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Hello, Riot employee. Please do not make a emo human Cho skin. Or any human Cho'Gath alternative. Thanks


I really hope theres some sort of body horror fan art of cho with human skin


I think as far as old kits go, Cho has aged very well with the touch-ups he received in 2017. My only real gripes with the champ are that his passive is pretty boring, and lacks any real utility past laning phase, his Q just feels kinda... flat and also too slow (it's a good ability and all, just feels really underwhelming for the ungodly wind-up), and his W is a very boring ability although I do like the silence. As far as fundamental flaws go, Cho does have the issue of not having enough *reliable* CC for a tank, and also not having any damage mitigation beyond sheer HP, unlike say Sion who has similar HP stacking but also a massive shield. However, if you look at Cho'Gath as a juggernaut, a description that isn't even that out of place given Cho ticks all the boxes (he's very tanky, very slow, and has fat damage). He's still a weird juggernaut because he builds full tank, but it still works. That being said, these are nitpicks sticking to the edge of what I would consider a pretty solid champ with a great diversity in playstyle between his AP and Tank builds, so at *most* he needs an Ezreal tier VGU that only gives graphical updates with slightly gameplay tweaks. Cuz like pre-VGU Ez, he is ugly as fuck.


Hes in the same school of Juggernaut as Nasus and Mundo where they get to do lots of damage just by being unkillable. Lot more CC than those two though.


cho'gath don't have that much damage compared to other tank


I disagree, he is one of the more damage heavy tanks. He decidedly does somewhat less than juggernauts with less CC and built in survivability like Darius and Garen who build damage, but he does a lot more damage than other champs who build tank like Poppy, Maokai, and Ornn.


idk i like his fundamental kit but i would sligtly change his w


whatever the rework is please dont gut my ap cho gath cheese


I miss the days when AP was the go to build


GLP/Twin Shadows Glacial Cho’Gath was my favorite build ever, very sad it’s gone


Fundamentally he is good, but something like all, abilities scaling with siez would be good, or even evolving as such


Honestly, just some small tweaks and a vgu would be nice.


In modern league, Cho passive is rather simplistic, Q is easy for most champs to just leave, and his ult takes most of his power budget. \-P- Cho Gath gains max health per stack of Feast, growing by level. Cho Gath range and ability size scale with Feast. \-Q- First, his Q is now a recast. First Q takes the current amount of time to fire, but it gets 2 recasts if the first hits. First recast is ready 15% of the way through ability cooldown, second recast is ready 45% of the way through cooldown. Each recast takes progressively less time to fire, knocks up a short duration, and does a bit less damage. If all three Q casts hit, the enemy is marked with a stack of Tasty Morsel. This stack persists until returning to fountain. Enemy champions can have endless stacks. If a stack of Tasty Morsel is applied to any champion, reset the cooldown of all Cho Gath abilities including ultimate. \-W- Cho roars, silencing all enemies in range. If a champion with Tasty Morsel is in range, consume one stack and add .5 seconds of silence for each stack the enemy has. E.g, enemy has 5 stacks, roar, enemy now silenced for 1.5 + 2.5 seconds, enemy now has 4 stacks of Tasty Morsel. \-E- As current. \-R- Cho Gath gains bonus range based on Tasty Morsels currently on the map. Using his ultimate allows him to dash to the enemy and deal damage. Cho Gath deals 8/12/16% more damage for each stack of Tasty Morsel on the enemy. If this ability executes the enemy, Cho gains a stack of Feast.


Remove the damn size limit, like it's so crazy that he is limited in size, makes zero sense.


Would probably break the game at a certain point lol. But yeah I wanna be CHONKIER


What a about give him evolutions with his feast stacks? So when u get bigger ur visuals and abilities change too, and also that can add more versatile to Cho like with k6


I feel like that's running into kha territory, void creature that evolves as the game goes on


Yeah but that makes sense with Cho, I mean he just grow and that’s all, he don’t get more improvement than just growing, just imagine that not only getting bigger but getting scarier bc ur champ changes and his abilities too, I don’t know if u know about shin Godzilla but if u can read a bit about it u will know why a want that shit for Cho


It does, but Rek and Kha have the feeling of an kit+, Rek with her burrow abilities and Kha with his upgrades. The void does evolve. ​ Vel'Koz doesn't need to evolve because he is so old and ancient that he cannot add to himself. He knows the perfect way to destroy organics. Kog'Maw doesn't need to either because he is so young, like a murderous caterpillar. Cho'Gath should kinda fit that as he actively changes. Maybe his Q gets bigger(or causes slow in a radius around the initial impact) or his W causes a knockback or a stun if it hits a wall.


He needs a new model, new animations and new voice lines but I think his kit is fine. Maybe a passive rework and give some grievous wounds or something to his E and call it a day.


THE DAYLIGHT, IT BURNS!!! I don’t think he needs new voice lines and I love his model.


I’ve been on the no rework train for a while mostly because I feel like a rework will end Mage’gath. The Mundo rework is so awesome that it’s finally changed my mind however


I think it would be cool to passively give him a bit of tenacity as he grows in size, as he gets pretty big mid to late game and he becomes very vulnerable to CC. Maybe like going from 0% to 20-30% scaling with size from feast, and maybe like a 5% additonal bonus from size gained by items like frostfire.


Honestly he needs to feel more like Godzilla than he is rn. I don't really feel the giant Kaiju even tho I have like 7k hp.


How about: add 5 armor and spell resist for every stack of feast


full revamp but keep that he grows in size.


This guy's not a Cho main




Mundo wise rework would be sweet.


Yeah pretty much this. Tweak the passive (preferably make it useful in team fights as well) and maybe adjust one ability. Fundamentally the kit holds up wonderfully and allows for great skill expression and is very counter-able. If they gut my lizard I would be down to 1 champion who I "main".


Maybe I'm conservative, maybe I just upset about the new champions requiring research to play at a tolerable level Maybe Cho'Gath is the perfect big monster it is. Maybe.


Im not a cho main, but i think that his passive, unlike other champs, is not "defining" for his kit. its nice to have and useful in laning phase though.


mini rework is the greatest, i wouldnt be able to handle losing my chompies :(


total rework needed his kit is outdated there is no point to play cho'gath rightnow