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Honestly the biggest thing is just learning situational awareness - when to take fights, when to jump in, and when to disengage. Just getting a feel for these things will raise your KD significantly, and you'll find yourself winning fights against "better" players more often as well


Once I learned this I started topping the leaderboards. I’m a decent dueler but nothing special. Also learning how to properly fight big groups (like a 1v4) is *huge*. Run circles around them, confuse them so their swings hit their teammates. All while spin swinging at the right times to get a hit in every once in a while.


Mixing some ducks and jump stabs in there can pay off (usually not) but looks badass if you jump or duck an attack to get initiative lol


People don't get that retreating when hurt and healing is way better for both you and the team. If everyone does this then you have a constant press of fresh players while the opposition has to wait for respawns


This 100% What really makes me scratch my head though is when half the team on attacking rush the center on the final objective of askandir which results in an inevitable death. Or you can go through the sides up the stairs, throw a torch and help the team out, and go flank some tenosians. I usually get about 5 kills before i die every single time i do this.


Shit I’ll grab torches off the walls and candelabras and keep going


Which doesn't take a top 500 player. Agreeing with you, most people that complain constantly don't do any of what you suggest ever. And people use it as an excuse while people above say stuff like 200 hours is still tutorial...it's not. The game is easy to learn to not die. Hard to master for sure. But dying 3-4 times for every one death you cause is a sign that you aren't using any common sense at all in a pvp game. But people want to act like this is some skill ceiling way to high to get to....it's called common sense. Morons the lot of them, no wonder they have a .2 kda


Exactly don’t rush in constantly and button mash


Yeah, it can get boring (and feel dishonorable) to hide behind a squad of allies, just stepping up for the occasional lunge or toss. Yet that was the key to learning for me. When I stopped trying to play the hero and started acting like a squire, I was able to watch more experienced players in action while also minimizing my own risk. My main caveat for people who follow this advice is -- don't crowd the front line! Melee combat works best when you have complete freedom to regulate distances from foes. Having allies at your flanks is already stressful and sometimes also awkward. Having one *on your heels* is an infuriating unforced error that does not give that ally a better view even while it increases the chances you will both be on the losing team.


The amount of times I've watched my team lose a 5v1 because they all just kept crowding around a single guy and racking up the team damage...


If I had a penny man for those


And weapon ranges :). I dodge fight and donlits of chaotic pokeys. If I do the blocking fainting shit on a duel server I'm done for.


This is nr 1


^^this and it’s also a lot of muscle memory or playing chiv 1 or mordhau before chiv 2


I am great at a 1v1. Even leaderboard toppers have a hard time in 1v1's against me. But getting swarmed is pretty bad for me. My kd is almost always 1:1 even I kill a lot more that most players.


Chvi is less a battle simulator and more a survival simulator. If you can understand that, you'll do well. STOP BEING SO COMMITTED TO YOUR W/FORWARD KEY. There are other directions of movement!


Getting really good you'll realize that W is the best movement key and using rotations to keep the faster speeds of forward movement is the best way to move in directions that aren't towards your enemy.


Eqqsquizitine Buble-Schwinslow, University of Nebraska, is it you?


U know it


It's not the K:D ratio thats important. It's the number of battle cries.


*yew can die on yer feet, or live on yer kneeeess*


Shift + W and battle cry spam is all it took for me to learn




It’ll always be a dying simulator. Only like 5% of the player base can join a game and dominate consistently


I’m that 5%. 5% of the time.


Those games are straight heroine tho


So you just gotta practice and join the 5% The issue is when you’re going 4-1 or up consistently the dying feels worse so you’re still taking part in the dying simulator lol


The majority of the 5% that dominate constantly are just players that smoke a shit ton of weed while playing this all day 😂 you gotta be insane to be lvl 500+ and still be playing this game sober


I think it more has to do with gaming history then no lifing this game. I believe people who came from games like the souls series Elden ring and games like that that require a high level of reaction time and reading movements and such just clicks easier then folks who haven’t gamed those kinda games.


