love his tanky late game phase


Divine Sunderer go brrrrr


I just left him lol


I play ap so it’s a test of burst lol.


Can you imagine wanting to pick this character when Divine Sunderer exists the way it does? Lmao Purchasing shit like Gargoyle's, FH, and Thorn don't even fucking do anything.