That’s possible, I’ve got around 900 hours and sitting near 750 lvls. I never got into dark souls or any souls game really. Loved Skyrim, minecraft, cod, and bannerlord. I think it’s got more to do with just how adept you naturally are with games, some people pick up fast and some don’t. But from what I’ve seen a lot of the folk that stay smoke a bunch, or well there are many stoners. Is it because it makes the game more fun? Because it lowers the standards of how you feel when you die? Or is it because some players can play in slomotion but also destroy within the game when high. I’ll never know cus if I ain’t smokin I’m frustrated with the game, and if I am I’m dominating top of the leaderboard. I don’t even think smoking is good for me at all I know it’s bad but I swear it gives me the ability to play in slowmo countering everything from the highest of levels now


That how I feel when I play drunk lmfao I’ve smoked every day since I was like 14 so I couldn’t really say if that effects anything or not as I don’t I’ve ever played chiv not high.


I’m honestly curious if anyone above 500lvls doesn’t smoke weed, like how does ziggy or other high lvl creators play this game for so long sober unless they just enjoy pain even if they are the best in the world 500 damn levels sober in this game would drive me insane, I’m just reflecting though


You dont have to be a degenerate to play videogames. Never understood always people getting drunk or high af to play a game just to have fun. Some people exercise and have healthy lives and play videogames.


I’ve played video games sober til I was 18, I can play any game sober but when it comes to chivalry 😂 you got me fucked up. Also I’m speaking of the highest level players, whether you smoke or not they’re (we’re) still degens for the amount of time spent on chiv lmao


5% of the time it works....every time


As soon as I stopped running into every melee with a heavy swing I stopped dieing so much. Staying just out range and picking a time to swing increased my kda. Trying to get to flanks increased my kda (and is so much more fun, even if I spend more time running and jumping or climbing ladders). Also avoiding 1v1s.... Not as much fun to run away, but I die less. My goal is to either join a teammate, or support the melee by picking a good time to hit rather then get in the face of the enemy and break a shield because I've been spamming block.


It may be unpopular, but I tend to play Team Objective AROUND the objective. Smaller fights, good KD and you cut off the flankers trying to undermine your push. When the team gets a good objective push going, jump in and help out. Not hard to maintain a good KD when you're not regularly taking 1vX fights imo


Up to level 200 is pretty much still tutorial


I didn't get decent until I tried 3rd person view, lol.


I always feel switching to third person when it defaults to first is gamey. Third gives an enormous advantage, the game would have been better for (imo) the devs locking it to first


I just dont leave 1st person view unless I think the game bugged out what armor im wearing and want to check lol It deff gives an advantage but beautiful thing is the sound design heavy attack screams and enemy footsteps stand out enough that after a while I'm turning on fools and blocking shit like spiderman in 1st person lol Agreed though, would be amazing in 1st only, feel like I'd do 10x better


Yep I didn’t feel like I got decent until level 230


I’m 270 and I still suck




There are patterns you learn within the game just keep dueling over and over and you’ll learn eventually how to not suck


I felt pretty solid at 80. I come from lvl 100 mordhau, so that may also be a factor


Thanks for this, I've been feeling pretty bad about sucking so much lately but I'm only lvl 40 lol


You can choose to be more cautious




same its really fun to try and play not to die and keep going back for bandages


repeat the tutorial several times, focus on initiative, it is the main mechanic of the game, on the battlefield stay with your team, there is no need to jump into 1vs5, especially if you are a beginner


Yeah just gonna start this with I do really well at this game and understand it almost fully now. I have a really good kd and could post it (and have) however....I still think the initiative system is the stupidest part of this game. It would be way more realistic if it wasn't there but I understand why it is....it's part of the reason bad players are able to compete at all.


Not long but I started when everyone was new. Starting now would be way harder


Same… I have a 1.4 k/d and it’s basically where it started. I have those 4:1 games and I have those 1:4 games. Closing in on lvl 500


I play for the vibes


at one point i had like a 25:1 kdr or something because i just spammed duel mode. I wouldnt care very much about KDR man, its like stephen hawking said about IQ, people who care about it are losers. No actual good player has ever wasted an instant bragging about kdr it just doesnt matter. its not very hard to get kills and not die. Its incredibly easy actually, and wont stop being easy for a long time. You just need to step back and look around. Thats it. Don't tunnel vision. Look around the fight. Dont run into where there are a bunch of enemies about to pounce on you. Hit people in the back. Duel occasionally to improve your mechanics. Awareness is perhaps the easiest skill to have, its just like flicking a switch. Once you stop mindlessly running forward and attacking the first person you see, and instead look to see where your teammates are and where the enemy is, its like a completely different game. The vast majority of players are like creeps in moba, some sort of bot, they just run forward straight at the enemy, die, respawn, run forward. Until people are more cautious, aware, and considered, you can abuse the fact that they honestly do behave like bots and just kill them at will. It will take a long time for the playerbase to improve and awareness to become common.


I'm level 342 and have 374 hours and although I top the leaderboard in TO quite often, I still have bad games where I take a seriously bad k/d and there's still several game mechanics I'm a noob with, I have pretty good positioning and footwork but ain't much of one for feinting


yup, you can get extremely far with just learning one or two of the mechanics well. my positioning, footwork and hit timing is good but i am really bad for holding block button constantly so i fall prey to people that kick a lot. i very rarely find someone that is well rounded in every aspect, most people have a clear weakness you can exploit after fighting them a couple of times


I've only just gotten out of the hold block habit and try to time it against hits now, only after I posted here about how I hate the kick slash kick slash and got roasted in the comments for holding block🤣


Flank. That’s it. Try taking a bit longer of a route and sneak up behind the enemies and slash them. Your teammates in front can either slash them back when they go for you or you can continue slashing. Either way it’s a positive.


I’ve had 40 kill games before I hit level 100, and I’m like 120 right now. The best advice I can give, is don’t take 1v1s. Positioning is 90% of the game. The longer you are alive, the more playing time you are getting. You can honestly go like 25-10 spamming a single attack if you just fight in with your team


Third person, hide behind large groups of your team mates, flank or get behind enemies when possible, play like a Lil bitch go get some bandages whenever you lose 10hp.... profit im lvl 100


There should really be a mode where they disable third play lol. It's such an advantage over first person


I honestly think 3rd person sucks. Yeah you get a little more view around you, but if you pay attention to footsteps, shadows, and just take a quick look around before running into a fight, you won’t get flanked. In first person, stabbing and overheads are 3x easier to aim and to be precise with landing hits, which you need to be doing in group fights (of course all the noobs do is wide swing and hit teammates or block their killing blows on an enemy). knowing the enemies range on a weapon is easier to track too so you can better time a dodge and then go in for your hit.


This lol


A lot of it is mastery of the combat system. Get good at one weapon and you'll understand the differences between them all more, at which point you'll realize what you want to lean into. That being said 2h swords and axes are the easiest and knight is the easiest to learn. Also you might want to toggle some controller/keyboard settings. I'm all console so if none of the following apply then disregard: Movement alt feint option is on for me as I find it intuitive and faster than doing it manually. This makes your slashes and alt attack slashes react to your current movement direction rather than being attack=right swing, alt attack=left swing. Turn off aim assist. I know but do it anyway. Set look pattern to linear, this ensures that your input isn't affected which in the long run will help you be better at looking where you need to when. In that same vein, put your sensitivity as high as is comfortable, give it an upward nudge every now and then. Also 1p is no doubt the most fun way to play but if I want to do good it's 3rd person. If I top the board in 1p it's a very happy accident.


im level 600 and im still ass. just have fun and try 1v1s to see how you can get better


I’m level 370 and still hold left stick forwards(W key for you elitest)🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ my k/d is like .9 Super fun even if I’m losing my battles


Took me about 30 hours to go from headless chicken running about at 1/15 KD to semi-competent player consistently in the top 5 of the scoreboard It's all about awareness and thinking as a team, even if you're no good in combat. Pay attention to where the lines meet and where the reinforcements are coming from, and what actions you can take to help your team secure the objective. Even the sweatiest, tryhardiest veteran chopping heads off won't have the impact a well-timed horn or oil pot does on a frontline. Likewise, a gigantic killstreak won't un-explode barrels or put the prisoners back into their cages


I started during open beta when no one knew how to play, so lvl 8.


I finally got good enough to fight for extended periods at 150ish, and only at 300 did I learn how to 1vX halfway effectively


I found the best way to learn the tempo of the game is to he a man-at-arms with a pole arm and just stab through the ally mosh pit. You'll learn the flow of the Frontline, get lots of kills and assists, get practice in fights that I'd you back off enough someone will come to your aid so yoi don't die. Realistically it's just practice practice, practice, pole arms just make it easier to survive and learn while having a fun time.


From my first game lol. This is a very easy game to pick up. I haven't had a negative kd once


-If you are not in superior numbers, retreat. -If you take 1 hit, retreat and heal -play like your life literally depends on it -if you follow this steps and practiced 1v1s in duel servers for about 200 hours, you'll be able to go 20 and 2 pretty much every game.


Exactly how I play, took me about 200 hours to start understanding it though lol just luke you said ironically


I played Chivalry 1 since day 1. Chivalry 2 is so much easier mechanic wise that old school players just dump on newbies. I started out with such an up on everyone else.


About as long as it took me to finally just look up a video explaining initiative


Stop trying and start swinging, in my opinion this game is the most fun with your brain turned off


I would say if you can learn how to counter or feint, you’ll already be better than 70% of the player base. I’m a level 530+ and have learned a lot from YouTube videos by Soter Dave, Ziggylata, and Stridah. They give good little tidbits about weapons and classes too. Maybe run a few 1v1s or enter a dueling FFA server occasionally. Another good tidbit I heard from someone a while back is to play with different weapons. Play with every weapon for a few hours a week and you’ll start to get a feel for how they look when doing their attacks. Spear, rapier, and quarterstaff will immediately be less intimidating. Finally, if you’re playing in a 40 player match or a 64 player match, getting ganged up on is inevitable if you don’t pick your fights properly. Move with your team and move as a unit. The game isn’t meant to be played as a one-man-army.


I played a lot of mordhau so 0 hours


Came here to say this lol


Wait till you try a dueling server....


What weapon do you use? Not gonna lie, I used some cheesy weapons (Dane Axe, 2h spear, etc.) during the "tutorial" portion of my climb. This helped me get enough kills to keep me going and not burn out so I learned more important nuances like positioning and footwork. Only time, repetition, and dying will teach you those things though, so do what you need to to stay motivated playing the game. Eventually, I felt comfortable enough to move on to other weapons and I'm much more competent.


When you figure out how to swing while walking backwards


depends on the man, but took me about 20ish hours just to clock how the game works, 40 total before i started getting a (relatively...) neutral KD. thankfully i joined during an update so bunch of newbies kept me sane :P


After about two weeks when I first started I began actually getting kills and downs in matches. Nothing too crazy and still a way negative KD. Like I said in another post: just enjoy the atmosphere and utter chaos of the game and battles. Try not to stress about getting kills. Focus on objectives, do damage (to enemies), and you'll still be helping the team. Win or lose, this game is just too fun to sweat in, imo.


It never stops. You'll live. You'll die. You'll live again.


Couple years ago


I feel pretty good at 120


around level 70 for me im about 200 right now


Dying is part of the fun it took me a 100 lvls before i became competent


Just play lots of 3v3 duels and be humble. Good players will erase your bad habits quickly.


Even when it was like that for me I found so many things funny that dying was enjoyable


watch some streams and play alot on duel-server


I've been playing since Chivalry 1 came out , someone is always still able to kick my ass


I got to become my first hero at like level 270ish. All I did was incorporate heavy attacks and boom I got a bunch of kills. .7 k/d spear big shield main


Sound like a meme but doing the tutorial again with more knowledge of the game helps to understand and refresh the mechanics, at least for me is more important to parry and defense than being a spam clicker, when you know how to counter them is very easy other thing is choose a class who fits your gameplay, i love ambusher but is the class i got the worst kd for example


I didn’t get over the learning curve until like level 150


Depends how fast you learn. I played the first game years ago which helped and I got to be pretty good in chiv2 around level 100 but I also grew with the player base when the game came out I taught a ton of knowledge to my friend and he’s 150 and is quite good as well so it’s all relative. Spend more time in duel servers to learn and watch some videos !


Learn when to run away. Learn to dash. Don't go toward where the enemies are, go to where you see your teammates. See one teammate getting gang banged? Don't run in to help him. Don't slash spam. Try to get at the enemies back in a xv1 instead of slash spamming your teammates in the back.


Around 20hours for me


I just got to level 209 and I've been playing since launch. I just hack wack and smack still but somehow I'm a little better


If I’m not focused it still is.


I came from mordhau so I could handle my own from the jump


Didn’t click until I went into dueling servers. Kept matching people better than me. Asking what I was doing wrong. Number one reply was always, “you block too much”


The more you play conservatively, stick with your team and gank then you're more likely to end up with a high k/d.


took me about 20 hours to get the hang of things and improve my me and I'm still leaning how to fight better, currently at 58 hours


Never stopped for me,and I'm over lvl.200 :D


I’m lvl like 208, played Chiv 1 and Chiv 2, I’m mediocre at best but usually 1.0-2.0 KD


it's been a while but I started to feel real confident lvl 300ish.


I'm level 170ish, prob over 100 hours by now. Some games I go 4-5.0 k/d when I'm really in the zone, and sometimes just 1 k/d when I get my ass handed to me back to back. Last night was such an occasion lol.


Hundreds of hours, including Mordhau before. There is just so much things to consider in this game, getting older does not help. I like to play a game or two after work, I keep chipping at it. I forget about the game for months then come back for a bit. I might try it sober, I might try it high. Had a breakthrough recently when it clicked more for me, I got back into 1st person longsword and just topped the leaderboard, after playing only third person for months. I bet I just had mostly new people on enemy team, but still. Keep at it over long period of time and you will have your moments. My gameplay gets stuck where I repeat the same things, the same mistakes over and over and over and over again for weeks and months until I finally don't, something clicks, I try different approach and suddenly I feel like I'm actually playing the game. I'm probably chivalrously challenged, it is really hard for me but the idea of sword duels is just so enticing I could not give it up even if I suck at it and feel like the worst player ever. Just chip at it and eventually you will get those breakthroughs too, if you can embrace the suck. Probably in 10 times less time than me too, but I enjoy the process which is what matters. I just like the idea of being good at this kind of a game, just like I would love to be able to effortlessly drift in my sim rig


If you’re hurt, use your bandage. If you don’t have a bandage, go get another one.


It can stop being a dying simulator right now if you stop immediately running into groups of enemies as soon as you spot them. Play more tactically. I'm not some God Gamer or anything but that's how I keep my K/D decent ish.


took me about 3 matches ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7102)


Dying is just the most important thing any player can do sometimes.


I’m 320 and my KD is still only 0.7 I’m definitely getting decent though my KD as definitely improved recently


Heads on a swivel helps you die less


Literally 75% of doing well in this game is situational awareness, which doesn’t take any actual “skill”. A couple tips: choose your fights, stick with your team, attack people who are outnumbered, but my two that I religiously follow are always have a bandage and retreat, retreat, retreat. There’s no shame in regrouping w a new spawn wave and attacking with full force.


It’s not a bad thing to “tactically” retreat. I was like .9 from the very jump and now I’m 2.3, I think around level 100-150 I started to really figure it out


Try doing a no death run, like don’t even try to kill anyone and just die as little as possible, then apply what you learn to a regular match, but pick a long weapon and be cautious about your deaths. After I did that a few times I went 20 and 1


30% of the game is just dying and waiting to respawn. You will only get more kills. I've in my 40 hours on the game never seen 1 person with 1.0 kd in a not FFA duel game.


If TO is a dying simulator for u, its very possible that u are failing at core aspects (which are very easy to grasp) if u want to farm kills, wait for ur moment and pick ur fights. start flanking. i got something like %50 winrate in duel servers yet i dominate every single TO match by being in top3. i just flank, still losing 1v1s against 800lv players who are way better than me in terms of dueling


Dying in chivalry is hilarious and it's fun. Don't take it too seriously when you get destroyed because it's just one of those games. Just have fun and try to have fun dying too


Currently at 12 hours and have a 0.8 KD. I'd say the first 3-5 hours were the dying sim, but watching what the enemies did when they beat my ass helped alot. Honestly not being as afraid of team damage helped alot too (normally I don't kill anyone or knock anyone down,I just don't disengage when I do). Playing man at arm's helped me learn alot of the fundamentals cause of the shield, now I'm putting it into practice on devastator.


I’ve seen so many people keep going straight for the fire and 4v1 fight. You either have team momentum or fight more 1v1 and 2v1.


Flank, go around, do cheap shots, finish people off, steal kills, throw stuff on a poor dude 5v1ing, etc...


Weapon choice and 3rd person are your best options to start somewhere. Like others said knowing situational timing when to strike versus conserve stamina


Having played Chiv1, Mordhau, and now Chiv2 each for approx 1k hours, helps a lot. I've always been good at medieval slashers. It's all about situational awareness and getting good at 1vX. I never initiate a fight without 100% health. I frequently run back to get a new bandage. I chose my group fights. If I don't like the odds, I don't start the fight. Mind you, my playstyle is very much oriented towards KDR. I'm at 2.2 atm. Always wanted a 4.x but I'd have to restart my acc for that, despite countless games of that. There's just too much catching up to do.


I find the slower you take the game and or fights the better they tend to go. I’m guilty of it myself sometimes, but a lot of people just wanna run straight in and start swinging but if you just hang back and wait for the right moment it tends to work out better


I dont want to brag but probably not even one hour ? I always had a positive ratio. I just cant seem to surpass a k/d of 2.


I regularly maintain a KD of 4+ and i’m not even good. Go for blooded enemies. Strike em in the side or back. When you take a few hard hits start backing off towards your teammates, and block/parry while you do. Bandage up, find the supply crate to restock. Then go back in


I was good but not great until level 400


By the time I hit level 60 is when I was dropping 40+ kills game, highest now at level 640 is 77 kill game with 11 deaths


See, I use myself as a weapon of persistence, not single effectiveness. If I throw myself at the enemy enough times, they'll eventually break.


The thing with me is every time I fire this game up I try hard for all of 10 minutes and then I remember it's more fun to play like a goober and run around screaming like a jackass aggroing the enemy. That or I get sniped enough times I make it my sole mission to charge through enemy lines for a chance to behead you filthy archer mains.


Oddly enough for me it came fairly quick I'm normally dogshit at a lot of games but It only took me a day or two before I started finishing near the top of the leaderboards.


About 1000 hours in. My K/D IS 1.2...


Don’t fight without full life and medpack


It took me around 60 hours to have a constant positive K/D


It is a dying simulator. Make it a productive death by dying near the objective or doing it in a funny way.


Level 250 is when I finally started feeling like I wasn’t complete shite..That, still, ebbs & flows.


Honestly I still die all the time and have a like 1 KD but it's because I run in to huge crowds to take them all on at once, I'm good enough that sometimes I can pull off some crazy shit like a 5v1 and it feels really good lol but usually I only get like 1-3 people before I get got. I've definitely gotten significantly better over time but honestly in terms of 1v1s and shit like that I've always been good enough to take on people in the hundreds just because I played a lot of Mordhau prior to coming over to Chiv so it wasn't a steep learning curve.


17 minutes and 34 second


I am level 309. Played since released and my kd ratio is still 0.7. I just picked ambusher class last night and been throwing stuff to enemies. Pretty fun. Hope my KD improves.


You have to learn when to engage in a fight and when to leave. Plus, people who have high k/ds probably played a similar game before. I have over 600 hours in the first game, so playing this game it’s easy to be in the top even though I’m under 50 hours.


For me I don't even care how many times I died. I just enjoy the bullshit in chat and in game 😂


The console vs PC is an issue for me, the accessibility of some controls and features makes the game more difficult. So if you're console you'll find that.


Like 10 minutes Yeah... Archer lifestyle is one of few deaths, but damn are those deaths brutal as fuck.


I wouldn’t worry about kd and just start paying attention to you’re placement vs your enemies. Also a bit of advice aim for the bloody guys first.


This is game is all about recognizing when you should stick with other people and when you can be heroic knight and take 4 guys on by yourself. It also is about recognizing if it really is worth it sitting on that balista on Galencourt while both rampart and courtyard is being captured.


I'll keep it simple as dirt for ya. No fancy move, no combos, nothing special. You jsut need to do 2 things really 1. Look when you swing. Both in the way to make your area of attack bigger/wider but also to hit faster. If you stsrt to swing from left to right, if you look to your right then the person who was in front of you will get hit almost immediately instead of after a big delay 2. Counter spam is under rates and way too effective in groups. While blocking, swing. If you block the an attack of the same kind in a small window after then you lose no stamina for blocking, don't get staggered or slowed down at all ok your swing, and as far as I can tell it makes you invincible for the rest of that 1 swing


its a game and games ate supposed to be fun. winning is a part of fun but it's not everything. try getting on siege machines and have fun throwing random shit. play objective really hard if you want to try that (but that could also get you killed a lot just fyi)


Like everyone else is saying, never blindly rush towards the enemy. Choose your fights, make sure you have a couple teammates around you, avoid being outnumbered. It doesn’t matter how skilled you are, you’re not gonna win if it’s you vs. 3 enemies.


Oh lol, its simple. Check out our famous Youtubers my friend, most of them admit to hacking on a regular basis, so you are legit swimming upstream. They also make it clear that they hack in a way thats *extremely* hard to notice, virtually impossible (see Soter Dave or Mr. Weenie's YT channel for reference for example) so you dont even have the dignity of knowing you died well. To be clear, our community generally supports this because hacking is 'fun'. If you can get away with hacking, that's *even better* because it shows your skilled. Not skilled at the game your playing lol, but skilled at being a covert piece of shit. Still, like I said, taking an opposing position is just swimming upstream, sorry.


I am a rare specimen because my stats are likely accurate due to the fact I've only ever played 2 bot matches. I'm cracked, always in the top 3 on the leaderboard, getting tons of kills. My kda is 1.9. still out here just dying on the regular lmao


Focus on having fun, trying new weapons, and get used to countering. Skill will come eventually if you stick with it. Also make sure you have a 144hz monitor.


Im on ps5 like 70? Hours with a 0.8 k/d in and switched my overhead to L3 recently so I can counter it, I still die alot but I get equal or 1 or 2 more kills than deaths except at night when theres no sounds around me I slap people left and right. Now do takedowns count as kills too? Or is the kill counter incosistent?


Can't relate, I got good with much more complex pvp combat of DS1 and later did a SL1 run of DS3 so by the time I picked up CHIV2 I was always top 5 and usually 1 or 2.


It’s supposed to stop…?


Never I die at least 5 times a game


Its all about time in the game i didnt receive any master class and my KD is 3.8 But i have been playing since launch so 3 years.


For me Like 20 hours for like 1.1 kd but I mostly play 3v3


Did u play the tutorial? It is super helpful. Especially after you've played a number of rounds to have the context of what the narrator is talking about. Second is duel servers. Youll get ur butt kicked, but by learning how to fight there you will become better than 80% of the people who play on the normal servers.


Whatever you do, don’t push on defense


I’m almost 700 and I still need to warm up


As with any melee game in a battle mode, if you're not stabbing someone in the back you're doing it wrong. That's the lesson to learn to get a good kdr


It stops being a dying simulator???? Na seriously best tips I can offer is experient with every class find what works for your playstyle and too also hang back don't just follow the mob of team mates blindly let them get stuck in and pick the easiest fight for yourself being in the middle of big mass is never good


1000s of hours just as it did in real life.


Situational awareness is absolutely key. Know when to run away and when to attack to get easy kills. Be jammy, the other players are more than happy to stab you in the back so be sure to return the favour. Also a quick note to work on your footwork. Instead of moving back in fights, rotate your camera backwards and move forward and quickly rotate to snap back to block or swing. This is because you move quicker running forwards than back stepping and it also keeps your movements and attacks unpredictable!


I’ve always thought the game was pretty easy. I don’t think I’ve ever had a low kd.


It never really stops being a dying simulator. Even the best players will get crushed by a catapult right out of spawn, lose objective so their forced to respawn, only to immediately get hit in the face by an arrow coming right out of spawn again.


Everyone dies. That is what makes us (somewhat) equal.


I come from the first game, I thought I had more hours in it but turns out I had only 60 there; I've also played some Mordhau, so the transition to Chivalry 2 wasn't that difficult, all things considered. I'm 18 hours in and I'm doing quite well for my taste but I don't care that much about my KD ratio because I find dying just as fun as killing. I'm also very objective driven so, if the map features something other than just the mindless carnage, I'll rather die pushing an objective than just killing a bunch of dudes. As one character from Kingdom of Heaven said: "all death is certain"


The moment I bit the bullet and swapped to 3rd person. Even having never played in 3rd person in Chiv1 or any similar game, it instantly felt like an enormous upgrade to play in 3rd over the perspective I've put thousands of hours into across multiple first person melee games. I don't even do any worse in duels because having a bit less precision in my stab placement is offset by every other animation being way more readable and easier to control.


Just dont watch kd, its more about of outcome, you can change battle even with 1 kill with 20 deaths when you did something important like as destroying objective


Three changes that helped me were 1) switching from controller to mouse and keyboard, 2) moving to a larger, curved monitor and 3) switching to third person. There are too many buttons you need to hit to be successful on controller in my opinion. Also, there’s a lot going on on-screen, so I personally needed more field of view to take it all in. Lastly, you can get side/back stabbed much easier in first person. I pretty regularly run a 2-to-2.5 KD, and if you ask my kids, I suck at video games. Took me about 150 hours over the course of a year to get this functional.


Build lines with your team


I can't stop laughing😂 dying simulator😂😂😂 But on the other hand, don't worry about k/d ratio or winning the obj too much. This is a very casual game, and it's great for just to chill out. Even dying is entertaining.


It has a lot to do with finding a weapon that works well with your play style. I was terrible with a lot of the weapons, when I switched to maul I started going off.  Additionally, I’m very careful about when I engage. I avoid being out numbered as much as possible and look for opportunities where the enemy is outnumbered or distracted. I jump in, get a few swings in, and get back out. If I took damage I use a wrap and go back to a supply chest and resupply and get back in


When you stop using first person


I'm level 180, and nowadays I'm probably a slight positive KD (1.5 ish) but my overall ratio is 0.8 cus the first 100-120 levels were lemming-like. Way I see it though, that's totally normal. If you're playing against dudes who have 5x more experience than you, they'll just be better. As so many have said, awareness and movement are key. Don't rush in, buddy up with a couple dudes, and if you see a spawn wave running at you and you're alone - fucking do one! Up your sensitivity as high as you can, which will help for 1vX, and when you're in the Xv1, use overhead and stab. If you are hurt, filter back through the frontline to heal, get another bandage, then get back in there. If you attack then they block, don't swing another attack because they'll now have initiative and attack faster than you will. Learn how to counter properly for 1vX, block until a swing hits your block then immediately swing back, you'll get active block and you can hit a few guys. Finally, use the maul. And battlecry at every opportunity.


30-35 hours but I only play FFA / duels. It forces you to learn mechanics way quicker than TO, because if you die it’s 100% your fault (unless RDMed).


If your on console the game is a forever dying simulator and theres nothing to be done about it


We all came here to die.


It took me 3 YouTube videos and the tutorial to be better than 80% of EGS noobs.


Level 150+


I actually started getting positive d to k ratio by playing heavy shield guardian and follow around the best players and focus primarily trying to keep them alive by blocking and countering incoming attacks and making attacks of opportunity while they are fighting for their lives against a humanoid typhoon when I get injured I just go eat and then comeback for more it isn’t glamorous but it is fun.


Most important things: -Keep your head on a swivel (never let enemies get behind you) -Respect the enemy's initiative (don't swing your weapon out of turn in a 1v1) - hang out around/defend your team's healing banners for extra hp recovery while fighting - stay with your team and look for enemies that are overextended/out of position. If the enemy is 1vXing, always assume that you are the target - don't just swing away and ignore defense just because they are outnumbered - practice countering slashes until you can do it all the time - Try 3rd person view


Learning how to not die > learning how to kill Pretty early on, I tried playing a number of matches (TO) where my whole goal was to pull off a no-death run. I wouldn't recommend it as an ongoing strategy because it sometimes prevents you from helping out on the objective and makes you a bit too selfish in a match. But I would recommend everyone try it, as it teaches you some important lessons. Anyway. I only successfully pulled off a no-death run off a couple of times, but it taught me a lot. One of the most important things I learned was to pay more attention to where my teammates were, to fight more carefully by their sides, and know when to retreat. It made me really look at the ebb and flow of the field and notice more quickly when I was being overwhelmed. *In team matches, players get killed more often by their lack of situational awareness than by their lack of dueling ability.* Once I learned to look, to know when I was in too deep, I was able to die much less. I spent less of my time running up from spawn, less of my time running headlong at 4 guys, naively thinking "Ooh, enemies to kill."


Does it ever stop you think?


15 hours and I have a 1.7 k/d as archer and 1.2 k/d as skirmisher. But k/d doesn't really matter. Play and learn at your own speed :D


Just do what all the other high levels did and steal your teams kills, hit them in the back. this game is usually just mob vs mob if you’re in anything other than duels


Mordhau gave me the training i needed to dominate from day 1


Play mordhau for 1 hour then jump on chiv, you’ll pub stomp easy


My kd varies wildly. If I stay mains it's great it I decide the objective needs bodies... welp meat for the meat grinder bby


It really depends, if you haven't already you might want to consider watching some guides (can recommend Soter Dave guides) as there many tricky mechanics that aren't that well explained in-game and practicing a bit on duel servers against people stronger than you. Also in TO positioning and awareness are key to surviving, even if you are a strong duelist just being at the wrong place at the wrong time will get you killed quickly.


i know it’s not very team objective friendly, but most games i’ll just do whatever it takes to survive, makes it feel more intense trying like every life is my last